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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. Oh I am sorry- do they say why they think that will help? Do they think you still have swelling? If it helps- I GAINED 2 pounds today on day 11. Blech. Plus I am just kinda down- sick of everything.
  2. Interesting. I had diarrhea every day until today (day 11) and my doctor did not bat an eye. Said my new stomach is in freak out mode so it makes sense. I have actually seen my GP for energy loss today and she too said it should resolve on its own. I was a bit worried that it was the dairy but so far today everything normal. I too was thinking it was the sudden onslaught of splenda. Hope it clears up! That idea of only one kind of Protein drink makes no sense to me either! All day long? That would drive me nuts!
  3. meggiep

    Just weighed myself.....

    Yipes I actually gained 2 pounds today- arrrrgh! I will just ignore it- I m taking in 600 calories a day max, all liquids. Phooey.
  4. meggiep

    Hi- here is my story.

    i Neil, I'm Meggie and I live in Redwood City with my husband, 19 year old son, dog and three cats. My husband can eat anything he wants! Myself....nope. I was always someone whose activity level tied in with my ability to lose and keep weight off. I had been overweight most of my teenage and early adult years but had gotten really fit once I found working out. When I hurt my back, had back surgery, followed by multiple falls, four surgeries, and a near invalid life the lack of activity translated to 120 pounds gained. I tried to lose but always gained it back. My doctor suggested weight loss surgery and I quickly went (in January) from - wtf? to - yes!!!!! I chose the sleeve quickly- it was an easy choice as I do not want my intestines re routed with no scoping of the stomach available- my mom just dies of a rare cancer at the opening from the stomach to the intestines. I also do not care for dumping ! I jumped through all the hoops as quickly as I could and had my surgery a week ago Monday. On day 10 I can say that though I still feel like a fresh surgical patient- especially as far as weakness- I am excited I have the sleeve and ready to move forward with this new way of living as son as they let me actually have some food! RIght now I am on thin liquids and Protein drinks. Not terrible inspiring! My family is on this journey with me and I keep expecting my husband to lose a lot of weight as he forgets to make meals for himself while lovingly caring for me. However he is a major snacker and he still has kept his self happy ;-P. Swizzly, a great member here who was sleeved in EUrpe (Switzerland I think) coined the word "thumby" for our thumb sized tummys and I love using that. Good to have you here! We are thinking of putting together a No CA recent sleevers meeting eventually- maybe in the summer and we'd love to have you and your wife come. There are some things we can share that regular peeps just do not get.
  5. meggiep

    Sleeved May 2nd

    I am so glad the pain issue went away! Sorry your friend let you down- did you tell her not to say anything? Oh who cares- those problems will seem so insignificant soon as you get healthier and thinner.
  6. meggiep

    Do I have Sleeve-opause?

    Hey Steven my You Tube friend! Your fat cells are releasing estrogen and other hormones as they burn and it will have you all over the place emotionally in the weight loss period . I've heard people who have never been depressed may need a temporary anti depressant. I take one already and may need a temporary increase. You may cry every day- Crosswind described that in her wonderful day by day posts recently. I have been whining today, and may cry yet- I sure did yesterday. I am also cold all the time and then I bundle up so then I get clammy sweaty from over bundling so I figure yep- part of the process. Usually I am hot - no more! As for bow chicka bow wow- my poor husband is suffering for lack of that because my thumby is ruling as is my still tender incisions! As a woman, that happening faster could only improve things! ;-P I am currently very weak all the time. I have had diarrhea every day so that could be why. SO I don't know what causes that. I think you have to remember you had a major life altering surgery- not just mentally- physically! Give yourself time and I do think once the weight is off your emotions will level out. Meanwhile- drama queen city! ;-P
  7. Don't worry! That inability to get an ounce in is temporary. I am at ten days but I remember crying in the shower thinking I would never be able to drink enough or get my Protein in. One thing that has helped me is to set my phone alarm every fifteen minutes and work to get 2 ounces in slowly. ow I can just take a 32 ounce Water bottle and know I will drink it all but those first few days I really had to work hard and keep track. Day five was the day it turned around and suddenly became easier to drink. Find protein that works too, but don't push yourself or feel bad if that does not happen immediately! You just had major surgery and everything is swollen. Once you do get all your protein in you can be assured your body will turn to the fat to burn- and that is what we all want! COngratulations on starting this wonderful journey!
  8. meggiep


    Hooray! I know what you mean about kicking yourself in the ass- the drink I have in the afternoon I really have to force- I know if I just keep drinking my coffee/chocolate one I will burn out on it so I vary with some in the afternoon and usually have to even hold my breath for some of the swallows- but its medicine. And if you realize that if you have it your body will burn fat instead of muscle it is a real motivator! Lets face it- we are eating so little we will lose weight - but that Protein keeps it pulling from the fat we want gone, Fat be gone! I think that also has you getting smaller at a certain weight than you may have been before- your fat is burning and before it might have been muscle. I am so proud of you for pushing yourself- that anemia is nothing to play around with. I put three scoops on my morning drink for 45 grams. If we have a NO CA recent sleeves get together I will bring you some to taste. Maybe we can all swap protein powders ;-P xoxo meggie your RV sleeve sistah for life
  9. meggiep


    Hope you are doing better today ! I woke up thinking about you and I really think the camelback stainless insulated cup could help you drink more than half. They have two- it is the more expensive one that keeps things cold a full day. I love mine- I can slowly go through my shake and it is always cold. Chilling helps the taste so much!
  10. I totally understand- and I am in the middle of it on day 10. Know every day gets a little better- I can drink so much more easily now that those first few days and every little discomfort is worth it because of the mystifying way that my body, a slow loser always in the past, has somehow lost lost 25 pounds since I started the pre-op diet. I do think this is a hard, time, I wont sugar coat that- and I encourage you to have a nice long time with no stresses and the ability to kick back and be good to yourself. But this is the best thing I have done for myself along with the Water aerobics habit i can't wait t get back to.
  11. meggiep

    Day 10 Post Op

    Hi Babe! I woke up today feeling like someone came in and beat me up last night. No reason why! I think it is part and parcel of this journey. I didn't realize you've lost 17 pounds since surgery- wow that s awesome! But think about that- really- what that means to your body. That is terribly taxing to happen all at once! I don't know how hormones work with TOM exactly but I know hormones come flooding out of the fat cells as they burn and I'm prepared (sorta) for depression as a side effect but imagine that bleeding has to be part of it too. Are you off right now or do you have things you have to do? If you are free just relax! Watch movies, rest, (TCM is our fave), take slow walks enjoying the flowers that are abundant right now. I am talking to myself too- I am frustrated by my energy and hoping adding some carb foods as I have the past few days will help me- and so far a little bit , it has. I am frankly mystified, even with the little amount I am eating, that I have now lost almost 10 since the surgery- only because I am doing NOTHING- hardly even walking. It seems bizarre, this process! Know your sleeve sistah is here for you and well always be RV connected!
  12. First of all nothing anyone says here will serve as my medical advice! I also think every once in a while we can be calmed down when in a heightened state to realize we actually do not need medical advice! In the hospital I had six heparin shots in my stomach- and every time they did it in a different area. Of course the level of skill in giving them varied widely! There are bruises, some much bigger than others, and a particularly big one on my left side. Since coming home I have been lying on my left side to sleep- going back and forth from that to my back. Left side is my sleep side, normally. Today I noticed the left side is more painful than the right (well that is where my sleeve is right?) But tonight looking in the mirror I thought maybe the biggest bruise had grown and perhaps met the others- my husband thought so too though we have not truly had that good a look since I got home as I was too busy desperately trying to get fluids in! Anyway the bruise surrounds one of my incisions too- does that affect anything? I know nothing about heparin so I don't know if lying on this is causing it to bleed more, etc. I can also send this photo to the doctor on call but wondering if there is any reason... My abdomen is also bloated and I am thinking that will cause pressure on the bruise and incisions. Ths photo is right under my left breast on my upper abdomen and stretches around.
  13. meggiep


    I am pretty sure she is covered for vitamins, especially iron as she was found to be very anemic today- and is definitely being uber followed for that- and got an iron supplement prescribed. And she gags on isopure. Oh honey- I hear you! If I didn't happen upon the chocolate one I love I don't know what I would have done! The funny thing is, I went to Vitalady.com because they are wonderful about selling samples of powders, and I used the ratings thread from the nutrition area of this forum to decide which to order. I ordered five samples my first time (and some vitamins) ad four of them went down the drain even though they had been rated excellent here. The fifth I love, and with a cup of decaf, ice cubes, and vanilla-blended I enjoy it as my morning drink and 3o grams- done. If I stop being able to stand the various drinks I use in the afternoon (they are iffy and I kinda hve to force the last part) then I will just do a second of the one I love. The funny thing is- I actually mistook the fave on the list as a different one and the one I actually ordered, and love, is on the list as "disgusting" !!! So you never know. The other thing- these drinks have to be absolutely cold to go down for me. I got a stainless steel insulated camelback Water bottle at REI and it will keep a cold beverage ice cold ALL DAY. (not for hot).It's been a godsend for me- would that help you get them down? The thing to remember is it is just one week. And truly I dont think the lack of protein has caused your anemia. You can only do what you can do and then you will be able to get a lot of your protein from food. However, I think you do need to find at least one that works for you because it is good to have it to use through the next months when you will be keeping your food in check. I'm here for you! ps Did your surgeon not worry at al about possible seepage of blood internally? Mine was concerned if my bloodwork was showing anemia today I was going to receive two pints of blood. Sure shows you everyone is different!
  14. meggiep

    Clear liquid report

    Woo Hoo you are on your way to your new life!
  15. I am nine days out and I have some questions- Do you follow any of the rules we have all been kind of given-ie, counting carbs, 64 plus ounces Water, the protein, etc. ? I always wonder when I see posts from further out.
  16. meggiep

    Just weighed myself.....

    Wowza- as I mentioned on the other thread it looks like you Kelly and I all lost 7 since the surgery. Lucky 7! I feel a stall coming on....and I don't care. I know with these little thumbys there is no was we will see anything but downward travel from the scale!
  17. Though still a little weak, my tomato Soup last night , thinned with milk, made a detectable difference in my energy- at least as far as I can tell. My doctor emailed to tell me to get a CBC drawn to make sure I am not anemic- though from everything I have read around here weakness is not that uncommon! I got the CBC, came home and had some divine greek yogurt, thinned with milk. Yumm!!! Then I got an email from my doctor saying my hematocrit went UP since surgery- it was 27 and is now 33 - 35 being normal. And the kicker- "Great job on the Vitamins and iron!- keep it up!" Uh- guess I had better start taking those... He did say if the exhaustion persists see my GP before my 2 week followup, whichis on the 25th.
  18. meggiep


    Oh what a bummer that you hate the Chike. I like the choco and the strawberry- I am putting a scoop of strawberry into each nectar fuzzy naval for a total of 38. I hate to say it but keep searching- with the anemia the worst thing would be to get malnourished too! I can't take those premier shakes. Try GNC= they are sure to have somethingl Mixing a chocolate one with milk might fit the bill. Something you mix yourself is bound to be better than the ready to drink blends. Are you able to have cottage cheese? Im worried about you! I certainly know the 80 grams are possible but finding something palatable is so important! Edited to add- the dinner looks like the place you have got to get Protein in. The things you list don't have any really to speak of. And broth is a liquid- no need to even count that or not drink with it.
  19. This was in my thread from this morning that got moved: I woke up feeling much better than yesterday-still kinda weak but not unable to hold up the phone weak! Last night was the first night I did not have to take a pain pill before bed and then woke in a bit more pain- I have back and knee pain that are controlled with meds and they have really quieted down during this time of more medication! I hit my 70 grams of protein and 64 plus ounces of water for the second day straight yesterday- thing is since my entire world revolves around it- seems like a no brainer I would! I am home bound, not so energetic, and it is raining here in No CA. I start the morning with a series of fluid containers around me- decaf tea, propel, water, and my first protein drink. And I start drinking and noting it...an the day goes by and I hit my goal. I can' help but think that when I get a bit more food, as Swizzly said yesterday- I will be out more, up more. doing more. And I perhaps wont be so focused on food! I have had a small amount of diarrhea every day but today that has solidified. I think it may have affected me more than I thought because my urine was a bit dark today so I am going to up the fluids again today! I feel way too absorbed with bodily functions, and way too ruled by this thumby (thanks swizzly). I still have abdomen tenderness but the gas issue is gone other than the otherworldly burping- what I mean is the gas pain is basically gone. I notice I cannot predict what will cause a bit if pain when I swallow it. Last night it was water- plain water! This afternoons update next- re the angels...
  20. That is exactly what I think too when I consider future plastic surgery. Enough surgery!
  21. meggiep


    Wait- why do you only drink half the shake? You should drink 2 30 gram shakes- do you just hate them? WHat kind are they> You need GOOD ones!
  22. meggiep


    Ask Chike to send you samples. I love their Protein drinks. They have a few more carbs than some but are Meal Replacements and with the fibre the net carbs are acceptable and my nutritionist approved them. The will send out the samples immediately! They have I thkn 27 grams a drink and also lots of other nutrients including essential fatty acids and Vitamins and minerals. ALso send for the samples of nectar by Syntrax- I have a Fuzzy Naval every afternoon with half a packet of another flavor. They are very palatable. Don't sprinkle unjury on your food- you need to stir it in really well! Also maybe get nonfat dried milk to stir in to things to add more protein- I have seen that suggested. My day 2 scoops champion proscore 100 chocolate with 8 ounces dcafe blended with ice and a splash of vanilla 30 grams lunch 1 packet Nectar fuzzy naval plus one scoop of chike strawberry blended with ice 35 grams dinner either one packet Unjury chicken broth (20 grams( or tomato soup 1 cup with 1 cup milk added (13 grams) so that is either 85 or close to 80 (80 is my required)\ In between- Water, decaf tea, propel, and sugar free popsicles. GNC has lots of different chocolate ones- their wheybolic extreme has a lot of fans and they have the protein shots too. A you Tuber I watch also said she found Sunkist protein shots that actually tasted ok. I'm concerned about that low iron! Was it low in the hospital?
  23. Dot laser rejuvenation? Huh? And what is vaser lipo? It sounds science fiction! Doesn't lipo remove fat though? I think the main issue we face with them bellies is skin...where the fat used to be... Me? Our thriving business is hanging on by a thread so sometimes food and gas are an issue. Not to mention bariatric Vitamins But when I can afford it I really just want to have cut and color with highlights again. It has been a long time. And anything else I can wrestle out of the medical community since I do have great insurance- it just takes all our money!
  24. I was over at my doctors for a CBC since my low energy level is of concern- and while I was there the nurse looked at my stomach and said though a little out of norm it was nothing to worry about. Whew.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
