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Everything posted by MrsPositive

  1. My nut says this is normal because your whole system changes. You develop a new normal. Also she said Mirilax was okay. Goodluck. Joan
  2. MrsPositive

    Gotta couple Questions

    Leaks generally you stop being able to keep anything down. So sorry you fell!! Take care and feel better. Joan
  3. I'm one week down on preop diet and have lost 14lbs so far. One week to go. Joan
  4. MrsPositive

    -40 lbs!!!

    Yay!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Post some pictures when you get a chance.
  5. MrsPositive


    Also it can be the body getting rid of anesthesia. Sounds weird but it takes while. The other thing is that fat tissue stores estrogen!! So it is kind of like a hormone machine!! As you lose fat...the hormones are released. This is why menstrual period changes as well. I had all this happen when I lost 90 lbs in 6 months on optifast. This is how it was explained to me.
  6. Congrats! It is a bit freaky, eh?? But exciting too!!!! Roll with it...the emotions for me are a bit of a trip....but we are on the journey to health and we did not get here without suppressing emotions...so normal that they will come out. We are here with you!! Joan
  7. MrsPositive

    Caught a stomach bug

    I think push your fluids...60oz is what u need..so 30 is probably not enough. Hope u get better very soon.
  8. MrsPositive

    Pushing my luck...

    I agree with you!! We need this to be an open forum where we can post our struggles and get help without a judgement. Thank you for your honesty with your struggles here Husky to healthy. I feel I totally benefit from hearing everyone's successes and struggles. I so appreciate you being open to sharing your journey with us. Keep us posted on how you are doing and how the liquids go. Congrats on your journey beginning! Joan
  9. MrsPositive

    Tmi- on liquid pre-op

    I agree and have experienced the same thing off and on with preop diet. You are not alone...lol. Joan
  10. MrsPositive

    Today is THE DAY!!!

    Congrats!!!! Keep us posted. I will join you in one more week!! Joan
  11. MrsPositive

    Update after surgery

    Yay for you!!! So wonderful that you are feeling so great too!! Keep us posted on your weight loss and you are feeling. Congress and I cannot wait to join you!!
  12. Goodluck!! Prayers for quick healing going out for you!! Joan
  13. MrsPositive

    Final Food Funeral

    Yes...I also found my food funerals not only tougher to eat my old normal amount....but also that they just weren't worth pigging out on you know? I am almost 1 week down of preop diet and am down 15 pounds. 1 week to go...surgery on May 24th. Goodluck and keep up your great work!! Joan
  14. MrsPositive


    congratulations ! I am very excited for you and we're all on this journey together!!! keep us up to date. Joan
  15. MrsPositive

    Today's the day (we get Sleeved!)

    Congrats! We cannot wait to hear how great you are doing!! Prayers for a quick recovery!
  16. I have felt the same way at times...excited then numb. I also swear this pre-op diet is also making my brain feel funny!! Lol! Maybe not enough sugar or I am detoxing too??? Anyway, I get my sleeve on the 24th of May and will be glad to be on the other side. Hang in there! Joan
  17. MrsPositive

    12 things...

    Get into a booth without feeling like I'm in a fat vice. Go upstairs without breathing hard. Play with my kids and get up off the floor easier. Be at functions and feel like I am no longer the fat mom. Sit down in an outdoor chair without feeling like I'm now molded into the plastic and may never get my butt outta there! Quit worrying about if I'll fit in chairs, rides at amusement parks etc. I want to be able to see my feet when I look down. I never want to face diabetes. Tie shoes or buckle sandals without sweating. Face the uh hum...bedroom with confidence. Be in a swimsuit without feeling like my skin is crawling....and that my rubbing together thighs might start a fire!! Not feel out of control with eating or cravings. Never face the hard road of weight loss alone again...but now I will have a magnificent tool to help me stay healthy!!!! Amen! Thanks for letting me post this!!! Great exercise!!!
  18. MrsPositive

    surgery is done May 9 ers

    Yay Michelle!! I was waiting for your post. Congress!! Meggie, hang in there and tomorrow will be better. Can't wait to join you in 13 more days. Keep us posted! Joan
  19. MrsPositive

    Waking Up Choking

    Yes sounds like sleep apnea. I'm a physical therapist and I know many patients who had this as their first sign they had a problem. Most likely you have stopped breathing long enough that you are actually activating your survival instincts!! You choke yourself awake...gasping for breath. Ahh!! Please go get a sleep study. Not worth messing around with. Goodluck!! Joan
  20. Wow!! This whole thread is amazing and my thoughts exactly. Thanks to everyone and we will pray for you tomorrow!!
  21. MrsPositive

    Tomorrow is my day!!!

    Goodluck!!! I have 2 weeks and 1 day...so I will be right behind y'all!! I will say some prayers for all of you for tomorrow. You are doing something that will change your life forever...you are going to get healthy!! Seems everything I do I think...this is the last time I will ever do this at this weight. Today I took kids to Water spray park and had to hide my body with cover ups over my swim suit. LAST TIME!!! Think of all the great things you will be able to do without fear, without exhaustion and without shame. It is our time to do great things and live the life we want to live. food is now fuel....only fuel to live. So proud of all of you and cheers from Texas! Joan
  22. Hey ranchersdaughter....I thought your post was hilarious!! Although I have my sleeve done on May 24th...I have lost over 90 pounds in 6 months before and I found one cream that totally helped with sagging skin. Send me a message with your mailing address and I will mail you some for free. Thanks for the honesty and hang in there....no pun intended!!! Lol. Wishing you tight, firm skin!!! Joan
  23. Congrats!!!!!! You are doing so well. I am about to get sleeved on May 24th. Please share any tips!! So proud for you!!
  24. MrsPositive

    Emotions Emotions...

    I am with you. I think it is just the idea that I am going to be totally successful at this...I just know it. And that means I have now unlocked myself to be successful at everything in my life. I feel like this has been the key all along. Wish I had figured it out earlier!!!!!
  25. Gosh darn it! I am doing the emotional roller coaster thing I think cuz I am realizing that this weight is coming off and going to FINALLY STAY OFF! It is super exciting and super scary, eh? I am trying to pin point what the fear is about...not sure yet. I have a medical background and really do not fear the surgery itself or even the consequences/eating change etc. I think it is the RESULT...like maybe I am peeling off a total protective cover off me and will be left exposed. Is this weird or does this sound like something you are going through/have been through. I am just feeling a bit like maybe I will no longer have any excuse not to be fantastic! Am I going nuts or what? LOL Well, it is get r done time regardless...just trying to journal it out. Thank goodness for this site. It is helping a TON! Joan Highest weight 292 Starting weight 289.7 Pre-Op Diet day 3 weight 281.4 Sleeve scheduled with Dr. Nick Nicholson on May 24, 2011

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
