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Posts posted by lkcraig316

  1. Today I saw Dr. O'Bryan for my psych evaluation. I was a tad nervous going in, but felt relatively good about it. After it was over he said, "You know so much about the procedure and what to expect afterward that I feel like this went by way too fast."

    So I just want to think all of you out here in VST land. There was not a question he asked to get a feel for how ready I was that I didn't know the answer to just by reading all of your wonderful wise comments.

    I also think it helped that Dr. O'Bryan is VERY knowledgeable about WLS and how it affects the whole person, as well as those you have relationships with.

    Every day I take another step toward being sleeved just reinforces that I'm making the right decision.


  2. I confided in my boss and she was SO supportive. She thought it was a very smart thing for me to be doing. It helps that one of her husbands' coworkers had some kind of bariatric surgery and was very successful. I work for an orthopaedic surgeon practice and my cubicle is next to three nurse practitioners, so it would be very hard to keep any kind of "big change" quiet. I have confided with a few people at work, and all were very supportive. I suppose afterward I will be open with everyone who asks. And I will just have to be firm with any negativity and say, "My surgeon, PCP, cardiologist, and family all agreed that it was the best thing for my health" and let it go at that.

    Good luck!

  3. Congratulations on your awesome success!

    What a wonderful idea! I have that list in my head, but you have inspired me to write it down and put it away. It will be much easier to see how far I've come in writing than to try to remember all those little things that are so frustrating and painful now.

    I hope you continue to post on the boards. We can all use your wisdom from a year out.


  4. Maybe I didn't call it the right thing. :P This is a diet for the three-month process that Aetna requires. I don't start the liquids + one meal a day until two weeks before surgery (which will be in April or May). I'm just supposed to be losing some weight and getting in the habit of eating high protein/low carb foods.

    Mariah, your list was very helpful. I think I was under the impression I was supposed to get ZERO carbs for the next three months. I guess that would be almost impossible to do and get a good variety of food.

    Tonight we went out to eat and I had a hamburger (no bun) with lettuce, dill pickles and cheese, a side of broccoli cheese casserole and ice Water. I did eat half a roll. So I think my only carbs were the half roll and whatever was in the broccoli. I still think I will lose weight before surgery just by cutting out sugary drinks and limiting carbs. Then when I go on the two week pre-op diet, I'll have to really buckle down!

    Thanks for your replies.

  5. I just started my 3-month pre-op diet yesterday. The nutritionist said the goal was to get 60-80 grams of Protein daily. I'm getting close, but not quite there yet. I have cut my carbs drastically but she didn't give me any idea on how many grams of carbs were OK. Am I supposed to go without ANY? Because when I look at labels it's amazing how many things have carbs that you would not think of. What did all of you do?

  6. I met my surgeon today and I LOVE him! He is Dr. Al Spaw in Nashville and I highly recommend him to anybody in the Nashville area.

    My husband and one of my daughters went with me and they were both put at ease about the procedure. I think they realized listening to me talk to the surgeon that I have done my research and I know what I'm doing. Dr. Spaw was very positive about the sleeve and said he thought I was making the right choice for me.

    The exercise physiologist was so laid back. He basically said he wasn't going to lay out a plan for me because it's not going to work if it's not something I enjoy. I did find out that I will be able to use the physical therapy machines at the ortho office where I work. Since I'm having a lot of knee pain right now, I will begin with the bike and the elliptical. My plan for right now is 30 minutes 3 times a week.

    The nutritionist was VERY helpful. I left feeling like the three month weight loss for Aetna is something I can really do.

    Then came the 45 minute psych questionnaire. Ack. So what is this statement supposed to be measuring??? "I often get ads in the mail that I don't want." I said VERY TRUE because who doesn't? I'm not quite sure what they are looking for there. Anyway, the psychologist office will call to schedule my appointment after they analyze my results. Hmm. Hope I pass.

    Oh, I also wanted to say that Dr. Spaw was EXTREMELY impressed by all the research I have done and questions I asked him. I would like to thank all of you sleevers for the great information you have given me, both good and bad. You guys are all GREAT!


  7. I have been on the boards for a little while, posting a little and reading a LOT! I am a 47-year-old mother of two in Tennessee. I am 5'4" and weigh 248. Only on this board would I admit that! I suffer from high blood pressure, borderline Type 2 diabetes, mild OA in my knees, and I apparently snore like a chainsaw. My BMI is 41.8, I think.

    Today my surgeon's insurance coordinator called and said their review of benefits was complete and my insurance should cover the majority of the charges, minus my co-pay and deductible. My first appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Spaw, is next Wednesday!! I will also meet with the nutritionist, exercise physiologist and take my psych test (?), which will then be faxed to a psych who will call me to set up an appointment. My Aetna policy requires a 3 month prep program, so my final appointment with Dr. Spaw will be April 6. Then everything will be submitted. I don't know what his wait time is from insurance approval to a surgery date, but that's OK. He is supposed to be an awesome person and surgeon, so I will wait for him.

    I cannot believe that there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. I'm determined to work this and make it successful. I have had abdominal surgery before, so I know what to expect as far as gas and pain. I had cysts removed off both ovaries in 1985 and I was slit from one side to the other and was in the hospital 5 days. I don't know of ANY surgery any more that keeps you for 5 days! I had horrendous gas pains up into my right shoulder on the 4th day post-op. Then I walked bent over for about a week after I got home because my belly muscles were SO SORE! Do you think this will be more or less painful than that?

    Once I go to my first surgeon's appointment, I will make a ticker. Whoo, this is so exciting!


  8. I have absolutely no help for you whatsoever, but I did want to chime in and say, "Good for you!" I am a HUGE fan of the Nashville Rollergirls and I think it is awesome what those ladies can do.

    One of my goals once I get sleeved and have lost enough weight to get my balance back on track is to get back out on the rink. I am certainly not derby-worthy, but I used to love to skate when I was a teen. Watching the derby for the past couple of years has made me long to get back on the skates--and not those yukky roller blades. REAL four wheel roller skates.

    What team do you skate with?


  9. I know EXACTLY what you mean! I have only done my consultation and seminar. I haven't even been able to schedule my first appt with the surgeon, nut, and exercise person until Monday because my insurance goes into effect tomorrow!

    My whole family was off this week and I have made it a week of celebrating my favorite things: Olive Garden, Mexican food, a double scoop cone at Baskin Robbins, krinkle fries at White Castle, chips and chili con queso and a big slice of chocolate cake and ice cream at Buffalo Wild Wings. Tomorrow my 5' 10", 126 pound daughter is going grocery shopping with me and we are going to load up the cart with nutritious foods. My husband has already started to eat more healthy so there won't be a fight about that. :D Paige, my daughter, has already sworn to force me to get out and move a little each day. Hopefully this will all get me primed and ready when the time does come.

    Oh, but I have forgotten to eat one last thing--a big Breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I may have to do that before I go back to work on Monday. :P

  10. Another thing that goes along with the Pepsi addiction is that sweet, sweet burn as it goes down. I know that will be a feeling I DO NOT want to have post-surgery. :( But I do wonder how much I will miss swigging down a huge amount of Pepsi, tea, ice Water, etc. When I'm really really thirsty, I just turn whatever I have up and drink it right down. Does anybody miss that? Do you ever get used to the sippage?

  11. Well if you are a sweet tea girl - I am too. Make yourself some tea and use Stevia Sweetner - It is super sweet and has no calories. That might get you off of the pepsi. I just started my liquid diet and am now officially off carbonated and cafinated drinks. The next step could be to move to Decaf Tea with Stevia. I am drinking Green Tea (Because I like it - It does taste much different than regular tea.) Since you have time now you could try different types of tea.

    Great idea! I had bought some Truvia a while back and it is in my cabinet untouched. I wasn't sure how to make a gallon of tea with it. Or should I just make a glass at a time? I have to admit, I was putting almost a full cup of sugar in a gallon of tea. Does the Truvia/Stevia work equally or do I need to adjust the amounts?

  12. Thanks for your responses!

    I got an Olive Garden gift card in my stocking from hubby and we went for lunch today. I savored every last bite! I know I will do a few splurges before I actually get set up for surgery. I have to have one last big Mexican meal and a double scoop Baskin Robbins cone.

    I'm not a big Soup person, but I have been looking at Soups at the grocery and on menus and I think I will start trying different ones. My husband loves Soup, so he can give me some suggestions.

    Advice on Protein shakes/drinks to try? I'm not a big fake-fruit-flavored drink person. I think I will probably start with chocolate flavored ones.

    Thanks! I am SO GLAD I found this site. Just as a lurker I have learned so much. I feel like I will be going into this process with my eyes wide open.


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