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Posts posted by lizrbit

  1. sue, i can SO relate to the dysmorphia. I go through that too, as well as the feelings of ?? and anger regarding attractiveness and husband issues. I cant even go into how absolutely lonely the last several years have been and the struggles there, but i bet there are a LOT of us that can relate to it directly too. Im seeing a therapist, and taking things slowly in terms of my internal dialog about the subject...but yes there is resentment. I try to keep thinking that at least i HAVE this second chance at living, and to have it on my own terms (thank you so much lapband and my incredibly talented surgeon) . If HE (husband) wants to become more attractive and put in some effort then hey, im all eyes. That attractive thing runs two ways and WE are worth the effort too.

  2. mantee! you look fantastic! I got forty left to go and its slowed down a LOT since ive been back in maine and eating with the boys. I cook for three grown men when im here, and its VERY difficult to stay the line. even though im not seeing the scale move very much these days im still working out and trying to maintain activity and solid Proteins.

    Twin, im with you on the plastics. Ive taken SOME photos for my own reference but im just not ready to do bathing suit pics for public consumption yet. I keep telling myself "its all relative".

  3. I left my life for seven glorious months. I rode a bicycle everywhere i went, if not, walked. I ate protien when i could because i knew it was important and ...this is important...if you have a bp episode...and you will....go to liquids for the rest of the day, let your stomach recover. I go to a gym three times a week with a work out buddy in the mornings, and we do coffee after. as far as liquid protien: slim fast low carb shakes. twenty grams protien and four carbs. i only use them as Meal Replacements.

    i eat like a normal person pretty much but i stay clear of sticky carbs that i know will just get stuck...except for every now and then, and then i take it small and slow.

    i love this band. it really has changed my entire life. this is by far the healthiest approach to weight loss ive explored to this date. I only wish my father could have known about it before he passed.

  4. yeah i do the protien shakes too, especially in the beginning and at times when i get tight from swelling. I like high Protein slim fast (or is it low carb slim fast) but just remember to GO BY THE INFO ON THE BACK, the nutritional info, you want to find one that has the least carbs and sugars, and the highest protein available. Be careful about the really high Protein Shakes though because their caloric intake and carb intake can be really high. Foods like Cottage cheese with a little honey in it is good, salads with seasoned ground turkey is good, roasted lamb shank at a good greek restraunt is good. even Jello has a little protein i think. A good way to keep track of your daily protien intake is FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal you can get a free account and journal EVERYTHING you put in the mouth, as well as track your wieght and excercise if you like. I love the program. It really has helped me a great deal.

  5. Hi Tween,

    maine is gorgeous spring and summer...and i look forward to returning in April. I had my surgery in Houston. I found a surgeon who had done like 4k of them with good record. The reason i went down here has two folds to it. One because it really was a 'new' surgery when i could find it in maine and two because i was angling to have a reason to get down here to galveston for the winter to ride out the temps. ;)

    worked out pretty good, but im very excited to see people doing it in Maine and hearing their stories, (and seeing the successes!)

    right on Mainiacs!

  6. Hi BigBaby,

    i had a leak in my band. My surgeon does my fills, and on the third fill (may 23) when he tested me with drinking Water, i could get a great deal of water in. So much i had to go pee, but still felt no restriction. He immediately tested me and found a bad leak in the top of the band. He got me into surgery the next day and rebanded me with a new AP band, and by two or three fills after that i found my 'sweet spot' and started losing faster. Im doing well so far. Im about halfway to there.

  7. Oh Juli! i just saw your response...

    My birthday is April 23.

    Not sure how i feel about turning 40. Ive seen 40 yr olds that are jaw dropping knockouts, but im starting to have age related "signs" that im so totally not okay with. I mean, i didnt sign an approval form for the lines under my eyes! and whats going on with the 'girls'? they became...tired? so they just laid down and took a nap?


    on the other hand, i would say that ive got a LOT less anxiety than i did at half this age.

    How about you? any thoughts about turning the big 40?

  8. dinner with friends....

    Seems like everytime i try to go out and do dinner with friends i get chatting and even though im restricted, and wind up not eating a lot at all, i ALWAYS start burping and gurgling and making strange noises. I usually have to excuse myself and go to the bathroom where i burp and let it all gurgle and belch, but seriously for like an hour after im like that. If i am in a "too tight" phase, and finally get a good meal down, all my insides rumble around for the rest of the night.

    I find this highly entertaining, and I really dont mind it that much, but i had one dear friend pat me on the back after dinner and say, "thats just absolutely gross honey" and we laughed, but i do wonder if eventually people just stop going to eat with me because of it.

  9. hello? and SHES NOT ME....

    and ive sat back through this bs and kept quiet. Not one single "im sorry" or "we were wrong" came from anyone.

    Its okay though...i know theres a lot of posts to type.

    But you WERE wrong, and "im sorry" goes a long way.

    Im a real live person. Ive been off this board for a month because of stuff wasa did the last time i disagreed with her. I found that once i let go and went outside my life changed..for the significant better. Im going back outside. id like to peek in from time to time, but seriously? i had not even signed on for the last month and come back to find my name slung around as if im the bad guy here and im not.


  10. wasabubblebutt...you stupid paranoid buttnugget.

    leave my name out of anything you post. I havent been online and i would like it if you stopped obsessing over me and what i think...and for the record, i dont give a damn who you work for or what you do, with as many posts as you put in here DAILY i cant imagine you would have TIME to actually work outside the house, or even inside the house.

    Im off losing weight, because i got a lapband and it allows me to get out and actually live. You should try it. fresh air is lovely.

    now... with that said....

    Kiss my ample white bottom.

  11. look, all im saying, is that a LOT of times, people find themselves there by accident, and its like a train wreck.

    it is MUCH like a porn site..in that inside are people behaving in a way that isnt acceptable in any other format, and not everyone wants to be exposed to it.

    This is a place for suggestions, not rnr...It was merely suggested and i support it, and i think its a great idea.

  12. Fine artist, oils. proprietor of a central studio and gallery and represented by several galleries across the nation including Chelsea NYC, Virginia, Washington DC, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas. Outside of my own exhibitions, i specialize in portrait work, corporate commissions, classes in oil instruction, and organization of other artists exhibitions. I volunteer at other galleries as well to assist their planning and development. I also annually donate work to local charities for auction.

    I cant stand snow. I get to travel alot.

  13. but to explain....

    sometimes, going into rnr is like walking in while someone is relieving themselves. I learned the hard way that my delicate sensibilities just cant handle it, and rnr is not why im here. Im not suggesting my experiences should be the same as yours or someone elses. I just think that SINCE it is like that over there, then a curtain would be nice so that those of us who do not want to watch others ...relieving themselves....shouldn't have to involuntarily.

  14. I think its a great idea to have a pop up come on telling you that you are entering a RnR section. I dont see why it would be such a big deal to have it. You guys that dig RnR....would it be so bad to have it? I think it would just help keep people that perhaps didnt want to participate in the posts free from it. Especially if they havent figured out how to unsubscribe from threads or to only view the threads they participate in by clicking their user cp.

    This is a HUGE board. We can have our individual experiences where people who dig rnr can have it, and people who are here for just support can have that too. I think the rnr section has grown so large that it really could benifit from its own distinct section, dont you?

    You guys dont want people like me in there, and i dont wanna be there...if that makes me SO STUPID then so what? i am then, and i need a little pop up that says "hey you dont want to go in there" to pop up when i accidentally click a new thread not realizing where its sectioned off in. I dont really think its asking too much.

    I think then you can have the experiences online you seek and others can have theirs too. it doesnt STOP anyone from going in, it just warns them they are about to enter it.

  15. Mich,

    Im that way with cookie dough in the grocery store even NOW...i just close my eyes and repeat "whatever it takes, it doesnt matter if i blow a gasket because i dont have this and anyway no one ever blew a gasket because of lack of cookie dough (burger king) ...lol, just whatever it takes. i WILL eat it again later if i want it, in much smaller portions, but its not forever its just right now, today, and i can do anything for this one day. ill worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. "

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