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Posts posted by teekii77

  1. Hi Everyone. Thank you Phranp and all the others who inboxed me or friended me. Thank you for appreciating me being myself. I have to be me whether I'm online or walking around in my everyday skin. I wanted to tell you guys that I have totally conquered the Lion in my belly. And the cure for it was exactly what i posted. Eating home-made food from scratch! Today i'm 13 days post op and 13lbs lighter than I was the day of my surgery! YAAAY Me. And since I've been eating my granny's delicious food I have felt awesome and energectic.I saw my doc today, told him about my indescretions that almost sighted a riot! lol He laughed at me and said "Take care of your band sweetie hang in there a couple more weeks for me then you can have any of that in small moderation." He says he's ok with 4 doritos in 3 more weeks!lol He said matter of fact I can have 6! So he made me feel a lot better. He didn't trip so why should i. Although I do believe I was the first to admit it to him. He said what I was eating was great and to keep it up.(excluding the temporary lasp) He also told me that when he says full liquids and mushy food he means anything that i can get to turn into liquid in my mouth before I swallow and that included soft mac and cheese, eggs, spaghetti in marinara sauce just chew chew chew. He told me that week 4,5&6 I didn't have to worry about chewing so much and that i could have... wait for it...A tender steak and salad on week 6! I'm so excited. Here's something else that surprised me, he said that I could drink Water after my meals that I didn't have to wait. How bout that? I thought that was a universal lapband law,but apparently not. Anyway I'm pretty well content right now with my real mashed potatoes, soft noodles fresh butter Beans and peas from my granny's garden along with fresh sweet potatos. Yummy. Thats what I'm eating and i'm sticking to it. Oh I also found out that Ice cream is not a cheat food!!!!! Goes down real smooth on a swole belly according to my doc! of course you know you gotta measure it out ,choose like churned the good lowfat no sugar added. Its some good choices out there now. So guess whats new on my list? lol I just knew in my heart it shouldn't be this horrible and that I just got to get creative which I did well my granny and aunt did but it worked y'all and my doc was please. So Good luck to all! Lets keep it Kracking!

  2. Yeah I've noticed that its awfully noisy in there since my surgery. How I notice that its hunger pain is because I start feeling really nauseated if I dont eat something. I'll drink something first then after x amount of time if its still going on i have to eat. I posted somewhere else though that It has gotten better since I've been eating the food my Granny makes from scratch for me. The Pains aren't as harsh. I wonder if the already made or processed food was bothering me? I wasn't use to eating Soups and broths out the can. I don't know what do you think?

  3. Opps, I spelled your name wrong. "teekii" sorry typo! And another note .. broth cubes have about 900mg of sodium. YIKES!

    Hey Babs sounds like your Mom rocks too!lol I know can you beleive the sodium and sugar in all that pre-made stuff! I think it may have also contributed to me not feeling well. Since I had been watching my weight I had been doing a lot of cooking but when I had to go on this band diet I was eating all this store bought food,and I was not feeling well. The minute my granny and my aunt start cooking my food themselves I start feeling way better! I've been eating there food for a couple of days now even my energy is up. People listen to me and Babs Its something to the real food thing!lol Happy for you Babs!

  4. Hi girls!

    Your support means a lot to me. I do feel really bad about my self already... Teekki, when i read you post I felt less of a failure. I tought about posting about my situation, but after reading how some people feel that if you don't have perfect behavior and self control, you don't deserve to be banded I decided not to.

    Thank you for starting this thread and being so caring and supportive. That's what I needed. I'm perfectly aware of the do's and don'ts... I also know that I have a disfunctional relationship with food and believe me, I'm trying my best to stay on track. I was self pay... I want this to work...

    Hearing about your little sister is encouraging!!!

    Thanks everybody!!!

    Hi Eda I'm so glad that you felt encouraged.That makes me happy and it makes it so worth it to endure all the not so positive comments!lol I sure hope something turns around for you so that you won't feel so bad about youself. Maybe find some new friends or a group of people that will offer more understanding and not criticism,idk. I'm so used to not caring what others think of me but I still make it a point to only keep company with people who make me feel my personal best or least encourages me to to keep striving to be that. Harsh critical people no matter how much they love me I don't hang with. Best Wishes Eda

  5. Hi all I keep hearing you guys refer to protien shakes. What are you guys drinking? And does it taste good? Or make you stay fuller longer. My Doc has not told me anything about any protien shakes with whey or anything like that. I was only told to stay away from diet shakes.... OAN Something I have notice is if I eat real food that you prepare from scratch at home it does seem to tame the lion more. More than already prepared foods. If that helps anyone. what I mean is homemade mushies like Beans, sweet potatoes,real mashed potatos, homemade Soups, etc... I told my Granny her food seems to fill my belly up better and not hurt me so guess what My grandparents who live 30 miles away from me bought me fresh homemade mushies today!lol(my doc said it was all good food!) gotta love em. Somebody loves me.(thought it was a cute story to share) Tip Get your granny,mommy aunt whoever is the good cook in the family to prepare you some good stuff to eat. Down 7lbs! Yaaay. Instead of eating Soup or broth from a can have someone who has the time make you some from scratch. Plus It will make you feel special during this difficult time.

  6. Ok here is my new concern. I got my band 4-28-11. Since right now I'm experiencing what you guys call Bandsters Hell. This is my new question. I'm starving most of the time but at the same time I really dont have an appetite. I get irritated that my stomach Is growling but when I go to eat I lose interest in the food really fast. And no matter what I eat it doesn't taste good. Sometimes I stop eating before I'm even full i just dont want the food. This isn't good because after a short while i'm hungry again. Yesterday my Granny fixed me some awesome food that I could have, it actually tasted amazing but i just couldn't eat much although it was the most I had eaten since the band. What I'm wondering is why since I'm so hungry dont I have the appetite to eat a lil more or at least enough to keep me substained? Any input concerning this topic would be great.

  7. Wheeler, you are experiencing what some of us call "soft signs" that you are full. For many of us hiccups are a great signal to stop eating before we get into trouble. When I feel a pain just under my sternum, it can be a sign that things are starting to get stuck. If I stop then and wait a bit, I am usually Ok. If not, it can lead to baaad things.

    I can still eat some breads, just not the really soft ones like fresh Bagels. But then, I am not ordered onto a low carb diet. So I eat all foods, just in moderation. As you get your fills, you might not be able to continue to eat breads. I had a very nasty break-up with bagels. angry.gif I don't miss them any more!

    For me, one of the strangest things that I did not expect, is that when I am hungry, my hunger feels exactly the same as it did before being banded. I would still swear to you that I could eat the same amount if you asked me when I was ready for my next meal.

    At three years out, the difference is that I am not constantly hungry like I used to be. I eat my meal and I am good to go for about 3-5 hours depending on what I ate. Plus, I KNOW that I will not be able to eat what I used to eat. So, I plan my meals/portions accordingly.

    Teekii, did you have a hiatal hernia repaired during your band surgery? Sometimes that can cause some extra pain during recovery. I think once you get moved onto more solid foods you will find that it sustains you longer. liquids go right through the band leaving you feeling very empty. The post-op phases suck, that is a fact. But this too shall pass.

    Hi Cocoabean as far as I know I didnt have a hernia or anything repaired during surgery I did however have to have some type of biopsy 2days before my surgery. During the UGI they found some type of growth in my tummy that needed to be checked out before I could recieve my band. I did have to be put under in order to have this done. In the back of my mind I wondered if thats why my pain seems to get a lil extreme especially right after the surgey. Thanks for the encouragement. I will say this. I am so tired of eating and being hungry. lol Although the food my granny fixes for me does seem to stick with me longer. Ready to get over this hump.

  8. Healthy candid yams use splenda instead of sugar, light butter cut down by a 1/3 of what you normally use, vanilla, nutmeg a little cinnamon just a drizzle of honey all of this is for a whole qurt size pot. Remember Fresh sweet potatos make its own juice. cook til done then blend til smooth. yummie! just an idea. for all the Mushy Eaters that like healthy soul food! lol had to figure out ways not to "Cheat" If you're pass the mushy state slice and cook til done. If you like them firmer when they soften in there own juice turn down low and let simmer til they stiffen up.oh I do like to add just a pinch of salt to my healthy version just for taste. since i had to replace the sugar for splenda.

  9. OMGGGG I made instant mashed potatoes a few days ago and the instructions said to thin it out to soupy consistency and wow..it was not yummy.

    But it was better than being on broth so I didn't complain. OJ sounds so good right now. Can we have that?

    Ok Let me start off by saying Instant potatos are gross no matter how you fix them!lol My doc said real potatos so go for it!lol Now my Doc also said Real fruit juice and skim or 1% milk. I emphasize My Doc ,because I realize that everyones doc is different. But my Sis had a dif doc than I at a center of excellency and she had the same rules as I. Make Real Mashed potatoes Babs!lol Just thinner smoother season them good tho. I like yukon golds!lol my np wanted me to just stick with the potatoes any style potato Soup even. Use full recipe just blend blend blend. Just remember I guess I have some restriction since I cant eat a lot in one setting.

  10. I feel the same way, right now im finding it harder and harder not to sneak food!!!! I got my lap band on April 15, and snuck 1 soft taco from taco bell yesterday. I feel awful about it, and im really upset with myself that is did this. Any tips on ways to make yourself less susceptible to giving in? I honestly feel like I have a food addiction also, and its comforting to see that someone has been successful in getting on their way to ridding themselves of this habit.

    Hey tryingtolose What I think is horrible is the fact that having one soft shell taco made you feel that bad. To me thats rediculous especially if you was hungry! and if you're on the same diet that they have the rest of us on then I'm sure you were very hungry. But Even worse than that is the responses you got just from eating a taco! If you keep listening to some of these people you're not gonna do to well because Having a taco when you're hungry and deeming it as bad food is just soooo wrong. I'm sure you're old enough not to have to sneak food if you're old enough to drive youself to get it. So who do you have to answer to other than yourself. What I think people gotta to understand is its ok to have different food as long as its in moderation. I didn't read where you bought a 6pack of tacos and scarfed it all down with a diet coke. You said u had 1 taco. Next time i think i would be like "I'm going to have 1 taco from tacobell and enjoy it and go on enjoying the rest of my day and my diet." Or just substitute it for something else. that day. Just dont do it everyday allday. Lighten up and those of yall giving her this mission impossible advice yall need to lighten up also. Trust me tryingtolose they eating more than tacos!lol

  11. I agree with the above posts. My 2cents is to stop the juice and the milk. You are drinking the calories rather than eating. Orange juice has tons of sugar, natural sugar but still sugar. It will cause your blood sugar to spike wich leads to your body storing the sugar as fat. Once you get to solid food, you will be much better off eating an orange, then you get Fiber which helps control blood sugar. You will find it more filling as well. Eat low fat cheese for your Calcium. Good luck on your journey!

    No can do my doc told me to do real fruit juice and milk.

  12. You certainly can eat junk food, and I do on occasion. Sure it's fine to have an Oreo on occasion, don't worry. It's ok to mess up. But you have to learn not to justify eating bad things. I do it, oh it's only 1 it'll be fine. It's not good, Not gonna lie, I've been doing it a bit the past 2 weeks, and guess what? The scale didn't move. I think everyone is just saying don't "test" the band. Some people post like "oh I can eat 4 cups of Pasta why is that? The band isn't stopping me" it's because the band doesn't work that way. The band is essentially diet and exercise, but it keeps your from being hungry all the time. Which is a big help! Everyone is just trying to help you. The bottom line is, we are on a diet, you have to watch calories. If you wish to include these things in your diet it's fine. But then some people eat these things and don't lose weight, then they wonder why. I think we are just saying don't get too excited about it. It IS about portion size, but 2 Oreo's is still 140 calories. That's like half a meals worth of calories. 1 cupcake has more calories than a bandster meal. I know it's not eating the whole sleeve, but it's still not a great food choice. You have to put things in perspective.

    This is what I do know and I have full perspective from where I'm sitting right now. There is no such thing as bad food.There is a such thing as a better food choice but that depends on who you are and what your specific needs are depending on where you at. I know and I posted that I know what I'm suppose to not have during this phase in the lapband surgery because my tummy needs to heal.Which is why I labled it "Cheat Foods" But you better beleive this, afterwards when I'm able to eat all solids if I decide I want 2 oreos,sister I'm gonna have those two oreos and get on down real happy and smooth. Fully aware of how many cals are in it. If it takes that type of strictness for you then great for you,but being that strict doesn't work well for me or most other people. And I think Its crazy to make people afraid of eating oreos or doritos when we know that in itself is not whats keeping them from dropping the weight. Its how many of those oreos plus doritos you ate in addition to everything else. I'm not justifying anything how is eating a cookie or 4 doritos bad eating behavior. Too extreme. Your're bound to have many mess ups if thats how you look at food. Its a no win situation. Anyway goodluck to you with the way you're doing your bandster thing and goodluck to everyone else who decides to do it differently.

  13. Not banded yet, but i LOVE LOVE your honesty and your posts! I have noticed from lurking that some of these bandsters are plain mean and snippy when it comes to giving advice.

    As a future bander I want an environment where i can say darn i did this without fear of being crucified for my slip up.....Are we NOT all here to help each other get through this?

    /my 2cents

    GoodLuck MzNelly with your surgery. Hopefully I can hang in here on this forum then we can be a support to one another. But it is some nice humble people on here with loads of info. You just got to take the hits from the "How Dare You eat a choc chip cookie and then confess it on this site"people ,til you find the "girl me too,but here's how I overcame that" people! lol Best Wishes

  14. I also don't like being talked to like i'm a little kid who doesn't know better. It's patronizing.

    Lol yeah Mousek they're pretty good at doing that on this forum,but you know what? we can change that by how we talk to each other. We just have to remember to respond to people how we would want to be responded to. With some compassion and understanding. We should really be like that on websites like this. Because thats what I think thats what we're looking for when you get on these sites. along with support.

  15. Teekii77...I'm having the HARDEST time with this full liquid diet! I swear I am done with Soups and Protein shakes. I crave being able to eat normal food again so bad...I told my husband that I just want to take a bite of spaghetti, chew it to a mush, and spit it out LOL. Of course he said no...

    I am in no means trying to be judgmental or anything...so if any of my comments ever come off that way, I apologize in advance!

    I'm am a rookie with this whole lap band. Only a week post op and already going crazy with the liquid diet lol.

    Babs88 Girl I feel ya! I think its the fact that you still get so hungry is what makes it the kicker. Now I'm on full liquids and blended food. Its nerve wrecking because i get tired of trying to figure out whats what. My docs nurse did help me out some tho because she did give me more ideas so i wasn't so trapped. Like she told me I could have real mashed potatos,just make sure they are real smooth with no lumps and thin it out just a lil. I could make smoothies with real fruit I just had to puree it smooth. one that i love she said that i could do is 1/2 a banana 1/2 cup of oj and 2 oz of greek yogurt ,and ice blend then strain and enjoy. you gotta make sure you strain those fresh smoothies tho. of course sugar free pudding, yogurt yada yada yada. Oh she said I could have Beans of course you gotta blend them with lots of liquid but the Beans and potatos and smoothies do help scave the hunger pains away longer. Luckily for me it doesn't seem as tho my docs post op diet is as streneous as other peoples doc. Just be careful if you mess up let it be because you decided to leave them potatos a lil thicker!lol You can do it Babs. If you do mess up chew the crap out of that food,tell the Lord thank you and go on bout your business! I did slip up on a few foods but really I didnt feel bad about it even tho people on this board tried to make me feel bad about it. I was like forget yall it happened I'm over it. I just didn't want to keep doing it because I know this part is only for a lil while and I really dont want to hurt myself or my band. My Granny fixed me some fresh butter beans today and sweet potatos I blended that food up smooth with the juice she cooked it in and chowed down best I could. No problems! I think the key also is cooking the food yourself and seasoning it well. You won't beleive how good Soup is if you put some more celery salt,onion or garlic powder in it! Being able to cook is what help the most in my prior diet of losing the 70lbs. Just because they say we gotta eat certain foods dont mean we cant cook them ourselves and make it taste like something yummie Goodluck Babs we can do this thang!lol

  16. LOL My lil sis weakness was bread also! She told me to enjoy that bread as much as I could now because after a fill or two Bread and I would become Mortal Enemies!lol Now she only gets to enjoy bread maybe a week or two before time for her next fill. Wheeler I hope you know that its nothing in the world wrong with bread. As long as its in moderation. I'm sure in due time like with my sis your love affair with it will soon end!lol Thanks for wishing me luck on wensday. I'll let you know if my diet gets to change. I tell you one thing tho, i'm ready to murder this lion in my stomach!!!!!

  17. My biggest mistake was not getting up walking after my surgery i was in so much pain that I was afraid to move. But I paid for it dearly and my suffering may have been very similiar to what your wife is experiencing. Now I try to walk almost immediatly after eating. Gas x helped me tremendously. Along with pain medication my doc prescribed it made the gas pains from the surgery bareable. Goodluck to you and your wifey!

  18. Right! I get to see my doc wed I'm praying I can go to soft solid foods. That I can handle!lol And we have to remember that this period is only for a little while. I had mentioned that regardless of what I eat,even though its not making me sick I can only eat a little of it. Which is cool with me because I kind of have a fear of feeling full I just don't like the pressure of how it feels. That started for me when I was learning not to stuff myself back in 09. I noticed that Eda said she's not having that trouble which I hate for her,but does anyone else have the feeling similiar to mine. What about you wheeler? how does it feel once you do start eating? i got my band on 4-28-11.

  19. Good for you! And like someone else posted food shouldn't be viewed as good or bad. And I'm so glad No one attacked you for confessing that. I did a little confessing myself the other day on here and you should go read all the stuff people said to. all I wanted to know is why eating the"Cheat" food so early didn't bother me? And it was like I broke some sacred lapband code!lol Why do we call this stuff bad food or cheat food anyhow? We should all be able to eat what ever we enjoy and can tolerate in moderation and not have to repent for it! GoodLuck to you

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