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Posts posted by lkcraig316

  1. I was prescribed Bactrim for a possible staph infection. (My lucky day!) These things are HUGE! I broke it in half, but now I'm worried that the sharp edges on the broken side might cause damage. Should I just suck it up and swallow a whole one next time? With my gag reflex it's very possible I will never get it down.

    Another question: Some of the Soups I have been pureeing are pretty spicy (and taste DELICIOUS). I just want to take a sip of Water while I'm eating it. Is it OK to drink water with meals while I'm on a puree diet?

    Whew, this whole process requires so much thought!

  2. First off, my surgeon told me after surgery that it was "very tight." I have moved to full liquids and get a feeling like things get stuck right before they go down into my stomach. I haven't thrown anything up so it is eventually moving on down. Is that a stricture or just the feeling of a very tight sleeve? I'm taking an antispasmodic and it worked well for the first couple days, but I've been getting that feeling again yesterday and today. Any ideas?

    Also, Protein Shakes seem to stick worse than actually pureed food.< /p>

  3. I finally moved to stage two--thick liquids. I have been excited for it all weekend.

    Bad things first:

    I have had an upper body rash since about 5 days out of surgery. I treated it with Benadryl and thought it would run its course. By today I was done with it. It has kept me up at night, woken me up early in the morning and I am clawing myself to death. So I was able to get in to see my dermatologist's NP. She diagnosed it as (more than likely) a stress-induced systemic reaction. She said even if I didn't realize I was stressed out about my surgery, my body definitely was. Got a steroid shot and an RX for antibiotics in case I have any staph.

    When I started my thick Protein Shake this morning, even though it was VERY slow, I got horrible pain under my rib cage. This has been happening all weekend. So I called my surgeon's office and his nurse asked me to try taking the anti-spasmodic meds they had given me. (I had not taken them because I wasn't sure what a spasm would even feel like.) She said if that didn't work, I may have to have an endoscopy to stretch it out a bit.

    Good things:

    The rash is starting to feel better.

    About 3 hours after I took the anti-spasmodic, I tried some pudding. SUCCESS!!!! So tonight I had pureed taco Soup. OMG! It was HEAVEN. I was able to eat about 2 1/2 ounces before I started burping (my sign to stop). And it has stayed down fine since. I feel like I can really do this now that I don't have to eat those *!@O)$%(*& sugar free things all the time. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I think this will really help with my energy issues too.

    Hope everybody else is having a great day!


  4. I am two weeks out tomorrow and so far no regrets whatsoever.

    I can't answer about bread and rice because I am still on liquids. ;)

    I was able to sleep on my right side as soon as I got home; the left side took a few days.

    My first plop was three days after surgery. I was afraid to push so I just waited until I had to go enough that gravity could do its thing. I have only had a loose stool once.

    Hope this helps!

  5. That's so awesome, Chicadee! I have the opposite problem. I got a new wedding ring after I gained so much weight. Now, 12 days after surgery, my ring is sliding all over my finger. I figure by the end of month, I may have to stop wearing it until I reach goal and then I can have it resized. I like MrsKoubik's idea, though!

  6. I went for my two-week post-op check up today. (Actually, I'm just 10 days out). In those 10 days I have lost 10 pounds. I'd say that's pretty good. I have been stalled at 207 for three days, but I feel bloated and today I have the cramps. Yuck.

    Monday I get to start full liquids, which includes purees. Yay something other than sweet!!! I'm thinking pureed taco Soup, maybe some bean soup, etc.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  7. I haven't gone back to work yet, but I dread that. I work in a surgeon's office and we have reps bringing lunch 1-2 times per week. By the time I go back I will be on soft foods, so I will have to make smart choices, but MAN my cubicle is right near the kitchen and I can smell EVERYTHING.

    I'm the person who schedules the lunches so it's very tempting just to tell them they can't bring it. :)

  8. Wahoo! That's a good one.

    I've already noticed, just a week and a half out of surgery, that I am way less sensitive to heat than I was before. It was in the 90s today and I went out and sat on the deck to watch the dogs play and I don't even think I got sticky. Amazing!

  9. I'm a full week out and I still haven't driven. I haven't taken pain meds since I've been home, but like Rev Me Up! says, my head is a mess. I'll think I'm fine and start doing something and then the wobblies set in. I'm going to try a short field trip this week, but I'm taking someone with me. The only rule my doc had was wait 24 hours after taking your last narcotic pain pill.

  10. Thanks, Rev Me Up! I was planning to go with my daughter this afternoon to get her crown put on. But by the time I showered, dressed, "prettied up" and ate some broth, I was worn out! Good thing she's 20 and can take herself!

    I don't plan to rush into moving up to thick liquids, BUT at my check up Thursday, you can sure believe I'm going to ask!!!

    I don't know how people go back to work after one or two weeks. I'm SO glad I'm not going back until 5/31.

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