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Posts posted by ryansgirl

  1. I'm 5 months out and i still can't do milk everytime i try i pay dearly. so i buy the lacto milk and it doesnt taste any different and it low in it sugar. i could never stomach that carnation stuff.



  2. all i can say is calories carbs and stuff do count. im being honest and i agree with you i'm weary of dieting too. and i will also admit with the sleeve i Do feel like i'm on a diet but like you mention i can't binge so in the end..................on a postive note i'm acepting that i'm just one of those people who will always have to watch what i eat to keep my weight down and after much whining and complaining to everyone and anyone who would listen i have accepted that. and once i hit goal i will always treat myself but it will always have to be in moderation. but i just wanted to chim in and say you are not alone luv!



  3. you know we all have bad neighborhoods in our head and hearts and we get stuck there from time to time and the whys and what if starts to haunts. i'm 4 moths out and i still every now and then doubt my sleeve (even at 84 pounds down lol) and it because my heart and head is not in synce and then "patience and time" comes along (i'm trying to learn this myself) and it all comes togather you are going to do great! this board helps as well really nice ladies on here just think in a couple weeks you are going to be sleeve and then before you know the end of summer comes and all the endless possibilites. we will do it! good luck sweetie!



  4. thanks laura. I was at my weightloss group and a lady told me that when she was my weight she was a size 20 to so i guess this normal it just amazes me how much weight you have to lose to lose sizes! but she mention starting off as a heavy weight it like that something about plus sizes been like 30 pounds between sizes she did say though once i get to a size 18 that when the sizes will drop over night so we shall see.



  5. yes i love Stereograms. i have tons around my house drives my friends and family batty. AND no i was not expecting to be thin like a model but I know what i see when i look in the mirror. As i have learn over my 25 years that Expectations VS Reality is alot that many struggle with. I'm not. i see the small differences. but i was "expecting something differently" also ive only drop two pants sizes. 24 to 20 i've been a size 20 since 265 i'm 239 now and still in a size 20 (i'm 5'8) and it not from lose skin either so........i mean i understand what your saying but i though it was resonable to expect to be in a 18 by now which is not model skinny. it just stumbs me. maybe i'll get a visit from the whoosh fairy and i wake up one day and have lost a couple more pants sizes who knows.



  6. :huh0:This is driving me nuts! yes i'm down a couple pants sizes yes ive lost inches and yes every one around is telling me how much smaller i got but i'm the only one still trying to find or looking at a 3D Stereogram waiting for the picture to jump out. im fairly sane you know so i'm not crazy (you can't prove it:closedeyes:) If anything i just look more saggy or something. i don't know at 83 pounds down should i feel something or is it because i stil have 90 more pounds to go? maybe 50 more. i can't understand this for the life of me. IF and i said "if" was a mind thing to bad there not a diet for the mind:sad0:.



  7. i agree with tiff and steph123. I wish i never went there. i will never go over seas or aboard again i will pay the double and have my Tummy Tuck and thigh lift at home. and it really is the "internet" i do know my probs were very real. And as i mention before i don't blame them for what happen to me it was really my luck but i was not happy about how it was handle if they took my temp they would know i had a temp of 101. noone ever call to check on me. get your money kick you out that how i feel about this place and i always will but do i spend my time spewing there name. i have better things to do and i could care less if anyone calls me a lie at this point i would not lose any sleep and as for these boards i have really learnt to make it not that big of a deal. take it for what it worth. moving on im down 80 pounds and i'm doing very well and i have no regrets with my sleeve.



  8. im still thinking...................The only one i use to make was lose weight i use to have a goal i would have all year and it would be to get to 250 by so and so now that i'm 6 pounds below that i'm sure i'll think of something. i could follow Donna as well though. my whole life is a big clutter! lol it overwhealming just thinking about it. And goodluck tiff you can do it. look how far you have come and tracy i finish with my master in the spring of 2010 it was a long road but it can and you will do it! You know maybe i'll spend the next year dropping hints to my BF that I'm ready to get marry? can that be a goal?? we'll both graduate so maybe we should wait a while? lol i don't know i'm still thinking dee............



  9. SO i'm at a stand still of 245 and sadly i'm not one of those people who loses inches even if the scale is still. pass few weeks i have been thinking about it. yes it only been 4 months down 76 but i still have 97 more to go. on top of that i feel like i'm on a diet. i eat about 600 calories a day i exercise three days a week. my biggest fear is when i get to 150 i'll struggle to stay there. i also wonder will it get me to goal i'm not going to settle for 200 and be happy with that no i refuse to. it exhausting. Maybe it pressure from other people too. you know they are watching and waiting for the results and if a year from not i'm no where near goal i'll feel like a loser (I'm such a people pleaser) Anyway it just a thought.



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