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Posts posted by MexicaliVSG

  1. I have lost 45 pounds in 90 days. I am 57 y.o. and I was told by many forum folks that i should expect less of myself since I am over 50. Well--I feel really good that I followed my surgeon's post - op protocol, set goals, and have not been a mindless whiner like some people on the forum. This is a journey of Self-determination. Your surgeon is giving you a 50% leg up over all other Americans--the other 50% is YOUR responsibility to create and follow a program that works for you. Read my other posts for details on how I did this weight loss so quickly and so consistently.

    Here are my Before - After pictures [so far] on YouTubes

    I have a video journal on YouTubes, plus lots of food ideas--please subscribe to my channel so I can help you along the way. Don't be a whiner--be a winner in this journey.

    Im having surgery in a few days. I plan to go on vacation in a few months. I just want to get an idea on the amount of weight lost for some people.

  2. Guess what? you are where you are supposed to be. Please read my other posts and view some of my video diary on YouTubes--Here is one link that will get you there.

    Now I am not sure what sort of support you had from your surgeon, but the post I wrote today could be spot on for you, so just read that besides this reply please.

    Starting right NOW, you are on a journey of discovering yourself. You just won the lottery, OK you may not feel that way NOW, but if you can get your HEAD into the game right NOW, you will go all of the way with no problem.

    Become a Body Listener and stop being a Body Big Mouth -- that was my post's topic.

    So what I see below is that you are testing things--good girl--write this info in your journal--keep testing.

    My suggestion is that you stay liquid in the first 30 days. I lost 27 pounds in my first 30 days by staying on Isopure [from GNC] and then my next goal was to lose 10 lbs/month. I am 57 y.o. and this forum told me that I would be slow to lose because I was over 50. That is crap.

    Take advantage of this first month and do your Soups, Protein shakes, Isopure Zero carb drink--why rush yourself back into foods?

    You are at the T in the road. Your surgeon just gave you a 50% step up over everyone else in America trying to lose the weight--now the other 50% is up to YOU.

    OF course you don't know what it means to have that full feeling...you are only 1-week into your journey. This feeling is not the same sort of feeling you have ever experienced. It is not like the pre-surgery FULL when you pigged out until you could have passed out. NO--this is NEW, this is foreign, this is something you don't know and try as we might like to help you--this is a self discovery process that will either HELP YOU or HURT YOU.

    So one thing that I had to learn was to STOP GULPING and to allow my food or drink to slide down.

    Don't eat in Bed. don't lay down after eating. Don't bend over after eating.

    If you gave yourself permission to be in a Learning Curve and you shifted your panic to curiousity--you might enjoy this process.

    The Hunger is in your HEAD--that is the place most of us had to address first and then we realize that you start your day with Protein. Feed your body for nutrition--not for taste in the beginning otherwise you will lose your hair, etc--Be MINDFUL right NOW about what you are doing and why.

    Don't whimp out -- you have taken a very couageous step for yourself--NOW show up using that courage.

    Courage + Curiousity would be two things that would be very very good for you.

    I used Isopure shakes and Zero Carb drinks--that gave me 90 grams of protein/day. I drank 64 oz of fluids per day--to do this I juiced 1-lemon + 1-lime and added stevia as my sweetener--don't use SPLENDA--it triggers your insulin--I have done alot of research on Splenda and can send you more info, but for now, go natural: Stevia, agava,

    I have several Soup video's posted on YouTubes. You can have alot of soup since it adds to your 64 oz's of fluids...but be mindful of your total calories for the day. You can really make big progress for yourself in the first 30 days if you pay attention to your intentions.

    Good Luck--read my posts and watch my videos for some good ideas on foods.

    Hi Guys,

    I was sleeved one week ago and pretty much since day 2 or 3 I have felt hungry. Now I know it could be reflux and I've tried taking meds with no change. I can easily drink 250ml of soup (that's a cup) or a Protein shake, and then still be hungry an hour later. I never have that full feeling that so many people speak about. Today I triied gulping a few sips of Water and I had no problem with that either.

    I am really panicking that my sleeve has not worked.

    I think about food all the time, wondering what I will have for my next "meal" which is still liquids anyyway. I really have to keep myself in check all the time and I just really did not expect this one week out from surgery - I was expecting to not want much to eat at all and to struggle getting food in.

    I feel so disheartened that my sleeve may not have worked.

  3. I can't tell you how many times I have read on the forum not to expect too much if you are over 50!! That is just nutty. My mantra is "Who's Universe is this?"

    IF I buy into someone else's Belief System [bS], then THAT is what I am stuck with.

    Hey--I was stuck in a rut before my WLS. Dr. Aceves told me before surgery in a 45 minute consulation about what to expect with the RESULTS from this surgery that HE would deliver 50% to me -- but the other 50% was up to ME.

    10 words 20 letters


    No one is going to do this for you. NOW is the time to get into relationship with your body in a way that you never have done before. Learn how to be a Body Listener--not a Body Big Mouth. What do I mean?

    I was told to TEST one food at a time. NOW just because suzy-q on the Forum can eat something post-op, does not mean that I can eat the same thing. So testing means I try to eat something--and if--my body says NO...then it is a NO.

    • Don't try to override in your HEAD what your BODY is communicating to you.

    I read about the number of people who are NOT losing, who have gained __# of pounds and are shocked, or they are throwing up all of the time.

    To those people I would say to use a little SALT: Stop-Action ... Listen-Think.


    Stop what HURTS, stop what makes you throw up, stop trying to be your old SELF, stop trying to be like someone else. Stop those Actions.

    LISTEN to your body. Obey your body. THINK about it. THINK about what is no longer working, TEST it for yourself, Test it again and again if you need proof, and then BELIEVE what your body is telling you.

    Are you using a food journal? IF so, this is a great place to post your discoveries.

    For example, here we are in the middle of the summer and there are lots of BBQ's going on. Body Big Mouth wanted a BBQ'd cheese burger with dill pickles. So I tested. I ate 2-3 bites and the food was so HEAVY that I did throw up, then I had to sleep for a couple of hours to feel better.

    But Body Big Mouth did not give up. I waited a week or two and I wanted what I wanted. Test it.

    SSDD Same Stuff Different Day

    I ate 2-3 bites and the meat was so HEAVY that I threw up, and then had to sleep for a couple of hours to feel better.

    Now Body Big Mouth still wanted what I wanted, waited a week or two and decided to test it again. I ate 2-3 bites, the meat was so heavy that my body hurt. SSDD

    Stop-Action ... Listen-Think


    After three tests, notes in my journal, I realized that I was not being a Body Listener ... I was being a Body Big Mouth--I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it--I did not want the results that I was getting--my Ego was louder than my Body-Talk and I was not listening.

    So back to being a Body Listener. Back to doing what works for my body.

    I have lost 45 pounds in 90 days by realizing that Dr. Aceves gave me the vehicle for a new body.

    Now I have to retrain my MIND and my MOUTH to be in relationship with my new vehicle. I need to know when to throw on the BREAKS and Stop-Action...Listen-Think. I have to understand that this is a journey of Self determination and my surgeon gave me the support that I need. He did all he could do--he did his part.

    Now I have to do my part. IF IT IS TO BE -- IT IS UP TO ME

    Be a Body Listener. Will you please post your thoughts on how you have become a body listener for yourself?

    Here are my Before - After pictures [so far] on YouTubes

  4. Hi All, I have a question about vigorous vs moderate exercise. I am in my fifties and have what I think of is a good regime I walk 2 hours with hills five days a week and a second 30 minute walk at night 7 days a night averaging over 20,000 steps. I wear a bodybogg which logs my walking as moderate when I was heavy I'd hit vigorous on the hills. Do I need to get in the vigorous zone or is two hours in the moderate zone okay?

    I am 57 and walking is GREAT. I have communicated with alot of folks who did no exercise and they lost their weight. I am about 10 weeks out, I have been walking and doing Water aerobics. I have lost 10 inches off my waist [LOVE THAT] and over all 45 inches off my body. I have lost about 40 lbs.

    It is so HOT out right now, exercising beyond what I am doing is not smart for me. I will move beyond walking twice a day and swimming 3 times per week in Sept.

    Best Wishes!

  5. Hi,

    Tomorrow I progress to full liquids. It will be day 10 post-op. Here is my question- when eating creamy Soups how much do you eat? My doctor says to only eat 2 ounces every 15 minutes. So do I drink a bowl of Soup all day every 15 minutes? Or is 2 ounces of soup considered a meal and you stop. One of the things he warned against was using the sensation of fullness as a gauge. To stop before you are full. I am sooo confused. Cathi

    Hi Cathi, you are getting into relationship with a NEW PART of your body so of course you are confused, you have never gauged the amount of food you are eating.

    YES, you want to stop before you are FULL. Less is MORE. Trust me you won't be hungry if you eat too little and if you eat too much -- it is painful.

    Take small bites and let is slide down your throat instead of big spoonfuls. You will discover that gulping Water, or soup, or anything will cause a problem.

    Move yourself from CONFUSION to CURIOUSITY and you will feel better about the amazing journey you are on.

    I have several soups that I made, check my other posts and/or go to my YouTube posts, look up: i left my stomach in mexicali. My chicken soup is the BEST.



    Here is the soup video:

  6. I am Katherine, age 57 and had my surgery in Mexicali with Dr. Aceves on May 2nd. Everyone told me that older women lose more slowly so don;t expect fast result.

    HELLO whose universe is this? Why should I believe some pinhead telling me that because I am a certain number that I should expect LESS in my life. If you are in your 50's reading this, please respond and let me know what you think or if you have had this sort of assertions on you too?

    In the last 8 weeks, I have lost 36 pounds and I have lost 45 inches off my body. 8 inches off my waistline. I feel fantastic, swim 3 times per week at a Water aerobics class and walk twice a day in my Sketchers with my dogs Thelma + Louise. I have gotten rid of my size 18-20 clothes and have on a short pair of white shorts and my R-W-B tank top for the Fourth of July celebrations.

    Hi all. I am now down roughly 60 pounds and seven weeks out from when I started my liquid pre-diet. Am also having some awesome NSV moments. Some are:

    • No longer wearing 3x shirts. They are packed and ready to be taken to Goodwill.
    • My size 48 (expandable) pants? Gone too.
    • Can button my pants at my belly button. No more "slant pants."
    • I wore a much smaller belt...and it was a new one!
    • Went three days this past week without needing a mid day nap.
    • Three days now without any slimes or throwing up.
    • Joined a local health club to work out.
    • Snoring is all but gone. No more BP meds at all (125/65 is normal now). And BMs much more normal and less stressful.
    • Bought myself an I-touch. That was my 50 pound loss gift to myself. Any suggestions for the 100 plateau?

    That's a short list, but ones that come to mind.

    Please, share yours!

    Let's look at the fact that this journey is not just about the weight loss, but about all the wonderful things that continue to happen along the ride! :001_tongue:

  7. Hi there, my name is Katherine. I did my VSG with Dr Aceves in Mexicali Mexico on May 2. I am thrilled with my results so far. I have lost 36 lbs and drum roll please . . . 45 inches OFF my body . . . 8 inches off my waist!!!

    My incisions are so small, I can hardly see them...I use wheatgerm oil on them.

    I feel great, swim 3 times per week and walk twice a day with my dogs. IF anyone is questioning if they should do the VSG, I say go for it. It will change your life.

    And let me mention, I am 57 years old and for those "stinkin thinkin" people who believe that if you are in your 50s or 60s and wanting this surgery and older women dont lose as fast as the younger gals, I say look at me.

    AGE does not determine your weightloss blueprint.

    Your MIND and your MOUTH will determine how much weight you decide to lose.

    Please read my other posts for how I am losing so far, or visit me on my YouTubes at BusinessOfHope.

  8. Consider looking into Louise Hay's Anger CD and consider doing some GRIEF work--that will take care of most of cough.

    Many of us run to doctors when infact we are more than physical beings. Interestingly, your intuition is telling you what you need and your intuition begins as a whisper. When we don't listen to the whisper, then it gets a little louder. When we continue to ignore the internal nagging, that little part that needs and wants attention from you moves into your body to get your attention.

    So the cough, which represents your confusion at the heart level [someone you are in relationship with or yourself] is trying to communicate with you. Here is what to do [and yes go ahead and go to the doctor]

    Think about when you are ignored and how much you hate being disrespected. OK so the part of you that wants your attention has been ignored and disrespected....so you pissed it off and now it is getting your attention another way. Best things to do is to COMMUNICATE with this part. Say: I am so sorry that I have ignored you. I know how that feels and I don't like that one bit, so I am here now, I am willing to listen to you.

    Now you can listen by being quiet--stop talking about this horrible cold, the cough as if it does not have a voice in your life. I know you are going in for WLS and most of us fatties had added alot of weight because we have not been in relationship with our mind/bodies--so here is your opportunity to start communicating with "that part".

    You can listen by being quiet, in meditation, in prayer, through journalling, through massage,. Turn off the TV, get off the computer. and listen to what this part as to say to you. Don't judge it, just listen. IF it wont talk with you then say, I am so sorry for not listening to you in the past, that is changing right now, What will it take for you to communicate with me now. Whatever IT tells you to do, do it. I remember years ago, I did this exercise and my part wanted me to use a younger childlike voice...ok--what did I have to lose? I did what it asked and got great results.

    So do your Mental-Emotional work, that is called the ME work. [Good Luck.

    quote name=Kayla' timestamp='1309779594' post='173729]

    Okay so I am a month away from surgery and I am never ever sick but I have had this horrible cold that has finally went away but the cough is lingering. Does anybody have any home remedies that would help get rid of this cough I have my pulmonary appt next Tuesday and I don't want anything to mess this up!!! As you all know this process is so long and hard I would be so upset if this delayed my surgery!!

  9. Hi there, my name is Katherine. I did my VSG with Dr Aceves in Mexicali Mexico on May 2. I am thrilled with my results so far. I have lost 36 lbs and drum roll please . . . 45 inches OFF my body . . . 8 inches off my waist!!!My incisions are so small, I can hardly see them...I use wheatgerm oil on them.

    I feel great, swim 3 times per week and walk twice a day with my dogs. IF anyone is questioning if they should do the VSG, I say go for it. It will change your life.

    And let me mention, I am 57 years old and for those "stinkin thinkin" people who believe that if you are in your 50s or 60s and wanting this surgery and older women dont lose as fast as the younger gals, I say look at me.

    AGE does not determine your weightloss blueprint.

    Your MIND and your MOUTH will determine how much weight you decide to lose.

    Please read my other posts for how I am losing so far, or visit me on my YouTubes at BusinessOfHope.

  10. Here is what I am doing. I have a Super Vitamin that makes a huge difference in my MIND and BODY. Because it is as big as they come {a horse pill}, I have taken a handful of Vitamins into a cleaned out coffee grinder, pulverize into powder form, and then I emptied out a capsule of something else and filled it with my Vitamin powder. It is easy for me to swallow a small capsule that melts easily.

    The Vitamins that I have been using are very hard to find, but I believe the BEST on the market because of the daily value of so many essentials. I too have tried the chewables and don't get the boost that I get from my "Vita Sun Super One Plex". Manufactured in UT. I buy mine at Bountiful Nutrition {in Utah}. IF you google them, I am sure they would ship this out to you. This product is produced for utah specialty food distributors 435 673 2380. I swear by this product and feel a huge difference if I am off of it for a short period of time. Give it a try.

    I am 9 months out and have done well, and STILL use the Flintstone Chewables or the gummies. My surgeon said, If I needed to stay on them the rest of my life, to go ahead and do it!! By taking the Flintstones you can take them together or seperate. I wish you luck.

  11. Here is what I am doing. I have a Super Vitamin that makes a huge difference in my MIND and BODY. Because it is as big as they come {a horse pill}, I have taken a handful of Vitamins into a cleaned out coffee grinder, pulverize into powder form, and then I emptied out a capsule of something else and filled it with my Vitamin powder. It is easy for me to swallow a small capsule that melts easily.

    The Vitamins that I have been using are very hard to find, but I believe the BEST on the market because of the daily value of so many essentials. I too have tried the chewables and don't get the boost that I get from my "Vita Sun Super One Plex". Manufactured in UT. I buy mine at Bountiful Nutrition {in Utah}. IF you google them, I am sure they would ship this out to you. This product is produced for utah specialty food distributors 435 673 2380. I swear by this product and feel a huge difference if I am off of it for a short period of time. Give it a try.

    I've been taking 1/2 of a chewable bariatric vitamin each day. An entire one makes me sick. So I'm now 2 months out and I decided to try an entire one today and within 5 minutes I was sick. I'm glad I didn't order more. I feel like I wasted a Sunday.

    So after the worst of it passed I went to the store and looked at vitamins. I can swallow a pill pretty well so I think I just need to get off of these chewables and onto a regular vitamin. So I picked up a Liquid SoftGel Multi for Her by Nature Made. I should have noted that there was no guide on the bottle that showed the ACTUAL pill size. Well, this thing looks like a horse pill. It is literally over 1 inch long and pretty big around. Honestly, I would think it would be considered a choking hazard.

    So I tried using search on this site but didn't come up with any details that would help me. Can anyone suggest a brand of pills that are easy to swallow? I have the good old standard "One A Day" and I'm thinking about falling back on it with additional supplements. I'd rather take 10 pills than try to take one huge one.

    If you are using a reasonably sized multi vitamin that is easy to swallow could you let me know the name. I don't want to waste any more money trying to find a single pill that will work. I'd rather just go buy the lot.

  12. Please take a look at my You-Tube account to teach you HOW to make the chicken Soup that you had in Mexicali at the Almater Hospital--Look up BusinessOfHope or I left my stomach in mexicali.

    I had my surgery with Dr. Aceves on May 2nd and lost 27 lbs in Month ONE and am on my way to losing 10 more in month two. The most important things that I did was do the GNC Isopure shake 50 grams of Protein and then one GNC Zero Carb drink 40 grams of Protein. I made the Almater chicken soup twice and drank the broth. That is 90 grams of PROTEIN per day--you can't believe how great my nails look right now. I had no idea my body needed this much protein--but obviously it did.

    This was a NO BRAINER month for me that was so darn easy. With the morning shake, I would divide it into two 12-oz mason jars, drink one asap--then drink the second later in the day. To help me get my Water in, I juice ONE lemon and ONE lime each day--add the juice to 36 oz of Water, a little crystal light, and one package of stevia with ice.

    By keeping my mason jars lined up in the fridge--I get my protein and all of my fluids. I am now into month two and have been testing one food at a time. IF one does not work for me, I back up to what WORKED for me in month ONE....why rush things? So I am on my way to 10 lbs off in month two. One things that goes down easily is watermelon, but every time I eat watermelon I do gain a pound. A few days later--two pounds off. It does bloat you and then clean the pipes.

    I love doctor Aceves and the great follow up program that is available to me. I have gotten through the honeymoon phase of the surgery and I did deal with some back pain over the past 45 days--but I believe that was because I broke my back years ago and this is weak area of my body that registered the pain. I coughed up some phlem and pulled a few ribs out--that HURT alot--but I have a good body worker and everything got put back into place. I rested and all was good.

    Lots of great ideas on this forum.


    Just as a suggestion you might want to do a bit of grocery shopping before you have surgery so that when you come home you will not need to go to the store, you will be able to rest and relax. Some ideas are:

    Broth, Chicken, Beef, Vegetable, or they have new products out (new to me) that are Chinese soup broths in a carton that you simply heat. It would give you a bit of variety.

    Popsicles that are water based, sugar free, and a variety of flavors.

    Ramen Noodles. While the noodles are not acceptable during the clear phase of the post op diet there is a packet of dry broth mix that many seem to like, it has a bit more kick than regular broth, I am told.

    Propel water, you can purchase this as bottled water or you can purchase individual packets of this product and put it in water and mix. The reason this product is good is because many are used to a high carbohydrate diet and when your body is used to many carbs, especially white carbs such as flour, Pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar; your pancreas tends to put out a bit too much insulin because of the carb load. When you remove carbs from your diet it can potentially be a drastic change and your pancreas is still putting out a bit too much insulin during the post op diet. This can cause low blood sugar, your stomach might feel nauseated, you might begin to perspire, feel like you are trembling. This does not happen to everyone but it does seem to happen more to older folks or those used to very high white carb diets. Propel water has a very small amount of sugar in it. Just enough to bring your blood sugar up but not enough to cause large blood sugar spikes.

    Power Aid Zero, it is a new product that is low carb but it has some electrolytes that are beneficial during the post op stage.

    Water, you need to get about 64oz of fluids in daily. Your broth and Popsicles count toward your 64oz of fluids daily. The key is to sip, sip, sip all day long. The first few days you may find that you cannot get your full 64oz of fluids in, try as hard as you can. You do not want to become dehydrated. If you enjoy tap water that is fine, if you don't then perhaps try bottled water and see if that goes down.

    Crystal Lite, sugar free Hawaiian Punch, pretty much any sugar free water flavorings are fine during the post op diet.

    Protein products, during days 1-5 you'll need a clear protein product such as Isopure clear bottled protein liquid or unjury. You can find Isopure at General Nutrition Stores or a variety of Health food stores. Unjury must be ordered on line in advance of your surgery, www.unjury.com. They have an unflavored product that is nice because when you are done with clears it is versatile and you can add it to Jello, cooking, smoothies, etc. Please note, this is a whey protein product. All whey protein products have one issue in common and that is that they don't heat easily. If you add any whey protein product to a hot liquid it will clump. The key is to add it to a cold liquid and heat slowly, then it will not turn into lumps.

    A good source of protein products after the clear liquid phase (you can use these with water instead of milk starting day #5, and with milk starting day #11) can be purchased reasonably at:


    Some excellent products are:

    Matrix 5.0 by Syntrax http://www25.netrition.com/syntrax_matrix_page.html

    The more popular flavors are chocolate and Cookies & Cream.

    You can spice up the chocolate with Da Vinci Sugar Free Syrups:


    Another very popular protein product if you like Chocolate and Peanut Butter is Whey Gourmet, Choco/Peanut butter:


    I suggest the above because you'll need to consume about 60-80gms of protein after surgery. During the post op diet this can be difficult to do. Adding protein supplements can make this much easier.

    You'll want to track your protein intake in the beginning and a few free, on line sites you can do that are:




    Just see which format you prefer of the above. The Daily Plate has a weight graph, daily you put your weight in and it is satisfying to see the numbers go down!

  13. You can also get special bariatric food that is made to be higher in Protein and lower in carbs than the regular versions. You can get Protein pancake mix, hot chocolate, fruit flavored drinks, sloppy joe mix, Soups, etc.

    Some companies that make them are: Nashua Nutrition, WonderSlim, HealthSmart, Healthwise, ProtiDiet, Focus28, SmartForme. The first four are all made by the same company and then packaged under different names.

    Some web sites that sell these products:

    Nashua Nutrition

    BariatricEating.com - BE, Inc. The number one bariatric website for protein, Vitamins, and success.


    bariatric food, bariatric products, bariatric bootcamp : Focus28

    Best Bariatric Surgery Diet supplements, Bariatric Foods, Vitamins for Bariatric Eating

    Netrition.com - The Internet's Premier Nutrition Superstore!

    I'm on my "unofficial" pre-op diet and right now am doing 3 low carb meals and 2 Protein shakes. Next week I will do 2 meals/3 shakes until I head into my "official" two week pre-op diet of 1 meal/4 shakes. Anyway, I was at Trader Joes yesterday and discovered they have such great options for all phases of the pre..but especially post op diet. For example, the have tasty broths..not only chicken and beef...but turkey broth and mushroom broth.They have tons of cream soups that don't even need to be strained for the full liquid phase (coconut thai, creamy portabello..any many more!) They also have GREAT S/F popsicles with unique flavors like pineapple, mango, pommegranite and mint! For the mushy phase, I discovered guacamole hummus.....two words: DEE-LISH (ok, maybe that's one word--but I digress) I also came across an Egg White salad with Chive that would be perfect for the soft food phase. I know everyone might not have access to Trader Joes...but for those of you who do and are preparing for or recovering from surgery...go stock up! :)

  14. I'll be 2 weeks post op tomorrow. I will be on a liquid diet until tomorrow. I tried walking on the treadmill at a easy pace several time now, but I feel so weak and I get light headed easliy. Anyone else have this problem? My doctor isn't concerned with the amount of Protein I'm taking in at this point. I'm wondering if that's the problem.


    I came home and have 2-doggies so I do a 15 minute stroll in the morning and again at night. The stroll has moved to a walk. We are told 6-weeks to begin light exercising like light weight lifting or swimming. I plan on doing a swimming class that incorporates pool weights--probably through the heat of the summer. I am 5 weeks out 30 lbs down and have had Migraines for about 1-week--some not too bad and a couple have been debilitating. I am not pushing it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
