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Posts posted by Penpen

  1. Hang in there! You'll get through this and when you do, you will be so happy for doing it. The first week for me was the worst, especially with the gas and bloating. Week two, wasn't as bad but was still bad. Week three was a lot better but still not great. Week four, almost back to normal with a few aches.

    I think between feeling sick, lack of energy, and lack of food and Water intake, it makes you feel hopeless sometimes. I asked my husband several times through the first couple of weeks if I would ever get better. I would be sobbing at the same time. It does get better! You'll be okay! It just takes time. It's a long process but it will come and go before you know it.

  2. I was told the exact thing that Tiffykins was told. In fact, I was told that my stomach would hold up to 4 oz. and nothing more at this time. My bougie size was 32.

    Tip: My husband and I decided we needed an easy guage so we weren't having to measure out everything and we weren't messing up all the dishes. So we went to Walmart and found the little 4 oz. or 1/2 cup canning jars. They're awesome! If you fill them to the top they are exactly 4 oz. Then to heat anything up, I boil a small pot of Water with my little jar of food/soup in it. Also, you can store any leftovers you have and then you have a meal ready to go for the next time. :)

  3. I was prescribed Nexuim granules. You mix it with one teaspoon of Water, stir, then wait about 3-4 minutes. It turns to a gel that looks like snot. I know, gross! Due to that fact, I can't handle the texture. So I mix it with about 2 oz. of grape juice after it has gelled. It makes the texture bearable. I'm about to have to change to something else because 30 days worth was $60 with insurance. Ouch!

  4. Can you give me an idea of your typical day eating? When do you add the carbs in? With meals or just in-between? When I eat my meal, the only thing I've been able to in is protien.

    Me too! I know its crazy...but I found if I add some carbs to my diet I lose more...wierd huh? And I do the same thing with the weight drops. I lose nothing and hover the same 2 lbs all week then on the weekend it seems I drop like 2-3 lbs like nothing??? I just keep pluggin along cause I keep losing. (I was sleeved April 12th so we're like a month apart...but I have been doing this for @ a month and a half.)

    I have taken pics though and the difference is hard for me to see day to day...but the pics the other night kept me sane! Do you keep track monthly or so of your measurments? I see changes in inches even when I don't see pounds shedding.

    Keep up the fantastic work!!!


  5. How strange! I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm glad you're okay. That is one of my biggest fears. When I called the doctor's office, they acted as if it were normal and not to worry about it. They said I would have a fever if it were a leak. That it was just gas. But then I hear stories like yours. Not everyone has a fever, some just have weird pains. My pains just all the sudden started and continued for 2 days off and on. It hurt to laugh, take a deep breath, sit, lay, etc. I would take the Gas X strips and sometimes they seemed as if they were helping but not for long, if at all. So far today, I haven't felt any of the pains. I actually feel pretty normal. Hopefully the pains were nothing to be alarmed about. And hopefully they stay away.

    Not trying to scare anyone but I just got out of the hospital for a similar pain on my left side under my ribs, it was a sharp stabbing pain that randomly came and went and I felt sore inside when I took a deep breath. A CT Scan showed my stomach was irritated that I may have had a small leak that had already healed itself. I was on a heavy duty antibiotics for three days at the hospital as a precaution and now I am back to liquid stage 1,2,3 for the next two weeks.

    I posted about it here

  6. Hi! Thanks for responding. I actually went through that pain and on occasion still feel a pain if I move a certain way. That was actually about 2 inches above and over to the left of my belly button. I had just started to kind of get over that when this new pain suddenly started. It's off and on and right underneath my left side rib cage....feels like a really bad runner's cramp. Who knows what it is? Ugh! I know others report having this sort of pain and I'm just curious as to what their doctor says it is.

    I don't know how your doctor does the surgery but mine said that is the left side is where he removes the stomach. The incision is a little bigger and also they separate the muscle to allow the stomach to be pulled out. He puts stitches in the muscle afterwards. He said many of his patients complain of pain in that area. I don't know how long is normal for that pain to continue. You might want to give a quick call to the Dr. just to make sure he doesn't think anything else is going on.


  7. My surgery was 4 weeks ago tomorrow. I don't think they meant the gas from the surgery but instead the gas your body makes from food. In fact, they said that since I just started eating soft foods last week, that this would be the reason I'm so gassy now. But the only place I hurt is right under my rib cage on my left side...like a really bad runner's cramp. I think I may try your suggestion. We'll see! I think I'll wait until no one is looking. lol :unsure: The only other thing I can think of is scar tissue and nerves growing/forming. But ... OUCH!

    Hi Pen,

    I ended up with a kidney infection from the catheter during the surgery. I had intense pain on the left side coupled with fever, back pain, and chills. If you get a fever or chills, get yourself to the hospital asap. I know this will sound weird, but if it's gas from your surgery the nurse told me to do this and it totally helped me. It's weird, but it works. Lay on your bed with your booty up in the air sort of like an infant would sleep, you know? It helps take the pressure and pushes it towards your rear and alleviates some of the pain. I had major gas pains after my 2nd C Section and the nurse was awesome. When did you have your surgery?

  8. I'm so sorry for all the pain your in and all the trouble you're having with your surgeon. He sounds horrible! You should definitely get a second opinion and I wouldn't let that man touch me again! It's sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing and that he doesn't have a caring bone in his body. He sounds mad or as if he doesn't believe you....he's not sensitive at all. Be done with him! Find someone that will take the time to figure out what is going on and will care enough to treat you like a human being. Hang in there and keep us posted!

    Please help!!!! I was sleeved 06/14/2011, all was fine with the exception of a horrible pain in my left side. The surgeon explained it was normal and the pain would subside in time. WRONG!!! The pain was unbearable and made it impossible for me to move. I went back to the Dr.'s office 2 weeks post- op 06/28/2011 (my appt. was @1:30) he sent me to the hospital with admitting orders and by 5:30 p.m. that evening I was having surgery again. His reason....... he put a stitch too tightly around my abdominal muscle- his solution, open me up and remove the suture so the muscle would relax.

    Post-op week 3, 07/05/2011 developed a huge painful lump under the incision site. Hospitalized again and told it was a small hematoma that would resolve on its own in time!

    To sum it up, Monday 07/11/2011 went back to the Dr.'s office but was seen by his P.A. since my surgeon was out of the office, she felt my stomach did a sonogram and was 99% sure i had a hernia, sent me back to the hospital, PICC line put in, I.V. fluids started for dehydration, and yes surgery again on Tuesday 07/12/2011. This time my surgeon had a horrible addituide toward me. He informed me "There was nothing wrong." After surgery he gave the nurses orders to give me Tylenol every 6hrs. for pain. Overnight I suffered like never before, I sat on the toilet vomiting for over an hour, trembling with pain hanging on to my I.V. pole with what little energy I had. My nurse was able to get an order for a one time dose of phenragen. The next morning, 07/13/2011, when the doctor came in, he had a chip on his shoulder and said " I'm taking you back to surgery today since you keep complaining of pain." After surgery I was told it was just a little Fluid that had built up under the site he had opened four times!!! that night the lump and pain were back and I had a breakdown!! My nurse called the Surgeon for something other than Tylenol..... guess what his response was????? She's constipated give her some milk of mag. and a rectal stool softner. I had'nt eaten so nothing came out, then he ordered a soap sud enema! I was realeased home 07/16/2011. Today, 07/18/2011 The P.A. set me up to have a drain placed in my belly on 07/19/2011 for a seroma? Will keep yall informed. God I needed to vent.

  9. Hi all!

    I started having pains right under the bottom part of my ribs on the left side of my body 2 nights ago. They come and go but have for the most part, stuck around. It feels like a really bad runner's cramp. It hurts when I breath in or laugh. It hurts to walk, sleep, or lay on my side...or lay on my back for that matter. I called my doctor's office yesterday and they told me that it was just gas and that they get calls almost every day about the same pains from other people. They told me to take my Gas X strips. So, I have been and they are just not helping. I just don't think it is gas because I don't feel it in any other part of my body. Have you had the pain and did it ever go away? What did your doctor say it was? What can I do to not hurt so much? Help!!! :(

  10. I'm worried about you. You need more calories. I'm just now getting some of my energy back and I'm up to 500-700 calories a day. I'm 3 weeks, 4 days post op. It's really super hard to get there because there's just no room in my new tummy and my appetite isn't there at all but I make myself eat or drink something.

    Just a couple of ideas:

    I have these 4 oz. canning jars (4 oz. all the way up to the rim) that I bought at Walmart and I use those because they are 1/2 cup and that is the maximum my stomach can hold at one time. Depending on what I am eating, sometimes I can eat all of the 1/2 cup ... sometimes only half. You can set a small pot of Water on the stove and stick you jar of food in and heat it up slowly. Or if you can only eat half at one time...you can stick the remaining half back in the Water and keep it warm until you're ready for it again.

    Walmart also has the 2.6 oz. packages of tuna in water. They are very soft and easy to get down. When I put it in my little jar, it goes about 3/4 the way up. Then I take Minute Maid Premium 100% Lemon juice (here's a link: http://www.walmart.c...-Juice/13908197 ) which can be found in the frozen food section and I soak my tuna in it. Then I eat it. I get 18 grams of Protein and around 100 calories. Not many calories but you can add things in your day....like....apple juice, apple sauce, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, potatoe Soup, scrambled egg, etc. If you're still having problems with some of the soft foods, try to puree a can of black Beans (drain them first), a can of chicken broth, a little bit of salsa. Then heat up 1/2 cup and put a little sour cream on top. It's really pretty tasty. Another idea is to scramble an egg and add thinly sliced ham lunch meat that you've cut up real tiny. That's very tasty, too. I feel like I eat the same things over and over again and I get tired of it but I know I have to eat to stay healthy. If you find something that doesn't go down good, wait for a week or two before you try it again. Last night, I baked a piece of tilapia fish. Even though it was fairly soft and easy to chew up, it felt like it was getting stuck in my lower esophagus. I walked for 10 minutes last night trying to get comfortable again and thank goodness that worked. So, I'll stay away from it for a while. You could even try some canned chicken with light mayo and melba toast. I haven't tried it yet but that is on my list of things that I can have.

    I understand about the Protein shakes. I'm soooooooooo sick of them. But you have to find at least one that you can half way stand and just drink it. That's what I do. Believe me, I don't want to but I make myself because I know that if I don't...I will have problems on down the line. I drink Syntha-6 chocolate Milk shake flavor. It has 200 calories when mixed with water and 22 grams Protein. I can't remember the carb count off the top of my head but it is low. Sometimes I mix 6 oz. skim milk and one scoop of the protein powder. Then I poor 4 oz. into my 4 oz. canning jar and put the rest in the fridge. After I drink that, I wait about an hour and drink the rest. That gives me a total of 28 grams of protein.

    Also, keep in mind that your body will only absorb 18-22 grams of protein at any one time. So, it's okay to split up a Protein Drink or even a meal....just make sure you finish them sometime during the day and still get whatever you need in the rest of the day.

    Do you get up early? Just wondering....if you don't maybe try getting up earlier so you have more time to get in what is required. During the week, I get up at 6:30 a.m. with my husband....even then, I have a hard time getting everything in. This is hard but you have to do what you have to do to stay healthy. :)

    I just reread your post...about only being able to take in 1 oz. at a time. Sorry...I went on about 4 oz. You need to call your surgeon. That doesn't sound right. I know that sometimes 2 oz. feels uncomfortable to me depending on what I am eating but I know I can fit in 1/2 cup of food or drink at one time.

  11. I love reading all the responses! I really was thinking something was wrong with me last night after I ate a piece of fish. It was so uncomfortable. I got up and walked for about 10 minutes and that did the trick. But I did tell my husband that I think I may lay off that particular fish for at least another week...go to something softer. It scared me! I didn't really feel it in my stomach so much but in my lower esophagus, close to my stomach. It wasn't major pain, just uncomfortable. I feel as though I can feel my food sliding down my throat very, very slowly...then when it reaches that point right before my stomach, it feels as if it stops. Ugh! My husband thought it maybe had something to do with the fact that the surgeon also repaired a large hiatal hernia and that maybe the food going down was irritating it. I don't know but it doesn't feel good.

    Tiff, thank you for jumping on here. It's so nice to hear from someone that is further out.

    And all the new post oppers...thank you, too...it's nice to know that I'm not the only one in this boat.

  12. I know how you feel. I'm 3 weeks, 3 days post op and I don't have much of an appetite at all. In fact, sometimes food completely repels me. Then other times, just like Disney said, what's cooking smells awesome...then one or two small bites, I'm done. I'm excited that food isn't what I think about all the time...but then again, it seems like I'm made to think about it all the time...does that make any sense? I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I have to purposely eat....I don't think I enjoy it so much anymore...well, I know I don't.

    Quick question, do any of you ever feel like it takes forever for the food to go down your esophagus? I don't think my food is getting stuck...just slow moving. I think because I'm not drinking while I'm eating, it just doesn't want to go down. It feels uncomfortable and sometimes it feels like burps get stuck or something. I hope this will pass.

  13. I'm 23 days post op and the scale only shows that I've dropped 7 pounds since surgery. I can tell that my clothes are loser and my feet, knees, and hip don't hurt all the time. I'm thinking that since I lost 25 during my pre-op diet that lasted for 3 1/2 weeks that now my body says, "hey, it's time to stall." Then I have moments were I don't think the surgery is working at all. But I know that I'm not eating enough to gain anything and that with all the huge changes my body is going through, it's probably freaking out and hanging on to whatever it can. I don't know! It is frustrating even though I know this is a process. I hope that some of the people that are a lot further out will chime in here and tell us their experience. :blink:

  14. Hi Vanessa! I think feeling scared and nervous before surgery is perfectly normal. I didn't have dreams like you but I had moments of panic. I would think, I'm in perfect health but I'm overweight...am I ruining my health? Also, will I die years earlier than I would have because I can't eat enough. Also, I would wake up in the middle of the night and think I may not be alive much longer. Also....lots of also's...lol.....I thought of writing letters to my family because I thought this might be it for me. Even after surgery, I had a few nights were I wasn't feeling not so hot because I had no energy and I just felt sick...so, I was afraid to go to sleep because I was afraid something was terribly wrong and I wouldn't wake up in the morning. :unsure:

    Now, I am 22 days post op and look back and think...hey, I was never close to death....never close to anything serious. Yes, this surgery is major but it's a rather safe surgery compared to others. Yes, I wasn't feeling good and I had NO energy at all but it came with the surgery...nothing unusual. I think we are all scared of the unknown! This has been really tough to go through...all the changes, everything...but I don't think I was ever in danger. And yes, I would do it again. I have blogged about my journey since preop if you are interested...blog is below with my signature. Nothing exciting....just my feelings and experiences.

    You will be okay! You won't feel great....but you will be okay! It's okay to feel nervous...it comes with the territory! Hang in there! :)

  15. No dark rooms! lol That cracks me up!

    We've tried to get pregnant for probably the last 3-4 years and absolutely nothing happened. I was able to get pregnant extremely fast with my son back in 2002 but of course, I only weighed about 230. Now, that's a whole lot, I realize but after I had him, I gained and gained. I think my weight is what kept me from getting pregnant because nothing else could be found wrong. Now, because I've had this surgery, I don't want to get pregnant. And because I'm 37 years old and my baby is 8 years old now...I just feel like I'm getting too old and there would be too big of an age gap. I think I would freak out now if I got pregnant. But the IUD is going to cost around $500 because I was told that I have to order it myself. Then the dr. office will file the insurance but it will only cover a portion of that. UGH! Oh well! I don't know if that's the route we'll go but I hope because none of the other options sound appealing to me.

  16. I definitely dread the thought of losing my hair. Like others have stated about their hai, mine is down to my rear and is very shiny. That has been the one thing that I've gotten compliments on over the years. The thought of parting with it...well, it freaks me out. My hubby said he'd love me even if all my hair fell out. I just hope it wouldn't make me want to hide from the world again.

    Also, I had my nutritional class for soft foods stage this past Monday. I asked the dietitian if there was anything I could take or eat to keep it from happening and if making sure I get all my Protein in would ensure little to no Hair loss. She said there is really nothing you could do. That the anthethesia would actually cause hair loss but that even though it would be noticeable to me, it probably wouldn't be to others. She also stated that if I start losing tons of hair where it is noticeable to others that that would be a sign that in the first few months, I didn't get enough Protein. Well, I will enjoy my hair while I have it and try not to worry about it.

  17. You're welcome! Yes, I'm now 3 weeks out and I would have to say about the hardest time is the first month. But just so you know, today was better than yesterday. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, I'm starting to focus in on losing weight not just Protein and liquid intake. Stay encouraged as you're going through, that no matter how bad you feel, that most new days will seem better than the last in one or many ways. I'm so happy that I had this surgery. I can't wait to see what happens next!

    Thanks so much for your info! Sounds like from others the first few weeks are the worse with it progressively getting better... that's good news :-) Thanks for the blog link, too!

  18. Better than Richard Simmon's shorts....lol :huh:

    Sorry, trying to get over the Milli Vanilli shorts image...

    I think people have different degrees of this type of thinking. You get into a habit of picking up, buying and wearing bigger clothes - your mind can't always keep up with the smaller sizes. I still look at my jeans before I put them on and I prepare myself to be disappointed that they don't fit, but they do.

    On the other hand, this guy sounds like he needs some body image counseling. It can get dangerous because he doesn't want to develop an eating disorder because he still thinks he is fat. This is a tough journey and everyone handles it differently. He should allow himself to feel some joy after being such a success. Unfortunately, the surgery operates on our stomachs, not our minds.

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