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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by feedyoureye

  1. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    HI Sarah, sooo jealous of your trip to Cabo! Glad you had a good time.
  2. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Venting R Us!
  3. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    At 529 pages, we have officially made a giant book of talking about all things, including the 5:2! To commemorate this, I am going to post the link to the original 5:2 documentary... which I just watched again (for the 4th time) and it was well worth it. I challenge you to watch it too, and refresh your faith in this plan... a quality of life, longevity plan! http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/110651/BBC_Horizon_2012_Eat_Fast_and_Live_Longer/
  4. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Michigan, have you watched the 5:2 documentary from the BBC? It really tells the story of 5:2... which is not a weight loss program, but a longevity program. (weight loss is a side effect) Its so interesting! http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/110651/BBC_Horizon_2012_Eat_Fast_and_Live_Longer/ I would recommend anyone thinking of adopting the 5:2 plan to watch this... it is very motivating...in fact I think I will watch it again right now...again, for the 4th time!
  5. feedyoureye

    5:2 Links and info

    I noticed that the documentry link is down, here is another... loads slow... worth watching... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xvdbtt_eat-fast-live-longer-hd_shortfilms
  6. Congrats! Its good to know isn't it.
  7. feedyoureye

    Please help me get back on track....

    I agree with Daisy, Its important to try and not make this another "diet". Its for the long run, and small smart changes can steer us into a direction we can live with for the long run.
  8. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Sounds good Lynda! I had a good fast day too, came it at 600 cals, which is close enough. Also got in a 2 mile walk. a decaf latte in the morning, and a stir fry eggplant/tofu and a chocolate/peautbutter pudding in the evening. I just found out I was chosen to model in a fashion show put on by my bariatric center in January... there is some motivation to lose that last 7 pounds! Game on!
  9. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I was asked a couple of days ago if I would model for my bariatric centers yearly fashion show fund raiser. Nothing like the thought of having to model to make the 5:2 easier to follow! I have mixed feelings about it... I haven't outright lied about having surgery in the public, but have not put it "in the press" either... They think I am one of the most successful patients from their clinic......
  10. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh Cathy! I had a ceiling cave in once from a water leak... what a mess that was! No fun!
  11. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have to agree about Lisashope.... I do care for her, and she could use extra support... but I fear it would end up being only about her... for good reason, but I don't want to invite that in, and the right wing rants thing would get on my nerve too. We are of different political and spiritual persuasions here, but we have found the respect of friends that keeps things smooth and lovely. I do want to hear from Florinda about all this.. she may be against adding anyone else..... Queen and Isereno are fine with me.
  12. feedyoureye

    Please help me get back on track....

    I would have to agree with Bufflehead. Achieving and maintaining consciousness around eating is very important in my opinion. When I set up a plan, prepare to implement the plan, and remain accountable.... I have less trouble losing or staying the same, and not gaining. At first I need to write down in Myfitnesspal what I am going to eat for the day. I make sure I have the supplies to fix those things. I stick with the plan, and if for some reason I don't, I log that in too. I weight in the morning, and also log in exercise...I try to balance my nutrients, keep the food as clean, organic and whole as possible, and I try to eat things I like. I do not want to walk away from a meal hungry. I eat more veggies if I don't get enough food. After doing this for a while I may be able to improvise more, but I try to write down what I eat every day, if not plan the whole thing up front. I personally like to include whole grains and complex carbs in my day.... I am also a vegetarian, so I have to watch the Protein and make sure I get enough (not that easy) You may have other ideas about how you want to eat... but the accountability thing is a strong tool.
  13. feedyoureye

    Help me please! I continue to gain weight!

    Lisa... I have gained 7 pounds sense I lost my mom in July. I just started eating when I "felt" like it. I threw a lot of my structure out the window. Eating out, eating when I had the time, eating after emotional work taking care of mom in the hospital, or going through her closet and personal stuff after she passed.... I just want to eat thinking about it! I think If I didn't have a day or two a week following (poorly) the 5:2 structure, I would have gained 20 easily. I am in the process right now tightening up my intake... and eating by plan, not by feelings. I still can have delicious food, but it needs to be planned, and I need to maintain consciousness while I eat it... and not look for something there that is not there... eating will not bring back my mom, and will not make me feel better in the long run, so I just try to feel what I feel, and find a way of expressing how it makes me feel in my painting, my dance class, the way I dress, the color of my hair and lots of other ways.... but not in how I stuff my face when I hurt..... stuff it with the food that is most drug like... for me that is mostly sugar and refined carbs mixed with just the right amount of fat. I do love creamy coffee, cakes and such... and I find ways to include lighter versions in my diet, when I PLAN it to be there. It worked for me before, and I hope, even with this extra stress ... it will work again for me. You can do it Lisa, you can enjoy your life again, and food can be your friend, helping your health and bringing vibrancy and strength with it.... Its not a betrail to your dear husband to enjoy life again... he would love it for you Im sure. One step at a time... You have come so far, and have not slipped back beyond redemption... You have some great advice here... try three days, then see if you can make it a week.... as Jane suggested...take one or two things you can transform into a healthier habit, then go from there. Time will pass weather you step off into this new path or not, so you.... we.... might as well step off now and get a head start on getting back to where we want to be.
  14. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Good job checking in ladies! Its hard to keep your eye on the prize when there is so much temptation at hand. I believe you are ahead of the game when you keep your eyes open and aware of whats going on and in. I did pretty well today, nothing but water and green tea crystal light until dinner, then a big bowl of sautéed veggies, sweet potato, carrots, green fava beans, broccoli , garlic olive oil and a sprinkle of Romano cheese, then my "vice" home made sugar free chocolate pudding with peanut butter and 60% dark chocolate chips.... coming in at 556 calories all together. Hope that knocks a pound off and gets me back into my 170's (I was 180.5 this morning... the highest I have been in over a year or two... hate to go up into new numbers) My goal range is 170-173... so I want to lose at least 7 pounds to get back in the range. One day at a time ladies. Thanks for being here for me too!
  15. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    I'm hearing crickets in here! So.... fasting today... Gained over thanksgiving weekend, but feeling good fasting today. REALLY trying to do it right on fast days. I killed myself with the leftovers.... lucky there was no pie in the house! Shoping today for some good veggies and supplies for healthy meals. Drinking a ton of Water, as i think some of the weight gain is water from all the salty stuff and carbs. Fingers crossed on that! Anyway ladies, chin up... write it all down, if you blew off your fast day today, there is always tomorrow! Lets not let this holiday bet us up! You can do it.
  16. Do read through this topic from start to finish, find lots of people with the same problem and some good advice. Best of luck to you, I try and fill the house with good choices, so when I really want something, there are some choices I can live with. DO write everything down, even if its not the greatest choice or the best portion size. Keeping your eye open to what you are eating and drinking is a great first step.
  17. feedyoureye

    Some advice needed....

    Everyone is different, sounds like you have a small sleeve. Have you tried salads, veggie soups and such? I can eat a lot more of these, without eating cr@p... It could still relax a bit more, just keep up the good work!
  18. feedyoureye

    band fills

    You might think of posting this in a band only part of the forum so more band people might see it and answer your question. Best of luck!
  19. Your chances of maintaining your weight loss is improved with surgery. You do still have to work at it every day... but you will have a tool that makes it just that much easier. Best of luck to you!
  20. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh ladies... I have been doing the 5:2, but the scales are up anyway.... grazing on leftovers doesn't help... they will be out of the house by the end of the day... really. can't wait to fast tomorrow... heaven help me! Anyway, spotty exercise... except for the bike ride..... Hubby been sick and sleeping on the couch right now... poor fella, Thanksgiving is not for the faint of heart! I have been getting more painting in after a really long creative block.... that feels good and a good sign generally I think. I have had some depression on and off too, but keeping my chin up most of the time. Friends coming in from New Zealand the week after next, and will take some days off for that which will be nice. She is a jewelry maker and is making me something special right now.... such a nice thing that she is doing! One of her favorite things is eating out... so more temptation in a time of temptation. Well, thats holiday season for you... one day at a time I guess. Love you all! Enjoy life and take care! Florinda.... where are you girl? Hope you are doing well. Check in and say hi....
  21. feedyoureye

    Some advice needed..

    Everyone has a different experience. By not feeling satisfied, do you mean you are still actually hungry, or that the food doesn't give you head pleasure? or what? Some have acid that makes them feel hungry...what were your problem for the first 5 months? Perhaps your stomach is very small... have you lost too much weight? If you are below goal, then its time to get to the doctors for a checkup... if you are still in the losing has, I would feel less discouraged and just keep going...many at 10 months feel more hunger and have a harder time losing after that. Because you are under a year I am going to move your thread to General, but when you are out 12 months or further, please come back here to the Vetrens forum. Veteran can still see and respond your site on the general forum. Best of luck!
  22. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Happy Thanksgiving all! All I can say is I GIVE THANKS FOR MY SLEEVE! I did eat until stuffed, but it was not that much! And I am so looking forward to my "fast" day on monday! I went on a 8 mile bike ride in the morning... a regular event on Thanksgiving. Its called the "appetite enhancement ride" and people get dressed up, ride their hand made and vintage bikes, eat, drink(starting at 9 AM), dance, visit, smoke pot, hold prize drawings and then all hope on their bikes and ride around town, making lots of noise, waving at the stopped traffic (yes, we run red lights, ride the wrong way on streets), ride around the capital and other official buildings, then to the river where some drunk and hardy souls ride their bikes into the river! Fun was had by all again.
  23. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Beautifully said Cathy.
  24. feedyoureye

    The 5:2 Diet

    Had my second fast day today.. not perfect but not to bad ether. Going into the big feast day down 2 pounds from the beginning of the week. Last year 5:2 helped me to stay the same weight all holiday season. I am shooting for that at least.... and maybe a loss... keeping those two fast days a week is the key! We can do it ladies (and any gents out there)!
  25. feedyoureye

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm pretty sure we can just delete one or two entries if we want to... I would hate to delete them all too... Of course its a giant BOOK at this point.... If someone wanted to read it all they deserve to be here! Sounds good, wait for some more check ins.... How you doing Florinda? its been a few days....

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