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Everything posted by lizrbit

  1. lizrbit

    Come Backs to Weight Loss Questions

    jack, i love your responses! sounds like fun too... "well since i converted to xyz...life has been so much better! maybe you would consider attending one of our services" (they will run from the room before you even finish the sentence.)
  2. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    hey Sheila! it sounds like you need more restriction. I think im at great restriction right nowif i just would move my butt a little. these days: Solids i eat about three oz of meat at dinner with like an oz of veggies and an oz of starch. Lunch i can eat a plate sized salad thats mostly lettuce but then also has four cherry tomatoes, about a quarter cup of shredded cheese, a smattering of dried fried onions cause i love em, two tablespoons pork and beans scattered across, three oz of some kind of meat across that and about three tablespoons of dressing. breakfast i either do a low carb slim fast or a bowl of oatmeal. IF IM BEING GOOD ill sneak in a bowl of cereal OR a wieght watchers dessert too, after dinner. i might be eating too much, i just realized it.....so heres what ive done in the past...go to FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal and set up a free account. once on there, add me as a friend (im lizrbit there too) and then honestly post everything you eat. do this for a few days and it will tell you exactly the calories, as well as the other nutritional content of what your eating. it really does help. and if you blow it with a peice of cake the size of your head...then come back here and we can sit in a circle and talk about it. I love this stream.
  3. lizrbit

    special k protein water

    best to just ask your dr or nutritionalist about them though....
  4. lizrbit

    special k protein water

    if i am busy and cant do a snack in between meals, its perfect! I still do low carb slim fast protein shakes if i go to liquids. 20gm protein a serving and doesnt taste horrible.
  5. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    THanks Mini!!! i have NO doubt it will be better there! Thanks for relating. I am going to try it all again tomorrow. I have a small plan. Im going to try to hit the gym. i havent been in a while. Thirty on the treadmill, fifteen on the bike, twenty reps on some of the machines, then its POOL TIME, Sauna time, and Shower time...woohoo! now if i can actually get my bottom OUT OF THE BED and OFF the "couch of perpetual lethargy" and really do it, ill be great.
  6. phyllser..thanks for giving me a pull up and dusting off my shoulders. I am going to hit it again tomorrow and see if i can turn it around for even a day. My agenda: im going to hit it with a protein shake, a quick throw clothes on, pack my backpack and go to the gym. i havent been in a while. I need to. its two miles from my house and i just cant stand the rain anymore. Im going to try it again tomorrow. Id like to lose ten by thanksgiving. I cant use thanksgiving as a goal though because im kinda avoiding it this year. I see my dr again in twenty days, and i think my restriction is good adn that i dont need a fill. Id like to lose 8lbs by then. that would rock.
  7. lizrbit

    Who have you had enough of ??

    God i hate people.
  8. for about five minutes, i thought...honestly thought, that we were having an intelligent online conversation and even, with the exception of me disagreeing with laurends one point, thought that otherwise we were agreeing on the observation for the most part. i wasnt speaking about you. If you see yourselves in the post, i cant help that, but i wont antagonize it. You are obviously flamed. ill unsubscribe.
  9. it was a chance to flame!!! well i hope you feel better! laurend, i dont have a short memory. I not only would i have said everything to you ive ever typed to you in person, but anytime youd like. Im NOT a "very nice person" or a different perosn offline. I have no illusions... i meant the hunter reference in humor. Im sorry you took it personally. I wondered if you would. How many of these things do you guys get into? and second...why? cant you find someone to argue with in person? its much more satisfying. Leave the small animals and people who just want to rant alone, okay? they aren't necessarily talking about YOU.
  10. i blew it bigtime this week. last week wasnt one for the books either. i think im going to liquids today and just chill for a bit. maybe see about taking a walk if it warms up any.
  11. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    sue!!!! oh my gosh you read my mind. I read this board every day, but dont post a lot, mainly because these days im depressed as h#ll and i dont wanna bring anyone else down, especially if they are doing great! But ive been blowing it recently. ive been watching my food carefully and the portions are slowly getting bigger. In this one week, husband brought home a lb of cookie dough (im the only one who eats it) and girlfreind took me for pie and coffee which turned into shepards pie and a slab of chocolate cake as big as my head. Ordinarilly i dont let slips get to me so badly, but i live in northern maine and recently its been very cold, and we have one car working so ive stopped working out, taking walks, etc and basicly ive come home to cook, clean and eat. The good news is that the band has at least kept me from gaining back too much and in two weeks ill be back in the glorious south with my bike, places to go and people to see. :mad: Im just holding out for that. Now...the minute all that sinks in know that yesterday was one of the strangest days weve had up here. It climbed up to 77 degrees and people just went nuts! I grabbed my pie and coffee friend and we took the dogs to the park and ran all over. I LOVED It, it was BEAUTIFUL...and now today its back down cold again. argh. i dont KNOW if im ever going to lose this weight. At least, for the first time since starting this, i know clearly why for this month at least... Ps: reg the cake: i just ate the frosting. i dont like chocolate cake. Now birthday cake rocks and i stay away from it. The cookie dough, tragicly, slides right through the band. I did look like a complete idiot though, taking a bite and walking around the house screaming about how i dont want this stuff brought in again. You know... An alcoholic, recovering, cant have one drink. They slip, yes that happens, but they cant allow themselves a drink. Theyve abused it and cant trust themselves with it. How does that work with food addiction? I KNOW i cant allow myself to have a "slice" of cookie dough. it just cant happen. Its all or none with me. Regarding the alcoholic reference: i once lived with a councelor for a place that administered antibuse. She talked about people coming in sick as h#ll because they STILL drank while on it, even though they knew what it would do. I feel like that person sitting there with a belly full of antibuse and throwing up gin. No one WANTS to get to this point. I gotta go take some vitamins, B12 and coffee and see if i can get out of this FUNK! at least enough for today. I just wanted you to know that you arent alone in how you feel. I can certainly relate.
  12. @was: i cant speak to why they do it, I can only guess. i think its because the people doing it know they cant treat people in real life that way, then use this as a venue to stomp on people to make themselves feel better. These are the same people that probably hurt small animals if given the chance. i just know that its not self contained. It leaks into the life they might one day actually have and they will find themselves alone again very soon if they exhibit that behavior to others. if they see themselves as "really nice people" outside of their online persona, they have a harsh reality waiting them. Like rage, its self perpetuating and it leaks into other areas of their lives. @phyllisc: right on. me too. @Laurend: i wholeheartedly disagree. No one, under any circumstances, should be fair game. What are you, a hunter? :mad:
  13. lizrbit

    I'm bored...

    lol.. ive become an expert at online porn since releasing my job....I got your two other people right here all wrapped up in one!
  14. bitter, im originally from oklahoma too! Between that, and an intense love for Jack Keroac and ee cummings, i have a fondness and respect for people who express themselves without the restraints of 'proper' grammar or even, as likely observed, correct spelling. A friend of mine sent me a thing recently that had all the words in the paragraph spelled correctly but the letters were scrambled except for the first and last letter. Each word was still completely recognizable. We are a symbol oriented people. I think we understand each other much better than we would like to admit. Having said that, can we talk a bit about what we give ourselves permission to do to other people online that we would NEVER do in person???? and why??? it bothers me a great deal, to see someone go off online knowing they would NEVER consider behaving that way in public, in person, one on one. To come up with a justification to continue behaving inappropriately is just giving oneself permission to continue to behave that way. I have an eye opening idea.... what if... by continueing to do that, you slowly let that aspect into your life in a real person way. slowly, you dont even notice that you start to treat people like that in real life, especially if you spend MANY HOURS of your day online instead of outside living your life. As time passes, eventually you are known for behaving that way even when you are outside and not on the computer, and people forget the kind good tempered even centered person you once were. just food for thought....
  15. ooo no animal products really limits your intake on the clears. jello and broth are the staples. Special K protien water qualify for clears and they have about 5mg of protein per serving. You might look on google or go to healthfood store and see about purchasing clear protein powder or suppliment that can be mixed in water. otherwise, vegetable broth and veggie bullion is an option. you have to look hard for it though and might be better off just ordering it online. apple juice, any juice you can see through. The goal for where you are is to shrink your liver for the op i presume? why do they have you on clears instead of fulls? are you a vegitarian? Are you seeing a nutritionalist? Her or your surgeon will be your best bet in determining your diet for right now.
  16. lizrbit

    Who have you had enough of ??

  17. lizrbit

    I'm bored...

    lol...you guys rock.
  18. i think its intensely rude. I dont think there is a justification that makes it less rude or arrogant.
  19. thanks for posting those. i had a realization today and it was that since my rebanding in late may, ive only lost 25 lbs. Its October. ive lost just under twenty last month because i was too tight and on liquids. I had to stop eating completely because of the frequent pbs. Ive been in and adjusted, and i dont eat junk! I know the band only works on restriction. Im a bit concerned. It has to be something im doing. ifeel in alot of ways that im failing. I dont know in what way or how, but i am.
  20. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    sjrgilman, i can totally relate. if i look at the whole thing, overtime, since my original banding, its a nice change, but since my rebanding ive only lost 25 lbs. ? heres the kicker....ive regularly done aerobic and cardio, regular gym work, and i have proper restriction. Im not eating junk, im not eating out even, and thats including when i fly down to the apt in houston for fills. Ive also closed a studio and moved into an apartment since. Im in regular contact with my dr, but hes happy because this past month id lost almost twenty of those lbs. I was too tight and had been on JUST liquids for a month. im also at a much higher bmi than alot of you guys, i would have thought that would have made this come off faster? I just dont know. Im focusing on solids right now. Im going to have to do something. Im unsure what...
  21. lizrbit

    Who have you had enough of ??

    hahahahahha...amen, amen....
  22. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    wow, it has flown. i had some significant weight loss recently, but it was because i'd gotten too tight and was on liquids for amonth! dr is not happy and we arent going to do that again. Still facinating that people can live off of liquids isnt it? Im eating normal foods now. even more normal than before. i can eat a small amount of toast! usually i can hold about three quarters of a banana comfortably at a time. I still have 90 lbs to go. amazing how time flies. im finally ready to drop a jean size, from a 24 to a 22. yay.
  23. lizrbit

    Who have you had enough of ??

    I was standing in the the checkout day before yesterday when i saw the cover of one of those tabloids, and they had devoted the entire issue to the proposal that ANGELENA JOLIE HAS GAINED TEN LBS!!! they even had before and after shots. Really.<br /> unbelievable.<br /> I lose sixty some odd lbs and NO ONE in my friends networks says ANYTHING and this bi#$h gains ten lbs and the world stands on end? good lord. <br /> <br /> and on a smaller note but just as irritating....<br /> I FIND IM HAVING A REAL PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE WHO DO NOT READ POSTS BEFORE RESPONDING TO THEM. they think they get 'the gist' of a thing and just post away, rattling their fingers on their keyboards and sounding like they know so damn much about ...NOTHING THE POSTER WAS TALKING ABOUT. i WISH people who just want you to know they know so da$n much, would take a FEW moments of their PRECIOUS time and just READ THE DA@N POST before commenting. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?????<br /> <br /> the bit*hes.<br /> <br /> :::courtsies:::: thank you, thank you very much
  24. i went in for a slight unfill day before yesterday. I was way too tight. id been on full liquids for a month. I tried eating real food about every other day, unsuccessfully able to hold it down. the unfill helped significantly. I spent an entire day just eating. i was so ...dry? i dont think is the right word...nervously dehydrated? HUNGRY. thats it. so i ate. fish, soft foods. i rested. let my body absorbthings, got it good and hydrated. today im still doing it. Not eating as much. you could definitely tell my body needed everything it took. Im still not all the way in the green. im waiting to see what comes out the other side of this...so to speak. it will be a full six to eight weeks before i can come back. I think im okay with that. I dont think i can get to 245 before i get back. i wonder if i will still lose with the unfill. i cant believe i went an entire month as tight as i was. it really had affected my thinking. what a strange time.
  25. lizrbit

    Who have you had enough of ??

    well...after some consideration, i suppose i can let you on the "not hate so badly" side derrick.

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