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Posts posted by aoa

  1. Cut the fruit and see what happens. I'm not allowed any fruit at all. Just Protein and vegs.no potatoes or carrots either. That's theonly thing you andb I are doing differenly

    uhm that made me double think, thanks for opening my eyes

    last year i used to drink orange fresh daily and I was wondering why I get fatter every day. Seems that the answer was very simple.

    I will cut the fruits too and see what happens. Does any of you mantain their weight without doing sport often?

    Any idea why the carrots are forbidden? Not that I am a huge fan but I want to know...


  2. I was a good girl for 3 years after surgery then I quit smoking and I start to discover orange fresh, after 8 chocolate and then the rest...

    I have 2 kgs over the superior limit of normal and I think these two kgs are impossible to lose.

    How do we lose weight after gaining it? My doctor is very short by saying "eat only 3 meals per day"... and that is all... oh yes and "lose weight" (LOL)

    Does anybody experienced this?

    As for exercises what is better? Aerobic or fitness? Is something "in house" working? Does Vitamins "help" us gaining weight?

    Thanks tons!


  3. I used to have 55-57 kgs last year and now it seems I am stucked around 64-54 kgs and I am more depressed every day.

    I swear every day I will eat less, I will stop eating sweets but I always end up in bed with some chocolate or some carbs with many calories...

    I think everything goes from head... I still think as an obese 4 years after surgery and it`s getting worst.

    Anyone have these kind of thoughts and feelings?

  4. Thanks for advices

    I take every day B12 sublingual 100mg, vit D 1000 mg, Centrum advanced, chrome picolate, code oil, probiotic, Vitamin C, Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg and Indole-3-Carbinol (last two aren`t this surgery related)

    My blood tests were in normal limits... Last night the scale show me 62 kgs and I was so happy.

    I tried to stay off from sweets and unhleathy food. I don`t have too much activity and I need to go to gym... :(

    After I lost so much weight I became sure that nothing could bring me kgs back. I was wrong... We need to be careful for the rest of our days. I still think as an obese, 4 years after surgery.

    Thank you so much for advices one more time!

    So nice to meet people with the same surgery.

    PS: I want to become vegetarian soon....

  5. I had my surgery in feb 2008. Last year I was at normal weight and everything was perfect. I had 55 kg and I was happy until I decided is time to quit smoking. Since then I gain 10 kgs... so I see I am the only one who voted for 15-20 lbs.

    Does anybody knows how in the world should I lose at least 2-3 kgs? (I have 2 kgs over "normal limit" :(

    I have now around 63-67 kgs depending on the position of the scale and its mood (my normal limit is at 62).

    I havent see nowhere how to lose weight after you gain it? I haven`t found anywhere if there is any vegetarian who did this surgery? Or, raw vegan? (I know I am asking too much) ...



  6. I lived these kind of moments the last 3 years since I had the surgery

    My answer is the same: i do gym and i eat less, try if you don`t believe me

    I told only to the fat people, maybe some of them will do the surgery too

    Why awkward? I feel good and proud! ;) You should feel it too

  7. yes, the doc told me that if i eat 5 times per day the stomach ask 5 meals. So "stop eating5 times and you will be ok very soon"

    I listen that and it worked. I now eat 3 meals and sometimes some fruits between them witch i am not allowed lol :)

    Anyway it is working... I already lost 1-3 kg and I am happy because I get again in my old jeans :P

    PS: I killed hungry with Protein. I also take D and B12 because I had the levels down.

    Good luck to you all

  8. I don`t think is a problem. I rather taste from something than crave after it all my life and end up married with the fridge...

    It is your choose, try to stay on what doctor says but don`t do 100% like that.

    I know myself, if somebody says "don`t do that" I will do it more than that.

  9. Ok I left a reply yesterday but when I hit Post, the site was down....

    So I am going to write again what I wanted to say yesterday.

    It`s been 4 days since my crazy hunger days. I don`t feel it anymore. I wrote to doctor, being desperate, I was starved even if I ate that day around 1900 calories witch were way too many.

    My dr said to calm down and eat 3 meals per day. Something like eat as much as you can but only 3 meals per day.

    My best friend open my eyes. She told me to eat more Protein and less carb. And that worked!!! I don`t feel hungry anymore at all. I even ate fruits, witch I didn`t used to eat and everything is alright.

    PS: I already lost 1 kg :)

    I am happy! Now I stay around 1,000-1,300 cals and I are two ice-creams too ;)

    Thanks for your support!


  10. Hey guys, thanks for the nice thoughts. Indeed, this crazy hungry and some sleep change started since 2 March, when I quit nicotine of any kind. I bought pills "Tabex" from ebay (I saw many people were buying those and I though would be nice to give it a try) and NTB cigars from pharmacy. NTB are those cigars without nicotine and tobacco. I felt this would be a perfect combination if tabex would work for me to quit. I had a huge shock for myself for first time in my life not to crave for a cig. After 17 years and 1-3 packs per day, I`ve quit in 1 and a half day instead of 3 as Tabex prospect said.

    About my VSG, I had it back in 2008 at the end of January. I have only 1.60m and I had 120 kgs and at VSG my doctor said I had 95kg but he could be wrong if I lied. I was ashamed, I was looking like a little cow.

    Anyway, all went perfect, surgery, my weight now is around 61-64 kg witch put me under normal category.

    Indeed I was very hungry until 2 days ago, my doctor said that could be from the fact I quit smoking. Anyway, his only advices was: not to check my weight every day (witch I do lol), not to count calories (witch I do) and to eat 3 meals per day and nothing between them. He said that if I show to my body that I could eat from 2 in 2 hours, the body is asking over and over and this is why I am so starved.

    I listened him in ... big lines, I still think as an obese, I ate 3 meals and I listen my friend who advised me to reduce carbs. So I ate around 1100 calories, 100.4 Proteins and only 61.4 carbs.

    It worked for me, I felt only for 10 minutes in the morning some hungry or false acid reflux I don`t know. I took a pill for acid and it passed away. I hope this will work for you too. I still crave for chocolates and ice-creams and any cookie possible (I cook for my bf daily...) but I have my goal, I don`t want to be anymore the chubby girl who used to dress in black clothes and didn`t want to go to beach etc etc etc. I guess you already know the story of being obese...

    Wish you to be healthy


  11. Thanks for replies guys. I am pretty sure I do something wrong. Yesterday, I count all the calories and stuff and seems that I ate around 1800 calories, carbo 128.5 gr, Proteins 98.4 gr.

    And no, I don`t feel hungry every day like yesterday. All started once I quit smoking. I started to crave for sweets, fruits and anything that is food. Not to mention about chocolate and bubble gums.

    Seems that I need to stop eat carbs and go on Protein as your advices says.

    The latest analyses told that I have a Vitamin D(under min) and B12 low(close to min).

    After the surgery, I didn`t took any Vitamins or pills in any way. I remember 3 years ago I went to doctor and he gave me some crap Vitamins witch made me hungry. I stopped taking those and the hungry was gone. In fact,

    Now I take vit D, B12 sublingual, acid folic, magnesium, Iron, Calcium citrate and Centrum Advanced and probiotic from Puritans pride.

    As you can see I ate around 130 carbs daily and I think this is where I did the big mistake. The Protein is lower than carbs. I need to change that.

    Also I will stop using Centrum in the morning because I am afraid not to have this hungry for it too.

    So, thanks to my best friend and you guys, I am going to change this for next days and come back to tell you if it worked.

    If you have any advices, I am open.


  12. strange, this is exactly what is happening to me since I quit smoking on 2 march this year. I am not sure what to do.

    Never felt hungry before but now it is killing me.... :(

    Today I had a bad day. Hungry hungry hungry and ate like 2000 cals and I am still hungry

    I am upset, I have 3 years since my VSG. I am so afraid not to go back.

  13. I was self pay in est europe, romania. Three years ago the costs were around 3k euros for the kit and the final was around 5k with the medications and few other things I had to pay in the hospital.

    I was just looking on my doctor`s website and I see the costs for gastric sleeve 3k euros, 3,4k euros for the better gastric kit and 200 euros for medications.

    Sounds close with what I`ve paid off 3 years ago. Seems that is much cheaper than in US. I guess this is why so many people are coming here for surgeries.

  14. I started to smoke second day after the surgery, back in 2008.

    I remember I met my doctor on hospital corridors and he told me to quit because now is the time. I laugh and I didn`t listen him.

    Now I quit since 2 March this year and I gain some weight.

    So you can smoke right away, I did it, is not healthy but if you are desperate, as I were, might help...

    I really hope you can stay without cigs :)

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