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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lizrbit

  1. oh right on Bneely! Phyll, i wanted to post to say that i grabbed a friend yesterday and made it to the gym!!! we worked out much longer than i usually used to do on my own and it felt so great to be moving! we went swimming and sauna after! i have felt so much better today than usual and guess what? i seem to have more restriction too! (odd?) WOoho! someone in the house threw away the bag of miniature butterfingers. ive caught myself looking for them and glad i didnt find them. lol
  2. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    hahahahahahah!!!!! I STAY COLD! i dig maine in the spring and summer but winters here suck! (if you are originally from the deep south especially) i have friends here that get out and snowshoe and all that but i just cant get into it. Ive wondered why some people get colder than others. My husband never gets cold when im sitting there chattering teeth.
  3. sounds like theres a handful of us going through it. do you think it has something to do with halloween and all the candy laying around? the change in seasons maybe too? i know these things certainly get to me. Im to see my surgeon for a fill in a week, and im totally embarrassed. i havent even tried this month. Im trying again today and maybe i can shake it. it snowed again last night :::groan::::;
  4. lizrbit

    quitting after 1 day??

    hey i think its a great idea to temp until you find out what rings your bell. You dont suck, I dont know if i would have made it the second day either.
  5. Rainer is right, yall should come over to the supersized bandsters thread. ALL of us over there started out at the supermorbid obese level. We talk about special problems that pertain to us and support each others progress. heres the link: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f15/thread-super-sized-bandsters-starting-bmi-over-50-a-16168/
  6. lizrbit

    Anyone from Maine ?

    Hi Annabelle! When is your surgery scheduled? Do you know if there is a support group in your area? I leave in one week to go back down to south texas for the entire winter, so my timing sucks...but i'll be back and would love to at least email or pm to keep in touch with your progress and stuff? are you excited? Where are you at in the whole thing? have you done any of the preop tests yet?
  7. lizrbit

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    righton. I just want to bump the thread up a bit. I am trying not to gain at this point. Ive not been to the gym in a month because of stuff going on with jobs etc...and ive been a bit depressed. im trying to watch what im eating, and its helped. usually this would have been a horrible gaining time but at least with my band and some restriction, i havent (yay) and thats somethign to be hopeful about i suppose! i gotta get on the right track!
  8. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    unfortunately ive been increasing the amount of weight my legs has to carry as well. :confused: not too bad though. i'll be glad when im out of this funk and get back on track. last night i fell off again. Damn butterfingers.
  9. lizrbit

    May 2007 Banders

    rag, what is 'heavylegs'?
  10. lizrbit

    What have you lost?

    ive lost the worlds largest ball of tape so far, but i have a newborn calf to go. lol
  11. lizrbit

    So today's my birthday...

    Happy Brithday Stacy!
  12. Nope, i dont think they will do that at all.
  13. Hey! Nice to meet you, im a Dr St. Laurent (aka dr delicious) fan. I liked him so much i let him band me twice! In all seriousness, hes a fantastic surgeon and ive really enjoyed being his patient.
  14. lizrbit

    So who would you like to meet?

    o i almost forgot too..Lapbandit. would love to meet that person.
  15. lizrbit

    So who would you like to meet?

    Thanks Derrick! I feel famous, even if your the only one whod like to meet me id like to meet you too, as well as Jack (the jack rocks), badonkadonkbutt, imedina, bjean, losinjustme, chickie, 2bthinagain, hoosierpoms, smatyas, Wheetin, Tracyks (what a great supportive person. I think shes fantastic), Alexandra, and really there are a handful more im blanking on their screenames right now. I fly across the US a couple of times a year, its not out of the question if someone wanted to catch coffee or lunch at an airport sometime...
  16. lizrbit

    most ignorant reply

    lmao... ive decided that all things aside, there is a remote control in my dr's office that he lets the interns play with which explains why one day you can eat an egg and the next day you cant.
  17. lizrbit

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    hi mrs jones. what happened? how has your progress been so far? did you lose and regain or just didnt lose? do you have fills? Im very interested in hearing.
  18. lizrbit

    Help me out here!

    oh..i forgot... when you spray him with the ammonia Water mixture you have to smak his bottom with a rolled up newspaper and scream "NO bobby, BAD bobby!" as you do it. (replace his name with bobby when screaming directions)
  19. lizrbit

    Help me out here!

    keep rubber bands closeby and when he says it again, shoot three of them at him in a row. If this doesnt stop the comments, then mix one part ammonia to three parts Water in a spray bottle. Next time makes the comments then spray him vigorously (as you would potty train a puppy). I hope these two ideas work for you because the next step is to throw staplers, or tape dispensers directly aimed at his forhead.
  20. lizrbit

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    im going to go back and start doing FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal again. i have an ongoing account with them (its free) and it does help me keep realistic account of my intake. also knowing that im listing everything keeps my head in the right direction. I knowwhere my biggest problem is though: lets say it together shall we? ready? ::::: excercise ::::::::: my activity levels since coming back to maine a month ago have been NIL. nada, none, zero, zip. ive tried doing the dr recommended thirty minute walk a day, for a couple of days, and i cant find enough layers of clothing to make it warm enough to go out there. Thats my excuse. i cant get around that one little excuse. its cold. too cold. my house is even cold. i have a small bubble of warmth in my living room that i wont circulate out of. so..its me and my fat dog stuck on the couch of perpetual lethargy in our bubble of warmth. i leave in NINE DAYS to go to galveston island for the entire winter. nine. 9. one more after eight, and one less than ten. Niiiiine...tomorrow itwill be eight. day after that, it will be SEVEN...
  21. my surgeons office billed my insurance for the same amount as the first surgery. He replaced the old band in the same surgery, i didnt have to wait for later rebanding or anything like that. I went with the same surgeon because his stats are solid and hes truely fantastic. It boiled down to me having to ask myself weather i trusted him or not, and i do. My recovery was extremely smooth. It looks like you will be self pay if you have it redone. You are forty lbs away from goal. If it were me, id self pay. On my own my weight goes up and down in drastic leaps, then just goes on and stays on. Id reinvest. Given your job, and your knowledge of procedures, it must make it difficult to decide. Are you going to sue Allergen? Can you pursue self pay and going ahead with the surgery ELSEWHERE, and then attempt to retrieve your initial investment back through allergen in a separate suit? Its a hard call. What direction are you leaning towards?
  22. i cant do bread. I can do a half a piece of very dry wheat toast. I can eat roasted turkey, and love the stuff, but cant do chicken in any form or fashion except mechanicly processed nuggets. cant do eggs well at all but its off and on again with those, depending if someone at my dr's office is playing with the remote control again.....
  23. lizrbit

    i started this journey Feb 13 2007

    I was banded originally feb 13. i live in maine and fly to houston each month for fills. On my third fill and at a wieght of 285, they found a leak in the top of my band, and replaced it with a new small ap band. I love my surgeon. i hate my nutritionalist. shes very nice, dont get me wrong, but she told me to do fitday.com for our visits and so she can see what im eating and we were only to meet six months. SHE WAITED until the FIFTH month to finally download and even LOOK at my files. she also has been the most expensive of the whole thing. She initially said that my insurance had a deductable of 250 and that they would cover everything after that for six months. NOW its "o you owe me fifty dollars per session and YOU gotta worry about your own insurance". Im pissed and i havent said anything to her about it. yet. anyway. im a slow loser and much of the problem is my activity levels. during the winters i cant function, which is one reason i got to this place in the first place. i love the support on this board. its refreshing to read about people going through much the same things. ive been battling a fairly serious depression this past month. I havent had hardly ANY activity at all since returning to maine early october. I leave again in ten days to go down south to galveston and i cant wait. I have an apartment there and im MUCH more active there than i am here. i dont know WHY thats the case, other than the temps. I really cant stand the cold. Im going to be in galveston from november to april. (yay) HOpefully i will experience a great deal of weight loss then. So far, ive only lost twenty five lbs since being rebanded. I have around ninety to go.
  24. I was banded originally feb 13. i live in maine and fly to houston each month for fills. On my third fill and at a wieght of 285, they found a leak in the top of my band, and replaced it with a new small ap band. I love my surgeon. i hate my nutritionalist. shes very nice, dont get me wrong, but she told me to do fitday.com for our visits and so she can see what im eating and we were only to meet six months. SHE WAITED until the FIFTH month to finally download and even LOOK at my files. she also has been the most expensive of the whole thing. She initially said that my insurance had a deductable of 250 and that they would cover everything after that for six months. NOW its "o you owe me fifty dollars per session and YOU gotta worry about your own insurance". Im pissed and i havent said anything to her about it. yet. anyway. im a slow loser and much of the problem is my activity levels. during the winters i cant function, which is one reason i got to this place in the first place. i love the support on this board. its refreshing to read about people going through much the same things. ive been battling a fairly serious depression this past month. I havent had hardly ANY activity at all since returning to maine early october. I leave again in ten days to go down south to galveston and i cant wait. I have an apartment there and im MUCH more active there than i am here. i dont know WHY thats the case, other than the temps. I really cant stand the cold. Im going to be in galveston from november to april. (yay) HOpefully i will experience a great deal of weight loss then. So far, ive only lost twenty five lbs since being rebanded. I have around ninety to go.
  25. Phyl, i can totally relate to being more active when your 'away' for the winter. I do the SAME. When im down south, i dont have a car, i have to rent one to get to houston for my appointments but the rest of the time i use a bike to get around the island. I start at sunrise on the ferry! i often dont get home until after sunset. I dont want to lose online altogether or this board, i love it...but maybe if i only sign on before morning coffee, and again after dinner. leaving the bulk of the day for the day....im going to give it some attention. i get hopeless sometimes too with the progress/process. It comes n goes, you know? I look at the journey ahead sometimes and all the changes and i think "why bother", then i see people like losingjustme and think, "because she bothers", and people like chickie and think, "and she started from where we are standing". I worry that i wont lose all of it, or even most of it, im a very slow loser. i think though, that as long as we fight those feelings and still find a reason to keep trying, we will get there. I do believe that. Sometimes those steps are little.

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