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Posts posted by Cleosan52

  1. I am new here, and just looking into having WLS. Numerous past weight loss attempts have ended in failure. (I know that is a common plight here.) As I pray about this, I keep battling that I should be able to do this with God, and not have to rely on surgical intervention. Basically its like I feel my faith is not strong enough to discipline myself to keep better eating habits. I know all the how to's and when I apply them I lose weight well. I have never achieved my goal weight. It's like I self-sabotage my own efforts and gain it all back plus some more. So as I contemplate WLS now, I find myself wondering how this will be different? Can it be different? Why can't God and I do this alone? What's wrong with me? The guilt and negativity flows on and on. I am praying for God's direction. I am asking Him to lead me through the right doors, remove the obstacles Satan is sure to throw out to steer me away from God's best for my life now. My sin may has brought me here, but my God can bring me to where I need to be. Right now I am not sure if this guilt I am feeling is a fiery dart, or is it God calling me in a different direction. The only problem is right now I don't see another direction. My health is endangered, after 38 years of this battle, I am praying for God to direct me completely. I am asking him to help me to be follow his leading. I wanted to thank you all for sharing. This thread gives me hope that maybe there is a way to deal with this issue in my life. Thanks to all!

    Awww Cheri, we've all gone through this period of questioning. Through this process doors opened for me that I would never have dreamed of. I am 5 months out from surgery and 7 months from starting this journey. I have lost 97 lbs and have more energy now then ever before. I can do more things for God, my family and myself. I am happier and more confident now esp at church. I just particpated in a clothes drive at church which before I would have cried in pain to be on my feet for two days. I can keep up with my husband and kids now. I work full time outside the home also and now mommy doesn't come home and fall asleep or sit all night watching tv because she's too tired. I'm actually training for my first 5k!!! Go figure!!!

    With all this said, I learned I was in bondage before. Bondage to my weigh, my fleshly desires, my emotions, spiritually stagnant, etc And I know satan would love nothing more if I stayed there. I was useless for the kingdom and my family. Now I am free and on fire. Pray, pray, pray and then just do it!

  2. I was sleeved on the 25th. I hit my stall at 1.5 weeks. I was expecting it though because I lost 33 lb pre-surgery in 2 months and TOM is scheduled any day. I was 292 at the hospital and now I am 277, so that's 15 lbs that flew off in a week and half. Kinda wish I would see the scale move down but I'm not stressing, it will happen. I've lost a dress size though, almost two!

  3. Hope your having a blessed Sunday. I had an extra bonus. My hubby was off and able to go to church too. It was so nice having extra hands to get the kids ready. I was able to get my make up on too and not in the rear view mirror on the way to church!!!

    I'm starting to see the fruit of my weight loss now. I wore a size smaller pants and shirt plus..... HIGH HEELS!!! I didn't have pain! That's a biggie for me. If you know me, you know I love my shoes!!!

    The question I ask my self... "What did I do this for?", plays over and over in my mind. I did this not only to feel good, be healthy, wear high heels, lol... I did this so I could be the woman, wife, mother that God wants me to be.

    I love this song, LIFESONG by Casting Crowns. There is more than just me that is going to be affect and/or changed by what God has enabled me to do.

    Empty hands held high

    Such small sacrifice

    If not joined with my life

    I sing in vain tonight

    May the words I say

    And the things I do

    Make my lifesong sing

    Bring a smile to You

    Let my lifesong sing to You

    Let my lifesong sing to You

    I want to sign Your name to the end of this day

    Knowing that my heart was true

    Let my lifesong sing to You

    Lord I give my life

    A living sacrifice

    To reach a world in need

    To be Your hands and feet

    So may the words I say

    And the things I do

    Make my lifesong sing

    Bring a smile to You



    Let my lifesong sing to You

  4. Hope your having a blessed Sunday :) When I was in the hospital and felt so bad, I had the what did I do moment. ONe minute I felt great and the next I'm hitting the morphine pump every 6 min, lol. I'm two weeks out and other than wanting to be off liquids, I thank God that He brought me through this safely. He gave me a new clean slate and the tool to be the woman He wants. Keep your eyes upwards and don't let fear over take you. We can do this and in the end it will be all worth it!

  5. Great post 6...

    I have found that Calcium citrate (in chewable form) is much harder to find on the store shelves. Most of the "chewable" forms of Calcium are the carbonate. I am thinking of ordering from Bariatric Advantage online. I ordered a sample pack and most of the chewable calcium flavors were okay tasting.

    However, my surgeon doesn't want us on calcium until we are 6 weeks out. So I guess I have time (will be 2 weeks out tomorrow) but need to get thinking on this. :) My surgeon also said don't worry about Vitamins the first couple of weeks, your body has enough stores to get you through. Anyone else get that advice?

    I was told to make sure I stay on top of the vits because when your deficient then it is harder to come back. Things that make you go hmmm? lol

  6. It is a citrate that you need to take ( according to my NUT) I get the generic from Walmart. They are horse pills but I put two in 3 oz cold Water and desolve. Then I add 3 oz of G2 or Crystal lite to hide the taste. Then I tell myself to think of it as medicine and just do it, lol. I also count it as 6oz towards my water intake for that day. I take two in the morning and two in the evening (12 oz total) NUT said if any grainy stuff is at the bottom of the cup, don't drink it, just throw it away.

  7. I have you beat. I was 28! When my apt neighbor asked me for dinner 7 years ago, Something in me said Yes, I didn't even think, I just went with it. I've always been plus size so if he asked me out then he had to like what he saw!

    I'm 35 years old now, 7 years, 3 kids, home, van, I am married to my BFF!!! Sometimes you have to be spontanious and just say yes!!!!

  8. I can't believe its been a week already!!! Time goes by fast when you are having fun, lol.

    Monday was surgery, I was out of it all day, Woke up in my room and hubby said I was hitting the morphin pump every 6 min, lol.

    Tuesday, I was still on that morphin pump, It was my hospital BFF, lol. Started to get up and walk and it was very uncomfortable. I like walking at night. It was quiet, no people or other obsticals on the floor and I got some one on one time with nurses and they would walk with me, keep ing my mind off the pain.

    Wednesday was my downhill hump day. The nurses didn't know much about sleeve patients. I had a nausea patch on the one of the nurses took off of me whn I was sleeping. They then told be to get up and walk but I wasn't feeling good. My mom was helping me and I started dry heaving and trying not to throw up. My husband and mom where yelling for help, nuirsing running, mass confusion. My husband asked where my patch was and the nurse said she took it off. They gave me something through my iv and I slept for 3 hrs. At this point my family wanted me out of the hospital asap! As soon as they removed the catheter, iv and JP drain, I started to feel human again.

    Thursday , home sweet home, I slept in the recliner and took one pain pill. I slept a lot of thursday and was still on Clear liquids. A lot of gas that day. Sip, sip, sip!!!!

    Friday, I took one pain pill. Hubby convinced me to go to Target with him for the ride. When we got there, I decided to go in and walked for 30 min. I was tired then and went to sit at the food bar while he finished shopping. Still having a lot of gas, and sipping away. Focusing on walter and protien shakes right now. I like GNC Wheybolic 60 the best ( chocolate).

    Saturday, feeling 100 times better!!! Went to church for kid's harvest party. I lasted 20 min and then was sooo tired. I sat at the craft table and hlps with the crafts while hubby took care of the three kids running around. Still not getting all my Water in and starting to have that keytosis, Iron, yuck mouth. Still trying though and I have no pain!!!!

    Sunday, I decided to go to church (took my water bottle with me) and did great! I sat for praise and worship and took a nap when I we got home. No pain, put the pill away! I did a no no though!. I didn't eat before church, had 1 oz mashed potato and nap. When I got up it was go, go , go to get the kids dinner, cleanup for the Holloween guest we have, gt the kids dressed and I started burping alot, got dizzy, lightheaded, hot flashes, nausea. My mom asked what I ate and I just remember... NOTHING, no appetite and I forgot all about food!!!! That was a first!!! When the kids left for trick or treating, I had 1 oz yogurt and 3 oz Protein Shake and felt like a new woman!!!

    Monday, I 'm home 2/3 kids ( ages 3 and 2, my 5 yr old is in school) and doing great, no pain, no nausea and feeling like 75% of my self!!! I went to the dr for blood work this morning and got weighed! My starting weight in Sept was 324lbs. My surgery weight was 292lbs (32 lost). My weight today, one wk after surgery....... 279!!!!!!!!! I lost 13 lbs in one week and a grand total of 45 lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am relieved that I did this, no regrets ( I did have the what the heck feeling but it was over by Friday) I go back on the 14th for my new meal plan, Right now, I am eating yogurt, mashed potato, Protein Shakes, strained cream Soups and sip, sip, sip that water!!!

  9. Sunday Worship and Praise- Our God

    I hope you had a Blessed Sunday! I wasn't going to church today because I was feeling a nausea and just blah. Hubby took the kiddos and they all went to Sunday School. I was sitting flipping through the channels and just picked up the phone and called my Mom. It was about 20 min before church was to start. She said she would be right over and get my. Needless to say, hubby was very happy and suprised to see me sitting in the sanctuary waiting for him to get out of men's class.

    I think there was a big reason that God wanted me there and for today it was the praise and worship. During this part of the service, I was standing, dancing, arms raised up and didn't feel sick at all. All my focus was on God and worshipping Him. After that I was done in, lol.

    One of the songs that was played was Our God by Chris Tomlin. It just touched my heart. Right now it is about a week after my surgery and I'm having these what did I do thoughts ( not quite buyer's remorse). What will people say that I haven't told yet? Will I every get over this blah feeling I'm having right now?

    This song brought me such peace today. There’s no one like our God. He is greater, higher, stronger, Healer, awesome in power! And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?

    There is NOTHING that I can't accomplish if He is with me!!! He will raise me up from the ashes!


  10. I got home around 6:00pm. yesterday. I was able to rest ( hospital should have a sign posted...Thou shalt not let thy patients sleep)!!!

    On Monday, we got the hospital at 5 am and got my iv and all the other goodies to get me ready. Surgery was at 7am. I remember sliding off the gerny onto the operating table. They put compression blow up thingies on my legs, tied my arms down and put the mask on me. Next think I remember is waking up in my hodpital room. ( slept through the whole revocery room episode)

    The staff were very nice but some were clueless, they kept referring my as a RYN pt not a sleeve pt. We had a lot of pt education these last couple of days, lol. Dr said everything was very smooth, liver shrank down and they didn't have to jostle my insides around.

    -Here is what I noticed:

    -I have no appetite

    -I made them order me a binder, I walked much better with one on, the JP drain didn't feel like it was being tugged on.

    -Sipping is much easier than I thought. I have to force myself actually just to get 1 oz down.

    -I had so much relief when they took the JP drain out.

    -Walking helps with gas pain.

    -use your spirometer ( breathing into thingy) it hurts at first but helps get all the gunk out of you chest

    - expect nausea and dizziness, part of the process, I ended up dry heaving 4-5 times with family yelling help and nurses running, it was mass chaos for 15 min. The nurse put something in my iv and I was out for 3 hrs, very scary!!

    - leak test sucks, but it was cool seeing the die go down into my little banana ( note--- it does not look like the cute pictures in the books, lol)

    I'm home now and not having any pain but the nausea and upset stomach is not fun :( I gained 6lbs in Fluid so now I'm back up to 290 ( 4 more too lose)

    Thank you for all you support and prayers!!!

  11. Ready, set...

    Well, the time has finally came. This is the day that God has decreed in my life, and I am walking in it. Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    I got the kids packed to stay with my parents, and I'm packed for the hospital. My sister is great, she had a bonfire tonight with the immediate family to "take my mind off things". We gathered around and prayed together. And now I'm off with hubby (left the kids with my mom), we have to be at the hospital at 5am and surgery is schedule for 7am. When I wake up, I will be headed to the losers bench for once and for all. Oct 25th is a new day for me, it's the first day of my new life.

    I am not naive to think that magically I will lose all my weight and life will be all hunky-dory. What I know is, I am given a new chance, a new "tool" that can "help" me keep my weight off. Ultimately, I am in control of what I put in my mouth and how I use this tool in the future. I just thank God that I have the opportunity to do so.

  12. We know life is a journey. Paul even describes it as a race... Heb 12:1 “Run with endurance the race that God has set before you”

    On a race, there are markers to make the path to show the way to go. On our race, God is our marker, His words are our map. But on a race, what happens if a car is parked blocking the signs, or if you have a leg cramp and can't keep going, or fall and get injured? All of these will slow or even stop our race. Life is the road blocks in our race. I can't tell you how many times I've looked to the right or the left to see who/what I cam keeping up with. I've kept my eye behind me and I've tried to strain my eyes in front of me. But I realized, there comes a time when everything is blurred around me and the only place I can look is up.

    And that is what I'm doing, keeping my eyes focus on Jesus because I'm afraid to take my eyes off Him. I'm afraid if I do, then I won't make it to the hospital tomorrow or if I do, I won't be able to fulfill this wonderful gift I feel like he is giving me and this will just be another thing I have failed in.

    "Give me a Revelation" I have prayed this so many times, and my prayers have finally been answered. If I can share just one thing with you it would be, keep seeking Him, asking for the revelation that you need in your life to run this race and con't your journey!

  13. That your husband is "allowing" you to have this surgery is half the battle. I know that we want our husbands to be 100% behind us and our decisions without hesitation, but sometimes they just have to be shown. My husband was very quite with the whole thing until recently. He does realize that I come from a heavy family and he comes from a thin one.

    If you could have done this on your own you would have years ago. But now God is opening all the right doors for you. Keep letting your husband see how God is working in your life. It might come to the point where you will be comforting his fears, but the time will come when he see how much your life (and his) has turned for the better. How much you two will be able to do together.

    Praying that one day he will day, "Gosh Honey you should have done this years ago!!!" lol. Praying for peace in your spirit and mind for both of you. Hugs...

  14. Almost Go but not yet :)

    It has been a very busy day. I manage to get everything I need after surgery. Now I just have to make a list of what the kids will need when I'm in the hospital. I also had a date night with hubby. We went to a fancy place with dinner music and all. I splurged for my "last" meal! Half a chicken breast, half a baked potato, a roll and three bites of a goooy, yummy dessert. It was so nce talking with hubby, we got a lot out about our fears about surgery. We both in a good place. We went to see a movie afterwards, held hands the whole time. We don't do a lot of that with three kids, 5 and under, lol.

    When we got home there was a message on the machine. Hospital called and they changed my surgery time from 9am to 7 am. I have to be there at 5 am. All the butterflies came back, lol. Here's to 2 more days left!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
