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Posts posted by CraftyChristie

  1. So technically there is a whole sub forum on here called the Clothing Exchange (way down at the bottom of the forums page) but it doesn't seem to get any action! I REALLY think if we all utilized this it could be amazing for all of us! Just think... having a place to turn to get free clothes for a size you know you won't be in for long.... and easing the guilt of throwing out your own stuff that is too big because you know someone on here can utilize it.

    I happen to have a HUGE bag of stuff ready to go. I might take it to a consignment shop but before I do I wanted to at least ATTEMPT to find people on here to give it away to!!

    I have many many tops in sizes 3X from Lane Bryant, nice stuff from JC Penney and other places too. I also have NICE dress/work pants in black size 24, a nice tweed pair I believe in size 24.... I have denim skirts super cute with beaded flowers on them in sizes 26 and 22... never worn. I have a whole bunch of stuff with the tags still on. I am more than willing to send a photo and even take measurements but I am hoping to send a lot of stuff to just a few people so it's not TOO much work...

    .. and of course I'm hoping it will come back around and people will start offering up their stuff so I have a pool to draw from for myself too!:thumbup:

    So if you think you might be interested, send me a PM or reply here, tell me what you're looking for and I'll tell you if I have it!!

  2. It could be blood pressure. Pre-op my husband was 150/120 so they wanted to start him on blood pressure meds. But they were nervous for exactly this reason - you lose so fast at first that your BP goes way down and could be toooooo low if on the meds, so they told him to wait. The 150/120 was the day OF surgery even, and at his 1 week post op his BP was down to 120/85!!!! That is in just one week and he had lost 16 lbs. It is quite possible your BP is too low on the meds now. I would go have that checked right away and see if you can stop taking your meds.

    We are all a little weak after surgery but not usually to the extent you are describing so I really think it is the BP thing.

  3. Just because you CAN eat those foods doesn't mean you should - a lot of us probably could eat the stuff if we tried but the reason for the suggestion of no completely solid food (like the steak) until 6 weeks out is so that the stomach & staple line can heal completely. Also the amount does surprise me. I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow and I can not eat more than 3 oz of anything, even the softest stuff. With denser stuff like cheese or soft meat (chicken salad, tuna salad) I'm between 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 ounces. 5 oz of steak, that makes no sense.

    All I can think of is.. you say you are going slow... how slow? We are told we should finish our meal in no more than 15 mins time. Yes you are supposed to eat slow, chew well, etc... but if you are sitting there eating for an hour, of course you can eat 5-6 oz because you are digesting as you go! At 20 mins you start digesting. So if you are not already, try ending your meal within 15 minutes... and also do not drink Water for up to an hour after, so you don't wash your food through. And no water DURING your meal that's super important. I hope this helps!

  4. Congrats!!! I have herniated discs too, 3 in my upper back and 2 in my lower :drool5: It is no fun!!! It has really prevented me from working out too! But post-op I've been pushing through the pain as much as I can, and I can already feel the 32 lbs I've lost has begun to make a difference in my back pain. How about yours?? I hope we both can get back to feeling good without so much back pain. Wishing you all the best!!

  5. Wow, you just might be in luck then! I have no idea what the requirements might be. Sounds like it's time for you to give them a call and find out! :drool5: Some insurances require a 6 month doctor supervised diet & exercise program (things like weight watchers dont' count, must be with your dr) before approving any weight loss surgery. But it sounds to me like you have the right insurance company at least! Go get em!

  6. Congratulations!! If you or anyone is wanting to do a long walk there is the Camino de santiago in Spain. Its 780 Km. You can choose how many Km's you walk a day and you stay at Alberges (hostels ) along the way. I hear it is amazing and you experience a wonderful culture. Its something to work towards if it interests you.

    Wow that sounds amazing. I love to travel. How interesting that would be. I have a lot of pennies to save before I can do another international trip though :drool5: And Italy is going to be first!! But Spain is one of our top places. Thanks for mentioning this and i will certainly keep it in mind!

  7. Breezy... I know what you mean. It is a mindset. Let me tell ya, I don't think many people do this 3 weeks after surgery, and I also only saw ONE other person my size at this entire even with thousands of people. And I don't believe for a second that other people my size aren't capable.

    I'm not one of those "lucky" people who got big with no problems. I have back, hip, knee, and foot problems and all are pretty bad. But I'm still out there!

  8. OK here I am. I have to adjust to this Sunday start of the week thing. I was thinking yesterday ended my week last week. OK so I am going to pledge 24 points (that's 240 mins right?) for this week.

    Yesterday I did 1hr 10mins so that's 7 points so far, 17 to go. We are out of town Fri-Sun this weekend so I am hoping to get in all my exercise for the week by Thursday. We will be walking a lot on the weekend though.

  9. I have heard this, but, you don't have to do it before you eat anything. Eat something really low carb and the Protein will help boost your energy. I exercise in the morning not because of these reasons but because if i don't, it's way too easy for something to come up during the day and keep my from getting in my workout. The weather turns to rainy or too hot, someone invites me somewhere, I lose energy, whatever it may be.

    That being said if it's impossible for you to get energy for a morning workout, try doing workouts when you do have the most energy. On the small amounts we are eating, the workout is going to help you no matter what!

  10. Wow 60 miles in 3 days that's amazing! I'd love to do that someday. Yes, I LOVE Leslie Sansone, have been using her videos for years. Did her 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds Express yesterday. Love getting the total body work out. I use hand weights during the whole DVD and then switch to the resistance band for those parts. Love it.

  11. Here are the pics as promised :thumbup:


    Me with my friend Brandy (She dressed up as Wonder Woman) the whole team wore superhero stuff but I didn't get the memo lol. Brandy is the one who helped me through weight loss surgery, she had gastric bypass with my surgeon 7 years ago. She is a runner now but she broke 3 toes last week so I walked this with her.


    7 is my lucky number... and I got 3 of them!! If I were in Vegas I'd hit the jackpot lol.


    During the walk. Wish you could tell how crappy the weather really is. This was during a brief time when we didn't need umbrellas. LOL



    Finishing!! We actually had to re-enact this as the camera didn't take it the first time around. It was worth it though since this was my first ever 5K :thumbup1: Really my first organized walk of any kind that I have participated in. I like it and I think I will seek out things like this to do.

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