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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Thee-O

  1. Hit the gym and ordered my new iPhone. Productive day already.

  2. Hit the gym and went to the track. I am going to sleep good tonight.

  3. Hope you have a very happy Friday :)

  4. House Your Body.....House Your BODY!!!

  5. However, the best way I can deal with Lex is to simply not support him and his endeavors in any way. And that is what I plan to do. You can hold me accountable of that and if you see me slipping let me know and I will correct it. Period.

  6. I am all about self promotion and marketing, but when you start looking more like a product and less of an artist...well that is where I draw the line.

  7. I am continuing to reinvent myself. I needed a change. The weight loss has brought a new sense of being a new me, both inside and out. With that, I am going to reinvent my musical side as well. Not sure if that means a name change or a change of focus on what I want to say musically. I know that a change is coming though and I have a feeling I will like what that is for me.

  8. I am not sure if I belong anymore but I know for sure that don't really care. I have moved on. I am not racing to catch up. I am moving in another direction entirely.

  9. I am only allowed 200 more friends on my personal page and I have 600 pending friend requests. DOH!!

  10. I am ready to start making waves and I am fully prepared to get wet doing so. Time to don on my scuba gear.

  11. I danced my way out of the womb, I will dance my way into my tomb. Keep on dancing.

  12. I don't make music for the masses. I make music for myself and hope a few people I may or may not know enjoy it as well.

  13. I don't need carnival rides. I don't need fireworks. I don't need the sideshow. I need a sweaty room, people grooving, a system that hits your chest, maybe a laser, and music. Music that I won't be able to hear anywhere else but in that environment. Music that is only meant for those moments. Not music for advertisements, not music for the radio. Music for the warehouse!

  14. I don't need fireworks. I don't need huge crowds. I don't need festivals. I don't need "performance" DJ's. What I need is a sweaty warehouse with a pumping system and some smiling faces. Something pure and simple. We lost something that was pure. Time to take it back. Hope you join me on Saturday.

  15. I don't want Hype. Hype is bullshit. You usually get let down when there is a ton of hype around it. I just want to deliver on what I say I am going to. That to me is important. I am not going to over promise. I just want to give you a good show with good music and if you don't go, I want you to hear about it from friends and wish you did! ;)

  16. I have a autographed record from CJ Bolland that says "If you want to remain underground, you have to keep digging deeper". That is how I plan on operating from this day forward. And if you don't know who CJ Bolland is... LOOK IT UP!!

  17. I have everything I need and more than I deserve. Take stock of what truly matters.

  18. I have moved on to the mushy stage of my diet, for lunch I had a half cup of chili and 2 scrambled eggs. Crazy that this filled me up but it did and then some.

  19. I haven't had a sip of alcohol in 8 weeks. I don't miss it. Thought I would. No more beer for me....but a nice glass of wine now and then will do the trick.

  20. I just wanted to thank you for all the love and support. I am home now. 12 hours in the hospital. Surgery went very smooth. I came out of it very good and was alert and able to get around quickly. Upper GI showed that everything is looking good. I am drinking tea and about to pass out from the pain meds. Thanks again for the love. It meant everything to me.

  21. I must say I like having a gym at work. I have no excuse not to get some cardio in.

  22. I really gotta check my group requests more often. Going through 400 of them is a bit rough.

  23. I saw alot of old heads feeling the vibe with the new cats last night. House music brings us all together. Hell yeah!

  24. I saw my high school guidance counselor today. She told me that I should really consider becoming a writer and that I have a gift for it. After 20 years she is still counseling me. :) I have been thinking about it. ...because it has been quite apparent recently that I have quite a lot to say.

  25. I think a lot of what I have been posting can be misconstrued as coming from a bitter point of view. It is quite the opposite. I feel enlightened. I feel like I have a second chance at life and a second chance at making changes for the better in all parts of my life. I am far from bitter. I am hopeful.

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