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Posts posted by 1happymama

  1. Yes! I had my first fill today and the metallic taste came within 6 minutes of being done with the fill. It was weird. The nurse said it's absolutely normal and not to worry about it. It's been 5 hours since my fill and the taste is still there.

    After my first fill, I mean as soon as the doc pulled the needle out I had a weird metallic sweet taste in the back of my throat. I thought it was weird but did not say anything about it.

    I had my second fill this morning and the same thing happened. I asked my doc about it and he said no one has ever mentioned it before. As soon as I drink my Water it is gone.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience?


  2. Hi everyone

    I was banded 5/31/11. I have lost 25 pounds since my pre-op/surgery. I have stalled out since I started eating the mushy food last week. Next tuesday I can start eating non mushy/regular food. But so far so good. Almost all of my wounds have healed except for my port wound. There is still a little scab left and then I will be able to work on lathering the Bio Oil to lighten the scars. (Bio Oil was recommended by my best friend who was banded 1 1/2 years ago).

    July 14, 2011 is my first fill and follow up appt. I am ready because I can tell I am eating more. I can tolerate more food and I am not getting as full as I was a few weeks ago.

    I cant wait to start swimming this summer and going to dance class...........:D



  3. Hi sweetie!

    I was banded May 31st also.

    My dr office told me only liquid for the 1st 2 weeks then move on to mushies.

    I purchased the Isopure drinks. They come in different flavors and have a lot of Protein in them. :rolleyes:

    I was just banded Tuesday May 31st at 2 pm, so it has been just 48hours. I think pain wise, I am doing just fine. I am just on liquids including Protein shakes. My problem is I can't seem to stand much other than Water and apple juice and even the apple juice is not working very well. It is not that I can't get it down it is that is leaves this really horrible taste in my mouth.Seems like all liquids are sweet and anything sweet seems to leave that nasty taste. I did do some chicken broth which was better, but I am worried that I am really getting no nutrients at all. I am not hungry at all. Did anyone else have the problem of not really being able to drink much of anything?

    I don't think I am dehydrated, but I am getting very little Protein for sure. Any ideas? I will be happy to move to mushies, not because I am hungry so much as I can consume things that aren't sweet with artificial sweeteners and such. Can't stand that taste in my mouth!

    Other than that...if anyone wants to be my buddy on a more personal level like sharing emails or being Facebook friends..I could use a pal I think. Message me at terimcallister@sbcglobal.net or find me on fb Teri McAllister

  4. I am sorry you are going through this. I just got banded yesterday and I am cautiously optimistic. I've been home about 6 hours since being released from the hospital. My goal for the next 2 weeks is to just focus on liquids and healing.

    The only thing that helped get me here is my psychologist and my husband's faith in me. I also made a friend at the clinic and we both got banded yesterday. We call each other "twins", and I plan on going to the monthly meetings at the clinic.

    The only reason I am saying all of this is because in addition to my determination I think the only way I will get through this process is with a thorough support system.

    In addition to this forum can you set something up with yourself and for yourself as a support? Oh I forgot to mention I have 2 "sponsors", one is my friend who got banded six months ago and another is my friend that got banded 18 months ago. they have been texting me like crazy the past two days and one took me to the hospital.

    The support is vital to this process.

    I am here for you too. Let me know if you need an email "hug".

    Gotta go now, my mom and little sis are on their way to "take care of me". love it!

    xoxo :rolleyes:

    I got my band in October 2007. Lost 40 pounds in 6 months, and then it all stopped. Couldn't get a good fill. Tight enough to diminish hunger, and too many things got stuck. Loose enough to eat comfortably (the bandster way - small well chewed bites), and I didn't have the dimmed appetite. I stayed away from the clinic for a year, gained back all 40 pounds. Recently went back 3 months ago, and still just cannot get it right. I don't want to quit, but can't see continuing to put the time and energy into something that is obviously not working for me.

  5. Twas the night before surgery, and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, or my dog, or my husband..........

    Well it's 10:15 p.m. and my husband is watching a dvd, my dog is sleeping in her bed and i just finished taking my shower with my antibacterial soap given to me by the hospital.

    I'm getting sleepy because I took the sleep aid prescribed by my doctor, just in case I am too excited to close my eyes...........it's working..........

    I told my immediate family yesterday about my surgery scheduled for tomorrow........at first I didnt want to because i wasn't sure about the reaction I would get. My two sisters are very supportive and so is my dad.......he said "that's great. You will look like you did in high school." haha.

    My mom wasn't as supportive but I'm sure it's a normal reaction when you hear your child is about to have surgery. She said she would go to the church in the morning to pray for me but tonight she texted me and said she will be there in the morning as she is driving in with one of my sisters.

    It's so nice to feel the love and support of my family. Now it makes me think I should have told them sooner........but I cant look back......I can only look forward at the start of my new chapter tomorrow.

    Good night my lap band family...........I will report again when I get home on Wed (if i am up to it).......until then...........xoxo :D

  6. Hi S. Would you be able to mentor me? Please let me know. Thanks . :rolleyes:

    If you are reading this, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this. I was banded on 2/23/2010 and I was very fortunate to have found a wonderful support system via writing and reading different Lap band blogs on Blogger.com, which is where I currently blog.

    I invite anyone of you who needs someone to talk with, words of encouragement or a pep talk to feel free to contact me. You can reach me via email on this site or through my blog...

    I know if I hadn't had the support of the wonderful women I met, I don't think I'd have been quite as successful as there were times I wanted to give up, give in, use my scale for target practice and stuff my face with Cookies until I puked. Nowdays, i still want to use my scale for target practice, but only occasionally! If you need a buddy, feel free to drop me a line!!! :)


  7. Ok, so I will borrowed this from another member..I'm doing my post op diet now and my surgery is May 31st.........I just wrote this on my calendar at work since Monday and I look at it everyday........

    Write this down where you can see it:

    I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 10 DAYS..........tomorrow............I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR NINE DAYS........on Saturday......post this somewhere you can see it at home ..........I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR EIGHT DAYS............an so on....just pop in the date that corresponds to where you are at.........it works...try it. :rolleyes:

    I was banded on May 13th and am doing great. I almost feel like I didn't have surgery. My only issue is that I am 4 days into my full liquid diet and I am starving. I am having 4 Protein drinks a day, yogurt, Jello, and cream Soup. I don't know if I can make the full 10 days. Any suggestions?

  8. Maybe you can check out overeaters anonymous? Get into as many support groups as you can. Do you have access to counseling? The weight is just a visual result of what's going on inside. What is making you eat "around" the band? Really look into the reasons behind it.........I can say I have a food addiction. The food is such a comfort that it sucks. I'm trying to learn to be dependent on myself and IN-dependent of food. For me food is a band-aid, and a crutch for what is really going on inside. The weight is a way for me to hide and not be the me I want to be. The fear is suffocating me......but that's just me. We all have our own story. We all have our own truth and we all have our own journey......

    Ok I'm done for now. Let me know if you need anything......Hugs to you. :rolleyes:

    I had my band surgery in October 2008 - I was so excited. I was finally going to beat the battle I've had for decades with obesity.

    Well, It's now May 2011 and I actually weigh more than I did when I had the surgery. Whoopie Me! Now, I've never slipped and I've never eaten to the point where I could cause slippage, instead I've learned how to eat around the band.

    I just kind of feel broken at this point. My goal in life is to be an FFK "Former Fat Kid," but I'm at a turning point in life right now, so here I am - back again.


  9. Hi there,

    I totally get it. The weight is on us for many reasons. You just need to do the work and find out what your reasons are.

    I was listening to a talk show the other day. They suggested we answer 3 questions: 1. Why am I overweight? 2. Why do I want to lose weight? 3. Why have I been unable to maintain weight loss? Then examine your answers. It's just a start. But that will get you going. Is there a way you can see a psychologist and work through the answers you come up with? Also, start journaling too. You may be surprised when you read back your answers later. :rolleyes:

    Oh and another good book for you may be Women, food & God by Geneen Roth.

    Also, I just came across the Dec. 2010 issue of "o" magazine today. There was a mention of Marianne Williamson's book that had to do with weight loss as part of the Course in Miracles. I cant remember the name of the book, sorry. Good luck with your journey. :D

    Hi all, I went to my doc this week and was discussing some concerns I was having, some fears. I have been heavy most of my life and I have reached a weight where I spent a good part of my adult life and is a fairly comfortable place for me although still a very obese place. My doc asked if i was afraid to be thin. I have to say..maybe a little. She shared an article by Dr. Matthew Anderson. there was a checklist and I answered yes to many of the questions.

    I do find it hard to be noticed for looks instead of how funny or smart I was.

    I have always struggled with relationships. I present as strong and self confident but, truthfully...nope. I am afraid that I will be rejected...

    anyway wondering if anyone has heard of this author and if you agree or may feel the same way.

  10. Well, if you are getting soaked then we are getting drenched together. I am on Optifast. I am 5'2 and 223 pounds as of last friday. I am doing it until my surgery date of 5/31/11.

    At least you have support groups. My Optifast clinic doesnt even offer groups anymore. This is my only "support". :blink:

    I HAVE NO IDEA!!!! It seems amazingly stupid to me, in my opinion its to soak me for 136.00 a week for 4 weeks... There is no way I need 4 weeks of optifast before a Lap Band... I am 5'2 @ 228lbs... however this is how my program works so I have to follow it. Someone did tell me that there is a chance they won't make me do all 4 weeks, however the coordinator said different.... So starting Thursday I will have weekly meetings, and optifast support groups until surgery... anyone else think I might be getting "soaked"?

  11. 50 pounds weight loss! that's awesome!!

    I received my confirmation last week and my surgery date is May 31st!

    I already pre-registered at the hospital last friday. The nurse gave me 2 antibacterial soaps. She said i was to use one the night before and another one on the morning of the surgery.

    She also mentioned there is a real danger regarding Mersa.

    I know everything will be great!!!

    Good luck!!! :rolleyes:

  12. I gained 2 pounds since i started my journey Jan 2011. But as long as i lose the 2 pounds and a little something more i should be good. I had my nutrition class last friday. The nutritionist says the doctor likes to see some pounds off because it means the liver shrinks. The nutritionist also scared me by saying the doctor is known to stop the surgery on the table if the liver isnt small enough??? what the 'hey'? I start my liquid tomorrow.......surgery date May 31st. :rolleyes:

    Queenie, I gained 20lbs since I started this journey in Jan, but as long as I dont gain while on my liquid diet then im good. It happens sometimes.

  13. Hi There,

    I am going to start my Protein shake (pre-op) diet tomorrow 5/16/11 using the Optifast shakes.

    I also have to do Clear liquids 2 days before my surgery. I will using the Isopure drinks (they have different flavors). I bought a few the other day to try them out. So far I like the Apple Melon (tastes like an apple jolly rancher).

    -M :rolleyes:

    We will be triplets!! That is my date also. I am excited and nervous all at once! What kind of Protein drink are you going to use? I am glad I found you both!

    Oh, btw, I am in Missouri.

    Good Luck!!


  14. So happy for you!!!

    I will be having my surgery on the exact same date in California. We will be "twins"

    xoxo :D

    Hi Everyone,

    Was I ever happy to find this website! The information from everyone is overwhelming and so encouraging!

    I have struggled with my weight for many years (as long as I can remember), but have been the heaviest the last 4 1/2 years since I had my son. I have done every diet imaginable. So finally as I sat in my doctors office and cried (one of several times) she gave me information on the lap band, and I knew it was something I had to do.

    My surgery is scheduled for May 31st in Regina, SK. I begin my pre-op diet on the 17th. I am VERY excited, and of course nervous. But so anxious to get my life back and have energy for my little boy.

    Would love to hear from you all!!


  15. :rolleyes:Well, after 5 months of "pre-op" tests, etc. I got the call today that my surgery is approved and a date is set for 3 weeks from now. Wow. That was a lot to absorb all at once but I am so happy to finally have the answer I have been hoping and praying for. I plan to stay positive and be realistic that this is not an overnight fix but a start to a new way of doing things. I plan to make new friends in this forum and be open to the experiences of those who have paved the way. I need "hugs" and prayers for my new future and I am excited to start the new chapter of my life. xoxo

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