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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ttny007

  1. ttny007

    protein shake?

    Also I went to a seminar on "protein" and the best protein is Isopure Whey. What I found out is not all proteins absorb the way we as lap band people need it to. It's not just how much but the type that we take. They said the worst is those ones that come in a tube and u just drink them. They are expensive and out body doesn't absorb it correctly. I only go to a support group if they have some type of information seminar that I'm going to learn something. I don't eat meat so I have to get the biggest bang for my buck with the protein. Hope this helps T
  2. ttny007

    protein shake?

    Behealthy.com and unjury.com Best powder I use the Dutch chocolate fudge and makes protein balls 3/4 cup low fat peanut butter 3 scoops of powder Mix and make golf ball size you must get 11 balls each ball is 3 points on weight watchers 137 calories and 30 grams of protein Keep in fridge
  3. Thanks for all the help I will post when I can
  4. Hey this has been very helpful my TT is Friday! I think I have it all together good luck
  5. You might want to look at "smart Lipo ". It's done with cold laser and much cheaper.
  6. ttny007


    I had the band done with plication done at Duke June 11 2011. I love it because i always have some restriction. My Dr. said they were ordered to stop doing it until there were more studies proving the benefit of doing the band this way. Every center that does the band must have certain certifications and must have done so my for the insurance company to pay for the surgery. My Dr said they should be able to do the band with plication again soon. Another benefit of this type of surgery, it stops the band from slipping. Hope this helps you.
  7. ttny007

    Abdominoplasty scheduled 2-5-13

    Hi I am scheduled march 1 for my TT and I have been reading everything I can get my hands on, thank you everyone for all the info.
  8. ttny007

    Lapband Just Did Not Work For Me

    I read the whole post and all the responses here is what I can share and hope it helps: I had thyroid cancer so I don't have a thyroid, my TSH levels must be kept at hypo (slow) rather than normal or hyper. This has Always caused weight gain or extremely slow weight loss. I went to many seminars listening to every dr and after awhile they all sounded like used car sales people! Then I met a dr who said the band is not the cure all its not magic and if you do this you have to think of it as a marriage, you must love me and I must love you but above all that we must work as a team. 2011 June I got my lap band from then till now I am down 110 however that is a number. Not every plan works for every person, I decided to stay on weight watchers and go to weekly meetings. This kept my focus and my sanity. It also kept me eating healthy. I eat my Protein first, then my veggies last my complex carb. I only eat on a appetizer plate. I weigh and measure all my food, I take Calcium supplements. I work out, Pilates has done wonders for me. I finally after 54 years put myself first. If I'm hungry in between a meal I will eat an apple or some small fruit or yogurt. If I was in your shoes the first thing I would do is get all your medical records and see another doctor, I would then see a nutritionist. Finally I will say that I am married to a professional chef and the one thing he has taught me is every calorie is not the same. Just because your only eating 900 calories a day does not mean they are the right calories that are going to burn the fat not store the fat. Hope this helps you, please remember when you put something out there on a public forum your going to get many opinions the hope is that you can get some support where you need it. Good Luck
  9. I have my date March 1st. I'm excited and nervous. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I lost a total of 110 LBS and I am in a size 6. I don't even think I was born this size lol. I had to show my photo ID the other day and the girl asked if I had another ID, since the picture was not mine! Guess I need a new Drivers license now. Anyway I went to many different DR's and heard may different opinions and tales but I found a dr who I'm comfortable with and has been doing this for 30 years.
  10. Has been so long since I have been on here so first I want to say sorry for my delay in updating, but as a very wise 9 year old told me "life gets in the way of living"! Tomorrow will be 18 months since I had my band done. My life has totally changed, not just with the drastic weight loss but in all corners of my life. I lost 110 lbs and I am struggling with my last 10 pounds. I am doing so much now, most of it is only stuff I dreamed I would do since I knew that physically with the weight I could not do any of it. My health has drastically changed for the better which was my main reason for doing the band. I will share with you that so much of this journey is mental, and once you realize that, own it , and vow to stop thinking like you did before, only then can the weight come off and STAY off. My surgeon says I am his poster child for band surgery! I had minor surgery for a different matter and when the nurse heard I have a lap band she said hundreds of patients get it yet she does not see good results with it, so she asked me why I had so much "luck" with it? I told her luck had nothing to do with it, it was determination and listening to my Dr and choosing to live a better quality of life. So for all of you that are thinking of doing this, just remember this is not magic, this is hard work and dedication to change. Remember what Einstein said "the sure sign of a crazy person is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome". Good Heath Theresa
  11. My cousin had RNY and later got the band she is in NY. She is doing great. There are reasons that RNY is not always the end all. For her the pouch stretched out to hold about a cup however with a strange angle the food would slide right through, now with the band that does not happen. I think everyone is different and you should get more opinions from professionals that deal with patients that have both. Best of Luck Theresa
  12. ttny007

    Dr. Joseph Moran in Raleigh, NC

    I went to his seminar and he answered all my questions. However, in the end I went to Duke and had Dr. Jin Yoo. I went to three doctors before I made my decision. Dr. Yoo said something that really hit home. He said the surgery is just part of it, it is all the stuff that follows. He said you have to look at it like a marriage and if your not 100% go someplace else. We will be seeing each other for the next three years and we have to be really comfortable. That was the point that really hit home for me. He gives his email address and he really answers your questions. So just really don't be afraid to shop around and know that it is not just the surgery but everything that goes along with it. Good luck Theresa
  13. I had my lapband with plication done at Duke by Dr. Yoo on june 10th. I had my three week check up on friday and I am down 20 pounds. I love the staff there and Dr. Yoo is great. I had 6m of going to my primary dr and discussing all of my weight loss options. It might seem like a long time but you can use that time for research cause there is a lot to learn about this. Everyone's journey is different and their health issues are different from your's. Remember the band is a tool to aid you in your job. There is no magic. Feel free to ask as many questions cause we have all been there. Theresa
  14. ttny007


    Hey I understand it is very confusing. I am starting week 4 and I just started mushie foods yesterday and it is more challenging getting the Protein in with the food. I got unflavored Protein Powder and added it to my Soups and drinks. Hope this helps. Theresa
  15. Had my 3 week check up today and I am down 20 pounds!!!!!! Feel great and all is well, can't believe how great this is going. So happy I did this. Now I start mushies today.
  16. ttny007

    ONEderland as of today

    Very proud of you, we seem to be twins in all of this lol. T
  17. ttny007


    as long as you get all your Protein and Water in and count the calories your fine. I have not had problems with it I just make sure everything is in. T
  18. ttny007

    Hi there! First Timer!

    When I went to a seminar Dr. Moran who goes around the country teaching surgeons how to do the band had a question and answer session after the seminar. I had just seen a commerical on television about people who had a hip replacement and now it was being recalled, and I told him this and asked the following questions: Was any of the bands ever recalled? He said yes the realize band was recalled but that it was something to do with the FDA and I already knew from my research that I did not want that band. I asked if there is a difference in the ports on the bands and I was shown both of them. There use to be a difference and then they were changed and now they are the same. I asked every surgeon which one they do the most of and they all said Not the realize band. They all said in the end it is the patients choice however all we can do is give the statistics and most surgeons do Allergons lap band. Go to thier site, and check it out. In the all I can say it comes down to what you decide on that is why research is so important in all of this. Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't settle. My surgeon gave me both bands to play with, he also gave me the needle to see how it goes into the port. I love my surgeon, the first thing he said in his seminar is "this is a marriage you better love me and I better love you, we need to communicate and be honest or this will not work" Also my surgeon list on his web site any companies that he and his family is affiliated with. I did reasearch this to death as you can tell, and if you have any question please ask me. Theresa
  19. ttny007

    Hi there! First Timer!

    It has been 2 1/2 weeks for me so far I love it. The best thing I can tell you is: carry a small note book with you and write all your questions in it. When you go to the Dr. take it out and ask away (write the answers in it) you will be so happy you did that. Research Research Research oh and did I mention RESEARCH, you can never be too informed. I went to 4 different surgeons seminars and I was so happy I did that. There are different things you can get with the lap band, one of them is plication ( I got this and so happy I did). I learned about It at one of the seminars. I also learned that there was a recall on the realize band awhile back. As much as I wanted it done ASAP I was very very happy I took the time to research it and ask all of the questions I did, I believe it is really helping me in my recovery, I have no surprises. My husband is a professional Chef and was not onboard with this, my son is a Chemist and he is so I understand what your going thru. All I can tell you is to keep talking to your family and take them to seminars with you. Prove to them you did not decide this on a whim and that your doing your research, this will help. My husband is supporting me in my decision and trying to understand it all. I wish you the best of luck and if you need anything just drop me a note. Theresa
  20. I will give a little bit of advise. unjury makes a unflavored Protein powder that you can mix in stuff and it makes you stay full. I am on liquids right now but I add it to my Soup and it really helps. Maybe that will help you to stay under the 1100 mark. Good Luck Theresa
  21. Hi I had this done at Duke on June 10 2011 and so far I love it. I feel good, I have restriction and I have no pain. the first few days I had gas and no desire for anything with a sweet taste but that was about it. I have had one craving in two weeks and that is for a hard boiled egg lol. My husband being a professional chef thought this was very funny. I was told I might not need a fill for awhile which is fine by me. I got this because I was told it was better preventing slipping. I was told I could lose the weight faster and that it is reversable if needed. I got for my 3 week follow up this Friday I will let everyone know what he says.
  22. Ok had my surgery June 10th and all is well, down 15 pounds and I go next friday to the dr for my 3 week follow up. I should be moving to mushies on July 1. So far today was the first day I can say I was hungry and I wanted lettuce and a hard boiled egg. Strange I know Walking 5 days a week either at the gym or the mall and that helps with the gas and poops. I will update after Dr appointment Peace
  23. I had it done at Duke on June 10th. I am very happy so far I will keep everyone posted as I go but I already feel restriction and it has not even been two weeks.
  24. Hey everyone I had the lapband with plication with Dr. Yoo at Duke in NC Had it done friday june 10 and so far doing good. I am never hungery and I have not even had a fill yet, lost 10 pounds in one week. Do your research but I am very happy. Good Luck Theresa

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