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Posts posted by 14isabella

  1. Just a question. I thought about this earlier when reading a post, I had a fill last week(2.7cc's..) and was beginning to worry about not really feeing alll the "restricted"(that is until today, yea!) I myself don't measure my food-but if I think about it, the amount I put on my plate seems to be about a cup full. For instance, I'll make a few servings of egg whites/salmon, take a serving out, and refrigerate the rest for the next day- but i don't actually measure, I go by how I feel(and even if I don''t feel very full-I STOP eating..lol..) I was just wondering if easuring was something that most do.And if so, is it a cup TOTAL(protein AND veggies) or just the meat, etc...

  2. Hey gang! If THATS what it feels like, then it's indeed heaven! It's a very interesting feeling to know you need to eat, (for caloric sake-so the body doesn't go into starve mode..) but also to NOT feel hungry! WHOA. I got my first fill last Tuesday(2.7 cc's..), but really didn't feel any different. Does the "restricted" feeling creep on you? Because I did think of calling surgeon to voice my continuing hunger concerns. Also, I hade my FIRST piece of whole-wheat(eaten in the smallest bites humanly possible..lol..)bread with my egg whites and salmon today. And I must say-I feel great! I just had a MM light for Protein sake-but to not feel hungry is just, well.. fabulous!...

  3. Thanks for the input everybody! I really appreciate it. yeah, I thought it was pretty ridiculous. I realize the carb content thing, but eaten in the right way/amount carrots are VERY healthy. I have a nutritionist that's just as "absolute"- when I know it's these same absolutes that can cause eating disorders. I watch my portions very carefully, and listen to my body. I'm already waaay ahead of their expectations, so I'm happy about that. I don't eat potatoes, rice and watched those noodles in the chicken noodle soup(during the liquid/mushy phases..). But I refuse to be "afraid" of somes food-when it truly IS portion and the kind of food you choose that can cause you to either gain or lose. I've lost 23 pounds now since my surgery 8/20, and yes, even after my first fill, I still get hungry- which to me, is human. I make sure to get at least 60 grams of Protein in a day(via my wonderful Muscle Milk light..) in addition to other protein-and I drink Crystal light so much you'd think I owned stock!!

  4. Thanks for the encouraging words everybody! I know now I need to eat more. I weighed at the nutritionist 's office today-ONE lousy pound!.. in over 1 1/2 weeks! whereas, I lost 10 pounds two weeks after surgery. The good thing is I go in for my first fill tomorrow-so at least I'll get a little restriction-finally!..lol....:) But I didn't gain it in days, so I can't expect to lose it in days either! I LOVE this board!

  5. I'm not all that happy, but I was ready for less weight loss during the mushy phase. I saw my nutritionist today-lost 1 pound in the last week and a half!!! argh! Two weeks post surgery I had lost 10! Iknow not to be frustrated, and I go in for my first fill tomorrow, so..I posted earlier that I had been feeling hungrier, and as if I can eat more now. I'veread So many posts like this, I really shouldn't be even writing this, but I just needed to vent, y'all! Upping my Water and Protein should help-at least I didn''t gain, right? I'll try and remain positive!..

  6. Okay. I go in for my first fill this coming wednesday, which is good, because I'm geting hungrier SOONER!(I'm in the mushies phase..) My portions are small(I'm really watching that..lol..) so as NOT to stretch the band or pouch-my question is: how do I know I'm eating enough? I don't want to eat TOO much, yet I know if I don't eat enough calories, I won't lose. I've read that as you heal, and head towards your first fill, you get hungrier sooner. is that true for any of you? I had a few tablespoons of Wendy's chili with a few mashed carrots about two and a half hour ago, and I'm indeed hungry again..sigh...I think I'll try and sip a bit of Protein Shake. Maybe that'll do it....

  7. Yep! It's Muscle Milk Light ( I drink the 8.25 oz RTD ones from Costco....:) I LOVE it, and when I'm hungry it does the trick. I read constantly about the "hunger" and I've already had my tear-inducing battle with it-(especially a few days post- surgery!!!!-no, really. I wanted this THING out!) All I can say is that it has been my true saving grace. I take it with me EVERYWHERE-and sip as needed.-especially when I know I'll be around people who are eating things I CAN'T..lol.. Just a suggestion for those who are continually hungry between meals and want a good "food" choice.. And NO. I DO NOT sell MM....

  8. Hey all! I SO realize the importance of exercise AND diet when banded-I just wanted to know if there's anyone dealing with a knee inury at the same time? I'm only 12 days post-op, and I won't be "working out" just yet- but wanted to geta few suggestions. I do have a stationary bike, but my knee HATES me for it afterward...I'm really at a loss..(no pun tintended..lol..) as to what to do for cardio... Thanks!

  9. I know how you "hungry" people feel! I'm ten days post-op and let me tell you, the first 3 days I was in hell!..lol.. Hunger pangs were the worst-tear-inducing, but you can't "eat" at that time, so..But what saved me was strained cream Soup. Period. It made me feel human again, and SO less deprived. I have a few spoonfuls, a few sips of Water and I'm good. I SERIOUSLY wanted this band OUT of me, I swear! Also, regarding restriction so you wont feel hungry, I truly don't think it's even possible to NEVER feel hunger again. You will, you just have to make the right choices.(I know, more "diet" talk..lol..) but it's true. I have the evilest, most opinionated, self-absorbed nutritionist on the planet, but I DID learn quite a bit with her (and at 40 bucks a pop, I'd better...) When I was out and about, and got hungry, I grabbed a piece of chicken from somewhere, or drank my MML-and did NOT grab a donut. The muscle milk REALLY saved my sanity, and took my sweet craving away-which I NEVER though could happen. Protein truly and totally rocks!

  10. Thanks everybody! I do feel better now that I have some Soups with substance to them!..lol..the broth was bland, salty and oily! I had some strained low fat/low sodium creamed corn and creamed Tomato Soup from Trader Joes. Yea! I'm sure I'm not eating enough though. I drink my Protein, Water, crystal light, but I really need to up that protein! I just want to get to where I'm HAPPY I did this, and I wll, hopefully soon.. I told myself last night (baaaad night, y'all...lol..) that I'd give this band 6 months, I won't throw in the towel just yet-plus I don't think there are many surgeons who would take out a band they JUST but in the week before if there are no comlications!..So! Off I go to dream of applesauce, eggs and cottage cheese!!..:)

  11. I am EXACTLY where you are, Erica! I was a MESS last night! Wondering what the hell I've done to myself, HUNGRY...Feeling down..-even thinking of having it taken out! and I was JUST banded Wednesday!! They say it gets better...So I just have to believe. The Soups that I get to eat are making today SO much better! My mom picked up some low-fat/low sodium creamed Tomato and corn Soups from Trader Joes, so at least it keeps the "pangs from hell" at bay! Hang in there girl! I will be too!!:) Mushies here we come!

    I never thought this would be so hard for me, before I was banded I wasn't this hungry or weak. I know I was just banded like five days ago but this is so hard or maybe I'm just weak, I know you all did it, so I feel like such an ass for feeling like this.

    I am trying so hard, I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I keep thinking I did the wrong thing by being banded, but it's probably just the hunger talking. I sound so disgusting right now.

    and the self loathing isn't helping one bit.

  12. Yes. I Am regretting it, and I was JUST banded Wednesday. To be honest, I'm hungry-and to not be able to do anything about it IS frustrating. I realize, I'm just as they say, "grieving" food at this point, but I do wonder why I did it. I mean, I KNOW why, but I've never had any type of surgery, and to look down at these incisions, knowing there's something in me that can make me miserable(that is, if I'm foolish enough to eat the wrong things-which I'm NOT..lol..)is kinda scary. The hunger at this point is OVERWHELMING. But I know I'm not "eating" enough at this point(I could only get in about 250 cals yesterday,so..it's definitely NOT head hunger). BUT, I have to remember that I wanted to to do this-noone forced me- and I had the extra blessing of not having to pay a dime towards the actual surgery, so- I will chew slowly and carefully, eat the "right" foods and I WILL succeed! And so will you!!:)..and thinking about when I get to finally have eggs helps a whole lot!

  13. Thankfully I'm NOT alone!..lol.. My dog's fast as well! And I know it's actual hunger, NOT head hunger. I only had about 250 cals yesterday, so my body is definitely hungry!..lol..At least I get creamed soups-low-cal of course, that should help, and in two weeks I get to start eggs! Yea! I'm still in the "wondering why I even did this in the first place"-phase, which will pass, hopefully. Good thing though, my surgery went great and ZERO pain! So..Yea!

    Oh, and sorry about the double post everybody..sigh. Anyone know how I delete that extra one? Thanks!

    n the recovery room! By three days post-op I was ready to eat my dog! Hang in there! I got to move to mushies sooner than expected because I was healing very well, and my surgeon said he didn't want me to eat my dog...I could not have caught him anyway, he's just too fast.

  14. Hey all! Yes, I know-I'm not getting enough protein-or something., But it's so hard to drink the 64 grams of Protein required-MAN! i can't wait for my "mushie" phase to begin! I haven't asked my wonderful surgeon this, but I wonder if he left me unfilled? Probably. I didn't think he would have added anything anyway- It's time to HEAL. Anyone else dealing with definite hunger pangs? I'd better go now. I've got some low-fat creamed Soups to strain!! I WILL get through this!:)

  15. Hey all! Yes, I know-I'm not getting enough protein-or something., But it's so hard to drink the 64 grams of Protein required-MAN! i can't wait for my "mushie" phase to begin! I haven't asked my wonderful surgeon this, but I wonder if he left me unfilled? Probably. I didn't think he would have added anything anyway- It's time to HEAL. Anyone else dealing with definite hunger pangs? I'd better go now. I've got some low-fat creamed Soups to strain!! I WILL get through this!:)

  16. ..Not a creature was EATING, not even a mouse! Hey all! Yep. 10:00am tomorrow-surgery time! And I don't know about anyone else, but I am DYING over here on broth and juice!..Man! This ONE day is the hardest day ever! I have thought non-stop about food! NOT that I'd actually EAT anything of course..lol.. I've worked TOO hard for this day-losing 20 pounds to boot! Just wondering-anyone else think about food-while famished, mind you-like me, the night before surgery?

    I am SO looking forward to my first Protein shake! Yeah!

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