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Virginia S

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Virginia S

  1. Virginia S

    creamed soups

    I have become a soup-a-holic. Make sure there are no chunks. Maybe add a little unflavored Protein (I use cream of chicken and unjury chicken flavored protein) so they help you get your protein in. Warm broth with chicken protein is good too. I talk about that Unjury chicken protein so much that I feel like I should add a disclaimer: Nope. Not a paid testimonial. I just loooove the warm Protein drinks.
  2. Justdance, I'm so sorry you had that problem. I'm a 4/18 sleever. I had some bleeding the evening of surgery, the first time they got me up, but they just put in a stitch and it was under control. I was up again the next day and am doing fabulously now. Had my toes done Friday, walked a mile and a half yesterday. Still not quite there with the Protein - thought I'd get it in yesterday, but I just couldn't drink that last bowl of protein Soup. I reckon I got pretty close to 60 grams, my goal is 70. The only things I'm still noticing is that I sleep a lot and I get queasy in the morning until I've had some protein. But today I CAN DRIVE!! The world is my oyster. Hope you're doing better soon!
  3. I'm monitoring mine (so far so good - it has crept up to 98.6 from my normal 97.5 only once). It is not unusual to have temperature fluctuations or even a slight fever, but my surgeon has a fever of 100.5 as a reason to alert the office even if there are no other symptoms. It can be the best early signal of an infection. Just remember it's not unusual for your temperature to go up some, especially at night.
  4. Virginia S

    I wake up nauseated?

    According to my pre-op ed materials (we have this actual whole book) this can be caused simply by negative calorie intake, which obviously we want to have to lose weight, but some folks are more prone to nausea - they don't suggest being prone to it means anything except that we're prone to it. They recommend protein in the morning and suggest a warm drink first. I had this the last two days and mixed some Unjury Chicken protein in some chicken broth and felt better shortly.
  5. Virginia S

    Able to drink too much too soon??

    I've seen this question a lot, and the answer from the old timers always seems to be "wait until you're eating solid foods and you'll feel the restriction." I'm counting on that - I turned the corner yesterday (day 5) and am drinking quite comfortably as long as I don't overdo it. So I'm right there with you - but all the sleeve patients in my surgeon's practice are doing well with loss, so I'm going to keep faith. Good luck.
  6. Here's another way of looking at it: I found out my last night in the hospital that I'm allergic to Vicodin - they were transitioning me to oral meds and after my first dose OMG the itchies! Only good thing is they gave me benadryl so I finally got some sleep. The upshot, though: I came home on Extra Strength Tylenol, with Tylenol PM at night to help me sleep, and I've done just great (surgery was this past Monday). I did take the ES Tylenol every 6 hours like clockwork the first couple days, but haven't had anything at all today (day 5) because I forgot if you can imagine. Maybe you won't need to be on narcotics. Good luck. You'll do fine.
  7. Virginia S

    Random question

    OMG girl, get your toes prettified! I had surgery this past Monday (4/18) and had a pedicure on Friday. The more normal you live, the more normal you'll feel. Make your feet pretty and have a ball!
  8. Virginia S


    I was sleeved the same day as you. Are you on an antacid like pepcid or something? I've had some "rumbly in my tumbly" as Winnie the Pooh would say, but have realized it isn't hunger...it's just rumbling. Things to try: cream of anything soup if you're allowed. Protein shakes will fill you up. It also sounds like you're having problems with head hunger - that's a psychological thing and (I know guys hate to hear stuff like this) but if your hungry is in your head it might not hurt to talk to a counselor who works with bariatric patients. My surgeon's practice has one and I've already met with her once since my required evaluation and have another appointment next week. As I've read the boards, here's what I've seen: two to four weeks of "OMG what have I done to myself" usually followed by a gradual change to "I love my sleeve". Give yourself time. This isn't an easy change to make. It's not just physical recovery from the surgery - we have a whole bunch of adjusting to do and sometimes it's gonna suck until our bodies and minds settle into a new pattern.
  9. Virginia S

    Pre Op Jitters

    Your fears are perfectly normal. I had surgery Monday and was terrified. I'm still a little leak phobic, but am trying not to borrow trouble. If I don't have any serious non-incision related abdominal pain or high fever, I'm good. The Jello went fine. broth was heavenly! My surgeon did say that progressing to solids slowly (I'm not due for a couple weeks anyway) was fine, but do try to move up to yogurt (eating some now) and Protein drinks as soon as you can comfortably stay hydrated. The protein will help you recover. And full liquids, taken slowly, shouldn't put you at any higher risk for leaks. Honestly, reading all the stuff you have on the boards will help - it normalizes things. At first, I had a lot of trouble drinking (doing OK now) but it didn't freak me out because I'd read so many other people having the same thing and coming out fine in the end. You'll do great - you've educated yourself and you're ready for this. Good luck.
  10. Virginia S

    I'm scared

    All this is perfectly normal. I had surgery Monday and I didn't sleep Sunday night - cried and cried until I thought hubby was going to have to wring out his shirt. Know what the worst part of the whole thing was? Trying to get an IV in before the surgery. I'll spare you details, but my arms are a solid bruise. The first time getting out of bed was tough, but each time you get up it's easier. The first 2 days were hard to drink, but now if I sip slowly it's just fine (you can feel it go down, which is weird but if you know it doesn't mean anything's wrong it doesn't hurt.) I'm eating yogurt now (no lumps, which is silly because they have me taking pills). Not sweating the Protein today - I'll worry about that when I'm getting 48 oz of liquid down, which may well be tomorrow. I slept many hours the first day - a hangover from the anesthesia, I think. I bet you'll sleep fine too. Use your pain pump if you need it, keep yourself comfortable and it will help you sleep. Don't feel you're being a wimp - the better you feel, the quicker you'll start to mend. I turned up allergic to Vicoden, so after discussions with surgeon went home on Extra Strength Tylenol and that has bgeen plenty. I did take Benadryl last night. I had trouble sleeping the first night in the hospital, but they gave me Benadryl after my Vicoden reaction the second evening and I slept like a baby. Get something to help you sleep when you get home. You'll do great. Just being on this board will help more than you expect. Know all those posts where they go "OMG, what have I done to myself? Is this normal? Is something wrong?" Well you already know that stuff is normal, so if it happens to you, you can just go "yep, remember reading about that". The trouble drinking the first couple of days, for example, didn't scare me because so many other people mentioned it. Day 3, and I just got back from a walk with hubby and daughter - just under 1 1/2 miles. Good luck. Cheering you on.
  11. I'm so excited for you! I just got home today - sleeved Monday. I did have a catheter until Tuesday morning, but no drain thank goodness. They also did an air test but nothing else unless I have symptoms. I'm having a little pain drinking and as I said in another post I'm allergic to Vicoden so am just on Extra Strength Tylenol. You know what's great about really READING these boards (and I know you do - I see you everywhere)? I think it helps avoid that "OMG is everything OK, what have I done to myself??" reaction. I had read a lot of people being uncomfortable drinking the first couple days. So I'm uncomfortable drinking? No big panic, not the end of the world. Big incision hurts? Well a bunch of people complained about that, so perfectly normal, move on, nothing to see here. It normalizes the experience. And knowing it's normal actually makes it more comfortable because you're not worried about it! You are incredibly well informed. You're gonna do great!
  12. So it's day 2, I'm home from the hospital and SURPRISE the big incision on the left hurts and so does drinking. Taking pills is not that much fun. But ya know what - I expect all that based on what I read on these boards. I didn't expect to be allergic to the pain relief prescription and find myself on Extra Strength Tylenol, but so far I'm doing OK. I'm not going to go into the "OMG what have I done to myself" angst, because I knew all this was coming. And I have a feeling a month from today I'll be really glad I did this. Today, not so much. So trying to remember this is the start of something wonderful and new. All I have to do is get through this time.
  13. Virginia S

    Day 2: Allergic to Vicoden

    No drain, thank heavens. I'm planning on Tylenol PM at night. If that fails, I'll go to benadryl - that's what they gave me in the hospital for my allergic reaction and I slept like a baby last night. If it can do that in the hospital, think what it'll do for me at home. I'll be OK. It was useful to know what to expect, that's for sure. Because nothing has me going "OMG is this normal" if I've seen it posted 27 times on the boards. Must be normal, is what I reckon then.
  14. Virginia S

    Do you still enjoy food?

    OMG, I'm one day post surgery and the broth was delicious and the Jello heavenly. Only had a little of each, but enjoyed the taste. I hope you are able to enjoy your food, even if the cravings aren't what they once were (I'm told they won't be!) Good luck.
  15. Virginia S

    Day 20. Almost Human.

    Day zero here (my surgeon calls tomorrow day one) and looking forward to being where you are. So glad you grabbed your courage and did this, and I love the way you're sharing your journey with the rest of us. Now I gotta figure out how to update my ticker. Down another couple lbs today!
  16. Surgery is Monday, and like everyone I've seen post right before I'm both excited and petrified. But today I had a small victory, and in an odd way it's incredibly comforting. I'm down more than 30 lbs pre-surgery. I didn't have to do a supervised diet, but have been following strict diet instructions since I started the testing process back in early February. So...my kid brother passed away in June of 2009 of a heart attack at aged 43 - obesity runs in our family. One of the many things I brought home with me from the funeral was a favorite T-shirt he wore a lot. I've never worn it, because it never fit me. Kid brother and I were close, and I miss him so much I'm tearing up typing this. Anyway, this morning I was thinking of him, wishing I could call him to talk about how I'm feeling. I pulled that T-shirt out of the drawer and hugged it like I have several times since he died. Then, inspired by I don't know what, I pulled it over my head. It fit. I'm wearing it now. Good omen?
  17. Virginia S

    5 Days Pre-op

    Everyone's doctor has different rules. For my doc, protein is protein. I'm supposed to be liquid, high protein, low carb. But a serving of yogurt and milk won't hurt (you might try switching to 1%, it makes a huge difference). I even had some Optifast Soup, since my surgeon's office also does Optifast for folks whose insurance won't cover surgery.
  18. Virginia S

    Pre-surgical NSV

    Thanks everyone! It is comforting to wear the shirt. Washing it today, taking it with me tomorrow. Going to see Rio today, just because I'm in the mood for mindless animation. Hubby going with - he's being a saint and so is my daughter. Don't know how I got so lucky.
  19. Virginia S

    Hello...I'm hungry lol

    Just a suggestion: try dropping the Crystal Light and see how that works. My NUT says that can trigger hunger in some people. If it's just cravings, that's head hunger and it's something you'll need to learn to deal with. I've had problems when hubby and daughter are eating foods - the smells just kill me. So I time a high protein Soup at the same time as their dinner and that helps. Good luck! I'm 8 days ahead of you, getting sleeved on Monday.
  20. Virginia S

    Loseing Protein Content?

    I know they do lose some value, but I have no idea how quickly. Have you tried some of the ready to drink ones? They're more expensive, but very easy. Otherwise, can you get a small personal-sized blender to keep at work?
  21. I got the Celebrate stick packs - you mix them with 8 oz of Water (I dilute them a little more) and they come in citrus or cherry flavor. I like them better than any chewable because I have problems with the chalky. I'm going to wait to be sure my tastes don't change after surgery and then order more. I'll be glad when I can just pop a capsule again.
  22. Your updates never fail to both cheer me up and crack me up. I have this funny fear: I have lost sooooo much pre-op - and not on a supervised diet until my 2 week liquid diet started a week ago Monday, just because the decision to have this surgery has made me wince at the thought of overeating - that I'm afraid I've used up all my karma and will stall for 2 months right out of the gate. If it could happen to anyone, it'll happen to me. I was planning on a pre-surgery pedi, and then they told me I couldn't wear nail polish to surgery. C'mon! I'll look like death by the time they're done with me, can't a girl at least have pretty toes? Oh, well. 5 more days. Please keep up these posts. They're wonderful!
  23. Virginia S


    Maybe try the liquid diet a lot of us are on pre-op? I have never lost so much weight so fast in my life. Go to GNC or Vitamin shoppe or somewhere & buy a bunch of samples of Protein drinks. Find a few you like. Try to get at least 70 grams of protein in a day. Add some non-fat milk or yogurt. Shoot for 700-800 calories a day. Trust me, the Protein Drinks make you feel fuller than you would expect. A yummy Protein Drink that I've discovered is unjury chicken flavored powder. You mix with 8 oz Water and it's a little bland, but mix in a pouch of sodium free chicken bullion and it's delicious. Or add a scoop to a reasonable size serving (8 oz or so) of any chicken flavored Soup, since you're not technically required to go all liquids. I've lost 8 pounds in 8 days on this. You can do it!
  24. Virginia S

    The big 1-0-0

    Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations! Va

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