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Posts posted by Diane

  1. Congratulations!!! It's an awesome feeling, isn't it?? :D Doing the Onederland Happy Dance for you!:Dancing_biggrin:

    Thanks Juliarh! It sure is nice having your company in onderland. I just started back at exercising today so I probably will be a little sore tomorrow. But I want to keep this weightloss ball rolling LOLS! Wish I knew how to get the dancing green guy I would dance right along with you. Have a good week now. :lol:

  2. is this correct, you have lost 96lbs in 5 weeks?? WOW....amazing!

    Hi newmenewday! No not 96 lbs. in 5 weeks - I have lost the 96 lbs. since I first started this weightloss journey the end of May in 2010. I was following the Medifast food program prior to surgery on Feb. 14th 2011.

    I started the Medifast food program the end of June, 2010 which helped me to lose quite a bit of weight pre surgery.

  3. Hi all !

    I am 5 weeks post-op and frustrated today. I weighed myself and scale said I gained 2 lbs. But I have been watching portions and quit eating when I feel full or if I eat something and it kinda feels like the food is stuck, then I usually back off and stop eating. I usually get in my 64 oz. of Water, and take all my Vitamins.

    I went a on food tracker site and it tells me I am not eating enough calories. I am on mushies for the next week yet. It said something in small print like if you donot consume enough calories your metabolism will slow down making losing more difficult.

    Has anyone else had a problem with this and if so how did you get your metabolism to kick in better? I usually try to stick to 3 meals per day of small portions but I am thinking maybe I should add a scoop of unflavored Protein powder to one of my beverages to up the Protein in the morning and possibly add a protein enhanced snack of some sort after supper.

    I must say though it seems like my clothes are getting bigger so maybe I am losing inches? Figuring out how to deal with the "new" me is more difficult than I expected I guess. LOLS

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks all and have a good week.

  4. Many congrats on your success thus far, and you're correct, the karma wheel will spin back her way one day. She sounds like a miserable person, and couldn't be happy for anyone because she's not happy with herself.

    Keep rockin' your sleeve ! ! !

    Thanks Tiffykins you are a real inspiration to anyone who reads the posts on this site or is a member on VST. I love to read your posts. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I LOVE my SLEEVE!!

  5. Misery loves company that's what I think... Some can't stand to see others happy or making positive changes because they have their own problems. People also use statements and belittlement to make themselves feel better.

    Congratulations on your weightloss focus on that and the way you feel... Soak in all the positive comments and leave the negative one's out... You're well on your way to the new you!

    Used2b575 Thanks for your words of wisdom you made me feel lots better. But I also looked at your weight ticker and you are doing absolutely amazingly yourself. Congratualtions to you also!!:D

  6. Anyone who would make fat slurs right out loud to someone, in front of colleagues, just to feel superior at someone else's expense, clearly has some major insecurities and self-image issues of her own. Now that you're getting thinner, that's very threatening to her as well. I would just put her on permanent ignore, casually smiling and saying hi, but keeping it very surface-level, especially as it's a workplace relationship.

    It's good to also always remember that there are fat-phobic people, who are truly irrational about their own fat hatred.

    Swizzly! Your comment is soo true. She is in her middle to late 50's and is always trying to look 30. Guess she may be a little insecure at that.

    I never thought about it like that. Thanks for your response.

  7. First of all congratulations on your 100 lbs weight loss!

    Did you really expect her to say something nice??? Now she's losing the only reason she had to criticise you, she'll have to find something else to do... I am sure she's annoyed now that she's not going to be the only skinny lady in the office! And that's a great reward for you!

    I know I am mean, but I'd be just happy :devil_smile:... The fact that she isn't saying anything just shows her annoyance!

    Bilka thanks for your comment made me feel better to know that she may actually be annoyed!!! :lol:

  8. Good for you. I am very happy that you are doing so well and don't worry about that co-worker, she is just plain ignorant. The problem is that some people don't realize how it feels to be overweight and when they make comments its because they are not educated about it, plus who would want to be friends with anyone like that. I look at it like this, if they are your friends before they will continue to be your friend and you don't need their blessing. My youngest daughter goes through this too (she is 9) and I tell her that everyone in this world has some kind of imperfection whether its our weight, acne, too skinny, bad hair...I could go on and on. So we all got something, its just others are quick to judge instead of looking in the mirror. Well anyways sorry I had to vent on this too but again CONGRATS GIRL you are doing wonderful.

    Thanks Tammy for the words of encouragement made me feel good just to know other people understand what I was going through. When I was grade school age kids picked on me something fierce even the teaachers would ask just tell me who's being so mean to you? I didn't tell though cuz I knew the teasing and ridiculing would just get so much worse.

    Sorry to hear your 9 yr. old has to go through that - I was hoping that in this day and age that techers would finally watch for this kinda thing happening.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement.

  9. Hi all!

    I am 4 weeks post-op and I LOVE my sleeve. It takes some getting used to but once I figured things out it seems to be going pretty well. If given a choice I would choose this option over and over again. I think it takes a while before you get your energy level back to where it was but everyday gets better and better. I think we just need to give our body the chance to recuperate after all this is still major surgery.

    I just had to share something that happened to me today - need to vent I guess. I am 56 years old and was a chubby child, and always overweight most of my teen and adult years. I don't know about anyone elses experiences but I have been discrimated agains for my weight many many times as a child, teen, and even as an older adult.

    Many months ago before I started this weightloss journey I had a co-worker who embarassed me in the breakroom at work by pointing out to 3 other co-workers at a table behind me that she couldn't sit with them because obviously there was not enough room between my chair and the chair behind me that she would have to sit somewhere else. Now I heard this with my own ears. Talk about discrimination! I figured hey I know I am a big woman 300 #'s at that time but I sure thought they could look at me and see I was a big mama, I didn't need anyone to point that fact out Right?

    But what I want to know is how come ignorant people like that can be so quick to point out the negatives but when a person does something positive to improve their health and way of life they don't say anything. Since that time I have lost almost 100 #'s and I see this same co-worker after returning to work, I say Hi and she never even acknowledges my weightloss while other co-workers are saying wow you look great!

    Go figure I guess. But what I figure is Karma will get her someday!! LOLS.

    Thanks for listening just needed to get this off my chest I guess.

  10. Hi All!!

    This is my 2nd week post-op and I get to start my pureed diet tomorrow. Hurrah!! :D I have a question tho! How do you track how much Protein and how much carbs you are eating so you can achieve great weightloss results. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. It's my thinking that once you can start pureeing real food if you can get enough grams of Protein throughout the day a person wouldn't need to add powdered protein in the pureed foods. Right???

    Thanks and have a good week.

  11. Hi Diane,

    can i ask what youre drinking at the moment? im struggling getting 60 grams of Protein in while on the liquid diet!

    And well done on getting through the surgery!


    Hi Deets. For Breakfast I make 1 serving size cooked cream of wheat Cereal and use some of that and thin with skim milk - then while warm I add 1 scoop of unjury Protein Powder which is 20 grams of Protein and use a small wisk to get it to a smooth consistency. I also use equal sweetner to taste. lunch is a cup of some type of broth or just get some broth from chix Soup at resturant and I add 1 scoop of Unjury protein powder and wisk well which equals 20 grams of protein. Then for I may add the 1 scoop of Unjury again later at nite to my bottle of Water but I always dissolve the powder in some warm Water first and then add it to my cold water drink with a favorite flavor of crystal lite for example. That makes for my last 20 grams of protein. I know its trying to get all the protein and water requirements in in one day especially with such limited variety in the liquid diet list.

    I have been looking for some plain unsweeted yogurt to thin that - but so far haven't been able to find any most of the low fat artifically sweetend yogurt has fruit in it and on my plan it is not allowed.

    Hope this info helps. Diane.

  12. Hi! Everyone.

    This is my 6th day Post-Op and I just thought it was time to tell everyone how it has been going. First I wish to thank everyone for the interesting posts that I have read because they helped me Tremendously after surgery. The sip,sip,sip,walk,walk,walk is one of the tips I took to heart and I feel it helped my recovery ALOT!

    I Had my vsg surgery on Feb. 14th at 8 a.m. had some complications though. When they went in to do the laproscopic surgery they found I had a hole in my diaprahm caused by a hyatil hernia. They were doing the repair when the left lung started to collapse and the anestic (sp?) Dr, was having a hard time getting my stats up. They suctioned some mucus from my lung though and the breathing was corrected. YAY!! My Dr. was still able to go on with the surgery laproscopicaly. My Dr. said that I should thank myself for losing so much weight ahead of time, I had 81 lbs. gone before surgery otherwise he would've had to do a full open vsg.

    I must be one of the lucky ones because I truly didnot have a tremendous amount of pain with surgery. The pain I did have was with the drain they leave in for the first few days. They were thinking of sending me home on Wensday but that was the first day I had any liquids by mouth and I chose to drink the prepaired Protein Drink on my tray which made me sick to my stomach. My drainage tube was removed Thursday morning and I was on my way home.

    I am finding I can get 60 Grams of Protein in, but struggle sometimes to get a total of 64 oz. of liquid in a day. But each day gets a little better. I also find that with this liquid diet it is a struggle to get any kind of variety. But Hey, I guess one more week of liquids won't kill me. I have made it this far and 7 more days of liquids aren't gonna stop me now.

    For me my 5th day Post-Op was a struggle, felt kinda weak, no energy , kinda yucky stomach. I had asked my Dr. when to start the chewable Calcium w/D, and chewy Vitamins and my Thyroid meds and he just said well the meds usually stay in your system for 2 weeks - but no real answer. So I decided to heck with it and started taking my Vitamins and meds yesterday and low and behold the later part of the day I started feeling alot better.

    I wish to say a "BIG" "THANK YOU!' to all the VSG posters. Because of your stories on this site it has made my journey so much more informed and with such GREAT advice and tips along the way.


  13. so doin super after surgery until yesterday when they took my jp drain out!! i swear my guts came with it!! bad pain in line of removal..help anyone else had this issue?????:(

    I am 4 days post op and had pain by the drain until today when the Dr. removed it but I did'nt have any pain when he romoved it. The pain before removal was suddenly all gone. But I have a guestion since the drain was removed I had a qauze pad taped over and its still draing Fluid rigt thru about l/'2 inch of gauze. Is this normal and will it subside in a few days?? I replaced the gauze 2 times today since 1p.m. Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  14. Wow.... good luck tomorrow! I am also from Green Bay. I actually was going to get sleeved last year by Dr. Kemmerling on April 15th but was a self pay and my mother was not very supportive. I have obtained insurance since then so now am currently going through the insurance hoops. My insurance requires the surgery to be done by a center of excellence and Dr. Kemmerling is not. I will be having my surgery with MIdwest Bariatric Solutions out of Neenah. I am quite happy with going through Midwest Bariatric Solutions rather then Dr. Kemmerling. When I met with him everything went so fast. I had a 5 minute appointment and then he said your good and we scheduled surgery. There were no preop requirements. It was very fast. I don't think I was mentally prepared. With my insurance requirements, I had to do a 6 month supervised diet, and a psych eval. I think I am so much better off w/ MBS then Dr. Kemmerling. I feel so much more prepared. In case you are wondering, I am 25 years old, 5'8 and currently 316 pounds. I wish you luck on your surgery tomorrow. It is a great V-day gift to yourself. I'd love to keep in touch since we are from the same area. I have not met anyone else from GB or the surrounding areas on here. I am hoping to have my surgery by mid March. I have all the requirements together and MBS should be submitting to insurance either the end of last week or the beginning of this week. I'm so excited to finally get this going. It seems so long since I started this process. Once again good luck with Dr. Kemmerling. I've known a few people who have had the surgery with him.

    Thanks for the well wishes I have been working with Dr. Kemmerling and his staff since the end of May 2010 - cuz I had to jump all the necessary hoops also for insurance purposes. I am from Manitowoc but I will be happy to keep intouch if you would like. I will post more info as this process moves along.

  15. Welcome Diane, My name is Deb and I am from the great state of Kansas. I am 52 years old with two adult kids and a 12 yr old grandson.. I am 5 1/2 months post op and have lost 126 pounds since I started my journey. I absolutely LOVE MY SLEEVE. It has saved my life.

    Yes, you are gonna LOVE YOUR SLEEVE too. I promise. :D Good luck!!!

    Deb B)

    Hi Deb! Thanks for your reply I am so happy that you LOVE your sleeve. Hopefully we will be able to chat and compare notes later. :D

  16. I live in the uk and haven't heard of Biotin and not sure if its available here but I'm going to order it on ebay anyway, as I heard from some great people on here that it's amazing for hair loss. I just noticed it comes in tablets and Shampoo and also in different measurements and amounts. What's the best type of product and amount of Biotin for me to start with? Let me know if it has helped any of you with Hair loss as my hair is beginning to fall out a bit/

    I was just at a support meeting for vsg and they were talking about biotin for hair loss - one woman commented that becareful - because it makes ALL hair grow - meaning facial hair also I guess - so I am torn as to whether I want to take it or not. My hair is naturally thin anyhow so I thought I might try this to keep what hair I have. Hope this info helps. Have A good day.

  17. I know after the sleeve we are not suppose to drink carbonated beverages because of gas, but I was wondering what about diet rootbeer from A & W that comes from a soda fountain - diet rootbeer doesn't have any carbonation to it, do you think us sleevers could possibly have that ??? Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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