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Everything posted by meggiep

  1. meggiep

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    OH I can just IMAGINE that chicken salad! YUMM! egg salad is something I am craving beyond reason ;-P Update your ticker girl! It is so easy to do...
  2. I love this thread! Won't post formally since at 2 weeks today I am still think liquids- though I do get my 80 grams of Protein and 64 ounces of liquids religiously- right now it feels like my full time job to do it. It was cool to realize I have already lost 23% of my excess weight! I love seeing everyones story. IN fact I would love it if the ones who posted in April posted again , quoting themselves and updating. MY plan, I do have- 80 grams protein 64 plus ounces Water 40 grams net carbs multi Vitamin, calcium, b12 5 x week water aerobics
  3. meggiep

    13 days- energy up!

    I was on the 9th so leadin' the way by two days ;-P 30 pounds- awesome! Isn't it kind of amazing? I am still a bit dazed by the concept of being 28 pounds down (this a.m.) from my high weight starting my two week pre-op. I also have video logs (see link below) and share tips about stuff etc. I was helped so much by others on You Tube I want to share too. I figure we can all give each other tips to negotiate this journey!
  4. meggiep

    13 days- energy up!

    Yes I do have foam so I let it sit for a while until the foam dissipates. I use a wonderful stainless steel Camelback cup that will keep something cold ALL day- it is wonderful They have them at REI- there are several kinds of insulated but the one for all day ($30 but REI is 25% off this week) is the one. Keeping the Protein drinks cold is so important for me being able to finish them. Yes- the greek yogurt is so awesome for cutting the sicky sweet flavor and making it more tolerable. It is great in soup too- like sour cream- and adds protein,
  5. meggiep

    First mini goal met!

    GO Gurrrrl GO Gurrrrrl Onederland Happy Dance for you! WOOHOO!!!!
  6. Interesting because my surgeon has you do B12 every other day from the start.
  7. meggiep

    Tastes Change?

    Oh yeah- definitely. I had found some Protein drinks I liked before surgery and post surgery they made me gag. All that research down the tubes. Luckily I had gotten a bunch of samples and was able to scramble and find a couple that still work for me so I am fortunate in being able to get the 80 grams my doctor INSISTS I get even in the liquid phase. Not on real food yet so it will be interesting to see what else has changed. I do notice my sense of smell is so acute now- amazing.
  8. meggiep

    Day 14

    For me it was carbs. My first week I had about 4 carbs a day and got to the point I could hardly move after improving steadily every day for a week. So I was told to add thinned Soups and after three days of increasing my carbs to about 40 a day I felt a lift in energy and now feel much much better! I did have bloodwork and am not anemic. Have a look at your carbs breakdown- that could be the issue. My nutritionist said not to worry so much about carbs in this period- worry about healing and returning to full energy!
  9. That is absolutely wonderful to hear! That must have been so awful- I was concerned about you. Onward and downward! ;-P
  10. meggiep

    2 Weeks Out Today!!

    Yippee Kelly! I am so glad to hear your progress- I was worried about you! YOu sound like you are in wonderful shape! I too felt a turnaround of energy in the past couple of days. I started walking again. My two week post op appointment is Wednesday and I really really hope to be put on mushies too- I am just craving Protein in chewable form. My doctor is adamant I get protein from the start- its funny how everyone is different! My drinks really help me feel satisfied. I posted in my day 13 post my routine for getting in 80-90 grams a day- in my hope that my protein satisfied body will turn to those ugly fat cells for THEIR cravings ! ;-P I have lost almost 10 pounds since surgery day, 28 pounds since I started my pre-op. It is so weird and hard to wrap my head around losing that much so fast. I get why people don;t feel the size they are- it is such a rapid thing to keep up with. I did notice last night on my walk that the jacket I have worn for years is hanging looses a bit. Kely does the Iron make you constipated? That is always my fear with iron....
  11. meggiep

    13 days- energy up!

    OH my I remember how that two weeks of pre-op was! HOnestly- even with the pain, the inability to swallow at first, etc. I can say the pre-op was almost harder- because you still have the hunger of a big old stomach! I can truly say I rarely feel hunger- when I do it is stimulated by the smell of cooking more than anything. I really do have to pay attention to get those drinks going etc. LOL on the rawhide chew! My dog, by the way, is really suffering the most- his mama/spoil me with sharing food partner in crime is gone! I will indeed keep posting- and my You Tube link is in my signature- I update very regularly. I got so much help from those before me that I want to pay it forward and each day is an adventure in figuring out how this new thumby of mine works. Tonight, btw, I had cream of wheat for the first time- yumm!!! Very thinned with milk but still thicker than most of what I have tried. For the first time, eating it with a spoon- I had this feeling- I can hardly even describe it- I burped a bit (I burp a LOT!) and I just kind of knew that was enough. I felt a tiny twinge in my stomach- not pain exactly- just a little twinge, and knew I had done the right thing. Those burps- well, I=every time I drink I burp I think my body does that to get rid of the air and even though we laugh a lot about it I actually appreciate it because I have heard others mention the air hurts. Mine comes right up! Feel free to ask me questions too. My husband is an absolute darling . He takes such good care of me- it is not something new to him as I have had surgeries, several falls, and a life of pain that varies in its effect on my life. Every morning in he comes with my water, tea, and the first protein drink. He has lost his eating buddy but we are carving out new things to share. I really think my advice about the carbs will help you too. I just think over time having only the Unjury and water will wear you and keep you from getting your energy back - at least that has been true for me- that week of clears plus protein wore me down to zero energy. In addition- my own opinion is the diarrhea is just your body adjusting to the bizarre and extreme thing that happened. Mine had cleared up ( almost) and my body is getting adjusted to this new state of affairs. In any case- I am just glad I don't have the opposite condition! Keep me posted- I have been thinking about you. BTW I usually think of a week as every Monday- I was sleeved on Monday so every Monday is my surgeversary.
  12. meggiep

    Day 10 Post Op

    I had exactly that issue. I was feeling a bit better each day but at about day 7 started feeling really really weak- I could hardly hold the phone or talk. I spoke with my nutritionist and she told me to add some carbs to my day. I had been on clear liquids plus Protein drinks and was taking in about 4 carbs a day- no wonder I petered out after a week of it. SOunds like you are bot getting enough nutrition either. I started having thinned Soups (my fave trader joes tomato Soup thinned with milk and eventually with a 1/4 cup of greek yogurt too. Adding the carbs has made a ton of difference! I also have a Dreyers (Edys in the east) sugar free fruit popo every day for seven ( i think) carbs and 25 calories. Right now while you are healing is NOT the time to worry about carbs IMO. I am about to post about my progress and will include what I do at day 13 to get 80 grams of protein and all my liquids. Maybe it could help you! Get some carbs girl- after four days of more carbs (still under 60) I was able to finally do a longer walk today and I feel like a ne woman! Keep us posted!
  13. I have definitely felt the impulse- with a big bag of movie theater popcorn (our son works there) my husband left sitting on his chair- and with a roast chicken he brought home yesterday.It was just a routine thing to reach out and grab a handful or a hunk, like always, But I have not put it in my mouth. I am Iron clad committed to this- I am NOT having 85 % of my stomach removed and not showing great results for it! It is not so much that I really do think eating real food would destroy my new thumby as that if I do end up with a complication I would have to tell my doc about what I did and it would break his heart. Step away from the pulled pork! ;-P
  14. I take my omeprazole when I first open my eyes in the morning. I was told to do it 3 months straight- whether acid or not. I have not had acid and don't know if it is because of it or not!
  15. meggiep

    One-month surgiversary

    Awww- I must have missed it! Happy belated- where is your three month post You know I respect totally the medical practices where you are- they are just different- that is all. There are a lot of different theories out there and to me none are 100% right and none are 100% wrong. I am just glad you are doing well. I think the first replier asked you where you live though.... xoxo
  16. In this case she means diarrhea ;-P She was on full liquids but the doctor put her back on clear because of it. I agree with your sister- pain puts your body through chemical changes that do not help healing. Good luck! I am Day 12 and it gets better and better. I have been allowed shakes since day four.
  17. meggiep

    8 Day Post op Question

    Isn't it fascinating figuring out the new language of our thumbys? I too get that sort of rumbly pangy feeling and know to have something. The usual hunger thing is just gone. Since our stomachs were just slice open and mostly removed, I figure our bodies have to heal , become whole, and create a new language. We have to be patient and just take good care of the new thumbys as they form. I actually feel really fortunate that hunger is gone because I know some people still feel it early on and that would be miserable!
  18. I can easily drink as much or more than that (Once my swelling went down on day five- before that no way). It's liquids- I don't use this period as indicative of anything- be happy that drinking is easy- it will serve you i good stead in the future. At this point I can easily get 16 ounces in in an hour- four ounces every 15 minutes. Everything I have seen here indicates that restriction dos not become apparent until we start eating. Don't worry!
  19. meggiep


    Wow that is small 28-32! I am sorry you still can't eat a lot. However I think your husband's attitude sucks and you can tell him I said so. Man people order a full meal and box at the same time and just put most of it away. So what? You get to enjoy the lovely flavors a few different times. Surely your husband loves the results of the sleeve and you should not be punished by being denied going out for dinner . You lost 150 pounds? Seriously - regret seems to wacky to me- you know perfectly well that if you really could have lost that another way you would have. You did this to save your life and two years later are still keeping it off. I am not coming down on you- I think I am talking to myself too- I am day 12 and every once in a while I have a pang of loss of the way I used to be able to eat- like watching my husband eat the buttered movie popcorn my son brings home from work to us in unlimited quantities and knowing that is over for me. Do you mean to say that if you went back to before your surgery- at your weight then- you would NOT have the surgery? 40 seems a little large, but what do I know? My doctor uses 34- and he has few complications- he has been doing the surgery for years and most of the things I asked him about in my worry faze are things he has never had happen. Isn't it funny comparing the tiny tools that determine the new size of our thumbys! ;-P
  20. meggiep


    I am SOOOOO glad you feel better. I think in the end you will be glad for a sleeve on the small side as they do increase capacity eventually and you have a good tool to help you get where you want to go- once you can actually swallow! My doctor uses a 34 bougie, and I worried that was small but am glad for it now. SO far I have had no trouble drinking after those first swollen days. And I love your honesty to rant and let it out! You speak form many. BTW I LOOOOVE me some weddings- I am a wedding photographer and never get enough- I watch all the wedding shows on TV. If you ever want to talk weddings pm me.
  21. meggiep

    EAS myoplex shakes bad + Miracle 2000

    That does seem a bit high in calories- - and probably in carbs too. My doctor sas double digits protein- single digits carbs so that is my rule of thumb. But seriously- in this first few weeks be happy you can get Protein in. That is how I feel!
  22. SO....frst of all lets just get it out of the way- I gained two pounds today. However, I am not drinking the freak out koolaid so there. I know I am on the journey of my life and I WILL get to my destination. I woke up feelig better, which is awesome since I have been low energy enough to worry my doctor. My pain is MUCH better, and I have been getting all my fluids and all my Protein for four days at least. In fact my GP summoned me in today as my surgeon told her he thought she should see me before he is able to....so I toddled in half asleep as my appointment was morning and I don't DO morning ;-P The most interesting part of the appointment, since we arrived at the conclusion I already had - (I just had major surgery, I am losing weight fast, I have fibro, and my body is probably freaking out) was that when she looked at the huge bruises on my left stomah from the heparin my doctor actually audibly GASPED and said "what did they do to you!". She had never seen bruising so bad and told me I need to use a heating pad on it so that no hematoma forms. It was pretty funny seeing her face. It kinda justified my own concern. I think when I get to go back to the pool for Water aerobics I will have to warn everyone in the locker room since this looks like it will be around for a LOOOOOOng time. The best part of Day 11 for me is that I have discovered Greek Yogurt in a big way. I only liked it before with sweet fruit in it and was trying to figure out how I could incorporate it now that I am allowed thinned yogurt. Well- last night I stirred a 1/4 cup in to my tomato Soup thinned with milk and it was rapturous! Very sour creamy, and not too acidic at all. SO my soup, though it had 22 grams f carbs with everything mixed in, also had 14 grams of protein. Today I got the lightbulb moment to ut it in my afternoon protein shake- so I used two scoops of strawberry chike (28 grams) 1/4 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of Fage 0% greek yogurt- the milk and yogurt added SEVEN grams of carbs to bring my dink up to 35- and since I had three scoops of roscore at 45 grams for Breakfast I am already at 80 for today. Even better, the yogurt took away that sickie sweet spenda taste I hat and made the drink delish- something I can drink every day until I get to real food. Hooray! Kelly are you reading? Cause girl we have to get this going for you so you are nourishing yourself! There have to be some great recipes we can come up with that work for you- I remember you said you have a chike sampler- try one of them, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup milk, and 1/4 cup greek yogurt and you have yourself a 35 gram drink! The Fage 0% is lower in carbs than any other I have seen. So day 11? All about the greek yogurt.
  23. Well- one of those is warm and the other ones probably cooler- maybe it is a temperature thing. I started out unable to drink cold things and now almost prefer them. Who knows what tomorrow holds! I long for savory things that you can chew. I think my first egg will make me swoon! Hope you get much better really fast.
  24. Day five was my turnaround day so I think you are in for good things! This- day 11- was turnaround for my diarrhea issue= it seems to be gone. We'll get there!
  25. Yes- sorry! 1/4 cup each cold Water, milk, greek yogurt, and about 1/4 cup ice too- the 2 scoops of your Protein powder. I like tokeep the quantity of liquid small so that I can get through them quickly . This one was so delish I did not care. I use a Camelback stainless steel water bottle that keeps things cold all day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
