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Posts posted by str8outtajerzy

  1. Str8out...It's a great feeling to do pullups right?!?!?!? Love them! Or more like I love the fact that I can do them. I was a little concerned when I first lost a good bit of weight the first 2 months after my surgery, I couldn't even do 1 then, and I was able to do 2 or 3 when I was over 300 pounds and 30 pounds heavier. I just kept at it when getting back into the weight room doing some assisted pull ups and concentrating on doing really slow negatives too. Before long (a month or so) I was up to doing what I do now, which is about 4-5 pullups at a time and it feels great! Let's me know that I'm almost back to my pre-surgery strength, but able to do more since I weigh less. My goal is to be able to do 10 at a time by Memorial Day. Sorry, didn't mean to highjack your thread, just read yours and I can really relate to how good it feels. Keep up the great work Str8out! Also, have you tried doing dips yet? Also feels great and really good for building those triceps!

    Sorry it took so long to respond, no I haven't tried dips, but now it's next on the list thanks!

  2. I lost 89 pounds so far and I admit that I haven't been working out as much I need to but I have been doing push ups and walking here and there, so anyway two nights ago I had my boys on the perfect pull bar (even my five year old gets in on the fun) and something told me to try it, lo and behold I did one! Last night I got in three! I think the combination of my body strengthening itself due to carrying all that extra weight and now my sudden weight loss has allowed me to do them. It's nice to know that I did get stronger at some point in my life! I'm so excited I just had to share with you guys!

  3. I enjoy:

    > Wearing a 38 pants instead of a 44!

    > Wearing a XXL instead of a XXXL

    > Being able to suck in my gut when I walk by someone LOL

    > SEX!

    > Being able to move better

    > Walking and not getting tired

    > The stares I get from the ladies

    > and On and On and On.....

  4. OMG, I'm feeling the same way! Do you get nauseous just thinking about eating? I do.... I dont know what's going on. I was sick last week with a cold and ever since then my stomach has been so mean to me! Nothing goes down good; nothing tastes good! Just thinking about eating is making me queezy. I'm 7wks out and cant eat more than 3 or 4 bites of anything and then have to battle to keep it down. Before last week I was fine and was able to get all my requirements in but between last wk and this wk, things are getting worse. I'm hoping it's just this cold that's making things difficult, but only time will tell. If it gets worse I'm gonna call my doctor!

    I'm just like you, without the sickness, I hope you feel better

    Hang in there, it does get much better.

    But it does get better trust me!!!

    I sure hope so!

    I'm right there with you at a month out, but having pretty good success at getting my Protein. Make sure to get your fluids - if I don't, my stomach will start to go wanky. Whatever you eat, make sure it's moist, eat slow, and stop 2 bites before you think you should. If you eat slow enough, and little enough, the bad stomach feeling should go away - does it hurt when you have a cheese stick? If not, start measuring out 1 oz, and try that amount for other foods.

    The amount you are eating sounds similar to me; That's the point of the surgery, to make us eat small. If you qualified for the surgery, I'm guessing it will be a while before you stave to death. Later, we'll be able to eat more normal amounts, and miss the amount of restriction we have now.

    As to the Protein shakes, if you can't stand the ones you have tried, keep trying. I tried unjury (which a lot of folks rave about), and it made me want to hurl. I can stand Isopure, but I know a lot of people think it's utterly disgusting. Keep trying new mixes - if you can find one you can tolerate, it makes getting your 60 - 80 Proteins much easier.

    Fluids I'm pretty good at the cheese sticks I'm also pretty good with at 7 grams of protein a pop I had 2 yesterday (whoopie!). I'll keep trying to find that solution for protein, I found these liquid drinks (they are more so juice then milk) at the Vitamin Shoppe they have like 40 grams of protein in one 20 ounce bottle, but they are $4 a pop!

    Thank you all for the support!

  5. I'm about 4 weeks out and I hate eating! I'm not getting my Proteins regularly, sometimes I get close, but some days are better then others, everything I eat for the most part makes my stomach feel icky and I don't really want to eat, I can take maybe 2 or 3 bites of something and I'm done, I don't think I'm eating enough. I can't do shakes they are absolutely disgusting the last time I ate tuna fish I think I over did it and I threw up so I'm scared to try that or any other fish for that matter again, I can do string cheese but c'mon how much can I eat that lol, other then the fact that I'm not really eating I feel fine should I be worried?

  6. My wife and I will watch TV and we'll see someone shoveling food into their mouths and we look at each other in disgust and say "that's too much food!" mind you in our pre-op days we could handle the amount, it would be something like two big spoonfulls of Cereal back to back, if I ate something like that now and it will feel like my heart in gonna stop! It's funny how the sleeve has changed my eyes towards food! In a way it's sad how much TV plays a role in how you look at food, I mean obviously the commercials are there, but even in the regular programming there are subliminal messages geared towards overeating!!

  7. Hey I'm 18 days post op and I have lost around 30 pounds, I'm really really anxious to hit the gym and see what I can do. I know I have to take it easy in the beginning, but man I'm ready! My doctor says no heavy lifting for four weeks, I've also read some wait six, what do you guys think, what were some of your experiences?

  8. Welcome! Feel free to invite other members. I think this will be a great place to discuss issue that we as women of color may face during this process. Thanks for joining

    Oh wait only for women? I misread so I guess a brother can't get down?

  9. Thanks Meggie for the update, I think we got sleeved on the same day so it's nice to compare notes. I must say today is the first day I woke up with no pain, I expected it as I rolled out of bed but there was none, so Yaaay!!! Also it was a pleasant surprise to get on the scale and see that I've lost a total of 30 pounds from my high weight. Keep up the good work, and keep us updated, it really helps!

  10. Ok so I just got off the phone with my coordinator and she said that the insurance company automatically sends the letter once the process has began, and not to worry my wife and I are approved! So looks like we will be getting sleeved on Wednesday God- willing!!

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