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Posts posted by happy1957

  1. I started this post yesterday under general post op, I suspect my lack of responses was because either it was in the wrong forum or no one else has personally experienced this. It goes like this.

    Hello folks... I am 23 months postoperative. I was 3.5 lbs from goal and decided to up the daily routine of exercise wanting to hit goal, I am a slow loser. More importantly the emotional victory was really all that I cared about, not the physical. So Instead of my normal 600 calorie a day burn on the elliptical I started burning 750 calories daily. I managed to lose 1.4 lbs in a month, but started to become ill. Having all the signs and at times severe, of hypoglycemia. After three weeks of fearing to drive at times, I finally went to see my Dr. My normally very nice blood pressure was extremely high and she followed up with lots of blood work, a kidney workup etc. I was asked to check my blood sugars randomly and especially when feeling ill . I'll call them spells. I would tremble, feel light headed, blurred vision, rapid heart rate and overall weakness with a strong desire to EAT. This at times woke me in the middle of the night accompanied with cold sweats, feeling much like a heart attack or my impression of one. There were times at work I'd have a project in my hand and not know why, my thought process was on "hold". I was lethargic and my memory would shut down.

    After googling hypoglycemia I was convinced that was what I had, yet my blood sugars were always within normal ranges, my A1C (three month average of blood sugars ) was great. So more testing was ordered, I do not have the results yet, of all the tests but one thing I do know is that I had a 2 hr fasting glucose tolerance test and that was not fun. The test is simple. They check your blood upon arrival, my number fasting was at 93, then they make you drink a bottle of sweet Syrup within 5 minutes, then I was SICK. Many of the same symptoms were replicated, although not all, I was near passing out, blurred vision, not even being able to focus on my Ipad. I thought I was going to vomit, defecate in my pants and maybe even stroke out. I could barely speak. and actually didn't dare to in fear I'd throw up. This lasted nearly an hour. At hour two they draw your blood again and it is suppose to be 140 or less to be in normal ranges. Mine was 56.

    I have done further reading and honestly never read about this prior to my surgery, but this seems to be a delayed symptom of the Gastric Sleeve. It's called Reactive Hypoglycemia. http://en.wikipedia....ve_hypoglycemia I have not had any real symptoms since cutting my calorie burn back to 600 per day and trying to incorporate more complex carbs to my diet. I ate mainly Protein and vegetables. I've added a slice of 15 grain bread or a whole wheat English muffin to my diet daily and overall do feel better. I've had a few spells, not nearly as bad as before, and no more night issues.

    My question is there anyone else here with the same problem? If so why had I NEVER heard of this? If someone has had this experience I have questions about whether this is temporary, will I end up gaining because i'm eating more carbs etc. Thank you in advance for your help!

  2. Hello folks... I am 23 months postoperative. I was 3.5 lbs from goal and decided to up the daily routine of exercise wanting to hit goal, I am a slow loser. More importantly the emotional victory was really all that I cared about, not the physical. So Instead of my normal 600 calorie a day burn on the elliptical I started burning 750 calories daily. I managed to lose 1.4 lbs in a month, but started to become ill. Having all the signs and at times severe, of hypoglycemia. After three weeks of fearing to drive at times, I finally went to see my Dr. My normally very nice blood pressure was extremely high and she followed up with lots of blood work, a kidney workup etc. I was asked to check my blood sugars randomly and especially when feeling ill . I'll call them spells. I would tremble, feel light headed, blurred vision, rapid heart rate and overall weakness with a strong desire to EAT. This at times woke me in the middle of the night accompanied with cold sweats, feeling much like a heart attack or my impression of one. There were times at work I'd have a project in my hand and not know why, my thought process was on "hold". I was lethargic and my memory would shut down.

    After googling hypoglycemia I was convinced that was what I had, yet my blood sugars were always within normal ranges, my A1C (three month average of blood sugars ) was great. So more testing was ordered, I do not have the results yet, of all the tests but one thing I do know is that I had a 2 hr fasting glucose tolerance test and that was not fun. The test is simple. They check your blood upon arrival, my number fasting was at 93, then they make you drink a bottle of sweet Syrup within 5 minutes, then I was SICK. Many of the same symptoms were replicated, although not all, I was near passing out, blurred vision, not even being able to focus on my Ipad. I thought I was going to vomit, defecate in my pants and maybe even stroke out. I could barely speak. and actually didn't dare to in fear I'd throw up. This lasted nearly an hour. At hour two they draw your blood again and it is suppose to be 140 or less to be in normal ranges. Mine was 56.

    I have done further reading and honestly never read about this prior to my surgery, but this seems to be a delayed symptom of the Gastric Sleeve. It's called Reactive Hypoglycemia. Protein and vegetables. I've added a slice of 15 grain bread or a whole wheat English muffin to my diet daily and overall do feel better. I've had a few spells, not nearly as bad as before, and no more night issues.

    My question is there anyone else here with the same problem? If so why had I NEVER heard of this? If someone has had this experience I have questions about whether this is temporary, will I end up gaining because i'm eating more carbs etc. Thank you in advance for your help!

  3. I've been taking Biotin for about 3 months prior to surgery and have continued since my Dec. 2011 VSG. I will remain taking it. My sister lost lots of hair, her's has not yet grown back, she is over two years out. Actually I was complaining about how curly my hair has come in, it's difficult to straighten it, it's about a 3-4 inch undercoat of corkscrews, I should be happy, it's coming in dark blonde as it has darken as I've aged (56), but at least it has color and is getting so think in the back,t he front hasn't recovered quite as well. I have always gotten my Protein and Vitamins. I did injury my neck and had surgery last summer, I think my loss was a combination of both traumas to my body


  4. Congratulations!! I read your topic line and it gave me goosebumps. I too had the two denials and then medical review via phone. It took 11 months from start to finish, but oh so worth the effort. It will be 2 years in December and this has changed my life. No more meds, no longer have Migraines, foot pain, acid reflux etc.I am able to and enjoy a 5 day a week workout regimen but I have new issues now, :-) I WANT plastics.. Free ones of course. This is the best gift you can ever give yourself. Run with it.

  5. Hell Ldallas, Unfortunately I had surgical menopause years before VSG. I did lose lots of head hair between 5 and 9 months, which is recovering nicely, (too nicely) it's tooooo curly, I don't recall any pubic hair coming out, but I'm sure it did too. That I keep neatly trimmed so the shower didn't show me any loss. Overall I have never had much body hair. Lucky me I guess.

  6. Restriction overall depends what you eat. At this stage as you're trying to get in only "good" foods, restriction is great, but it seems as the months go on and it is a gradual thing, the more "bad" foods you consume, the more you can take in. Sliders are just that. popcorn which has little value other than emotionally is a great example, you can eat it until it comes out your ears, but eat four ounces of lean chicken and you're full at 3.5. The important thing is to try and make the best choices you can to nourish your body and meet your Protein requirements. As the other writer said, quantity is not the important factor, let the restriction last as long as it can. There truly is a honeymoon stage. Best of luck to you.

  7. I was 54.5 when I had mine, I'm 20 months out. No issues, very quick recovery as I knew what to expect with the help of this site. I too had a short lived Constipation issue, and the Hair loss everyone talks about which I consider normal. My hair is growing in great. I do aerobic walking 5 days a week. I never reached goal (short by 4 lbs), but yesterday saw the surgeon for the last time and my body fat is at 23 % within normal ranges although I am almost 20lbs heavier than the normal weight charts state. The charts consider me on the high end of overweight, almost obese, but my larger muscle mass makes up for a lot of the excess weight, but over all have a lower body fat than the charts show. I am no longer on meds, have perfect blood pressure 121/61 yesterday with a heart rate of 59. "A poster child" for the sleeve apparently. I hope I can report the same thing 24 months from now. I am able to eat more than I used to, also find myself hungrier than I used to be, but I have not changed weight in nearly a year. The best thing I've ever done for myself.

  8. I think you should go.. As one writer mentioned, this is a milestone in your brothers life. I was back to work in one week and found that moving was the best thing for me. You will be making adjustments to eating etc whether you're home or not. If he died on his honeymoon you would never forgive yourself. (not trying to put a guilt trip on you, but I'm a realist) You won't be a burden if you do exactly as your Dr tells you. Be prepared for the worst, take pre-mixed Protein Drinks, gas ex etc. I'm sure they would rather have a smelly you then no you at all. Have fun, life is just beginning.

  9. OMG, I want the same.. can't afford all of it, but please tell me more about the Dr, the experience in Mexico and the cost. I am a woman of value and I have heard that you get twice as much in Mexico or the Dominican Republic for the same costs here in the USA. I need a Tummy Tuck for sure. I don't think my insurance will cover a panniculectomy since it's not hanging below the symphysis pubis. I am on my own financially. Thank you.

  10. Thank you for sharing.. I'm serious about the Tummy Tuck. My legs are not right, but I can live with them. I have a few questions. What did your insurance require to have this done? I heard you had to lose 100 lbs but I see that you didn't. Did you have issues other than rash? Did they do liposuction with the tummy tuck? It looks like some fat is missing too. You look so much thinner. Someone posted how great your surgical lines look and I have to agree. I have seen some messed up photos. Thanks again, you've given me inspiration.

  11. I am 18 months postoperative and have been at goal for about six months. I am in need of a abdominoplasty. I am just starting the process and have changed insurance companies since my surgery. I now have United Healthcare PPO. Has anyone had experience with them as far plastics? Thanks for any information you have to offer.

  12. That didn't work for me. I had a 18 month fight with Aetna before I was approved. I was only required to undergo three months of nutritional counseling, but that timeframe kept getting longer. At, the time I had a bmi of 49 but no comorbidities. Aetna finally approved after I hired a healthcare advocate and threatened to sue.

    I too had a year long fight with Aetna, apparently I had not been fat enough long enough. I was obese my entire life, but always ran a three year cycle of losing, maintaining and gaining back. No 24 month steady period of 24 months. I was fortunate enough to have 23 years of weight records. :) I won on the last appeal. It is worth the fight, never give up. It's the best present I ever gave myself.

  13. I am 6 months out and my hair has been falling out for 2 months now. I wish it would stop soon! I have done everything right, it just happens to most of us. I will be so happy when it starts growing back in I don't care if its straight or curly as long as it comes back.

    "Loseitsoon"..I assume your name was just weight you wanted to lose? I too did everything "Right" , to a fault. It still happened, yes hair is better no matter the color or form. At 56 it's retraining me to deal with this new hair. Keep smiling and remember it's only temporary. :-)

  14. My hair is coming out like crazy and some days I cry because I feel like everyone can tell. Then I look in the mirror and Celebrate my 51 pound loss and think that it is a small price to pay for a whole new me.

    Don't worry .. it will get better. I thought I too was going bald, but it stops and begins to grow, but it may not be the same texture.. :-)

  15. Good morning.. I think this is mainly from the "shock to your body". My doctor warned me it would happen. I always met and usually exceeded my Protein requirements. Did everything precautionary that I had read about including Biotin supplements and shampoos etc. Yet between 5-9 months, I lost so much hair. It would come out in goobs while in the shower and my brush was always full too. I would pass my fingers through my conditioned hair and at times circles of 50 plus hairs would come out. I was worried I'd be bald. I too have very fine hair but lots of it. Well, kiddo.. At 18 months out it is growing back, but unfortunately for me, I have about 3 inches of new growth all over my head. The new hair is like a SHEEP!! This hair is like some people get after chemo treatments. I can NOT control it all. My bangs look like corkscrews. I straighten it and 10 minutes later.. OUCH! I hate this new curly crap, but it beats baldness. I live in Maine and we've had a terribly humid, rainy spring and early summer. I am hoping if this humidity ever goes away, I can again get control. The part I hate most is the top layer which is wavy, almost straight, sticks out when those corkscrews spring that hair up, I look stupid. I have cut my hair to shoulder length and layered it some, but not ready for a short haircut, especially an afro yet, this hair is better than bald. When I wear my hair up, all the little corkscrews find their way to to the surface making for one fuzzy looking mop head. LOL The best of luck to you. I hope you are one of the lucky ones who never loses their hair.

  16. Glad that you both recognize it's either that you ate too fast or too much. I am 18 months out, have never thrown up and fortunately have a stop warning signal, my NOSE runs first starting with the sniffles, if I take one more bite, it runs like a faucet. You'll be like your old self soon, meaning your struggles will become habits and you won't see it as a struggle. We all have days that we can eat more than others, some days I'm starving. So a Protein Drink in between helps. The more carbs I try to sneak in, the hungrier I become. If at all, avoid them. We are all human and have cravings, I satisfy mine. Not in volume, it often doesn't take more than a bite or two. I now cook for others and take a bite. I love my sleeve. Love my time working out and the solitude and satisfaction that comes with it. The best to both of you.

  17. And I'm a happy camper too. This happens in a small % of patients. He will be using a 36 bougie this time instead of a 40. Most of my sleeve is fine. There is just a herniated bulge just under my stomach/esophagus junction (gastroesophageal sphincter). The theory is that once this gets tightened up, the tissue will not be so elastic.

    I'm not really a grazer (too busy) and everything was hunky dory until the weight gain started a year ago.

    Thank you for your candidness, I wish you the best of luck and a fast recovery.

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