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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by betheboo

  1. betheboo

    Lap-Band Sucks

    There were several people in my final session prior to surgery that had had bypass in the past, regained the weight, & were coming now for the band!
  2. betheboo

    I can't see it...

    It may sound funny but I am just now starting to look in the mirror. I was so unhappy with my appearence that I used to never look in the mirror when I went to the bathroom or walked by them. 60 lbs lighter I am finally feeling more comfortable with my appearence & want to look in the mirror. Now I geel fat & frumpy when I wear oversized t shirts & confident when I wear form fitted clothing b/c it shows off my new slimmer me But trust me I still have those days where I feel like a blimp, they r just fewer & far between!
  3. betheboo

    I miss food

    A few weeks ago I gave into the big mac temptation! I took it off the bread & ate some, made me so sick I threw up... Kinda ruined big macs for me, I'm not complaining though it kinda gives me relief!
  4. betheboo

    Carbonated Drinks

    I gave up pop the first few months then slowly regained my diet mt dew habit. I saw no probs from it. I was drinking prob 2 to 3 a day & stopped loosing so I gave it up again a month & a half ago. I may occassionally, every 2 wks or so, have 1. I find that lemonade hits the spot like diet mt dew does. Oh & I started loosing wt again after I quit pop
  5. Do u feel like having a gym membership, personal trainer, meals mailed to u, etc are cheating? These r all tools to help u! There is no shame, I feel ne ways, in having the band. I had to work hard to get it, survive the pain of sugery, & have work hard with diet & exercise to allow it to work properly! I'm guessing in about 50 lbs that guilt will start to subside
  6. betheboo

    Help I'm blocked !

    I take papya enzyme whenever I have a stuck episode. Works great for me & it tastes like candy!
  7. I am a smoker to... Its hard to quit a hand to mouth addiction like smoking when u cant put food hand to mouth. I habe been on Chantix for a couple of months but I was only taking it once a day,.it helped me cut back a lot. 2 weeks ago my mom, a smoker of 40.yrs, was diagnosed with cancer of.the kidney. Kidney cancer is linked to smoking, I know I was shocked to, & its also hereditary. So none the less I increased it to 2 times a day, like ur supposed to take it, & I am down to 1~2 cigs a day. Fact is u wont be sucessful with quitting unless u r.totally prepared for it. U have to do it for urself! Just like getting the lap band to help u loose weight & be healthy... Only u can make those decisions... I have sucessfully quit in the past, for 4 months, but for.some silly reason I started again. I rember how good I felt & how nice it was to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without being winded! Its well worth it, its just hard to get there Hang in there everyone, who is trying to quit that is
  8. Lol! I constantly notice this! & peolpe eat so dang fast! The other dah we were @ a resturant & this couple next to us, they were bigger but not huge, had nachos for an app, both got meals, & also shared chicken wings & mozerella stix! WTF! That is more calories than I eat in a week! No wonder our obesith rates r so dang high!
  9. betheboo

    I hate my metabolisim this sucks....

    It hasn't even been a month people! This isn't bypass, I am sorry but u r not going to see the weight fall off in days. When I get frustrated I look back over my whole journey, I've lost about 11 a month average, some months were 6 others 14. U have to look @ the big picture & right now u don't have a big pic to look @! Please give yourself a break . Your metabolism is a complex thing & it'll not be fixed in such a short period of time. Remember you did not gain all of ur weight in a few short months! Please give yourself a break . I would say don't weigh daily but hey I do... I just don't let it affect me & how I feel, unless I haven't seen a decrease in more than 2 or 3 wks. But then u have to step back & evaluate what's going on in your life... I haven't lost in 3 wks, extremly frustrating, but then again I just came off of a 14 lb wt loss in 2 wks, my mom was diagnosed with renal cancer, I am going to school & working full time... No wonder Im not loosing... It happens to all of us, wt loss is not a constant downhill, unfortunatly.
  10. So after my last fill I dropped 14 lbs in a lil over 2 weeks... Now I'm on a 3 week dry spell. I am super on track of my calories, about 300~600 per day, so why the heck am I not loosin?! I workout @ bootcamp 3~4 days per week. So people tell.me that I'm in starvation mode & not burning calories just storing them. Do u guys believe in this "starvation mode" or no?
  11. betheboo

    Truth or myth...

    Thank u everyone for ur input it has given me a lot to think about. Tami2169 I do log my calories religiously I eat a lot of salad & some fruit, I just don't really eat much in gerneral I'm just never hungry & watching people eat food makes me sick. Staeofzen I have started seeing a counselor for my eating issues. My mind is kinda broken, I think..."well if I loose weight on 800 calories then I should loose even more if I eat less!". Problem is none of my local support has ne band knowledge & my doctor is 3 hrs away. I am trying to get in to meet with someone tomorrow when I take my mom there for doctors appts. Thanks again for the input it gives me a lot to think about.
  12. I made a pizza today on a tortilla shell & it was fabulous! It was perfect b/c the crust was super thin & went down well Just thought I'd share my new idea with u guys in case ne one is craving pizza but can't seem to get it down...
  13. I think everything in moderation is ok! This is a lifestyle change not a fad diet.
  14. betheboo

    Should I go or not go ??

    I would find the hardest part would be being around all the food. But my swelling went down super quick & I was staring to get hungry on day 3.
  15. So... This is hard to admit but... I kinda thinking I have traded one eatinf disorder, over eating, with another, anorexia/bulemia. I know it's wrong & I try really hard to watch myself around others b/c they r starting to notice. I find if I eat alone I throw everything up or simply chew the food up & spit.it out. I feel best about myself if I only eat 300~400 cals a day & I'm only happy when I am averaging a 5~7 lb wt.loss per week. Has ne one else on here gone thru this?! I'm a nurse I know how bad these habit r but for the first time in my life I feel like I have control over food.
  16. betheboo

    Eating disorder

    I met with my counselor today & we talked a lot about my eating issues... I haven't been to see her in a yr & a half, by the end she looked like "holy crap u need some major work!". It felt good to tell someone to their face about my problems arising with food. However I fear with the stress of my moms cancer the anorexia part may become worse... I finally forces myself to eat a couple of bites of chicken & some cottage cheese this evening. It's going to be a rough road ahead for both of us I fear
  17. betheboo

    Unexpected criticism from friends

    I had a friend who let me know she "did not approve" of my surgery... I just let her know that I felt like this was the best decision for me. Now that she sees the weight coming off she is coming,around.
  18. betheboo

    Eating disorder

    Thanks everyone for your support. Sometimes it's nice to know hour not the only one going through something... I actually made an appt with my counselor for tomorrow, @ the urging of my friends & the comments I got here. I haven't been to therapy for a while... Don't know how much we'll work on the eating disorder thing though, my mom was diagnosed with renal cancer with mets to the lung today She's only 59...
  19. I wish the recipes had a calorie amount listed. But they do have some good recipies.
  20. It took me 3 fills to get @ restriction the second fill held me for about 2 months. The 3rd I got almost a month ago & still jave a lot of restriction.
  21. I always have papya enzyme on me. It helps & also tastes yummy
  22. I find when I drink alcohol the naughty me comes back! I want Amigos or Mc Donalds. So then I go get it & I can't even eat it!
  23. betheboo

    girls question

    Rapid wt loss will affect ur cycle. It's ur homone getting in balance no worries!

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