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Posts posted by fairyfaye

  1. Just a little some thing to boggle some minds............

    I was given a really yummy strawberry milkshake in the hospital 2 days after surgery instructed by my surgeon!

    Why? Because he believes in getting protiene from real food and not artificial protiene shakes.

    I did not have to do a pre op diet, I have never had any form of protiene supliment, I never count calories. I have still lost 107lb and am only 20lb from goal!

    I am defiantly a everything in moderation girl. Its why I chose the sleeve, it helps me to only eat a little and it has worked for me.

    But everyone is different and each persons health care provider will advise them differently.

  2. Hi all.

    I am now 15 months post op and have pcos too. I have lost 107lb so far with about another 20lb to go.

    I also had the sleeve to improve my fatillity and become a parent.

    I have noticed huge improvements. My cycle before could range anywhere from 35-60 days and now AF comes every 29-35 days. I don't ovulate every month but most months I do where before at my heavest I had tests and my levels were so low I was told I would need assistance to get pregnant!

    I am still waiting for baby dust to be sprinkled on me but I am more hopeful now that I will be able to conceive with as little help as possible!

    My skin is so much better too, I still get the occasional spot where as before I always had spots!

    I am so great full every day that my amazing parents and partner were able to support me to have the sleeve it has changed my life.


  3. Hey all. I too have pcos. I have been sleeved for 7 months and have lost 81lb. So it evens out to be about 11 lb a month. I am

    Very pleased with this as before my sleeve I would have lost maybe 2/3 stone max by my self and then put it back on again. Now I have been loosing for 7 months and I know it's for the last time! My cycle has been more regular but still not the same amount of days each month. The biggest improvement for me has been the reduction in pain. I only took pain meds once this last month! Amazing! I love my sleeve and I am

    More hopeful about being a mummy soon! X


  4. I totally understand this. Me and my mum both were sleeved within two weeks and she has lost 4.5 stone and I have lost 5.5 stone. We have not shared with many people and my aunt, my mums sister is one who does not know we see each other about once a month and she is the only one in our family who has not made a comment! I think she is jealous as she is still a larger lady and she can't bear to see us looking healthy and slimmer!

    I really don't care much for her but I know it upsets My Mum that her own sister is not happy for her!


  5. The noises are normal for some and not others my mum and me were sleeved together and her tummy constantly talks to her but my tummy is as quiet as a mouse until I eat and then only talks for about half hour.

    As for the hunger, are you taking acid meds? Again I don't need them but my mum does and we are 12 weeks post op. also try drinking Water to see if it's real hunger of thirst.

    Wishing lots of luck and sending healing thought! X

  6. Hey debs I'm from London been sleeved for 10 weeks now. I didnt have to do any pre op diet I just tried to cut out fat sugar and salt a week befor.

    I had a smooth recovery and was back at work 4 days after.

    Wishing you lots of luck and a speedy recovery.

    Oh the only thing i would recommend is a hot Water bottle it really helped with the gas after the op!

    X x x

  7. Hi I'm one o thelucky ones and stopes taking my acid tablets after only 2 weeks and I have not had any acid since. But my poor mum who was sleeved 2 weeks befor me has terrible acid reflux and is still

    Taking the meds for it. We eat alot of the same things so I think everyone is so individual.

    Try drinking a small amount of milk as this helps my mum.

    Hoping you feel better soon. X x x

  8. Hi ya I'm now 8 weeks post op but in the beginning I just stuck with Soup for lunch as it was so easy and I didn't feel sick after.

    I did get sick at work when I moved on to more solid food but only because people made comments about how little I was eating. I would eat new things away from others at first but now I just say I had a big Breakfast.

    Try scrambled eggs, backed Beans, or soup. Things do get so much easier I now have things like crackers and cheese, humose, and soup still when I'm feeling a little stressed.

    Good luck and remember to rest when you get home each evening! X x x

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