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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheeler5051

  1. I know that because I don't have a fill yet that this is probably the reason why......but I can eat pretty much anything and a lot! just about as much as i was before I got banded 3 weeks ago! I don't even feel like there is a band in there! When you get a fill, does that help you to feel full with less food? I know that is a stupid question, I mean, I know that is what it is supposed to do right, but I didn't expect to be able to eat this much! Right now I am eating a lot! and with no problems, bread, chicken, pretty much anything!! It's not hard for me to eat over 1500 calories. Did anyone else go back to eating what they did after they got banded (without a fill)? And did it change once you got a fill or two?
  2. Wheeler5051

    3 Weeks Out and Can Eat Anything

    Thanks to all of you for your replies. I needed a little kick in the A** to make me realize that what I am doing is really only going to make me fail in the long run unless I get this under control. I purchased smaller plates before my surgery and I wasn't using them, I guess I just didn't expect to be able to eat all that much, and when I am hungry, I would just eat. Thanks again for all the great advice. I just wish I wasn't so freaking hungry. Working out makes me even more hungry. And I need to really work harder on not drinking with food. That is so hard for me! I am really thirsty when I eat food. I just want something to wash it down. This is hard, but I am going to try harder to follow the rules and do bettter! Thanks all!
  3. Wheeler5051

    3 Weeks Out and Can Eat Anything

    I actually totally needed to hear that! It's not mean at all, it's the truth! I am just so used to eating a lot, that even if it's healthy, I want to eat all of it. Thanks for the little "kick in the a**" I needed it!
  4. Wheeler5051

    3 1/2 weeks out and weight is yo-yoing

    Totally in the same boat as you right now. I am in my third week and I gained back 2 lbs. I have been hitting the gym and I am going to try and not weigh myself until sunday. I was obsessing with the scale and the weight. I don't get a fill until 6/8/11 so I can't wait for a little restriction. I am just so hungry all the time. and working out makes me hungier! Good luck to you though, I know what you are feeling!
  5. I LOVE before and after pics! Thanks so much for sharing! You look Amazing! Keep up the great work!
  6. Wheeler5051

    3 Weeks Out and Can Eat Anything

    I tried to start with just eating a small plate of food, but I am finding myself going back for seconds! and then end up eating quite a lot. I think that I need to start measuring EVERYTHING that I eat. I find that I am really hungry later in the evening too and going for snacks, like my dinner didn't satisfy me and I am still hungry. I really didn't expect to be able to eat this much and I know that this is where I need to follow the rules of healthy selections, especially if I can eat like this!
  7. Hey there, how's it going?

  8. Unfortuately that is normal. It will get better but I was sore for about a week and a half. It will get better! hang in there!
  9. Wheeler5051

    over researched and confused.

    This may not be anything to do with it but you never know. I get "spasms" in my esophagas when I eat certain foods and it feels like there is something in the back of my throat when it happens, like a tightess, feels hard to swallow. I had it happen to me when I would eat rice before I got banded. I have eaten a few times too fast since I have gotten banded and it felt the same way. Not sure if this is what it is but maybe you are allergic to something and it's making your esphogas react? Good luck with your doctor visit, be sure to keep us posted.
  10. Wheeler5051

    May Challenge

    Tracy checking in, sorry it's so late. I am at 247 this morning. I need to hit the gym this week big time! Hope next weeks weigh in is better!
  11. This isn't a question, I just wanted to share my thoughts for today. So I admit, I have been doing REALLY terrible following a good diet for the last week and a half. Although I have gone to the gym, and my scale says that I even lost two pounds, I know that what I have been eating will come back at some point, it always does. So today, I saw a family member whom I usually only see once in a blue moon. She is a nurse and I told her excitedly that I had gotten the Lap-band. She asked me why I chose the lap band because she knows of several people who have had it done and it never worked for them. They have only lost a few pounds and that's it in years. I just have to say, that made me think about how terrible I have been eating and I will say that it put it right into perspective for me, if i keep eating this way, it will never work. I need to get back on track. I will not be one of "those" people!
  12. Wheeler5051

    Too Funny!

    I needed that laugh, thanks!
  13. Hi everyone! I am just so thrilled that my doctor said that I could move to mushy foods starting today (a whole 2 days sooner) and I was wondering if anyone would like to share some good ideas for the "mushy food" stage. I would like to keep up the protien and try to stay in a good calorie range. I know that mashed potato is a big hit, but I don't want to eat all carbs. Either way, I am so excited about eating mushy foods, is that sad! lol. BTW.. he called it pureed stage, that is the same as mushy, right?
  14. I just need to vent here a little, sorry.... I am really really struggling with this post-op liquid diet! I did a week and 1/2 of the liquid diet before the surgery, and now I am 4 days post-op and I don't know how I am supposed to make it another week and 1/2. I am on full liquids which means that I can have cream Soup and yogurt, ect. but I am still hungry! I can actually eat an entire can of soup and not feel full! Is that strange? The fact that I can eat like normal and not feel full really freaks me out. Most people have said that they feel full after just a little bit, but not me! I am so tired of the protien shakes and soup that I cant stand it anymore. I even ate a bowl of vegetarian chili today which I didn't even puree first. I ate the whole can of it and then was still hungry! I even tried some leftover crab dip that was almost like liquid when i heated it up, but I know that it's not what I should be eating right now. I am going to try to go back to only cream Soups and protien shakes tomorrow, but I just needed to talk about what a hard time I was having. My boyfriend says it's all mind over matter, and not to think about being hungry. Well after he said that to me last night, I had a major meltdown and started crying about how hard it is not to be able to eat solid food. I am ashamed that I am not being stronger about this. I thought I was ready to do this, ready to loose this weight. I almost wish that I was sick or nauesated so that I wouldn't want to eat. Not to mention that my period started and boy does that make me even more emotional and hungry! I am sorry to boo hoo on here about this, but it's my only outlet for people who may understand what I am going through right now. These last four days have been very hard and I can't wait to get past this point! Also, can anyone tell me how much I should be eating anyway? I think I need to start measuring the soup before I put the entire can into the pot. I haven't a clue about what the max is. Any help would be great with this. Thanks all!
  15. I was banded 4/22/11 and once I start to eat, i do get full pretty quickly, at least I know that before the band I could eat my whole plate and then go back for seconds and still be hungry sometimes, and now I seem to be leaving a lot more food on my plate. Don't get me wrong, I am eating a good amount, but when I am full, or if I have eaten too much I tend to get the hiccups or I feel really full right under my chest (like pressure) and it's a little uncomfortable. I know then that I have eaten too much and I need to remeber that my eyes are definitely not as big as my stomach anymore. that is the hardest for me! I feel so hungry that I think that I can eat a lot more, then I am unconfortable if I push it too much. I am only just 4 days in of eating soft mushy foods, but I did eat soft bread this past weeked and it went down just fine. I am not happy with myself that i ate it, but at least I didn't eat the whole loaf like I would before hand! Damn that bread, why is it so tasty? lol! (my mom joked with me and said probably because after eating liquids and mush for 4 weeks, catfood would probably be delicious because it's solid!) lol Good luck at the doctors tomorrow!
  16. Hi! I am in the same boat as far as being really hungry and figuring out what to eat, how much to eat and eating some things that I probably shouldn't have. I do not have any good advice or anything great to say really, just wanted to tell you that I also know how you feel! I know that I feel pretty bad if I eat something that I shouldn't but i just try to remind myself that I NEED to do a better job at this if I want it to work. It isn't easy, but we can do this! Good luck to you, and don't get discouraged by any comments made, just take the good advice and do the best you can!
  17. I hated spin the very first time that I took the class, but I figured out that you can adjust your own resistance to the bike and go at your own pace. It is a great workout and if you need to slow down, then you can! Try it, you may end up loving it! Great Job Apple4teacher!
  18. Wheeler5051

    May Challenge

    Happy Mothers Day to al the Mom's! Tracy checking in tonight at 248 lbs , -3 lbs this week. Although I am happy with that number, I need to work hard this week because I really didn't behave myself very well with eating and exercising like I should have!
  19. Wheeler5051

    Got any good Mushy food ideas?

    Thanks everyone for the great food ideas! Much appreciated!
  20. Great Job on your weight loss! You are doing fabulous! Keep up the great work!

  21. Wheeler5051

    Got any good Mushy food ideas?

    Kellyanne, you are doing great! You have already lost 21 lbs! That is awesome! Keep up the good work and thanks for the mushy ideas!
  22. Wheeler5051


    I am not sure of how many calories it has, but I take frozen strawberries, and a banana, add 1 pouch of the non flavored or banana protien, 1 packet of equal and Water in the blender and make a delicious smoothie.1 pouch of protien powder is 27grams of protien, but then I can't finish the entire jar of the smoothie. Do you think this is a good / nutritious smoothie or too many calories?
  23. Wheeler5051

    Esophageal spasms.

    I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. That is no good! Is there any other Bariatric Surgeons in the area that you could possibly see to get a second opinion or at least someone who deals with the lapband on more of aregular basis? It is a shame that you have to deal with people ( although they are healthcare professionals) that do not have a great deal of knowledge about the band. It't almost unfair disadvantage to you. Good Luck, i hope they can help you without loosing your band!
  24. Yeah, I wanted to give him a good smack for that comment, but I know he has no idea of what he is even talking about, (he is thin of course!) Damn skinny people don't know have a clue sometimes!
  25. Wheeler5051


    I just wanted to say that I was hoping that I wouldn't ever need to even think about taking another diet pill again after I got banded, After seeing all these posts, I guess that isn't always the case huh?

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