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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JINIFER

  1. So frustrated right now. I was banded in May 2011. My insurance at the time covered the surgery, dr's visits, and my fills. Well....Ive since relocated and my new health insurance covers NOTHING!! Ive been having serious issues with acid reflux lately and know i should make an appointment but the thought of a 200 dollar office visit just makes me sick to my stomach. Just needed to vent :)

  2. I have been banded a little over 2 years now and the absolute best advice I can give you is to listen to your own body before you listen to other peoples experiences. I had alot of trouble with vomiting in the beginning. I know now that alot of it could have been avoided had I just called my Dr and not listened to my coworkers who had also had the surgery and were telling me i just had to deal with it.

    The liquid diet is pretty rough. Not sure what your restrictions will be but i could have almost anything that was sugar free. I had alot of sugar free popsicles, Jello, and pudding. I lost 15 pounds in that 2 weeks.

    I went through the psychological evaluation and the visits with the dietician but I still did not fully grasp just how much of my life would change after surgery. With all that being said I would not change a thing. I am at my goal weight. I am off my blood pressure meds that I had taken since I was 25 years old and I have never felt better.

    Good luck in whatever you decide :) Keep us posted.

  3. I never thought I would be able to say I weigh 160 lbs!! It took me 2 yrs and 1 week but I made it. I started at 272 lbs on May 27th 2011. It has been a rough road at times but I did it! I have found a person inside me that I didnt even know existed. In the last year I have moved 900 miles and started a new life in my hometown after being away for 16 years. I would have never had the courage or self confidence to have done that before lapband. I am so excited to see whats next!

  4. I am at a loss for words right now. Just got off the phone with a very good friend of mine of 14 yrs and spent the entire time defending my decision to have surgery. This friend has known of my decision for several months and never objected to the idea. I am 2 weeks post op. I guess Im just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this situation and how did you deal with it?

  5. This sounds just like my expierience. I had surgery May 27th. I also had a hernia I didnt know about. I was so sore for almost 2 weeks. The area where my port is was by far the worst. Many nights I had to sleep in the recliner. I went back to the Dr last friday and had an unfill due to alot of vomiting. He said I had Fluid build up near my port. As soon as he cleared it I could tell and immediate difference. I feel sooo much better since that visit. I hope you start to feel better soon!

  6. Congrats on ur upcoming surgery. I am 2 weeks post op and I have really struggled with finding a Protein shake that I like. I think I have spent a small fortune in the last 6 weeks on Protein. Jay Robb vanilla has been the best tasting by far. I just went to GNC this weekend and found some Protein drinks made by Isopure. They are like fruit juices. I like the fruit punch the best. They have several flavors. I like the idea of these because Im not one to eat or drink anything as soon as I get up so I like that I can grab it out of the fridge and take it with me to work and drink it throughout the day.

  7. I just found out that I was approved for LapBand surgery yesterday. I am excited, I'm nervous, I'm anxious, I'm happy, so many different things are going on! I don't have a surgery date yet, but it looks like my office is booking into late July.

    Some questions:

    My office requires a two week liquid diet that I am dreading. I supposed it gets better as the days go on. Are there any helpful tips from anyone that is on the liquid diet to make it less... annoying? I know it is necessary for my liver to shrink and for me to be in the best shape I can be by surgery, so I guess that's a plus.

    I am 270 lbs. If I consume 800-1000 calories a day (which is required) how much can I anticipate to lose in 2 weeks? My BMI is 40.2 and I am a woman, which I'm sure will have an effect on my progress.

    I go out to eat and for drinks (coffee or alcohol) with my friends a lot. Of course I will not be consuming alcohol or huge meals, but how do I deal with social gatherings while on the liquid diet?

    I'm sure I'll htink of my questions later. If you had to do a two week liquid diet before your lap band surgery and are around my weight, please share your experience with me! Thanks :)

    Congratulations or the approval!!! I started out at 271 and in 2 weeks I was down to 256. I wasnt restricted to a certain amount of calories. I had to do 2 Protein shakes a day and Soup for the other meal. I could also have sugar free Jello and pudding in between which really helped with cravings. By the 2nd week I didnt have many cravings anymore. I think part of that was the motivation of seeing the pounds starting to disappear. As far as the social aspect I totally understand. I go out several times a week. I had to make myself stay in for those 2 weeks because I knew I couldnt not eat or drink alcohol if I was with all my friends. I went out tonight for the first time since surgery and I did really well. I think alot of it just depends on how determined you are. You will do great and good luck!!!!

  8. I was banded May 27th and it has been alot harder than I thought it would be. The first week or so I didnt complain much because I expected to be tired and sore. Now I have gotten over most of that but I have a whole new problem. I havent been able to keep anything down in a few days. Not even Water. Every time I swallow anything its painful. I called the Dr and have an appointment in the morning. Im just worried. Anyone else have these kinda problems right after surgery?

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