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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by feedyoureye

  1. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Just got my labs back.... My lipid panels are up again.... I REALLY do not want to start taking statins.... Hope my doc gives me another chance to get the numbers down. My mom dying and all the other stressors in the last 4 months have thrown my off track on my health.... eating out more, snacking (including butter popcorn at work most days)... and not eating my chia, flax and beta stanolls.... MY BAD. I am starting to pull it back in the last few weeks, but now soon enough for it to show up on the labs. Going in net week for the talk with the Doc....
  2. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    This sounds great to me. Sometimes trying to "lock things in" at a month is a warning sign, but then again, sometimes we do know what we want and showing interest when we find it is just being tuned into that. You have been dating enough lately to know when you have found a person who you click with. My dad knew he wanted to be with my mom on the first date... and they were married for 65 years. This is not true for all, but how do you know if you don't make the chance at some point? I had an Indian lover when I lived in India, he said to me "Independence is the antithesis of Relationship". I have given this a lot of thought through the years. I had another boyfriend (oh so many!!) who said to me "Relationships will survive as long as both people in the relationship are committed to stay in the relationship more than not committed to stay in the relationship" Just agreeing to be in a relationship is a powerful thing. Thats what makes vows powerful.... if you are serious about making them they do work. Selling? What are your plans? Making a move can be fun or stressful.... I can see you going to Spain someday!
  3. I gained 10 right after surgery too.., it will come off... do get in your liquids, this will help the water weight get the heck our of you quicker! Do try to stay calm, the body will have a mind of its own. Just follow the docs plan... and strap in for a crazy ride! A ride that will go downhill most of the way!
  4. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sounds like some adventures going on out there! Good for you all! I have been a bit of the slug this weekend... Did go out for Indian with the dad. Working on my family history WAY too much. (I have another life that is going down the drain right now!) Anyway, I spent all day yesterday looking up all the menfolk that lived during the American Revolution to see how many of them were in the records as "Patriots". Found some very interesting stories...14 possible patriots... but the one I was most excited about was actually part of the Lexington Alarm in 1775... the one were Paul Revere took the ride! I also have a Quaker grandpa (they didn't fight) but he is on record as feeding the troops. Some guys guys with fancy plaques on their graves and such turned out to have just signed oaths of allegiance... others that had nothing fancy actually fought... Anyway, now I want to go through the women folks next to see if there are any stories there. The down side of this work is its done on the couch and the snacks go down EASY. Getting my labs done tomorrow and not so sure they will come out well this time.....
  5. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am really looking forward to some rain too... supposed to be showing up on Friday. Fingers crossed... HUGE drought right now....
  6. If you are worried, ask your Dr. I gained 10 pounds from the IV, but everyone is different.
  7. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Mom in law is going home today... and even though I love her, I am up 8 pounds. Blame her "going out to eat habits" and my "Why sure YES thank you" and Cheesecake factory. I really did it up over the last 3 weeks. SO happy to fast today. What a relief. I know exactly what went wrong though... I broke my own advice... did not write things down most of the time... mindless eating.... I did however weigh every day... and watched the slow bounce in action... did little to nothing about it most days. She is skinny as a rail, and considered me a "doesn't eat much" person at this point, but the scale says different. Back on track girls. Georgia, your trip sounds like so much fun! Yes... Wanda... where are you? Laura Ven did not blame the site for her leaving, it was other bombshell things that caused her split. I haven't hear from her in a while... I'll try to reach out again...
  8. feedyoureye

    Not surprising

    http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/832964 Medscape Family Medicine Which Diets Work? A Side Order of Perspective Michael J. Joyner, MD Disclosures October 13, 2014 Reevaluating the Healthy DietWhat constitutes a healthy diet? Until about a month ago, the conventional wisdom told us that a healthy diet was low in fat and salt, and involved eating Breakfast. Since that time, the news has reminded us (or perhaps re-reminded us) that it is not that simple. A recent, widely reported study showed that low-carbohydrate (carb) diets might be better.[1] Before that, we heard that either too much or too little salt in the diet can be bad,[2] and before that we heard that skipping breakfast may not be so bad after all.[3] All Diets Can Work; Most Don'tBefore anyone switches to a low-carb diet, it is important to remember that all diets can work in the short run. However, most diets fail in the long run,[4] and sticking with a diet is far more important than whether the diet is low-carb or low-fat. If you look at people who lose a lot of weight and keep it off over many years, a consistent pattern emerges.[5] When more than 10,000 real-life "biggest losers" (people who have lost at least 30 lb and kept it off) were surveyed, most succeeded by doing a few simple things: • 78% eat breakfast; • 75% weigh themselves regularly; • 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week; • 90% exercise about 1 hour per day; and • Most eat a low-calorie, low-fat diet. Among the weight regainers in this study,[6] reductions in leisure-time physical activity, dietary restraint, and frequency of self-weighing and increases in percentage of energy intake from fat and disinhibition (less self-control) were associated with greater weight regain. The advocates of low-carb diets will come back and say, "But the new study is a randomized clinical trial!"—and thus it should trump the observational data. A bigger randomized clinical trial[7] that followed weight loss in about 5000 patients with type 2 diabetes for 8 years showed that those who lost 10% of body weight and kept it off for 8 years did pretty much the same thing: [P]articipants who at year 8 maintained the ≥10% loss versus [those who[ gained above baseline weight revealed that maintainers reported higher activity-related energy expenditure (about 1500 vs 800 calories per week) and a greater number of weeks in the prior year reducing their calorie and fat intake. Weight [loss] maintainers also were more likely than full regainers to weigh themselves daily or more often.... What About Salt? The news about salt is hardly surprising. It has been known for years that blood pressure is salt-sensitive, but only in some people. The risks associated with excessively low-salt diets have also been known for years. However, determining exactly who is salt-sensitive can be difficult, and the biggest problem from a population health perspective is too much salt leading to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Public health guidelines are sometimes blunt instruments, and given the overwhelming link between too much salt and bad outcomes,[8] it is probably acceptable that the guidelines are straightforward and even oversimplified. Before You Skip BreakfastBefore you start skipping breakfast, keep the data from the real-life biggest losers in mind. They tend to eat breakfast. Also, the classic epidemiologic studies by Lester Breslow, who lived to age 97 in good shape, suggest that eating breakfast helps people live long and healthy lives. The Conventional Wisdom Lives OnMedical guidelines and evidence come and go and are subject to regular revision.[9] However, sometimes the newest findings lead people to jump on bandwagons related to the latest and greatest studies, when a longer view might be helpful. In the case of diet, this is amplified by public anxiety, along with pitchmen and others promoting diets with magical properties that melt the pounds away and make them better than any alternative. However, before you adopt a high-fat diet, stop worrying about salt, and start skipping breakfast, keep the long-term outcome data in mind. So far, they have stood the test of time. Of greater importance, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, recognize that you are going to have reengineer your life by eating less, exercising more, weighing yourself regularly, and turning the TV off. Unfortunately, there are no magic bullets.
  9. feedyoureye

    Not surprising

    I tried to post all the article, but it wouldn't show it all for some reason..... sorry....
  10. What Daisy said.... I gained 22 at one point, and really had to search around to find something that worked for me. Don't let your feelings get in the way of your success... you can do it! A few of us used the 5:2, and I still use it to keep on track 1-2 days a week. Find info in the Vets forum if interested. Best of luck.
  11. feedyoureye

    Long termers...

    I have come to the conclusion that the work is never done. I have to "tow the line" most of the time.... but not ALL of the time. I want to eat to deal with stress, and go ahead and do that sometimes. I also have developed some activities that give me the "good feeling" I try to get from eating (and never really lasts more than a minute or two) I find that nature is my salve. I kayak, walk, bird watch, drive around in the country, work in the garden. This does more than almost anything to make me feel better when Im stressed or down. I also dance, which has helped me in many ways... body awareness, fitness, developing a community, confidence... I have worked these things into my week, every week, maybe 4-5 days a week... and I cherish them for all the pleasure and relief they give me. I cook. When I take the responsibility to cook my own food from scratch, some self grown, organic, Vegetarian.... I can take more control over the Protein content, the type of carbs and fats involved... and its an art as well. I share with others. I can my own jams, pickles and such. This eyes open involvement in the process helps me to really enjoy my food, and bring it to a level that reveres the taste and textures and where the food comes from, and all those complexities involved. I like to think about and experience food... but when I engage with food unconsciously, like I'm taking a drug or something.... and look for satisfaction... its not there. i try to be grateful.... its satisfying. Meeting and talking to people here can be satisfying. I learn so much here, I gain how to be myself better, How to relax and move forward to find answers, to sit with failure and see how it is a learning experience... to get back on track without self hate. I still have not really dealt with the "fat me". I look at photos of myself in wonder. I feel so sorry for her... its hard to take to heart that its me. I was so unhappy with my looks then... I really felt I was such a failure in that area. I was so successful in many ways except that one. I was brave then, and tried many things... I dieted, exercised, tried so many approaches to getting my body the way I wanted it to be, but none of them really worked. It felt like a curse. I am so grateful that I am still close to goal (surgery over 3 1/2 years ago), and seem to have a set of skills to stay there... although I know that could change.
  12. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    What a bunch of thoughtful posts ladies!
  13. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I found a vintage rodeo queen belt earlier this year, and so love it! I too wear it with more simple cloths... like the "Johnny Cash" look...all black... its a big sterling engraved buckle with "rubies" and the date and name of a Central Valley California rodeo. I am not a cowgirl, but wear boots all the time, and it fits my look. Like you said Sheryl, I have an "artsy" look and big jewelry is part of it! Post a pic, I would love to see your belt!
  14. feedyoureye

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    I don't believe you are supposed to use straws early on...and nicotine slows healing... so stay away, and ask your Doc first chance you get.
  15. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So sorry to hear this... that number on the scale is such a rotten trigger at times! It is good to know though... at least for me, weigh, count and remain aware... even when "cheating". That helps me so much. I am hovering about 3 pounds above my high bounce range... was even higher than that for a while... the fast days help so much, but I am tending to NOT pay attention on non fast days, and go a little wild.... I am trying to start being more aware of what I am actually eating on non fast days as well as fast days....I think I could easily have gained a bunch more with all the stress and unaccountability of the past few months without going back to the 5:2 now and again... Three pounds over.... not so bad, 8 pounds over? My pants no longer fit... and I get that big scare about having to really go on a "diet" like you say... and would really like to not have to go there. Mom in law is here too... she is skinny as a rail, and doesn't eat much at all... but we do eat out, and snack around the clock...I am the one who has to say no... and I am not always strong enough for that. Sorry about the 30+ Florinda... I know you can do it.... and even do lots of the things you love to do and eat what you love (your descriptions of the recipes you are making are lovely...I want recipes!) but do write it down. That coconut flour and oil is pretty high... and something crossed my mind... probably nothing, but you know coconut can cause bezoars in the stomach...obstructions..... I think mostly shredded coconut....but if you REALLY can't eat or drink... I would look into it.... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18347881 .... also coconut flour is very drying....it absorbes a lot of liquid, more than regular flour... so not drinking becomes more of a problem.
  16. feedyoureye

    Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year

    If you are not already doing these things, then do, and best of luck to you Scooter!
  17. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Went to the mountains this weekend, and gained 2 1/2 pounds. My weight is as high as its been for a year. Fasting today, hope its mostly water.....
  18. feedyoureye

    5:2 Links and info

    If you take the time to look at the links posted at the beginning of this thread, it will tell you most of what you want to know. Do watch the documentary posted on the first page of this post...
  19. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sounds yummy! I made a cake yesterday with half einkorn and half besan flour. Low Gluten, good protein, with prunes and almond slivers, a little molasses, and as a surprise studded with a few drk chocolate covered ginger pieces. Yummy for sure!
  20. feedyoureye

    low protein problem

    So is your problem low Protein or gaining weight? I would love to eat 60-70 a day... I try but at least two days a week do not get there. If you are gaining, I would recommend counting the cals and eating more carbs. Yes, I said it. Not junk, but oats, high Fiber, melons, berries and such one or two days a week, shake it up. I could only get the final weight off, and keep it off doing a semi fast two days a week. (500-600 cals on those days, around 50 gms protein) The other 5 days I eat over 100 gms of carbs a day. I walk two days a week, dance two days a week and kayak or hike or something one day a week.
  21. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I take bellydance classes twice a week. It is so fun, i just love it! I have tried to take Tango twice, once with my hubby, we almost got divorced! and once at the gym I go to where I take the Bellydance classes. I was pretty stressed out too... but did get a little better over the 7 weeks. I think I felt confronted having to do "touch" dancing.... which was also fun of course. I took that class after I had lost 50 pounds and felt much better about myself because of that Im sure. I would like to branch out and try some different styles, I remember learning some cha cha in high school gym and really liking it....
  22. feedyoureye

    2 years out and struggling with Munchies

    Perhaps acid? I agree with Jane too, water load. Also, eating protein with carbs is WAY better than carbs alone... it really helps moderate the insulin spike from just carbs. Of course just protein is best, but sometimes that just won't do. Best of luck! I love to snack too.... I try and plan snacks, and write it all down for best results...
  23. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Busy busy Cathy! It is hard to beat culture.... My dad has always favored his son/grandson a bit... will not really admit it, but it shows. My mom always tried to make it up to the girls, but all and all, I know they both loved me. The only problem with back to back days, is you get sick of doing it so its harder to maintain. a back to back now and then is probably better than not at all!

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