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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NJGirl32

  1. The only person I didn't tell was my mother, but only because she's elderly and quite the worry wart. As soon as I got home from the hospital the first thing I did was call her and tell her. She was pissed at first but I told her I just didn't want her sitting at the hospital and worrying. All my siblings agreed this was the best way to do it. 3 years later and she's still my biggest supporter! Anyway, I got a lot of mixed reactions from everyone else....most were supportive but there were a few that were negative and judgmental. To those people I simply said, "I'm doing what I feel is best for me. If you think it's a mistake, well it'll be MY mistake. In the meantime I will thank you to keep your opinions to yourself!" At some point we have to say the Hell with what everyone else thinks. This is my life. I never have any qualms about telling anyone who asks. In fact I would shout it from the rooftops!

    Cindy you have lost so much weight!! Amazing!!! Congrats :P

  2. Oh I am SO happy to hear that!!!! What changed his mind? It helps so much (mentally) to have your spouse's support! I never heard of the Swedish Band-what is it?

    Good Luck to you and please continue to keep us posted!!


    I had trouble with the ticker thing too - but you need to copy and paste the entire box. If the first box doesn't work then try copying and pasting the second option.:)

  3. I am scheduled for May 25th! I'm so excited! I'm currently on my pre-op diet! Pray for me to make it through this diet!

    Hi Mandy- I am also scheduled for May 25th-very excited!!

    I don't need to start my pre-op diet until the 18th (only 1 week) I don't think I could do 2 weeks worth!! I am already planning my last supper!! :P

    Good luck to you!!

  4. I just told my husband and truthfully it feels really good to have told someone. I don't plam on being the poster child for Lapband-no way.

    Have you told anyone at all? Do you live with your parents? Won't they see you drinking shakes and eating much smaller portions?

    Good luck with your journey!! We are here to offer suport :)

  5. Todays Oprah had guests and audience members who lost over 100 pounds. She never really got into how they lost it just mentioned how they lost it - I am sure that a lot of them had the band!!

    She mentioned that boo"Women,Food, and God" I downloaded it last year on my Kindle, but never got around to reading it-I might need to take my kindle to the hospital and get caught up on my reading!

  6. No, I never did find out what he was mad about and I rather not even ask because I am sure it was something minor.

    I figue I'll save money eating out and drinking too! But other the other hand I'll be buying more clothes so I guess it works out even.

    Plus I have all kinds of things running round my head-like joining a gym, horsebackriding lessons, taking some fun classes, etc.

  7. Okay-the house was emaply and I took down the newspaper advertisment for the Lapband seminar that my doctor advertises. I went down to his office and said do you have a minute I'd like to talk to you about something (I guess he thought it would be the fight). I handed him the newspaper and said I would like to get this. He studied it and said "I didn't know you were interested in this" and I said I am would you support me if I did it and he said sure.

    Then I told him the surgery was in 2 weeks and he blocked out the day from work. He was very calm and asked a few questions. I went over to him and pointed to the before and after pic in the newpaper ad and he said -they are going to want you to model for the doctor. I thought that was very sweet. 100% total support!!:P I went over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

    I am SO happy!!:D

    I told him I wanted to keep it just between else for now and I would prefer to decide who I'd like to tell and he agreed to keep request private. Then he asked if I was going to tell my daughters and I said probably after the surgery and I'll tell my mom once I start losing some weight too.

    Thank you all for your support through all this drama-You all are AWESOME!!! I love this site :P

  8. Okay-the girls are out of the house. I brought him home a chocolate shake and took it down to his office (in our house) and said "sweets for my sweet" He half-grinned and said thanks. We made small talk-so that broke the ice as far as being mad.

    I cracked open a Corona and got the ad for the Lapband (the one that has my doctor on it). Now I am about to go down and ask if we can talk-then I am going to hand him the newspaper and say I was thinking about getting this what do you think...and then take it from there.

    My heart is pounding so fast and I am SO nervous to do this. Okay-here I go....:unsure:

  9. Yes, I am mature- all 48 yrs. of me. I also hold a master's degree, plus 50 credits on top of that, plus 3 certifications in my field, I graduated Summa Cum Luade and I am very respected in my field - I just really suck at be vulnerable and being dependent on others- or maybe there's a real problem with me. I really have reflected a lot on why I have a need to not let others in. All I came up with is that I grew up in a blue collar irish family, youngest of 4 (only girl) and we did not talk about things at all. It wasn't a huggy-kissy family but a hard working one. Lots of skeltons in the closet but we never said a word. or asked for help.

    If it weren't for this forum I probably would have had the surgery without saying a word. I really thought I'd have more time to think it over and plan-but no. My first doctor appointment for was April 7th and my surgery is May 25th -that wasn't much time at all!

    Thank you for all the support and encouragement-that has really nudged me forward. It will happened tonight-no more excuses!!!!

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