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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by pasquini

  1. pasquini

    Nearly 11 Mos Post Op - With Photos

    Absolutely stunning!
  2. pasquini

    6 Month Update

    Congrats!! Nice to make those mini goals.
  3. pasquini

    60lbs down pic

    Thx for such kind words everyone. :-) Kemo: thx, yes I am watching that number as well. It is going to be a huge victory once that number leave the obese category. Still sonhard to wrap my head around. How r you doing?
  4. i am finally able to get the pics up the pics are between 40-50lbs lost
  5. pasquini

    before and during pics

    thx, nice to not look like John candy. :-)
  6. I wanted to lose 60lbs by June 10th my two month surgiversary on June 10th. Well I was 3 lbs short but today I made it to 60 lbs lost!!!! Couple days past but still made it in just a couple extra days!!! Woot!
  7. pasquini

    60lbs down pic

    Hi Disney princess
  8. pasquini

    60lbs down pic

    :-) thx everyone.
  9. pasquini

    What to say to....

    My vote is you say ( in your best exasperated voice ). "thank you! That's what I have been telling my Dr! But, he wont listen. So nice that someone understands, sheesh really if I could gain about 5-7 more lbs I feel I'd be perfect!"
  10. pasquini


    Almost tearing up with you! So amazing!!! Good for you!
  11. pasquini

    I've lost 80 pounds!!!!

    That is fantastic!!! Good for you.
  12. If I add the weight I lost over the year before surgery (311 at my heaviest) then I am 2lbs away from having lost 100 lbs!!! 60 since surgery and 38 before.
  13. pasquini

    Mini goal!!!

    I think we all need to be reminded that we are doing great, it's is so much more than just a small stomach. Our whole lives are changed, and it has taken sacrifice and courage to even start this journey. We can get so hung up on the speed and numbers that we forget how hugely successful we are just for facing food and telling it to "shut it!" So sunnyd, I wish you a day of joy, a feeling of accomplishment for being strong enough to make such a hard choice and becoming the you that has always existed but not seen by those around us. :-) Godspeed
  14. pasquini


    My recovery nurse, who had the surgery and is at goal, told me when (not if) that happens to go back on full liquids for 3-7 days and it almost always gets u back to losing. It has worked for me. :-)
  15. pasquini

    60lbs down pic

    I was sleeved may 10th 8 weeks to the day of that picture. :-)
  16. pasquini

    60lbs down pic

    The concert was fabulous! They set the bar so high for live performances. Montreal was equally amazing. I spent an entire day in museums and art galleries (yeah I'm a dork) it was a fantastic trip!
  17. I'll Wish u more than luck, I'll wish u your dreams and success! You'Ll do it!! I am amazed how far you have come. Godspeed!
  18. pasquini

    Mini goal!!!

    thx everyone, It is very sureal! Vickie: First let me say, congrats on your loss, keep perspective, when is the last time you lost 30lbs with no fear of regain? That is a huge accomplishment! so it is important that you do not get down about where you are. we are both on a journey to the good life. True i have lost a crazy amount, yet there are some variables. 1st i am a guy and do not have the hormone issues that women have to slow my loss down. that is such a huge factor, people dont factor that in offten enough and get discouraged when their loss isnt as fast as others. but you have to compare apples to apples and men and women are apples and oranges. similar to our trying to compare ourselves to naturaly skinny peoples ability to lose. Does that make sence? 2nd. I have a very very labor intensive job, I fabricate and install custom granite countertops So I am lifting and moving 100's of lbs everyday. So i have no doubt that is a factor for me since work is like a constant workout. Considering that it is not fair to yourself to compare your loss to mine. 3rd here is what i do, I eat between 400-700 cals a day. partly intentionally partly not. I do eat very clean, if i didnt the cals would be higher. I eat 1 greek yougurt and one cheese stick for Breakfast everyday that gives me 17 grams protien i dont worry about the carbs in them lunch: depends on where i am. general shrimp (about 3-4) for 20 gram protien of tuna salad for 20 grams protien no crakers no bread. dinner: some form of Protein that is not fried. chicken, fish, shrimp, or another yogurt or cottage cheese for 20 grm protein. I drink 40 oz low cal gatorade a day and then either tea or juice. i also drink coffee. yes i drink coffee everyday. My sister is a VA Psychologist that did the psych evals for bariatric patients and she has been a great resource. the nutritionist at her VA says that coffee doesn't really dehydrate you, the way you have to count it is dont count it. That so long as you do not include the coffee as liquid intake then it is a wash. I have 3-4 sf popcicles a day as well I also take a daily Vitamin, chewable (active kids complete from sams club. I take the adult dose) now if i want something i have it. if i want a dorrito i will have some, like 3 haha, I also go to the gym, about 3-4 days a week and play 45 min of raquetball i am just begining to do the treadmill and lifting as well. oh, and something that I think people forget is that you can go to all liquids for 3-5 days or a week and shock your system into obediance! rather than seeing that as a bad thing i see it as teaching my body to co-operate! Basically any loss is good, right? I think your loss is fantastic! 30lbs!! You are not going to regain it either! You will keep losing as you already are. Remember, keep perspective. You have chosen to better your life and it IS, IS, IS, working. You have made a hard, definative choice, a choice to lock yourslef in for the rest of your life to healthy choices that will reap amazing rewards for you and those in your life. Now is the time to Celebrate your courage, wisdom, and 30 freakin pounds that you kicked to the curb forever!!!!! So, Head up, inches down, and amazing adventure ahead!!! your are doing fabulous. Now go to your mirror and tell youself that!!! 10 times!!!
  19. Congrats! Good for you keep the hard work going!
  20. Well, I said that I was going to do a happy dance when and if this happened. I am sitting in Starbucks right now, near two attractive, seemingly single women. I noticed them when I came in, I've been here for like 10 min. Well, one of them just looked my direction, look back at her friend and then her head snapped back to me and she checked me out!! *huge grin* I don't think I have ever had anyone do a double take for any reason other than my enormity. Woot! I'm pumped!!!
  21. pasquini

    Woot!!!! Happy dance

    It really is a great feeling, just never experienced it. :-) here to being seen as a piece of meat.
  22. I am going to Montreal Thursday for a concert and need some clothes that fit so I headed to goodwill. :-) I fit a 38 pants!!' that's down from a 48, 7 weeks ago and from a 54 at my highest. And there's more I am wearing a plain ol xl shirt! Down from 3 xl's an a few 4xl's. Woot!
  23. pasquini

    2 week Surgiversery

    Welcome to the losers bench! You sound like your doing great!
  24. Woot! I can't wait till I weigh less than your husband also. :-)
  25. Today I am at 219 that's 54 lbs since may 10th! So my scale victory is I am officially at my lowest adult weight I was 220 at 17. So I am in completely new territory! I bought some jeans a month ago that are a 40. I couldn't web button them. I can wear them! That is 14 in smaller than at my highest weight of 311!!!! I am only albs from my mini goal of 60lbs in 2 months before rhe U2 concert on the 9th of July and think I am going to make it! Lastly yestarday a friend told me I needed to go home and changed my "pantaloons". Lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
