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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by "AmyRose"

  1. I was banded the 6th as well. I just had my post-op appt. They told me that I could start on soft foods tomorrow like fish and canned fruit. Ask your doctor befor starting any of that. I woke up yesterday feeling the hunger. Yesterday and today they have me gettingsomthing in every hour. Small amounts but it seems to be doing the trick. I do my Water, Protein, yogurt, Soups are really nice and thin mash taters. Its only about 3 sometimes 4 bits but i am doing ok .

  2. Just wanted to let you all know that I am on day 5 of being banded and I have found that Warm tea is helping with the gas pains. And make sure you have a heat pack as well. The two together are so much help and WALK WALK WALK. If you have questions about what has worked and what didnt let me know. I would love to help anyone who wants tips.

  3. The gas is my issue aswell today. I am back at work and have to get up and walk about every 10 min to keep it in check. I have not had pain meds sence sat. If there were pain meds for gas I would be taking them.

    Nichole0425 My doctor said to include the shakes as part of my liquids. Hope that helps. Sorry you didnt get great pain control at first.

    Everyone let set a goal. Not a wt goal. A fitness goal. We are doing this for out health so lets start off on the right foot with fitness or a nutritional goal. Yes we will all have wt loss but we have to go deeper than that.

  4. Hello October Bandsters. I thought I would start us a post-op group now that we are getting ready to start out second week of banders. I know we are all going to do GREAT. We will all be loosers this month!!!! If you are having a bad day dont hold it in. This is where we can let it out. If we stick together we will go far. We can do this ladys and gents. I know we can. Set a goal for yourself and let everyone know what it is so we can help each other meet that goal.

    My goal is to walk/run a 5k by one year post op. I hope to meet that before then but I am not going to pressure myself to meet a goal that is not realistic. I know myself and if I set goals I cant meet I will give up.

    Good luck to all of you.

  5. So I was banded today with the standard lapband. I had such a great experience. I had to be at the center at 6 for a 730 start time. I was the first one of the day. I must say I loved that I felt like I was in and out. I got there and they took me right back. My nurse was Amy and she is such a kind soul. She has truly found her calling. After that I got my IV and had lots of people who were in the OR come talk to me. Everyone was so kind every step of the way. Then Dr. Malley came in to see if I had any questions at all. I didnt so we got to start early. I was in and out in 40 min. When I was done I was told that the Dr. went and spoke with my husband in the lobby. What a great Dr. He is so kind. He had bypass about 10 years ago so he knows what his patients are going threw. My nurse was so attentive during my recovery. I had my swallow test and was in the car by 1145. Less than 6 hours. I am not in any pain. Every now and then I get some gas but I just walk for a min. and I burp like a baby and I feel much better.

    I am so excited to start this journey. My goal for now after recovery is to work towards a 5k. It will be a big step for me but I am ready and going to meet my goal.

  6. Thanks Shirley! You are so kind. I am feeling good. I am taking my pain meds. I have my timer set so the pain doesnt get bad. I am so excited to become a "looser" like you.

    Welcome to the other side of the tracks...

    How r u feeling?

    It get's better, and take the meds as directed if you need them.

    I said I don't need them, and I was wrong, so I got back on track, and stayed there until it was no longer needed.

    It went smooth from there.

    You take care, and once all the swelling goes down, and your body jump starts into gear, you will see the difference, when it starts.

    Take care :tea:


  7. So I was banded today with the standard lapband. I had such a great experience. I had to be at the center at 6 for a 730 start time. I was the first one of the day. I must say I loved that I felt like I was in and out. I got there and they took me right back. My nurse was Amy and she is such a kind soul. She has truly found her calling. After that I got my IV and had lots of people who were in the OR come talk to me. Everyone was so kind every step of the way. Then Dr. Malley came in to see if I had any questions at all. I didnt so we got to start early. I was in and out in 40 min. When I was done I was told that the Dr. went and spoke with my husband in the lobby. What a great Dr. He is so kind. He had bypass about 10 years ago so he knows what his patients are going threw. My nurse was so attentive during my recovery. I had my swallow test and was in the car by 1145. Less than 6 hours. I am not in any pain. Every now and then I get some gas but I just walk for a min. and I burp like a baby and I feel much better.

    I am so excited to start this journey. My goal for now after recovery is to work towards a 5k. It will be a big step for me but I am ready and going to meet my goal.

  8. Congrats!!! Hope you can get some sleep. I will be banded tomorrow and will join you in band land.

    I'm Banded!! Still in the hospital from Tuesday morning I had to ask for pain meds twice. So far my pain level is about a 4 now. My surgeon knew i had one small hiatal hernia but he discovered a belly button hernia as well and repaired that too. I have stay at least thru this evening they have to check the band placement later this morning and after that see if I can hold down a liquid meal.

    I have only two issues. My mouth is like a desert. All I can do is swab it out with this green swab stick. I can't have ice chips or nothing. The other is the roomate who snores like crazy!' she talks loudly in her sleep & she whines constantly about everything the nurses fondue her. If I have to stay another night ll ask for another room. My stomach area is a little tender. I was feeling it and said to the nurse where are my bandages. She showed me! They are called Derma Blend it's thin covering that will dissolve!! I've moved from my bed to this huge comfy recliner at 4 am. It's much better than lying in the bed. Im feeling the gas issues but it's nike coming out yet. The nurse walked me down the hallway before i went to bed last night. Hopefully this morning I can take another stroll to help my digestive system move. I'm not hungry yet. My big desire is to swallow some Water to wet my mouth !! Thank you all for support and a place for updates. Who's next ? ;-)

  9. It can cange it by 25% which is huge. Just think if your doctor nicked your liver because it was still large you could bleed to death. Its not a joke. There is a reason why doctors will go in and decide not to do the lap band untill the liver is small. This is a persons life in there hands. I would question any doctor who didnt want some kind a pre-op diet.

    That part is true too. But I'm sure they do it different then when I was banded. 5 incisions, and some still want to go by the old rule.

    But if you think about it, 2 weeks of liquid is not going to do that much for say 10 years of being Fat, and the tole it took on the Liver.

    I'm not here to discourage anyone, they make the rules !

    Some of them are getting away from that, and say it's just Healthier for you, when you lose a good deal of weight.

    Either way it's a loss right ! That's all that matters.

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