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Posts posted by MlkPas

  1. Two things:

    1. HIGH FIVE FOR THE "EASY WAY!!" Why on earth wouldn't everybody cure their obesity as easily as possible if they had the option? To me this is a total no-brainer!

    2. I'll be one year out in a week and I'm still losing. I still have great restriction although I get hungry sooner than I did earlier on. I work out 6 hours a week (2 sessions with a personal trainer, 2 one-hour "boot camp" classes, 2 tap dancing classes) because I love it and it makes me feel great. I'm wearing size 2 bottoms and size 4 tops. I can easily lose weight on 1100 calories per day, and I can maintain on about 1500-1600 per day, which seems like a lot given my small appetite. I can see that I could regain some or all of the lost weight if I grazed all day and didn't exercise, but I have every confidence that isn't going to happen because I have great eating and exercise habits in place. I still weigh daily and track my exercise and every bite and every sip on www.fitday.com and plan to do that forever. I know that I still have the disease of obesity even though it's in remission, but I can't begin to describe how much more normal I feel, even with my tiny tummy, than I ever felt before my surgery.

    No guilt, no regrets, just a whole lot of gratitude!!

  2. I only told my immediate family and closest friends before the surgery -- didn't tell ANYBODY at work because I have a high-profile job and didn't want people gossiping about me. But after about 9 months I was having lunch with some colleagues and one of them looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'okay, EXACTLY what have you done to lose all that weight?" I had the choice of refusing to answer, lying, or telling the truth. At that point I felt like it was pretty clear my surgery has been a huge success, so I said "I had 85% of my stomach cut out and thrown in the trash!" People were pretty surprised, they asked a few questions, but honestly, the conversation moved on to other topics quickly enough and nobody has been interested enough to even ask any questions from that day to this.

    The lesson I took from this experience is that nobody cares about our business NEARLY as much as we think they do! LOL

  3. I'm almost 11 months out and my loss has slowed to a crawl, too. I'm hoping to lost 5 more pounds by my surgiversary on March 17, and my ultimate goal is to lose another 5 more after that. I'm not really dieting, but I have tracked every bite on www.fitday.com every since my surgery and it really helps keep me honest! If you don't want to do that, I'd advise cutting out the bread -- it slows my loss like crazy! Also, are you working with a trainer? A good one is expensive but you might find it's worth it. I started with a trainer at the end of August and I'm really happy with how my body is re-shaping itself! Just a few thoughts from somebody with almost identical numbers!!

  4. I would totally go for it. Why wait?

    That's a real question: Why would you wait? So you can eat a bunch of junky holiday food and gain 5 or 10 or more pounds that you'll have to lose after you have your surgery? (And since your weight loss will slow way down at the end, those extra 5-10 holiday pounds could well add a month or two or even more to the time it takes to get to your goal weight after surgery.)

    Is there something else you're worried about? I can understand wanting to have a nice Christmas, but honestly I think part of the reason we all got so fat was putting other people's needs (or what we think are their needs -- do they REALLY need us to devote 24/7 in December to doing Christmas stuff?) before our own. Can you scale down your holidays this year and make sure you get the support you need?

    I suspect that if you wait until January to have your surgery, you will look back and wish you'd gone ahead in December. And I can almost guarantee that if you go ahead with it at the earliest opportunity, you will have no regrets!!

  5. I went looking around the internet for mortality rates for the VSG alone, and found one study that found NO deaths at all: http://etd.ohiolink.edu/send-pdf.cgi/Miller%20Kinsy.pdf?bgsu1230091360. I hope the .5% mortality rate you were quoted includes all bariatric surgery, and I certainly hope your facility does a large number of high-risk open procedures because honestly, I wouldn't go near a place with a rate like that for the VSG. My surgeon has been doing this for years and has had only one death.

  6. I guess I'm another one who's not a success. I've lost an average of just under a pound a week since my surgery on March 17. So because I'm so unsuccessful, I've lost only 42 pounds in 7.5 months instead of the 60 I had to lose. I'm only a size 4-6 instead of a size 2. My BMI is 24 instead of 21. I'll probably have to wait until my one-year surgiversary to get to my goal of 115 pounds. Boo hoo hoo. It sucks to be so unsuccessful.


    I haven't approached this as a diet. I had this surgery so I could STOP dieting, and I couldn't be happier. I'm in no hurry. I think I look great now and I'm perfectly willing to take another few months to get to my ultimate goal. And I'm really, really glad I haven't driven myself crazy by thinking it's going too slow! And I'm SUPER glad I never came on this board before I even had my surgery, and started trying to tell other people they were "unsuccessful" because they weren't losing weight as fast as I thought they should! Sheesh!

  7. Honestly, you couldn't pay me enough to get an RNY. I've heard to many stories about the pouch and the stoma (opening from the pouch to the intestines) stretching out. I'm a lightweight so I'm thrilled to death with my sleeve, but if I were bigger and felt like I needed malabsorption, I'd do the DS in a heartbeat.

    When your surgeion says "bypass," is he talking about the DS or the RNY?

  8. For me it was the sleeve or nothing. I didn't have all that much weight to lose and I wasn't about to have my intestines messed with (and that's even before I knew about the dismal rate of regain for the RNY). i initially looked into the lapband, but once I found out about the sleeve, that was it. I had my surgery 7-1/2 months ago and it's been like a miracle for me. I only wish it had been available 20 years ago!

  9. Just looked at Fitday.com. For the last two months (I'm 7 months out), my averages are:

    Calories: 1,074

    Fat: 46g

    Carbs: 98g

    Protein: 61g

    Alcohol: 5.8g

    My Vitamins and minerals look great because I am religious about taking my supplements.

    That's pretty high carb, but I'm losing an average of a pound a week, and I'm a lightweight so that works for me. I could totally eat like this for the rest of my life -- I have pretty much zero need to increase my calories much at all, ever. I am never hungry and don't deprive myself. My daily calories range between 650 or so to as much as 1,500 or even a bit more if I go out and have dinner and a drink or two.

  10. I want to let you know that it IS possible to turn things around. I went through a phase at maybe 3-4 months out when I ate way more slider foods than I should, and also drank wine almost every day. Even though my calories weren't all that high, my Protein was low, my carbs were high, and my weight loss slowed to a crawl. I lost only ONE pound in June and though I'd go crazy! But i signed up with a personal trainer at the gym and got my head back in the game, and the weight started coming off again and the cravings went away. So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on your program. You'll do fine!

  11. I don't really know what to tell you. I am averaging just under 1,100 calories a day, exercising four times a week, and losing about a pound a week, and that has me on track to get to goal by my one-year surgiversary. For me, 1,000 to 1,200 feels very normal and not like a diet, and I didn't have this surgery so I could diet -- I had it so I could STOP dieting! But I know everybody is different, so maybe my experience isn't helpful to you.

    One thing that really does throw me off, though, is too much "bad" stuff. I went through a phase where I was drinking wine several times a week, and eating sweets almost every day, and that really slowed down my weight loss. I have cut that out almost entirely and I can really see a difference on the scale, even though my total calories aren't that much different. Plus I find that eating "bad" carbs makes me crave more of the same. If I stick to good healthy food I do much better.

    Other things that work for me: I have a Protein shake for Breakfast every morning -- 30 grams of proteiin in 160 calories, gives me a great jumpstart on my Protein for the day. If I'm eating lunch in, I'm likely to have a Protein Bar for lunch. 20 grams protein, 180 calories. Then I have plenty of calories left for a decent dinner and maybe an evening snack. Or if I go out to lunch, I have a tiny dinner -- maybe a slice of cheese and an ounce of salami and call it a day. I'm also religious about taking my Multivitamin and my Calcium. I was having a hard time remembering, and then something as simple as moving the Vitamins from the kitchen into the bathroom solved my problem -- now I just take my vits right after I brush my teeth in the morning, and it's become automatic. And I swear it's helped my weight loss!

    If you're not doing weight training, I really encourage you to start. It makes you feel great and builds muscle, which is great for all kinds of reasons. I splurged on twice-weekly sessions with a personal trainer and it's the best money I've spent since my surgery. I also take dance classes twice a week.

    Hope this helps! Hang in there -- you are doing great!

  12. 1. Why isn't the surgery more well known?

    No idea. I've only met one person in real life who's even heard of the sleeve, and she has had gastric bypass herself. I think it's the best-kept secret out there!

    2. Since I am considering the surgery, but have a lower BMI, would any US doctor perform this surgery for me if I paid out of pocket? I just worry about surgical follow-ups in the US. if I do it in Mexico.

    Yes. I had a starting BMI of 32 and Dr. Ara Keshishian in Glendale, California did my surgery for me as a self-pay. He is wonderful and I recommend him without reservation!

    3. I'd love a realistic idea of pain involved post-op. Is it an ache? Please describe. Some have said it is excruciating while others said a mere inconvenience.

    I had very little pain. I was on IV pain meds in the hospital (about 24 hours) and only had to take one dose of the liquid pain meds they sent home with me.

    4. I inquired online and was given the name of Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Juarez, Mexico. But most members (including my friend) seem to have had the surgery performed by Dr. Alberto Aceves or Dr. Alanza Reyes. They seem to perform the most number of sleeves. Any feedback on any of the above dorctors?

    If I hadn't found Dr. K, I was going to go to Dr. Aceves. Dr. K says he's very good.

    5. What do you feel like when you eat after the surgery? What is "foaming"? Is eating uncomfortable or painful? How long until eating (not over-eating) feel normal?

    I haven't had any "foaming." Immediately post-op, you eat VERY SLOWLY and it's just... odd. Not uncomfortable or painful unless you overdo it, which you will a few times until you get the hang of it. It took me a month or so to really get the hang of it.

    6. I would prefer to have a slightly larger sleeve so the weight loss is more gradual and my weight manageble. What are the options? My friend has a 5 oz sleeve.

    I don't really know the size of my sleeve but my loss has averaged about a pound a week, which has been fine with me.

    7. I am freaked out by two possible side effects: gall bladder problems (very painful) and hair loss (doesn't sound too preventable unless the weigh loss is more gradual). In the US, doctors use a medication aimed at preventing gall bladder issues...is this standard in Mexico and is it effective?

    I haven't had any Hair loss or gallbladder problems. I didn't have any gallbladder meds, either.

    8. Any regrets? Or any tidbits you wished you'd know and prepared for before hand?

    My only regret is that this surgery wasn't available 20 years ago! Seriously. I'd do it again in a red-hot second!

    9. How difficult is the post-op diet? I like Soup, chili, etc. but not so sure I can handle "mushy" food... :)

    My doctor didn't have any prescribed post-op diet. Told me it was fine to eat anything I could tolerate. I was eating soft Protein within days.

  13. I started out eating 600-800 calories per day, but for the past couple of months (since I started working out with a trainer twice a week) I've been averaging about 1,000 per day. My weight loss is the same or maybe a little more, even with the extra calories. I'm with Cknorte, I eat to feel good. Some days it's as low as 700, some days it's as high as 1400. I shoot for 900-1000, and I do track what I eat, but I didn't have this surgery so I could be on a starvation diet.

  14. I've also found that some days I can just plain eat a lot more than on other days. Don't know why, but it happens. Maybe today was just a day when, for whatever reason, you were able to eat more than usual.

    I would suggest cutting out the soda if you can. There are studies that show even diet soda keeps your body accustomed to the sweet taste and that people who drink diet soda actually tend to weigh more than those who don't.

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