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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rosepetals

  1. Have been working for the same company for close to 6 years and was just asked this morning, by one of our doctors if we have met? LOL Of course I am 68 lbs down and 22 lbs to onerland! Not going to say this made my day, but it made me smile anyway. Too funny! VSG was the best descision for me. I love my sleeve!

  2. I am 10 weeks out from surgery and am happy to say I am down 42lbs! I get frustrated sometimes due to my impatience, but I have never lost this much weight so fast. My older brother just saw me this weekend and gave me a big WTG high five. My clothes fit me better and I am actually fitting in to stuff I havent for over two years. I thank God for his guidence in seeking out this surgery, Was it worth it? YES! I would do it again!. All praise to you Lord.

  3. Don't panic ... I'm in the business & this happens all the time. I'm sure your claim was submitted and was auto-denied by the system because not everything matched up. The surgeon's office should be able to contact your insurance company and square things up. For the assistant surgeon, was it a total denial or did they reduce payment? The surgeon's office may be able to help on that as well.

    the deductible part should be easier to fix. do you have an EOB showing what you should owe the hospital? If so, take it and your hospital payment receipt to the billing office. They should be able to cut you a refund check right there. If they refuse, then it does become an insurance issue because the hospital is not meeting their contractual obligations with the insurance company to only bill for amount due AFTER insurance pays.

    For a while, it's going to be a bit of a mess with all the moving parts, but it will be ok. Just keep good records, copy everything and make sure insurance EOB's match all doctor/hospital bills before paying anyone anything.

    Thanks Mini.

    I called the dr office and they told me to send them the EOB. I will follow up on Monday and hopefully get this resolved.

  4. I was sleeved Dec 22nd and have had a pretty good recovery. However, I was checking out my med insurance webpage and saw that my surgeon and asst surgeons charges were denied. I am upset at myself because I trusted my patient coordinator to take care of this. I had a change of surgeons because the surgeon I chose would not be available for surgery, The surgeon is part of my network, but his name is not on the authorization request. The assist surgeon was not part of my network which also resulted in a denial as well. I am looking at a total of close to $15,000 if the billing office is not sucessful in their appeal. I am beyond frustrated. No one thought to contact the insurance to get the ok for either of these two guys for the surgery? The program I entered handles hundreds of surgeries monthly and I cant believe I fell through the cracks this way. I should have been more dilligent in following up with the insurance, This after we paid the hospital the entire deductible owed and now my other bills are being applied to deductible because the hospital bill was submitted after the fact. Insurance says its my issue and I must persue the hospital for a refund.

  5. I hit my stall at two weights with a 23 lb weight loss. I stood at that weight for about 4 days, but I tried something a little different. Everyone kept saying, your body is in starvation mode and its holding on to the calories you are eating so I did something different. I consumed more calories and I have lost 5 additional lbs. Makes sense as our bodies are recovering from major surgery and in need of food. Obviously I cant eat a whole lot, but and additional 50 - 100 calories did the trick. I am sure I will have many stalls, but I am down a pant size and very happy with the result. Good luck on your WL journey.

  6. My guess it is there way of weeding through those who are serious. Can you imagine the hours put into the insurance calls, talking to pts and all the paperwork? I wonder what the actual percentage is of those who start the process and then walk away???

    I called several surgical offices and was quoted $2600. - $1500. for program fee. I kept looking. My surgical office charged $215 up front for materials. Prior to my surgeron meeting I was charged an additional $346 for coinsurance per the scheduler. I was then charged $1000. by the hospital for my deductible. Of course the hospital bill is the last one to get to the insurance. In the meantime I have other charges (pre-op labs & testing) being applied to the deductible I already paid in full. Very frustrating. Bottomline is that the surgeons safeguard their services. They want to be paid upfront and request their cut. In the end I know the doctor's office will probably owe me a refund.

  7. Sleeved 1 week ago and my tummy is rebelling...lol Tired of Protein Shakes, Jello, and broth! I am hungery, but am at a loss as to what to eat now. Currently my family is having a dinner of pizza hut in our dining room as I sit in my room furiously typing at my keyboard! Grrrrr I know I need to eat, but I dont think I can choke down any more Protein shakes, jello, or broth. I have had cream of wheat for 2 nights for dinner, but cant bear the thought of eating any of the choices I have. Is it bad to just go to sleep? LOL Lord give me strength. :)

  8. Thanks for asking this question... I am exactly one week after you.. next Thursday. I can hardly believe how fast time has gone by. I am too am nervous about possible pain. I think its the possible nausea and throwing up that makes me most scared. I am so afraid I will throw up and burst my staples! blink.gif

    I know I am in Gods hands and I have faith that he will see me through!



    The nurses are quick to ask how you feel and with the meds to prevent nausea. I was given a prescription for nausea and have not even used it. Sending prayers your way for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.


  9. I have Medica which is adminsitrated by United Healthcare, In fact the bariatric policy is United Healthcare's policy and Gastric sleeve is covered by UHC. No longer considered investigational. Ask to see a copy of their current policy, Do not take their word for it! I was originally told that the Sleeve was investigational and not covered. I pointed out the policy has been revised and offered to send them a copy of the one I found on their website. They were looking at an out of date policy!

  10. Feeling weak today from lack of food I am able to get in. I was up at 3:30am feeling hungry, so I sipped on my Protein juice. Had to stay awake for an hour just to get it all in..lol A week ago I would have pounded that drink and went right back to sleep. Currently chowing on cream of wheat. Feels nice to have something with a little more substance in my belly. I am taking it slow because I realize that this is a process and I have to learn what my body wants to eat.

  11. Hospital stay was 2 days. Arrived at 5am and was ready for surgery at 7:30am. I was not nervious. In OR at 7:30am and back in my room at 10:15am. Was in recovery for about an hour, No hernia, no liver biopsy, and surgery was done laproscopically. This makes a big difference in recovery, I was thirsty and sleepy afterward. Pain was minimal. I was awake when I got to my room. Spoke quite a bit with hubby, but dozed off on him throughout the day, I was walking around by 1pm. Important to do the breathing exercise. Helps your lungs so much. Biggest problem I had at hospital was all the "care" you receive. Is it really necessary lab to come at 3:30am to take blood? I dont usually bruise when blood is taken out, but they left me black and blue. Was given injections of blood thinners each day, and for nausea each time I asked, My surgeon admitted that his Sleeve patients tended to experience more nausea, but I think everything is relative, I was not groggy or hazy, I remember everything pretty well. I took books, music and lap top. No WIFI so laptop was out, books were too much of a hassel as the nursing staff was constantly in my room asking me to move to check insicions, walk, drink..ect. I watched TV most of the time.

    One thing I did do to help in my personal recovery was to take my makeup. I woke up the day after surgery and put on my lipstick, blush and all the other necessities and felt much better.My husband was pleased when he came to my room. I took my own nightgown and robe, Again, just made me "feel" like I was in better control then did. Best wishes for each of you this week. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  12. So I was sleeved this past Wednesday. I am so blessed. I had undergone an emergency coronary double bypass 4 years ago and after failing every attempt to lose weight decided on the sleeve. I saw all of the resrtictions and complications with the Gastric Bypass and decided that it was not for me. Surgery was right on time, I was tired of explaining to everyone what all the extra scars on my body were from (Open heart surgery) and having to hear over again how young I was, but I made it! The hospital staff was great, but many assumed I had just undergone the GBP. I would mention sleeve and they assumed I meant lap band, (Very strange) I have not been in to much pain. Much of the pain is from the gas. But nausea was a plenty. My mouth was watering everytime I tried to choke down my juice. I did throw up once and was worried thinking of the fact I could break a staple. I was sent home with nausea meds and pain elixir (Tylenol) Have not had to use the nausea med. I have used to pain med to sleep. I have not been able to get all the Protein in. Not too worried about this as I have read so many posts regarding this. Drinking Water as much as tolerated. I am suffering with disconfort from gas, lft shoulder pain, back pain, and menstrual cramps! (yuck) I say discomfort because I have not felt any real pain. I feel a little out of breath, but am using the breathing device to help. I am able to push that little plastic disk up higher and higher. I missed out on the Christmas festivities, because I was making others uncomfortable. They all felt bad because I couldn't eat. Mom's ham, mash potatoes, veggies, chocolate silk pie, tamales, and ....everything else went untouched by me. I didn't miss it and I am happy with my decision. Unfortuately my original surgery should have been in Oct but things dont always work out the way that you want them to.

    On a side note, I had planned to buy this beautiful purple velvet coat with a floral pattern through it. The jacket was pricy and I was unsure what size to buy. I had decided to wait and see....Low and behold I am opening my gift from my husband and he bought the coat I wanted. He quickly explained that th jacket could be taken in once I had lost the weight I wanted to. I cried. It was such a moving moment for me. My husband kissed my face over and over. I felt hope which is what I have been missing for so long. I have a chance again and I am thankful. I have been praying over and over to my God. I wasnt scared when I went in for surgery. I trust in my Lord and asked that his will be done. I even reasoned with him explaining I would have more energy for the religious educations classes I teach at our church. Thinking back I know he saw right through me..lol

    Thanks to everyone on these forums. Tiffykins, I especially enjoy reading your post and responses. You help us all with the cut and dry truths. God bless us all this coming New Year. It has been such a long journey, but the thing I have discovered is that the journey is neverending, Its just another stop until you move on to the next task we deem to be important to strive for. Those of you considering the surgery, be realistic. Your life will change! but the good thing is that "your life will change!" Those of you who post with so much courage, I love you all. Any suggestions you may have please send them my way. God Bless all of you as you continue on your journey. Becca, I will be praying for you as you undergo your surgery on Monday.

  13. Hi Don,

    In speaking with the PA in my surgeon's office, cardiac patients are pretty common. My cardiologist was against the surgery, not for the danger, but he didnt believe in WLS. He made me go through a treadmill stress test, then an achocardiogram, and finally a nuclear stress test. In the end he realized I was determined to go through with the surgery. He finally signed off and I am scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Send your prayers my way. God willing I will be able to report back to you my expereinces,

  14. I am glad to be a new member.

    My history:In 2009 I had all of my tests in and visits done and ready to have a Roux en Y in June of 2009. In January I had my usual 3 month lab test done for my diabetes and my bad cholesterol was 75. I was working on weight loss pre-surgery and successfully lost 20 pounds. In late February I had some shoulder blade pain that I attributed to long hours and poor posture while playing the piano and being on the computer, and on a fall I had taken. Early March I had 2 really bad nights with the pain. So I went to work and after work I said maybe I should do something about that pain, so I went to the ER. It was really packed so I put down I had chest pains so I could get done earlier.

    The joke was on me. I was in the middle of a cardiac event and left on an ambulance 45 minutes later headed to the nearest cath lab. A day and a half later I had a 3XCABG. After that I lost another 25 pounds and was right on the borderline of the 35 BMI index and in my mind put off the gastric surgery (plus it was way too soon). Here I am 18 months later, 22 pounds heavier, and having problems with lousy diabetes control (as well as sleep apnea, high blood pressure).

    I went back to see the Bariatric Surgeon and he suggested the sleeve surgery as our Blue Cross in Michigan recently approved the surgery for people with lower BMI's and because I have to take a daily aspirin.

    So I am pretty sure I am point to follow my Dr.s advice and have the VSL.

  15. I am glad to be a new member.

    My history:In 2009 I had all of my tests in and visits done and ready to have a Roux en Y in June of 2009. In January I had my usual 3 month lab test done for my diabetes and my bad cholesterol was 75. I was working on weight loss pre-surgery and successfully lost 20 pounds. In late February I had some shoulder blade pain that I attributed to long hours and poor posture while playing the piano and being on the computer, and on a fall I had taken. Early March I had 2 really bad nights with the pain. So I went to work and after work I said maybe I should do something about that pain, so I went to the ER. It was really packed so I put down I had chest pains so I could get done earlier.

    The joke was on me. I was in the middle of a cardiac event and left on an ambulance 45 minutes later headed to the nearest cath lab. A day and a half later I had a 3XCABG. After that I lost another 25 pounds and was right on the borderline of the 35 BMI index and in my mind put off the gastric surgery (plus it was way too soon). Here I am 18 months later, 22 pounds heavier, and having problems with lousy diabetes control (as well as sleep apnea, high blood pressure).

    I went back to see the Bariatric Surgeon and he suggested the sleeve surgery as our Blue Cross in Michigan recently approved the surgery for people with lower BMI's and because I have to take a daily aspirin.

    So I am pretty sure I am point to follow my Dr.s advice and have the VSL.


  16. My doctor says two nights unless there is a complication. I am having my surgery on December 20 and I REALLY hope all goes well so I can be home for my kids for Christmas! Good luck with your surgery!

    Please keep in touch Becca. I would very much like to know about your journey, You will be 2 days ahead of me, Probabaly going home as I go in.Merry Christmas, My hope is you will get to enjoy the holiday with your children this year and many more to come.

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