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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mynewbeginning29

  1. I was just banded in April... and I Have lost around 45lbs so far, but I am 5'7 and have always had big breasts.. after having 4 children they sag supppper supppper bad.... like my nipples point down to the ground lol... so embarassing that I hate my own husband looking at them... I would love for them to be perky and UP!!!! its like they just lay on my stomach.. BOO! I hate it ! I have soo much back, shoulder, and neck pain its unreal !!!!! I would love to get it done now but then again i dont wanna screw it up with more weight loss.....its just way to depressiing to look at them! uhgg

  2. I was banded on April 15th..... no Fluid n band.... I started at 296 , and now weigh n at 263 .... went into my dr visit thinking i was gonna get my first fill, BECAUSE, I am hungry all the time and eating alot more, well NOPE , no fill for me, he said i had lost 13lbs since my last mths visit and that i was doing ok.. no fill till i need it... Im kinda angry cause I am working my butt off , but still yet was waiting for this fill so i wouldnt be hungry. and loose weight just alittle faster lol... I have no patience for nothing haaha .. I go back on the 27th, I really HOPE he will give me a fill... beach bound in August, so I am really wanting to look really good before then lol.. anyone else n the same boat as me??!?!

  3. Hi Ya'll,

    I was banded on April 15th.... day 1-3 was horriable!! I was in so much pain and sore.... but after that I was ok... just slow!!!! I was on Clear Liquids the day of surgery, and full liquids day 2-6 then on to mushies.... thank god , cause mashed potatoes never tasted so good LOL!!!!!! My band is empty now which moving onto the mushie stage, now I am getting more hungry now, which is very frustrating to me !!! I wont get my first fill till my 6week post op, which is May 23rd. Pretty excited and nervous about it !!!!! but now I dont even feel like ive had anything done!!! I feel my normal self.... I would also kill for a taco bell taco lol...... I just really want to get this weight off and be healthy for my family.. I think giving up POP was my biggest thing to do !!!! I have also never drank the Protein shakes... my stomach just couldnt handle it ... My pre weight was 296, day of surgery was 284, week 1 post op was 274.... went yesterday for my 2 week post op , i was at 279... uhgg up 5 lbs which is really discouraging BAD!!! Has anyone else had problem with gaining some weight back?????..... I know in due time.. this weight will come offf.... I think I am just in to big of hurry :P its exciting to know that now I actually have help to get this weight off.... Doc said I can go back to regular diet/solid foods in about a week 1/2..... so I am ready.... no hard exercise tho, only walking.... which I am starting Monday!!!!

  4. My Dr. actually allowed me to move to pureed foods 6 days after surgery!!!!! which was a godsent lol..... now I am like bring it on lol.... I move to regular diet foods in about a week and 1/2 .. so excited for that... but now I have scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes....chicken noodle Soup with the noodles :).. I can have diluted juices and all that good stuff.... so it hasnt been bad like the liquids.... and I havent drank the Protein shakes.. makes me wanna puke if i drink them so I try to get all the Proteins I can ..... my dr. office gave me a book called the Bariactric(sp?) Bible and it has helped me with what I can and cant eat :)

    Wow 22 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats awesome!!! Congrats!!! Thank goodness for the post above this, because now we know its nothing to worry about if we gain weight!!I Are you able to move on to pureed food today? Haha I am, and I'm eating some pureed beef, and i gotta tell you..it looks like dog food.< /p>

  5. This really helped me, because I to was banded on April 15th and I have lost 22lbs so far,.... went to the doc yesterday and I had gained 5 lbs from last week, and doing nothing really different...... uhgggg so I am glad to know that gaining does happen and its not only me!!!!! I get my first fill on May 23rd!!! I feel totally awesome to btw. Like I hadnt even had surgery!!!!! I am just so ready for my first fill and to begin to loose this weight !!! but boy am I staying hungry lol.. also I cant do the Protein shakes... they make me so sick.. I have a very weak stomach for certain stuff...... :P

  6. You wont have nothing to worry about!! I to was a nervous wreck.. I had NEVER ever had surgery before, besides having my twins by c-section, but I had never been put to sleep in my life.... that was what I was more worried about. I woke up after surgery and I had so much gas on me , that it did feel like I couldnt catch my breath, but other than that, everything went ok!!!! the first couple of days will be your hardest with moving around. But please dont be scared, I had to keep tellng myself and my family members that I need to do this to make myself healthier, it was more scarier to know that I had so many health problems, then being scared of having this surgery and make myself better!!!!! just think of it like that! .... I have severe arthritis in my knees and really bad back problems , so I know where your coming from!!!! I was banded on April 15th this yr.... I go tomorrow for my POST op Apt with my Dr, so I am awaiting to get my first fill and cant wait !!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Hope this helps some :)

    I am scheduled for surgery on May 9th with Dr. Ren. I am scared and wondering what this will be like. I need to lose weight, and this is my only option now. I have high blood pressure, pre diabetic, and back problems so I can't exercise. Any body else like me ?? Let me know what your experience was like, I am so curious. TIA

  7. Thanks :) ... Ya know I find it so crazyyyy that so many Drs have different ways of doing things..... I have a whole list of questions to ask him tomorrow at my Apt. :)... I will let you all know what he tells me about the Protein stuff.... its so weird right now , cause its like I dont even feel like I have even had the band.....I know when I get that first fill, things are gonna change lol...

    btw: Can someone plz tell me how to add the weight loss ticker?? I dont think I did it right lol :P

    I know one of the things my surgeon said was that Protein shakes are a no no for most banders after surgery. But other forms of a protein IS A MUST! The reason why he said no Protein Shakes after surgery was because they are essentially just liquid calories....but to each his own. I am by no means an expert...just telling you what I was told. Take care and good luck!


  8. Thanks for your replies... I am going to ask my Dr about the Protein shakes and what I can do to subsitute it , to still get the Protein that I am needing!! I think trying to get rid of the "head hunger" is going to be the hardest, but I must keep myself busy inorder to not do that!!!! I cant wait to start excercising!! I think the hardest part of alll of this was giving up the POP.. woah!!! Pop was my best friend.. ahahahaaaa..... also quit smoking too!! YAY for me :))))) If any of you all can tell me some certain foods to becareful of when eating after a fill , I would appreciate it .. I see alot of people cant do bread very well.. uhgg I love me some hot fresh rolls heheeh :P ... but I knew when I decided to get this, there was going to be much stuff I would have to give up!! but I dont mind.... me being healthy is much more important then the anything else !! I am so glad I found these forums :)) Much better to talk to someone about this, that has had it done, then people who know nothing about it .....

    PROTEIN in any form is a must. You dont get protein, you stop losing, you lose hair and you destroy your muscles as they breakdown. So try various kinds. My surgeon actually provides one called Chik and it is not bad. I also found one already mixed that is Atkins Advantage. I love chocolate and get the Royale, I feel like I am cheating and lucky for me, I am not. Your body is healing right now so and that should be the focus at this point. DO WHAT THE DOCTOR says to a T and you will succeed and do very well. The fill is something that causes anxiety to everyone, UNTIL you have it done then you see it is a breeze and it is all to help you on your way. As far as throwing up goes, you don't have to. Ever, if you chew small pieces avoid things that do not work well with the band, such as bread, broccoli and other fiberous foods you will be fine. DO NOT DRINK AND EAT< wait at least 15 minutes. I was told if you do it once you will never forget. They were right. Seriously, the best thing to do is follow the directions. You need to try several protein drink options as it is so important especially at first. Now that you are on mushy, it will get better. Protein is number one then veggies. AND I AGREE stop weighing. I had to remove the scale for awhile. It is not a true weight as we women fluctiate so much each and every day and you can not be a slave to it. If you have not done so yet, MEASURE!!! Take your measurements. As you go along you will have times you do not drop as much as you think you should. if you measure you will see it is still coming off. I keep a chart and i weigh every month on the 20th. This has been a life saver. Also continue reading and posting. There are things doctors can not tell you and family and friends don't know. We have been through it and can offer a world of knowledge. Like before you put anything in your mouth in the morning, drink something hot, tea, coffee even hot Water with lemon, It relaxes the band to help your first meal to go down. If you have an issue with throwing up, go back to liquids for 24 hours. You are irritating your band if you try to continue to eat and it can cause damage. So pay attention to your body. Do not be discouraged that you can eat more than you think at first. That you feel no restriction, it will come, I promise so do what you are suppose to and you will eliminate unneeded issues. Please ask and I will help, but be strong and smart. We did not put this on over night and it will not come off that fast. This is a tool, not the cure all and we all have to be reminded of that. Best of luck Feel free to friend me or send me messages any time.

  9. Hi, I was banded on April 15th. I go to the dr. tomorrow for my 2 week post op apt. I am very anxious to see what all he has to say to help ease my mind on a few things. 1 is that I can not stand the Protein shakes at ALL!!! They make me so sick.. blah!! Is it ok to NOT drink these?? I have such a weak stomach to them! Also, my starting weight was 296 before my PRE-op diet,... lost 12lbs was down to 284 day of surgery. I am now at 274... but havent lost anything in the past couple of days! Its like I am at a hault!!! uhggg..! I am now on my mushie stage!! (Thank GOD) now I dont feel like I am starving myself.... I have sense of smells that I never thought I had.. hahaa... I can smell everything when it comes to food lol.... I am nervous and anxious for my first fill tho.... I HATE the thought of vomiting like some of the posts Ive read about ppl over doing it and getting sick, or the band being to full.... so that scares me alittle after the fill. Please if anyone has any advice to give me , I would really appreciate it . I have been over weight ALL my life, and I am so ready to start my new beginning to being healthy!!!!

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