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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. meggiep

    Back to work today!!

    I'm sitting in the Drs. office waiting for bloodwork to check my Iron too! I am just so weak. My surgeon is concerned about oozing from the staple line so it may not be eating related if it was normal at surgery time. Funny thing is I have lost 7.4 lbs since surgery - so we three all have lost seven! Go red velvets!
  2. I consider myself something of a gourmand and I love well prepared beautiful food. I have made food from all cuisines and was also the head baker in a european bakery renowned in this area. But the cup of Trader Joes organic tomato Soup thinned with a half a cup of milk I just had is probably the best eating experience I have ever had. After my last week....I savored every sip and experienced it in a way I can't remember ever doing. Each sip suffused my body with the most divine feelings. My senses were 100% alive! And tomorrow- I finally get yogurt if I thin it to liquidy, I mixed a fruit at the bottom Greek yogurt thoroughly tonight and then strained the bits of fruit out. It is glistening in the fridge awaiting me. I think one new food now that I am allowed thin liquids is enough.
  3. Hooray!!!!! Welcome to the bench girl! You are local to me so lets plan a get together once we are all up to it. Maybe we can exchange the Protein drinks that we all despised once surgery was over ;-P Looking forward to hearing your progress! Don't despair if you can't get much down at first.
  4. meggiep


    1. random 2. money of course 3. I had 3 days of Clear Liquids now have 18 days of thin liquids and then probably a week or two of full liquids followed by two weeks at least of mushies. The reason that it is not exact is the doctor will decide more finally at my two weeks followup. It will most likely be 8 weeks from surgery until I eat solid food.
  5. First of all I totally sympathize-.my 2 week liquid diet started April 25th and the couple of weeks before were not pretty. I definitely gained 3 pounds having my favorite things. I was serious when I started my two weeks though-I knew enough from reading here that the liver is really important and I also now had three pounds to take off- surely if I gained my surgery would be canceled. I admit I slipped twice. We shot a wedding during that two weeks and I knew I had to eat a small amount at the meal after a day working hard on our feet but I just had the chicken, a little of the vegetable, and no starch. The other time was not as sensible- I almost had my surgery canceled because I had a cold and the day I went to be examine, three days before my surgery, my husband brought home a small pizza for our favorite place in SF with my fave toppings in case it was canceled. I just could not resist a piece that night, even though it had not been canceled. I had one- not all the crust, mostly the top. That was it in two weeks. I showed 15 pounds lost at my surgery weigh in. My doctor said my liver was great. Has your husband gained weight? Has he been told he will not have surgery if he gains or does not lose? Perhaps he can wait until that day and see what happens but I think this is risky and I do agree with everyone that if he has sabotaged this he could easily sabotage the sleeve and end up obese with a small stomach. This seems very self destructive. If he does have his surgery canceled he might consider having some counseling during the next preop time. Does he realize we can eat all our favorite foods after- just in small amounts and with care? It is not as if he can never eat anything he loves again. Sorry to ramble but there have to be some reason he is wanting the sleeve he cant just keep eating until it kills him. He needs to really remember that and just do it.
  6. I use the little one ounce cups they gave me at the hospital for the same purpose! It is interesting how we come up with similar solutions for shared problems. My swallows are so much bigger every day!
  7. This does not seem right! I know it can take a while for some people - 3 weeks seems wrong. DO you sip just a tiny bt? My program recommends setting the alarm and then sipping only 2 ounces - then setting it again. I can do more now, and bigger sips but gulps can hurt. Are you on full liquids? Have you asked your doctor about this?
  8. I am in heaven with you as I await my husband bringing me my tomato soup thinned with milk. It will add 11 grams of protein to top me off at 80 for the day and -yep 24 grams of carbs for the day- and that alone will Yes I think my face is thinner though in the one I just posted I am hunched down so my face is all schlubby again ;-P Thanks for watching!
  9. Well of course we keep getting moved but I just don't go to the nether areas of the board plus I know other people (especially pre surgery) want to know how this journey goes for each of us. I woke up feeling much better than yesterday-still kinda weak but not unable to hold up the phone weak! Last night was the first night I did not have to take a pain pill before bed and then woke in a bit more pain- I have back and knee pain that are controlled with meds and they have really quieted down during this time of more medication! I hit my 70 grams of protein and 64 plus ounces of water for the second day straight yesterday- thing is since my entire world revolves around it- seems like a no brainer I would! I am home bound, not so energetic, and it is raining here in No CA. I start the morning with a series of fluid containers around me- decaf tea, propel, water, and my first protein drink. And I start drinking and noting it...an the day goes by and I hit my goal. I can' help but think that when I get a bit more food, as Swizzly said yesterday- I will be out more, up more. doing more. And I perhaps wont be so focused on food! I have had a small amount of diarrhea every day but today that has solidified. I think it may have affected me more than I thought because my urine was a bit dark today so I am going to up the fluids again today! I feel way too absorbed with bodily functions, and way too ruled by this thumby (thanks swizzly). I still have abdomen tenderness but the gas issue is gone other than the otherworldly burping- what I mean is the gas pain is basically gone. I notice I cannot predict what will cause a bit if pain when I swallow it. Last night it was water- plain water! How is everyone else doing?
  10. NOW ON TO THIS AFTERNOON.... So if you read my check in today before it was moved, I have started out rather weak again- better than yesterday but weak. I have not made it out to walk for two days after having done that since getting home last Wedmesday. That day, before I left the hospital, my doctor said my hematocrit was low and he was concerned it might be an oozing from my staple line. He had a stat CBC done and said if it was lower he would keep me another night, give me two units of blood and then see... but the new test was normal so home I came. First this afternoon I got a call from his nurse (I had phoned in my weakness yesterday and spoken with my GP who said energy ebb is normal- however I had forgotten to mention the hrmatocrit to her). I was asleep when she called and got the message too late to reply but she basically said if I am still weak I will probably need to go in for another CBC. Then...my nutritionist called- the call on Friday had just filtered to her finally- only now of course I was not panicking any more about how to drink without vomiting as that had stopped. I did tell her they should warn you that right after surgery is very different and not to be so freaked about getting protein in. Anway- we got around to my weakness and I gently broached the subject of Dr. Feng putting me on three liquids of clears/protein drinks even when I questioned it with him. I asked if getting less than 5 carbs a day and about 300 calories could possibly be why I can hardly move? (I knew he answer of course it is just one of those qualities of mine to ask the obvious sweetly) She reviewed his email to me and pointed uot that in the long list he gave me- tea, water, broth, protein drinks, sf jello- he had said thin liquids. Well since he did not allow me the "full liquid" diet most of his patients start on I had seen that as the stuff he had just listed, period. She started listing- thinned out yogurt, milk, thinned sieved cream soups, and thinned cream of wheat. I tell you a tear came to my eye! I asked about my favorite TJ's organic tomato soup- YES! So I sang and angelic chorus right there on the phone...hard to explain how that sounds but it will probably be on tomorrows video if you care....;-P She laughed! OH my I am almost overwhelmed at the riches now before me! I am finishing up a 38 gram shake and then later- oh the possibilities! It's funny how little tiny things like soup can rock your world!
  11. meggiep

    Pain VS.Nausea

    I had major nausea in the recovery room and they waited to send me to my room until I was fine- even had me actually swallow two pills. Have not had nausea again. My pain was fierce off and on and would seize up from gas to stomach and back in an almost rippling effect. I used my diiaudid pump and it worked immediately- even on my gas pain. By the time I came home I was way down on meds and thogh I still take them it is for other issues and it controls little wisps of stomach pain as well.
  12. Wow- that's harsh! Odd as it seems- the more you drink the faster it will flush out so drink drink drink!
  13. meggiep

    2nd Day back to Work

    I hear you- I am 8th day and so weak! They do say at least two weeks off so maybe you have pushed yourself a bit. Are you getting your fluids and Protein? What is the food phase that you are on? I ask that because my doctor started me with three weeks clear fluids plu Protein drinks and when speaking with the dietician today I realized I have had about 4 carbs max a day with all the sugar free stuff, broth, etc. Maybe 400 calories. I am probably weak because I am malnourished! Don't beat yourself up for not walking. I was too weak to do it yesterday or today. You are just out of the gate from major surgery and my doctor (GP not surgeon) told me you really ebb and flow with energy for a few weeks.
  14. meggiep

    How long for sugery?

    Mine was about an hour and fifteen minutes.
  15. So... I have never used artificial sweetener, never in my 57 years except when I was in my teens and TAB was made with cyclamates- the best artificial sweetener ever. I just can't stand the after taste. In addition, everything made with them is sickeningly sweet. Though I did find a couple of Protein drinks I can tolerate in general I just can't stomach them. Naturally that is even more true post surgery, unfortunately. At the hospital the Protein Drink I got was ghastly. Since the decaf tea came with those usual blue and pin packets I drank it unsweetened and I hated it. The broth was only slightly more palatable- at least it wasn;t sweet. I really had trouble getting liquids in in general. I actually was forced to spend a second night in hospital due to not getting enough liquids i what with the chest and stomach pain, gas, etc. SO I am home now, on my own territory, with three full weeks on full liquids ahead of me- fortunately that includes cottage cheese, cream Soups, and other savory stuffs but I am still let with the fluids issue. I plan to try sugar free pudding Jello, and popsicles but I fear them totally. I am doing a lot of warm Water but- really is putting a half a teaspoon of sugar in 24 ounces of water going to ruin my success with the sleeve? As long as I include them in my carb count does it really matter? I am a complier but I nee a great reason for the things I do.
  16. Thank you! I have come to a fairly good balance now. Of course I posted this in that awful period when I could not drink anything without pain and many things without vomiting! I truly just wanted to get a liquid in and nothing was working. I then finally found a couple of Protein Drinks with spenda in them I can do, the Propel water recommended by a reply totally helped, the Dreyers sugar free popsicles are WONDERFUL, and yes, I put half a teaspoon of sugar in the warm decaf tea that is also going down well. The last two days I have gotten all my water and protein requirements so I am definitely way way better! Thank you to everyone who helped! Swizzly dear I love hearing about how it is done in other countries. How wonderful to live somewhere not totally bound by fear of law suits and the risk management insurance people booting you out way too soon only because of money. I bet if we were all kept a week it would make a HUGE difference, both in complication rate and just in quality of life after the sleeve.
  17. Hey girl- well we got moved again- and nobody comes over here to read so I give up. Why don't we have a plan that when you wake up, whoever is up first starts their thread for how they are doing that day without any RV mention and then we can at east all post there so we can know how we each are doing! I think when it is here the preops and newbies considering surgery lose out on seeing how post op is- so valuable to me so I guess we just can't have our post title mention May or Red Velvet. I myself will always feel bonded to you guys! I'm glad the pain is better! I have to start with a protein drink FIRST THING- 2 scoops of Champion Proscore 100 chocolate in 8 ouces cold decaf for 30 grams. Then I do another in the afternoon- yesterday was able to pack 36 into my afternoon drink- leaving only 4 or 5 grams for evening with unflavored in my broth. I resent the heck out of being on clears and PDs! But I know that protein is key to energy and healing. I am stalled already- but when I look at losing almost 25 pounds in three weeks how can I whine?
  18. meggiep

    Sleeved May 2nd

    Oh dear I hope this clears up for you! Keep us posted- once you get through this early time you will move to where you don;t even remember when our thumby's ruled us like this!
  19. I forgot to mention- I seem to have already hit a stall- on the 8th day. Happy happy joy joy. I didn't care really but wonder when I add more food does that mean I will gain? Will I be the first on that having the stomach mostly removed means nothing for?
  20. Thanks for the reminder about the peeling....mine will do that too. My fantasy is egg salad. Not even so far fetched! But about seven weeks away on my doc schedule. Glad you are doing well!!!
  21. meggiep

    Pre-op diet started

    You're on your way babe! How exciting? What do you have to do exactly? Why go with a gross choice- there are some lovely ones (at least for now- they might make you puke after ) I didn't realize you have IBF too- yikes! You may face my situation- diarrhea every day so far but a teeny tiny amount. How much can clears and clear Protein drinks make?
  22. meggiep


    Me too fellow May 9ther RVers! I think the cold is the main symptom because then we bundle- and if you sleep bundled you will wake up sweating for sure as your body generates heat while you sleep. I have had two of those sopping wet awakenings- ewwww! BTW sorry about not starting the RV thread early enough today- I will start it late at night so we can all chime in- I often am up late with insomnia since surgery and then sleep until noon and I want you to know where to post so we can all keep track of each other.
  23. Oh to answer your other question Renee- no complications- the inability to get things down and vomiting with some liquids was it. Occasional insomnia but I sleep after it and into the day. Somewhat low energy - but- well you know-we have fibro! I expect to be slower getting back in to life. My pain is much much less...and you already saw the picture of my bruises in the hematoma thread.
  24. You know- I am wondering about that myself! My doctor told me my liver was great and everything went well. The only inking I have is that my bloodwork showed possible anemia the morning I was to be discharged. My doctor asked for a stat CBC and said if it was lower I would be kept another night AND be given blood and that it could be "seepage" at the staple line. Not a leak. My CBC was normal. But it occurred to me that he wants clears and Protein powder so I put this little baby through the leas work right now other than clears only. All I know is it is HARD! My husbands delish broth is wearing on me. I fantasized about him taking porterhouse steaks, grilling them, and using them for beef broth. I would be so happy just for a cream Soup. Sigh. I think I would have more energy! I have had a little diarrhea every day- and there is hardly anything in there! So I wouldn't think of it as constipation - more nothing to come out. Truly- what have you drink that would make anything? ;-P SO glad you are doing so well!

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