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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Determined1

  1. Thank you for the add and words of encouragement! Best of luck to you on your journey!

  2. 2nd fill today and no progress in a month. I guess I'll kick this exercising thing into full throttle!

  3. Holding steady at 19 pounds. I'll be sooo glad to get my first fill. Come on June 21st!

  4. Just came back from my post-op visit. I am down 18.8 since pre-op!

  5. In 2 1/2 hours I will be counting backwards and on my way into lapband heaven!

  6. Day 4 of my liquid diet and the ladies in the office decided to order Chinese! I'm digging my heels in and saying ABSOLUTELY NONE for me thanks!

  7. Day 2 of liquid diet and my three day weekend is over.

  8. One week until my new birthday! I'm so excited!

  9. Not a happy camper right now! My surgery was set for 5-9 and then the dr's ofc realized I needed an EGD. I had that done today and everything came back fine only to be told that they already gave my slot to someone else! What! So, now I wait until 5-16. Ugh!!!

  10. Started my high protein liquid pre-op diet this morning. Can someone PLEASE give me some pointers or suggestions on how to drink these things without gagging? I'm drinking the strawberry Muscle Milk light in powder form.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
