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Everything posted by MrsPositive

  1. MrsPositive

    Surgery Tommorow!!

    Goodluck and let us know how you are feeling!!!
  2. MrsPositive

    ugh surgery postponed

    Thanks guys. I am trying to keep my chin up...they were literally about to wheel me into surgery when they found out how low it was. I understand totally medically why we had to postpone but I'm totally waiting w my breath held til I get a new date for surgery. I am praying a lot and hoping to hear soon. Thanks so much for your encouragement. One foot forward every day is all I can do. Hugs Joan
  3. Well...2 years of thinking about it and then came the decision. 3 weeks later...here I am the night before surgery! It seems unbelievably quick and yet so slow, you know? I am excited but very calm. I wrote down a list of 20 reasons I am doing this in my journal this morning when I felt slightly anxious. Besides getting healthy as my number one priority, one other item really stands out. I am ready TO GET OFF THE DIETING TREADMILL!!! AHHHH!! I have been doing "diets" since I was 12 years old!!! I know the sleeve will not free me of ever worrying about what I put in my mouth...because it is only a tool. I know I will have to eat Protein, then veggies or fruit...then maybe a dash of carb if there is space. I also know that I am dedicating myself to an active, exercising lifestyle. The thing is...each time I "get serious" about a diet...I get really serious. I follow the program, exercise regularly (5 to 6 days per week) etc. And, I will lose the weight too. I lost 90 pounds in six months last time. The problem for me comes when I get derailed or life happens or I get preggo etc. and suddenly I am back to old habits that pile up until I am worse off than where I started. Classic, eh? So...as I embark on my journey of the sleeve...I am SO DOG GONE RELIEVED that I will FINALLY FINALLY...did I say FINALLY?...have a tool that will help me keep this weight off forever. I am so ready to focus my life on what is important and to feel ALL my feelings and to get back to what I know God has planned for me in this life. I am so glad that I will not be able to pig out anymore when I feel emotions. I am so glad. I believe this is what I need to do to get my life back and to be the successful, happy, healthy person that I am supposed to be! I am so happy that it is finally here. I am relieved that I know get to start my new life!!!! (Feels kinda like starting with a clean slate. YAY!) My surgery is at 3:30 pm tomorrow with Dr. Nicholson in Dallas. I will let you all know how it went as soon as I feel up to posting. I cannot wait to "see" you all on the flip side!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! Joan
  4. MrsPositive

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Just for an update...my potassium levels were too low! They think due to my meds I take regularly, so they had to postpone surgery. Trying to get a hold of doc this am to find out what to do next. Hoping for reschedule for next week or two. I'm totally disappointed but it was the safe thing to do. Thanks for your support and I will keep you up to date. Hanging in there, Joan
  5. MrsPositive

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Thanks guys! And by the way...I meant to say THANK YOU! to everyone on this board. It has been SO helpful and supportive just to read your stories and watch your progress. I hope to give back some too! Have a great day! I am ready for the knife that will change my life! Ha ha! Joan
  6. MrsPositive

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    YAY KELLY!! It is so good to hear how you are doing and that you are feeling great! WOW!! You lost a ton of weight preop too!! Way to go on it ALL! I go in for my sleeve tomorrow so I am excited to be on that journey with you all. Keep up the great work! Joan
  7. MrsPositive

    Surgery in 3 wks!! HELP

    Anesthesia is a dream for me!! Like taking a great nap!!! And surgery has never been as bad as I thought it would be. I go in tomorrow!!you are going to do great...Joan
  8. MrsPositive

    Vacation Eating :)

    Good for you!!! This is exactly why I need this surgery....as way to help me control my portions. Have a great time!
  9. MrsPositive

    What am I about to do??

    We all have those thoughts and I'm a physical therapist...so I understand what you are saying from a medical standpoint too. But, the stats say that there is almost no chance of me keeping the weight off without help. I can lose the weight....done it a LOT!!! But keeping it off..ugh. I fail every time. My doc has even had this surgery...and he totally recommends it. Hang in there...these are normal thoughts!!!
  10. I am on 9 th day of protein shakes and 1 meal a day of lean meat and 3 cups of veggies. I am down 18 pounds but I was still eating junk prior...unlike your disciplined self!! Lol. I am hungry a lot but like you i am so motivated to lose weight and keep it off with this tool called the sleeve...I am resisting. I found a protein drink I like called Isopure at the Vitamin Shoppe. Hang in there. We are almost there!!!! Joan
  11. Prayers going up for an easy surgery and speedy recovery. Remember why you are doing this!! I will be joining you in 5 days!! Joan
  12. MrsPositive


    Congrats!!!! You are doing great!!! I will be doing the party dance when I see that number go to 199!!!! I hope you are too!
  13. MrsPositive

    Almost there

    Wow!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
  14. MrsPositive

    Just weighed myself.....

    Thanks Michelle!!! I did not know about the pain ball...that is cool! I'm glad to hear you got your drain out the next day too. As always...I appreciate you. I start my new life on Tues at 3:30...so I will just miss you. It is so comforting to see lots of Dr Nicholson patients on here!! Hugs and Congrats!! Ps. I am 18 lbs down so far on preop diet...5 days to go! Joan
  15. MrsPositive

    Just weighed myself.....

    Woohoo!! Go Michelle!! Bet you are starting to see it melt away!! Ps. I have Dr. Nick too! Did you have a drain? It is the only thing worrying me. Surgery Tuesday! Still smiling about your great loss, Joan
  16. MrsPositive


    Hang in there. I appreciate your honesty. I will tell you from all I have read there is a less than 5% chance that people who are over 100 pounds will diet and keep it off. The sleeve is a much better shot at getting to a healthy weight. And...as my Mom always said....this too shall pass. And even though you are completely at the end of your rope right now...it will get better. Keep posting so we know how you are. There are a ton of people thinking great thoughts and prayers for you!! Joan
  17. MrsPositive

    Day 10 Post Op

    Thanks for the encouragement Michelle!! It did not scare me...just gives me a realistic point of view. I tend to be a bit overly optimistic and then can be disappointed sometimes. I am a Physical Therapist...so on the medical side I get it, but it is another world to be the patient!! Lol. I appreciate you and will post more as it gets closer. I have crazy emotional days and pretty much want to go to the movies all day long it sleep!!! Hmmm....avoidance strategies maybe? Keep posting your progress...I'm looking forward to "I feel great!" So I will know how long that takes. Living vicariously thru u, Joan
  18. MrsPositive

    Day 10 Post Op

    Thanks for posting an update Michelle. My surgery is next Tues. and since I have my own biz plus three kids under age of 7, I appreciate an idea of how long to anticipate being out. Hang in there..it seems that everyone says the first couple of weeks are tough. You are on your way already...and that is a great thing. My journey has not yet begun. I am thinking of you as 53 lbs lighter and getting healthier every moment. Smiles, Joan
  19. MrsPositive

    trying to quit drinking soda

    I had terrible withdrawal headache from caffeine and coke. Took me 3 days to get past it. To be honest I think something clicked in my head and I decided I was ready to be healthy. No more chemicals in my body!! I do drink green tea or water with lemon a lot plus crystal light and my Isopure protein drinks...alpine punch, orange or grape. Goodluck!
  20. MrsPositive

    What are your makeover plans?

    And hipster jeans!
  21. MrsPositive

    What are your makeover plans?

    That was yoyo dieting. Darn phone...haha.
  22. MrsPositive

    What are your makeover plans?

    I am a Sales Director with Mary Kay...so microdermabrasion, our serum C for collagen and our toning lotion kept my belly skin tight last time I lost 90 lbs in six months. After this loss...I am making a breast lift with tummy tuck my new savings goal!! With all my Togo dieting plus 3 small kiddos, my blobs are too far gone....like to my toenails!! And I will never wear a bikini again with the railroad of stretch marks I have....but tummy tuck will help me not totally cuss while trying on all these dog gone holster jeans!!!! Bye bye muffin top!!! Lol!! It is kinda my motivation long term...to be super healthy and be looking great. I need to pick up my self confidence after all these obese years!!! Joan
  23. MrsPositive

    Day 9 Post Op

    I have mine next week Michelle...and I feel like I'm going through what you are!!! Lol! Pre op diet....emotions gone wild. Some days I don't want to do anything...go to bed early. Haha... At least you are past the surgery and on your way!!! Think of all those depressing fat days that are behind you!! I do keep reminding myself that every poound lost THIS time...is gone forever. The relief of not battling the fat game is so HUGE for me. Anyway, I agree with Renee. You are a warrior!!! You are inspiring and leading us!! Thank you for your honesty as always...and we are all pulling for you!! Hugs Joan
  24. Yay!!!! Keep it up. Welcome to your new life!!
  25. MrsPositive

    Wish me luck!

    Congrats and goodluck!!! Prayers for a quick recovery. Keep us posted. Joan

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