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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Thee-O

  1. I really admire you wanting to not rely on the band as your main tool for losing weight, but why couldn't you have done that without having surgery? Was the surgery necessary? I am just curious about it since you haven't had a fill. Do you feel any sort of restriction or is it just an empty band sitting there in case you need it?

    My father asked me recently since I am pretty much doing this the old fashioned way of diet and exercise if I felt I needed the surgery. I do feel I needed it. It was my wake up call. It got so bad for me and my weight that I needed to have surgery. That to me woke my ass up. The surgery was totally needed for me....but really to get my head right.

    I love food. Still love food. But I am loving healthier foods now. I gave up bread, potatoes and rice. I work out 4 times a week. I want this to be a life change for me. Not a diet. I need to be able to say that If the band was removed that I could still do this.

    Do I feel restriction? Yes. I have had a few stuck episodes if I eat to fast. I don't eat nearly what I used to eat in the past and it helps me stay satisfied for hours which is really what I needed it for. So yes I do feel some restriction.

    I know I could be losing faster if I got fills but I am not in a race to lose the weight. I want to do it steady. I have averaged 10 lbs a month. To me that is fine. 5 lbs a month is fine. I just love that the scale keeps moving downward no matter how slowly. I am gaining a lot of muscle from working out so I am sure that is why I plateau a bit. I am not worried. I see the inches falling off and I feel great.

    So I will have the band in me for the rest of my life. I have plenty of time for fills....but I needed to get my head right first...

    at least that is the way I see it.

  2. So I have a question. How are you working the band?

    After being on the boards for a few months now, I see a lot of differing opinions at how to work with the band. Some of you seem to be all about the restriction. To be able to not eat that much and that is how you are going to lose the weight. My concern with this method is that what happens if the band needs to be removed for a medical reason? What if the restriction just dissipated over time. What would happen then? Because really, the behavior hasn't changed. The habits are still the same.

    For some (myself included) the band really helped with habit modification. The lap band was my rock bottom in my food addiction and getting surgery flipped a switch in my head that I need to make better choices in life. Restriction cannot change the way you behave and look at food. Only a good long look in the mirror can do that. Restriction cannot force you into the gym. Only you can do that.

    I haven't had fills for this reason. I want to do this on my own. I want to build better habits and if needed I have a adjustable band in me that can help me along the way, but I don't ever want to rely solely on that.

    So my question is.... what works for you and why do you think it does?

  3. I hear you loud and clear and I agree.

    I think some people think this surgery is a magic bullet. The commercials on TV from some of the surgery centers make you feel like it is a magic bullet but it is hard work. Very hard.

    But sooooo worth it. Remember people, you didn't get fat overnight....and you aren't going to get thin overnight. Slow and steady wins the race. Just keep pushing and keep obtaining those small goals to get to that larger one.

  4. I want to go about losing weight as I have in the past- but without the hunger or the ability to eat more than I should in one sitting. I've been successful in the past with tracking my foods, eating yummy but very healthy meals, exercising at the gym, doing cardio in my target heart rate range, strength training to prevent muscle loss......I know how to do it the right way. I just find myself becoming exhausted of it after a period of time. And getting started when I feel so down on myself. My thinking was that I'd need to do all those things I mentioned including counting calories, Protein, carbs, fat and Fiber, but having the band would be my extra motivation, my extra kick in the ass to keep me going and help me in my problem areas- eating too quickly, too much and being hungry on 1200 calories.

    That is kind of how the band worked for me. I know how to lose weight. I know the things I need to change, but really it was the surgery that shored everything up for me. It helps keeps me accountable. It reminds me when I screw up and helps set me on the right path. I personally haven't had any fills in the band because I really want it to be because of my hard work and effort that I am losing the weight. Some have asked then why have the surgery. The surgery was my rock bottom in my addiction to food. To me it was my wake up call and that is exactly what I needed it to be.

    Remember the band is a tool. You determine how you want to use it.You can do things as fast or as slow as you need them to be for you. I don't know you but from how you describe yourself, this would work for you. Whatever you decide, good luck on your journey and yeah I would hesitate of doing the RNY.

  5. It sounds like you know what you are doing wrong. It may be time to talk to a therapist because it still seems like that addiction to food is creeping up on you. You shouldn't be eating chips and ice cream on any weight loss program. Even though we had surgery, it doesn't mean we don't make changes. I suggest you get back on the wagon. You can do it.

    Also...slow down on the meals. I know it is hard but take your time, you will feel satisfied longer.

  6. I am also diabetic. Since the surgery my blood sugars have stabilized. Before surgery I was around 270-340. Now I range from 90-120. I tend to stay away from the foods that the body converts to sugar and anything with HFCS. I stay away from bread, potatoes and rice.

    Exercise as much as you can and get your Protein in from drinks for right now although I would get back on solid Protein as soon as you can.

  7. I also had my surgery in May and have not had any fills. You will have this piece of plastic inside of you for a long time. There is plenty of time for fills. I look at the lap band helping you lose weight in either 1 of 2 ways. For most people it is restriction. It is all about limiting what you can take in and it being somewhat forced by having a tight band. For some (myself included) the band really helped with habit modification. The lap band was my rock bottom in my food addiction and getting surgery flipped a switch in my head that I need to make better choices in life. Restriction cannot change the way you behave and look at food. Only a good long look in the mirror can do that. Restriction cannot force you into the gym. Only you can do that. So far I lost nearly 40lbs and I feel great but most of the weight loss has been through good old fashioned hard work and that is how I want it.

    To me, that is the way you are going to truly keep it off. Plus my doc is fine with it as long as I am losing.

    My father saw me recently and commented on my weight loss and all the hard work I am doing and then suggested I didn't need to have the surgery then, I disagreed because it was because of the surgery that I made these changes. The lap band is a tool and like all tools, can be used in various ways to suit your purpose. Good luck with your journey.

  8. The band is a tool. It can't help you make better choices. That is why some people fail. You have to be willing to put in the work with it and start changing your habits? 6 weeks out is the time to really start thinking about exercise. Have you started a fitness plan yet?

    You can do this. You want to change. Otherwise why have surgery. It won't do it for you. You have to do it with it :) Good luck

  9. I am sorry for your struggles.

    I think therapy is the best thing for you at this point. The band can only do so much. It can't really help with the stress and emotional eating. Those are things you are going to need help to deal with and when you feel you have more understanding of why you go to food emotionally, then I think the band can be more of a tool that will work for you properly.

    You need to see your doctor ASAP. You need to see what they can do to help you. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. You can do it. You have done it. Just do it again.

    I hope you find what you are looking for. Just stay tough and don't live in your past. What's done is done and only thing we can shape is right now.

    Good luck.

  10. That is awesome. Keep at it.

    I had my surgery 4 months ago and I still don't have any fills. You have the lap band in you for life and if you are losing weight, then keep going without the fills. To me it is best to start off changing your habits and lifestyle first and lose that way then just by restriction.

    I think it is better for long term weight loss and being able to maintain it. :)

    Good luck on your journey :)

  11. I think you are the right place.

    For me, I think a little reality is needed for some people. There is a ton of support on this site and also a a lot of encouragement, but I think we all need to help each other face the reality of our decisions. If I screw up, I don't need someone telling me it is OK. I need someone to help me be accountable for my own actions. We are all going to fumble and fall in life but if you can't take the reality of the situation and do what you can to break the bad habits then how do you learn from this?

    I think there is a fine line between keeping it real and bashing...and I don't think many people on here want to bash other bandsters, but we all need someone to help, and sometimes the best help is tough love.

    To me I see to much "It is ok, don't let it get you down" on here. I wanna see more, "stop crying and get your ass in the gym". We all know why we are fat, we all know what led us to surgery, but the truth is, we all need a little kick in the ass sometimes....at least in my opinion...

    I hope to be supportive and encouraging to others, but I don't want to pussyfoot around our issues either.

  12. Oh wow you are filled already?? I never heard of someone getting filled at time of there surgery? That could be why you feel like crap. You definitely need to get unfilled, your body hasnt even had time to heel. I would question the Dr. as too why he filled you during surgery.

    From what I understand it is pretty normal to start off with 1 or 2 cc's during your initial surgery.

  13. Hey Layne,

    Snacking is ok. Just as long as they are good Snacks. If you are snacking on apple slices, great! If you are snacking on Potato Chips...not so great. I count calories mainly. I use (and a lot of the people on this site also use it) Myfitnesspal.com. It is a great tool to help you count your calories throughout this journey. I suggest you look into it. Keeping a food diary is a great idea and this will also help you keep a diary of all your exercise. The more you burn, the more you can take in and then snacking could be a ideal situation.

    As far as carbs. I am not hardcore about counting carbs but I found that eliminating these 3 things, White Rice, White bread and Potatoes (which I call the white devils) help out quite a bit. I don't generally eat bread or rice anymore, but from time to time I have noodles. I work out a lot, so I do need some carbs for energy.

    You are losing good weight and that is awesome. Keep up the great work!

  14. I still consider myself a foodie. But more of just a healthy foodie now. I love good food and enjoy eating out... I just eat in moderation now. I also stay away from rice, bread and potatoes. I load up on fruits, veggies and Protein. I still want to enjoy food, I just don't eat all the junk food, processed foods and fast food anymore. I haven't had pizza, beer, french fries, pancakes, donuts, cakes, etc in 4 months and the longer you do without, the less you miss it.

  15. I also thought I was going to mourn food more. For some reason, after the surgery, a switch in my head just went off. I think maybe the surgery was my rock bottom. The fact that my eating and lack of exercise got me to a point where I needed to have surgery to correct it. I have a few friends with the lap band and I have seen them fail. Go back to bad habits and not go to follow up appointments. I didn't want to be that person.

    I used to love junk food and fast food. What is not to love. It is easy, quick and tasty. But then you have surgery, and then you start counting calories and looking at labels and you realize how much crap you are putting into your system. For me, it was a wake up call. This surgery saved my life, but I know it is now all on me to see the rest through. You can do it. You are already doing it.

    Good luck to you.

  16. First of all relax.

    Don't worry. This isn't a quick solution. This is a journey and sometimes the journey starts a little late. No big deal. Things you can do to help you get the weight loss started:

    1) Exercise. I know. A lot of new bandsters don't want to hear that. I mean if I wanted to exercise to lose weight, why did I have surgery? Well, the benefits are amazing. Increased energy and decreased stress to name 2. Also, the more exercise you do, the less you have to worry about sagging skin issues. You want to lose the weight in a good way. Losing it slow and with healthy food and exercise will help you keep it off long term.

    2) Count your calories. I use (along with a lot of the others on this forum) use MyFitnessPal.com. This helps you keep you accountable about your food choices.

    3) Don't stress. My weight loss has been slow with the band. But steady. I have lost over 36 lbs so far in a 3 1/2 month period with no fills. There have been weeks where I wouldn't lose anything but since I was working out so much, I was losing inches and gaining muscle. Just keep doing the right things and you will get to your goals.

    Good luck on your journey :)

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