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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by pasquini

  1. Wow, congrats on hanging in there, you will join a lot of us who have passed our 3rd anniversary already. Welcome to the vets hangout. Keep coming back more often, we NEED vets who have experienced a lot. Awesome job on the chocolate run (could that be ANY MORE TEMPTING...lol....did they serve choc. at the finish line?) But your costume is a GREAT way to Celebrate choc w/out eating any of it!!

    Oh, I ate the chocolate. It remains my one weakness! I am such a chocoho!! Lol

    Anymore, i have a hard time getting enough of anything in to keep up with the running demands.

    In fact I have considered giving up the half marathons as my body has really hard time nutritionally at those linger distances.

  2. I: I hope you are all well! My life is going fabulous! Still watching what I eat and trying to tweak my nutrition. Had a long year of injuries from running. So I have narrowed it down to needing more nutrients. Protein Shakes galore. Lol

    In may I will Celebrate my 3rd surgiversary! Seem so unreal to me even now!

    My body image is still outta whack, almost 3yrs and I still see the fat guy. But fortunately the scale and mirror says different.

    I am truly thankful for the life this tool has afforded me!

    Nothing tastes as good as thin!

    Thats me doing the electric slide at the chocolate run in Dallas two weeks ago in my MnM costume :-)


  3. Amazing...extremely inspiring!! I could only hope to have these results in 2 years. Can you provide a recent sleever guidance?

    Hey bro: I have several post on here where I lost out in detail what I have done. It is very doable, and wont take you two years. Us me. Kinda have it easier we lose much faster. I made goal I 7 months

    If you click on my profile you can click post I have made and the detailed ones should be easy to find.

  4. I received a message that ask some questions I think we all deal with. I wrote a reply and thought I would share it here since I have been asked kinda the same thing many times. :-)

    Hi: :-)

    First not knowing you its hard to give specific advice. And at the same time I am happy to share some ideas with you

    As a woman you have it much harder than me. The deck is stacked against you. Everything in your body say hold on to the weight. Now, while natures insisting you keep a little more than the men is not bad at all on our man eyes when the curves are just right, sometimes natures idea of how much more and a fair ladies just don't line up. You have already been winning this for two years, You cells think your last two years have been you going nuts!!!! Lol.

    With that said does that mean you goal is hopeless? Absolutely not!!!!! Not only is it imaginable, you can shatter it! I know that after two years and feeling like your still not where you want to be that seems a bit too optimistic right?

    Winston Churchill in one of England's darkest moments said, "Never, Never, Never Give Up!" It is one of my favorite quotes. It sums up what we need so many times when faced with the seemingly impossible. Yes, I really do believe attitude matters.

    Attitude either reflects or shapes. In truth at various times we experience both. I do attempt to have mine be the shaper more often that not.

    With that said..... First step is what my 10 yr old daughter says when she is facing something she doesn't relish but is determined. "It's time to woman up!" (Yeah she is that cute:-).

    You can reach your dream goal! You know the one that is even more than the goal you set because your to afraid to admit the other because it seems impossible? Yeah I have been there also. So with the Woman Up attitude intentionally ringing in your ears throughout the day you are ready to make it happen!

    Next it really comes down to a simple equation more spent than saved. Only time in life this is a good thing ;-)

    We have to eat less fuel than we spend. How that happens is up to you. But there are some pitfalls to watch for.

    You have to get in enough to retain as much lean muscle as you can. Here is my lose phase (yes i revert to it occasionally.


    80-100 gr Protein (not fried)

    60-80 carbs. Yes really. No flour based carbs or potato

    80 oz non-caffeinated liquid (i do drink coffee but do not count it into my daily liquid needs)

    And I jog, bike, hike. Often very early or very late (single dad of four, so i get how hard finding time can be) i jog 12-20 miles a week

    I figure you already know all these things. But reminders and knowing it does work can help.

    I had a great recovery nurse that had surgery also and gave me a piece of advice that has been fabulous. He told me that sometimes he finds he is not losing or maintaining and he knows that the real reason is he is slacking on eating properly or that his head lost control and food has taken over again. So to get back on track he will force himself to go on the pre-surgery liquid diet for a full 1-2 weeks. Not to lose weight but to re-orient his brain back to a place where he is in control of what he eats. Not food and not habits. I have done that a time or two. It really can be a phenomenal re-ignition.

    I have made up my own version. I call it the Dog diet.

    What does my dog eat? (Well, dog food of course lol) and he eats the same dog food every time he eats. So if I feel my head has lost control to the old demons. I put myself on a dog diet. I eat the same Breakfast, the same lunch (different from breakfast) and the same dinner (different also). So I have 3 different meals (i do also have a Protein Bar or shake twice a day to get my Protein goals in) the point being that for two weeks. Yes two weeks!!!!

    It's the same food.

    Why? Because it gets my head back to the place where food isnt The epic life, it is only Fuel for My Epic Life!!!!!

    So my thoughts are this.

    You haven't failed, making this choice two years ago and confronting the weight is success, these are just the details.

    You are winning already!!! You have rocked! Look at yourself girl, get some old pictures out and compare. Celebrate every single success!!!! You have earn it!


    So how far do you wanna go from here? Yes, I already know the answer. :-) and the fear.

    And now it is time to woman up! Pick the liquid or dog diet and let me know how it feels to have you in control and not food!!!!

  5. I haven't posted much in a while, but your post deserves a reply.

    That blasted wagon is a slippery one. And any who haven't fallen off of it either aren't on it yet, haven't been on it long, or have a level of self control that should allow most to lose without surgery.

    So dear, first it is what it is.

    Some things it isn't are..... The end of your weight loss, the drowning of puppies, punching a baby like the guy in that movie campaign, or abnormal.

    You have already made an extremely difficult choice to have this surgery and take control of your life. The surgery is the easier of the two!

    Taking control is what this tool is about. It is a tool that helps us in an area which we were obviously outta control.

    At the same time as you well know it doesn't completely do it for you.

    I aplaud the strength you have shown in facing your weight and making an extremely difficult, life altering, permanent choice to gain that control.

    Let me encourage you in a few things.

    Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!!!

    Let me say that again

    Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin!!!!!

    You made this choice to chase your dreams, to soar, to reach a new place of freedom in life. And Epic adventure if you will. So now the battle with old way rages.... And yes we slip, slide, fall, leap of the wagon sometimes. And, we can choose to get back on. Not only back on but climb right up there in front and take the reigns! Heck if we are gonna be on a old dusty stupid wagon anyway at least have the reigns and slap the ol horse on the butt and enjoy the ride.

    So take some time tonight and imagine where you want to direct that ride.... What do you imagine for yourself when you are thin?

    For me I wanted to be SEXY!!!! Not just thin, not just healthy but SEXY!!' (Come on we all want that I am just willing to admit it!)

    So in the coming day while your walking along near that wagon you choose where you wanna be. :-)

    I am hoping you choose sexy beast!

  6. My hubby is definitely a food ****. The 1st 4 weeks of liquids almost killed me (made it to week 2 after my lapband almost 4 yrs ago before cheating. This time I didn't cheat cuz now I'm married. Was single follwing my band) cuz I had my husband watching everything I put in my mouth. I knew he's tattle on me to my dr at my post op visit at 4 weeks. Now that I'm 7 weeks out and eating just about normally again' date=' he reminds me of everything that goes past my lips how many carbs r in it.

    He's a carb fantatic. Lost 80 lbs on his own version of Atkins (his own version meaning almost NO carbs, instead of low carbs) a few years back and he swears ketosis is the ONLY way to weightloss. It's hard to argue with someone who's lost 80 lbs but I look at the science in it, not just the results.

    I had wls so I wouldn't have to count every calorie that went into my mouth. Now I have someone counting my carbs for me. I've bounced back and forth between 156 and 157 for the past 2 weeks (lost 18 lbs the first 5 weeks, starting at 174 I don't think thats too too bad) and I hear everyday it's because I eat more than 10 gms of carbs a day. Over 10 and ur out of ketosis. Wow. 10 gms is NUTHIN. I mean NUTHIN. He doesn't understand that I can only eat a few bites at a time and that I NEED carbs to function. Carbs are the enemy.

    Anyone else live with a food ****? I went out to lunch with a friend yesterday and ordered fried clams. yes, I know, not the healthiest choice. I ate about 1/4 of the lunch amount and brought the rest home. Heated them up last nite and proceeded to eat about another 1/4 of them. I heard "All you eat is deep fried and breaded crap. That can't be healthy." hello. What besides this has been breaded and deep fried? Before surgery I ate alot of fast food fried crap but this has been the only fried food I've eaten. Guess I could've gone with the grilled fish (went to a seafood restaurant) but the fried clams sounded so yummy (btw, clams don't do well being reheated. They get even rubbery-er) and since I only ate a few I figured it was worth the splurge.

    I'm happy he's so supportive, really. Tells me constantly how proud he is of me and calls me "Skinny Minnie" all the time. But I can't stand the constant reminders of how many carbs r in 1 oz of yellow cheese (1 gm, btw) vs 1 oz of white cheese (0 gms). Anyone else?[/quote']

    I have lost 153 since surgery, eating 800-1000 cals, 80-100 grams Protein and 60-80 carbs a day. Lost the weight in 7 months and have kept it off 1 year and 10 months. Eat some healthy carbs (no flour) you need then to metabolize the l

    Protein.< /p>

    And I was in ketosis with that many carbs.

    I think I have managed all right


  7. Awesome you look great. How do u feel? I'm only 1wk post op and I already lost 18 lbs. I feel the same right now. I can't wait to lose all the rest.

    I feel fabulous! I have had such an easy time. Only issue I have is reflux. I still have to take Prilosec. But so long as I do I'm all good.

    I feel good about myself in ways I never did before. And some days I even feel sexy. (Yes we men feel that stuff too)

  8. Wow!! You look amazing!! Thanks for coming back:-) I'm 10 months out and down -110 lbs since surgery! I am also loving my new life! I have a question for you. When does your mind catch up? When will I feel like 178 lbs as opposed to 300?

    Honestly I'm not sure, I still think of myself as the Big guy, still feel like I need to lose some. Maybe never.... But I'll take it. Lol

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