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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by feedyoureye

  1. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Hi all, had a good fast day today, came in at 557 cals. Just right for me. I have started slowing down on the big eating, but have stayed the same weight for a couple of weeks... I hope to see a little movement down over the next week with the regular two days of "fasting". You guys, drink plenty of Water, eat some raw veggies and fruit if you get the chance, and keep the other days of eating in a normal range... avoid bingeing. Also, if you miss a day, do make it happen the next. This is really a plan for the long haul, and you have to find ways to make it work and not have all or nothing thinking... if you miss a day, the next will be just as good to do it. Good work all! Kate, if you are only eating 750 calories a day, Im not sure if this is the plan for you. You might eat 500 on two days, and up your calories on the others to over 1000.... I keep it around 1200 or more on exercise days. The "5:2 girls" don't recommend this plan to those under 12 months out. You are close, but 750 cals is LOW in my opinion. Even 900 is pretty low....
  2. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Aw Swiz, we have all posted some disaster moment here one time or another! Don't feel like you have to keep quiet if you want to share. Glad to see you sarsar as well. Sounds tough.... I have a list the length of my arm of stressful things in my life right now too, but I just try and find quality where I can... and I can still find that when I make the effort. Don't forget to make some time for yourself girl. Caregivers need that to stay healthy. A few of us are starting the 5:2 again on monday... checking in at the 5:2 page here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/289313-the-52-diet/page-23 Can I admit Isareno? Or does Daisy need to do it? I don't mind Queen at all... its up to you guys. I know even if you like someone, it can be hard to let them into such a long running inner sanctum!
  3. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Everyone ready to dive into the program and start checking in tomorrow/Mondays?
  4. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I will wait till a few others check in and if it looks like a go I will let her know... Im not sure how to jump someone new in... we will cross that bridge if we get there!
  5. feedyoureye

    10 months out and having problems

    Usually if you can just stick to a moderate plan of eating and exercise for three days ( one hour at a time!) then it gets easier after that. Take it one hour at a time.
  6. feedyoureye

    Need to get back on my path

    Natalie, this must be so frustrating. I am the "bad girl" as I have never followed a low carb diet after surgery. Only a "lower carb" diet, which is around 100-150 carbs a day. I try and keep them whole grain, lower/no sugar, and lots of organics and raw as possible. I am a vegetarian and getting in the protein is not alway that great. I get back on track and try to get more of those often... its an on going problem. I have a goal range of 170-173 which I maintiained for a while, and in the past couple of months have gained 5-7 pounds. My exercise has reduced and my eating has become more mindless and emotional... which is the reason for the gain. I think you really need to get in more protein... it screws up your body not to have the protein you need to replace muscle tissue and such... My hair still falls out because of not enough protein.... Use MFP every day, do get exercise in any form you can manage, and work to improve the quality of your intake. Sometimes a little thing can really throw off your weight loss and gain. Best of luck to you, we are here for you!
  7. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Wow! I am so happy to see this post coming back to life. I need the support too. After my mom passed in July, with family things and emotional eating, I popped back up 7 pounds and feel really stuck there. The imperfect 5:2 I have been doing and the well over 1200 cals on other days have kept me from staying at goal, but even that little bit of 5:2 has helped me from just blasting off wight wise! My number one advice to myself has been "write it down and weigh every day" and I have started being spotty there as well... oops! MFP says I haven't logged in for three days? I don't even remember not doing it... thats the point...mindlessness is a slippery slope..... Back on track all? Should we at least check in on mondays with progress reports? Im in if you are! I fast mondays and Thursdays.... how about you?
  8. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So Sorry for your loss Cathy, My mom had a couple of days of "coming back" before he passed. The nurse said it is not uncommon. I was so happy to have the chance to make contact with her one last time. Hi all, my very imperfect 5:2 is just keeping me from gaining more at this time. The fool events are pilling up.. and my carb brain is so excited about it! (yikes!!!) A couple of really clean 5:2 days a week would help so much Im sure. My exercise has been partly interrupted as well. and I am only doing about half of what I used to... that needs to change. ALSO lsereno (you all know who she is...) http://www.bariatricpal.com/user/112048-lsereno/%C2'> interested in joining the 5:2 group to really do the 5:2. She is such a trooper and if anyone else were to join the group, I would think she would fit right in. We seem to have lost about half of our group... what do you think? I wouldn't mind adding back a little more 5:2 to our awesome friendly and open little group? What do you think? I could use the support. OR we could start another group that is more down to business 5:2 if our talk here is just too personal for a select new person? Everyone feeling like they are ready for Thanksgiving? Its almost upon us! I have already told Lynda (lsereno) that we have said no to many... but I would run it past the group... let me know what you think about her.
  9. I am so thankful I have this site to come back to over and over again... I would never have been as successful as I have been without it....the work never ends, but its easier with you all. Thanks!
  10. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Blew my fast today. Started out ok, then down the drain. I went to the dentist and had a tooth ground down and fitted for a cap.... the stress of that was all I needed to go out and eat mexican... on the left side only. I am such a weiner sometimes. I didn't eat much, thank god for the sleeve.... but managed to graze here and there the rest of the night. So sorry Cathy, life is rich and hard, thats for sure. Tomorrow is another day ladies.
  11. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Do you need some kind of levening with that?
  12. feedyoureye

    calories consumer after VSG.

    Nice to see you here Dorrie, join the club! You are in good company. We are stronger together than alone, and we all can make the changes to get back on that wagon and still love life and enjoy the ride. This holiday season will have its ups and downs, like always, but we can make a plan to deal with it. I will be making sure that I have good food choices to eat within arms reach... stay accountable on MFP even if I go off plan in other ways (it can happen!) and keep my dates with nature and the gym. I have been trying out new recipes and cruising cook books for holiday ideas that won't break the bank or my waistline. ... I need to eat around 1100-1400cals 5 days a week and 5-600 twice a week to lose slooooowly. That 12-1400 depends on how much exercise I am doing....
  13. I hear you ladies. I gained 7 pounds during my moms illness, and after my mom passed a few months ago. It was as easy as falling off a log! Eating out, eating for comfort... social eating with family, not having the strength to "deprive" myself in one more way... Now I still have the calories from all that food with me... sitting on my waist! The pants are snug.... do not like that. One day at a time around here. 5:2 fasting days back in place... "feasting days" still a little iffy. I think we can do this ladies... one day.... or hour at a time.
  14. feedyoureye

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    Glad you found the 5:2 thread... do watch the documentary... it tells a lot. What some of us did during the 5:2 was keep our regular spartan diet during the "feast days" I stayed at 1200-1400 cals most days, and 500-600 on fast days when I was rocking it to re-lose the final 22 and get to goal. When I just eat anything I want to on fast days, (like right now) the results are not as dramatic... I fell off my routine when my mom died a few months ago, then when I got back on, I had gained 6 pounds... now I to am getting back on the wagon. I truly believe that without the 5:2, I would now be much higher above my goal than I am. I'm sure its not for everyone, but some part of it may be good for you too.
  15. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ladies, no lie, the holidays are going to be tough. I have been fasting twice a week for a few weeks, but still am hovering above the high end of my acceptable goal range by 5 pounds. I fasted yesterday but did not lose anything. In all truthfulness, I am not eating the same way I did when 5:2 was so successful. I eat out more (Denise, you are so right) and the sugar ratio is up from holiday treats. I eat a little more on "feast" days, some days too. Its adding up. I know I'm pretty close to where I want to be, but just trying not to panic, and make the adjustments I need to make... harder than ever over the holidays. I really don't want to gain any more... and seem to be maintaining in this new higher range doing what Im doing.... boo hoo! I am starting to cook at home more, went and bought a refrigerator worth of local veggies and have bought sauces, oils and stocked up on veggie proteins. Good luck to you all... the danger zone is here! Hey, where is Ms. Brown? Some of you ladies are due for a check in.... say hi! Thinking of you all....
  16. Tina, you are a good friend for caring... No aspirin type pain killers as stated above... I was given a liquid morphens, but didn't need to take it. I did have some pain, but just from the incisions... hard to sit up and such. There are lots of diets plans given by great bariatric surgeons on here if his Dr is no where to be found.. but really, all he needs for the first week is lots of water, one sip at a time. Dehydration can be a big problem. There are clear liquid protein drinks he can try to get down... they count as water too. Things get better in the first week, but we all have to take care, not do too much, but do walk walk walk even if its just to the mail box and back at first. No heavy lifting for 6 weeks (over 10 pounds) If he has that much pain, he needs to go to the emergency room... at least call his Doc, and if no answer, then get to emergency. Where are you located? What country? Did he get good help before surgery?
  17. feedyoureye

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    The "sleeve" test would be the one to get off carbs. The 5:2 is a longevity protocol that helps the body to get back to normal, improves restriction, and can set up weight loss without making a lot of dietary changes day in and day out. (only two days a week) I did re-lose weight and get to goal with the 5:2 when nothing else worked for me.. and have done a pretty good job staying close to goal using it in maintenance. (I am about 4 pounds over goal range right now)... coming up on 4 years out....
  18. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sounds like you are doing really well, hope the surgery makes things easier after healing.
  19. I won't let it stop me... the problem was not the girl, the pictures or this web site... it was the creep who took advantage. Don't let his rotten behavior stop you.
  20. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thinking of you Denise... sending happy healing. and pain free thoughts to you.
  21. feedyoureye

    Oh Halloween Candy I hear your siren call

    You go Lynda! You are always an inspiration!
  22. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So, I did something very brave for me. I like Kevin, we haven't had the "exclusive" talk but he dominates my free social time so I am not dating anyone else in fact. I am not quite ready to callhim my boyfriend, but we are moving to that territory. I have so much fun with him, he is funny, full of life, into me, I am into him all that good stuff. On Saturday though something small came up. I realized it was very subtle, but I felt like his jokey sarcasm felt a little cutting, a little unloving. It was nothing big, but i felt it. All it was is that he wanted me to do something differently and instead of kindly saying it, made a sarcastic joke about it. My first reaction was... well, guess this isn't going to work out because sarcasm does not belong in a loving relationship, and in a lovey dovey setting...even though i am totally fine with it elsewhere. Then, trying to decide do I keep just seeing him because it's fun, knowing we aren't going to be a long term thing? I decided instead to tell him how it made me feel. i was too unclear on my thoughts to tell him right then, so i sent an email. Okay, maybe I wasn't that brave, but it was a big step for me. The old me would have just let myself feel hurt until it built up and I was just "done". So, he might tell me to kiss off... but at least I spoke my mind. And, i don't think he will. I'm glad you did it. I know its sometimes hard for me to "clear the air" right when something like that happens, because I don't want to "not be able to take a joke" and at the same time, might feel like I don't want to be the butt of someones joke.... My husband told me once that "guys can be sarcastic with each other and shake it off" , perhaps they have different training in such things, but I feel like sometimes guys (and women for that matter) can slip something underhanded into a "joke" as a dig, but would not like it if it happened to them... It might have jut been a bad cal by him, and not a regular go-to behavior... I guess time will tell.... let us know what his response is... hope it clears things up and defuses the event.....
  23. If this is still true message me to let me know who the people are and I will take it to management and try to get it resolved asap...
  24. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh Coops, sounds like a good move to make. Good bing closer to mom and dad. Cathy! That must have been so frightening...glad she came through OK. Hope all works out for the best... sounds like nice people at the place she's at now....
  25. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    http://www.med.nyu.edu/content?ChunkIID=21394 They reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. I took them the last time I went in for lipid labs and my numbers were good/down, this time I was lax about taking them, and my labs were way up. I need to get back of track.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
