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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Meduseld

  1. Meduseld

    Gall Bladder Surgery Today

    Tell them to get over it! You could be gone, sitting at home, and letting them compensate for all the work you do.
  2. Oh, pancakes, my dear pancakes. They're one of my favorite foods, I will not lie. My trick to eating them is cutting a chunk off, and then cutting it in half through the middle to make it much thinner. I'm able to eat them then. It's a little work, but I love pancakes. Sometimes I can just eat them. I just have to chew real well.
  3. Meduseld

    Gall Bladder Surgery Today

    I'm happy you're doing well! I was up real fast after I had mine removed, and from the sounds of it, it seems like you will be too. I had the shoulder pain pretty bad on this one! It was even worse than after the band.
  4. The first day, I HAD to cheat. Not by much, but I had a chicken breast or something. I felt the exact same way. Your body is probably in shock like mine from the lack of carbs it's now getting. If you think about it, that pre-op diet is all protein, little carbs. Give it a few days and you should feel better. It does suck though. I went through the exact same thing!
  5. And I thought the sign said over 350 pounds. Then I wouldn't have gotten free food. Boo.
  6. I can't really be mad at Heart Attack Grill. I mean, they warned him! I'm sure this guy must have had other problems before this one burger. The timing was impeccable though, I must admit! It's not a bad place to eat if you eat there once in a while. It's not the end of the world if it's in moderation. And the "free food over 300" pounds thing I get. Most people are heavy, but not over 300 pounds. And honestly, those people need to make the choice not to eat there every day. Even when I was 330, I would have enjoyed the free food occasionally, but as for eating there every day, or even week, I would certainly know better!
  7. I think my body knows that I am about to hit my 100 pound landmark. I have three pounds to go and the scale just REFUSES to budge. It's a conspiracy!

  8. I think my body knows that I am about to hit my 100 pound landmark. I have three pounds to go and the scale just REFUSES to budge. It's a conspiracy!

  9. Meduseld

    Is A 5 Pound Gain Possible?

    I also always find that my doctor's scale is 5 pounds heavier than my home scale and that all doctors' scales weigh differently. I can't get a consistant weight on two scales if you paid me. I think it's a conspiracy. Just use one scale, your home one most likely, and stick with that. I wouldn't worry about it. I've "gained" 5 pounds in a day from eating bad things. It usually comes off real fast. Just get back on track, and it should come off real fast.
  10. Meduseld

    I'm Sick And Tired Of...

    That's so awesome! I'm about to turn 19, but I got my surgery at 18, exact same height, and only ten pounds lighter than you. Just look at me now! Almost 100 pounds down since April 25. Just do what the doctor says, and you're doing to do great! We're young. We have higher metabolisms on our side! I was/am sick and tired of: - Being scared at social events when someone looked at me. I always thought they were talking about me. - Being scared to eat in front of my friends and family. - Being disgusted every time I looked at a picture of myself. - Going to school and being known as the "fat" Elizabeth. They never confused me with the other ones...
  11. Meduseld

    Lap Band Removal (Fort Worth, Tx)

    I had mine done in Grapevine with Dr. Swanson and I would highly recommend him. He is absolutely fantastic and really cares about your success. I don't know all the specifics about the money etc., but I would definitely give his office a call!
  12. Meduseld

    Gallbladder Removal

    You should be fine to return on Monday. I would have been. I felt so good that I made my own breakfast the next day (much to the dismay of my family). We all have different experiences with it, but I am sure that you'll do great.
  13. Meduseld

    Any Teens On Here?!

    I'm 18 right now, 19 on March 24. I had the band on April 25, one month after I turned 18, and have since lost 95 pounds. It's fantastic and one of the greatest decisions of my life! If you need any advice or anything, you definitely let me know!
  14. Meduseld

    Gallbladder Removal

    I had my gallbladder removed on December 27. It honestly hasn't affected my life at all! I do sometimes get phantom "gall attacks" because I was so used to the pain after eating, but other than that, absolutely nothing. Be warned though. On stone didn't come out and was in the duct after my gall bladder got removed. 3 days after I got my gall bladder removed, I had a "gall attack." Luckily, that was the last one I ever had! Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll be fine. Just rest!
  15. Just a quick question. I started exercising a few days ago. My legs and such are really sore (so I assume I'm gaining a bit of muscle) and I feel good about it. Problem is, I have no been eating any differently than I was when I was losing weight and all of a sudden I gained like two pounds. Is this normal? Did any of y'all gain weight when starting exercise? Thank you very much! Elizabeth
  16. I feel like I ask so many questions, but I think it's better to ask the questions than find out the consequences later! I was just curious how I would know if I stretched my pouch. I don't think I have, so no worries or anything, but it is my ultimate worst fear with this surgery. And if a pouch is stretched, can it be shrunk again? I hear the stomach wall is almost "elastic" in that it can shrink if it is stretched out less. Does this concept apply to the pouch? How hard is it to stretch the pouch? Is it something that can be done easily or does it take some determination? I don't think I really could. If I eat too much, my stomach lets me know pretty darn quick. But unfortunately, the food only stays in the pouch for a few minutes, so you could probably stuff some more in there if you were determined to. Has this happened to anybody? Thank you!
  17. Meduseld

    Plateau During Period????

    I bloat up so bad during my period and sometimes even gain up to 3 pounds during my period! The week after though, BOOM, it all goes away. I try to take Midol to get rid of some of the excess Water weight and drink plenty of fluids. If it doesn't make you lighter, it at least helps you feel better! Elizabeth
  18. Meduseld

    Lap-band A Factor In Divorce?

    I'm definitely not a relationship expert an I'm only 18, but I definitely think I have some good advice. A man, especially your husband, should love, support, and care for you whether or not you are fat, thin, cranky, happy, or upset. A real man in love loves you even in the times that it's not ideal for him. I'm a college aged girl, and I can NEVER imagine myself sleeping with a man your age. I'm just assuming that he's your age. There is definitely something sick going on there, and his "insecurities" are absolutely no excuse for his behavior. Faking break ups should be the last straw. In the end, it's about your happiness. I know you are insecure about the saggy skin, but a man that truly loves you will not care. Your husband does not love you, or at least doesn't show it. My mother lost over 200 pounds with a gastric sleeve and is worried that a man will never find her attractive because of her skin. But like I said, a man that loves you won't give a crap. The job of a husband and wife are to make each other better. That's what you vow to do. Your husband is not making you better and is only making you unhappy. I personally think that there is more to this than "insecurities". He's a flat out cheater, and I think you are giving him too much credit. It would be one thing if he ended the relationship and was remorseful, but the fake break ups etc. are only showing that he does not care. He is just going to get better at hiding it, and even if he breaks up with this one, he is going to find another. In lay man's terms, dump him. I know it will be devastating, but he is doing absolutely nothing for you. There is no amount of insecurities that would constitute his behavior. You are a damn good wife, and you deserve a damn good husband, which he is not. By sitting around, you are just permitting this continutal cheating behavior. He may seem remorseful, but he was good enough at hiding this relationship for a while, I think he can be good enough at faking remorse. If he was remorseful, he would have ended that relationship, which he has not. Please, for your own health, you need to dump him. I know it's your husband and you love him, but he obviously is not treating you with the respect you deserve. You deserve someone so much better who will love you enough not to lie to you. I honestly wish you the best of luck. Seriously, I do not envy your situation. But honestly, it comes down to what's better for you, yourself, and he is not the best thing for you. Elizabeth
  19. Meduseld

    Chewing Gum After Lap Band Surgery?

    I chew gum sometimes. I've never had any negative side effects... I think doctors are just worried about swallowing air. But I figure as long as you're not like... huffing air, there shouldn't be a problem.
  20. Meduseld

    New Cardinal Rule!!

    Sliming is a consequence you have to consider before surgery, honestly. However, it doesn't, and shouldn't, happen that crazy often. It generally happens because of user error. You probably ate something you shouldn't have and your body is getting you. If you follow the rules and use the band right, you should be okay. It happens maybe once a month to me, and I know I shouldn't have eaten what I did beforehand. ---------------- That's so funny. I mean, it's not, but I'm laughing with you, not at you! NutriGrain bars are the DEVIL for me at any time of the day. Sometimes even the Nature Valley bars don't work for me. I wouldn't eat them unless I'm at home or I've got somewhere to slime, because if I don't, it's inevitable that I will attempt to throw up in a very public place.
  21. Meduseld

    Could It Be This Easy?

    Damn! If it's that easy to get someone to shrink their stomach capacity, is there someone that can "suggest" that I will excel at all my finals this week? Just honestly. ....What? EDIT: I just watched a video. 4 sessions with this dude is $1200! You might as well just get the surgery! And then she said in two weeks, she's lost about a pound (which probably means zero. Probably lied to the news people to make it seem more legitimate). I mean, it's possible, but just starting out at a high weight, you generally lose much more than a pound in two weeks. Don't believe it for a second. If I'm gonna eat the amount to fill a golf ball, my stomach better dang well be the size of a golf ball! Eating that little isn't fun some of the time!
  22. I know the title sounds really ominous, but I promise my situation isn't that bad, but I have a few concerns. I've been using the elliptical machines at my university's gym recently and I think I've been doing really well. I chose the elliptical to save my knees, which are pretty delicate. I didn't want to put them at risk since I am still pretty heavy. Problem is now that after a certain amount of time, my right foot goes numb. The feeling returns, but when I am exercising it can get incredibly annoying. Also with that leg, my right hip hurts pretty bad sometimes during and definitely after exercise. What's weird is that it is only my right leg. My left is perfectly fine. However, it seems my hip hurts less and less the more I get into my exercise routine. The only thing I can think of that could cause this is my spine. My right shoulder is noticeably higher than my left and I seem to put more weight on my left leg than my right because of the curvature of my spine. Could the elliptical maybe "even out" my weight distribution and put more stress on my right leg than normal, thus causing these feelings? Do you guys have any ideas on how to fix this or what else may be causing it? Thank you guys!
  23. I don't know if there is a "weight limit" as much as it is just a health issue. Doctors are scared to do any kind of surgery on someone of high weight because it's a huge health risk and a higher mortality rate. The heavier you are, the more dangerous it is for you to go under anesthesia. It's happened to a lot of people, I believe. I don't know about the "machine." That's weird.
  24. Meduseld

    How To Deal With Lap Band Haters?

    The other posters above pretty much got what I wanted to say, but I've got a good one if she makes that comment again. "That's cool. I'll be full anyway with the band. If that pure jealously doesn't clog up your arteries, that hamburger sure will!" That seriously would be so good. Haha.

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