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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by FatToPhat

  1. FatToPhat

    Doc says to increase my calories

    Good food suggestions! Thanks!
  2. Yeah, me too! 6 days post op! Feeling o.k., though. I sure hope it's just in the first few days and not a risk down the road!
  3. FatToPhat

    back from Ohio

    Welcome back! I've been thinking of you and hoping everything went well for you. I, too, get worried about these other posters who say they can eat more than they thought. But I'm trying to just remember that we are all different and you and I may not have the same experience as they have. Also, even if we are able to eat more than we thought, we still need to stay focused on NOT doing that, if we can!
  4. Hi Bizzy,I live in Idaho and had the Plication done in Salt Lake City which is about a 6 hour drive from where we live. I had the surgery on Monday and was discharged in the am the next day. I intended to stay another night in SLC in a hotel in case I had any complications or just didn't feel good enough to drive, but I didn't feel too bad, so we drove back to Idaho the day of discharge. It helped to be able to stop every couple of hours to walk and stretch my legs, which would be difficult on a flight. I thought I would feel better after surgery, but I have to admit I didn't feel very good the day of surgery and for a couple of days after. My mouth was very dry and pasty, my throat was sore from the intubation and endoflip, my stomach was cramping, the incisional areas hurt, and it hurt to take even the smallest sip of water, etc. But! I have definitely felt better each day and now the "good" outweighs the "bad" as far as how I feel every day. I haven't been hungry at all until this morning when I woke up and thought "I'm really hungry"! but I had about 4 oz of a protein shake and that was enough to fill me up. I havent been able to eat/drink more than about 4 oz at a time before my stomach starts hurting which I think is the sign that it is full. It's hard to distinguish the sensations right now. I have had some gas pain throughout my stomach and to my shoulders that hasn't been very pleasant, but I've been following everyone's advice of "walk, walk, walk" and it seems to be helping. I am on a full liquid diet for 2 weeks post op then it switches to mushies for 2 weeks, then I can have solids. So, my typical day is a little bit of hot tea in the morning, about 4 oz of a protein shake for breakfast, sipping on green tea or crystal light until lunch which is 4 oz of blended cream of chicken soup, then more sipping, maybe some broth in the afternoon, then for dinner, another 4 oz of a cream soup, then more sipping. I have been trying to fit in another protein shake in the evening, as well. We just bought some unflavored protein powder to add to the soup so I can get in more protein. I have had only a couple of episodes of reflux but it has been very minor. I told my husband last night that, if this lack of hunger and feeling full quickly is the norm, then I think this is going to work! Also, before the surgery I was very anxious about "letting go" of all the yummy food I used to be able to eat. Right now I have absolutely no desire for those foods. Every once in a while I'll watch a food commercial and think that looks really good, but the appetite just isn't there right now, which is nice.I know this is a tough decision to make. I spent a LONG time trying to decide, also. It's still scary, but I feel so far that it is the right decision. I wish I could have lost it on my own, too, but I couldn't and now I'm having lots of problems related to my weight. As they say, this is just a tool. You are still doing all the work. The tool just helps to reduce the "Troll" in my stomach that makes me want to eat all the time! I wish you the best in whatever you decide. I hope this info helps.
  5. Although the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, the "hunger" hormone, still exists with the plication, the production of ghrelin is "turned off" by pressure to the sides of the stomach and "turned on" when the stomach is empty. In other words, when the stomach is full, which it would be with small amounts of food with the plication also, the ghrelin production is turned off anyway. I had the plication on 3/7, so am only 5 days post op. So far I am impressed with how quickly I get full and that I have no appetite or hunger. I choose it because I was concerned about the higher risks post op of the sleeve. I have heard, however, that, although the weight loss with the plication is supposed to be very similar to the sleeve, that the sleeve tends to cause a slightly higher weight loss overall. But, it's all in what you put into it! Good luck with your decision.
  6. That is amazing!! You look great! Isn't amazing what just 50 lbs can do in the way we feel?
  7. Well, I'm back home from having the plication yesterday. Today I'm feeling much better, although still crummy. Yesterday was uncomfortable with dry, pasty mouth, very sore throat, tender tummy, and pain in my stomach with even the smallest ice chip. Today I'm up and around a lot more, still tender and having to take it easy with just sips...no gulps! I had strained cream of chicken soup for dinner tonight and it was delicious! Trying to make sure I'm doing the walking and the incentive spirometer like I'm supposed to! I'm concerned I might have some phebitis at my IV site, but I'm watching it. Took a shower, now headed to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel even better!
  8. FatToPhat

    1 month follow-up appointment

    That's awesome! Keep up the good work!
  9. FatToPhat

    Almost my turn!

    I know you wont get this until you are back, but I'm wishing you an event free surgery tomorrow! Mine went well, no complications! You're going to do fine! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
  10. FatToPhat

    Almost there!

    Thanks everyone for your support! I'm back from surgery and feeling better. I kept the mantra with me of "Walk and Sip, Walk and Sip" and that kept me going!
  11. FatToPhat

    Almost there!

    Well, we are headed to Salt Lake tomorrow where I am scheduled to have the Plication surgery on Monday morning. Nervous, but excited to finally get it done and start my new healthier life. Wish me luck!
  12. FatToPhat

    First Day of Pre-Op Diet.....

    Thanks for the encouragement. I did find that it got easier, although today I started feeling "sick" so I ate some chicken noodle soup. I figured it was mostly broth, right? But I did feel immensely better and I don't think I did myself any harm. I'm down 9 lbs so far with the preop diet. I noticed that your surgery is the same day as mine! Best of luck to us both!
  13. FatToPhat


    Thanks for posting! You look awesome! I'm getting my plication on 3/7. Getting nervous, but looking at your success gives me confidence!
  14. FatToPhat

    First Day of Pre-Op Diet.....

    Lisa, Congratulations! We both got through day one of the preop! Mine started today, too. Although mine is just for one week and no meal. I'm doing clear liquids and 3-4 protein shakes. I would kill for just a BITE of something! "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."
  15. FatToPhat

    Victoria Secrets

    Ha Ha! That's funny!
  16. FatToPhat

    pro op weight loss

    Hang in there! Think of the 8 lbs you've lost already! That's 8 lbs you don't have to lose after the surgery! You're ahead of the game! Since I'm starting my preop diet tomorrow, I weighed and measured today and made my dear husband take "before" photos of me so I can visualize the loss, also. Then went to the store and bought lots of sugar free (blech!) popsicles, jello, crystal light, broth, protein drinks, etc. I've been pigging out on all my favorite foods this past week or two and feel bloated and lethargic and my skin has broken out. I think I'm ready for some healthier foods! Actually, after about 2 days of the liquid diet, I'll probably regret THAT statement!
  17. FatToPhat


    How hilarious that you made the doctor tell you his morning routine! Love it! You're going to be fine! You'll be through it with flying colors in no time! Keep us posted!
  18. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. Sorry you had a rough couple of days. It will only get better, though!
  19. I'm having trouble finding before and after photos of people who've lost weight with surgery - on this site. When I look at the gallery, only some of the posts have before/after. I have to open each one just to find out if they even have both pictures. Is there a better way to find these that I haven't figured out, yet? Also, what does NSV stand for? Thanks!
  20. FatToPhat

    Before and After Photos

    Lookin' good!!! Thanks for posting!
  21. FatToPhat

    Before and After Photos

    100 lbs in 4 months???!! Awesome for you! And you look wonderful! Way to go! Thank you so much for sharing. I feel inspired already!
  22. FatToPhat

    Before and After Photos

    I found it! And look at you!!! You look awesome! And that's only halfway? Good for you! Thanks!

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