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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJGirl32

  1. Definitely talk to your doctor about it. I feel your pain. I have a friend who had gastric bypass and looks absolutely amazing and has kept it off-BUT she has had problems alochol (she gets drunk really fast and often), depression,etc.. If you are leaning toward GB do your research. Good luck with your decision!
  2. NJGirl32


    I agree old people can't see nayway. Plus you probably lost weight in your face (looking thinner) and since you lost 27 pounds (which is A LOT of weight) your clothes were loose. Thinner face+ looser shirt might give that impression. Whn you dtart wearing clthes that show off your weight loss it will be different! I am a teacher and I had a 4th grade giel ask my about my "baby" WTH??!!! Okay-so she was only 9 years old, but seriously!! Don't feel bad because I wisj I lost 2y pounds since my surgery on May 26th. My scale broke about 2 weeks ago and I bought a new one-I haven't dared to step on in yet since I know I haven't lost and I may have gained. You should have said "Oh the baby doesn't mind-she's use to by now" lol Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer! Mess with thei minds the next time someone is insenstive!
  3. NJGirl32

    Working Around the Fill Appointments

    Thanks for the moral support Rachel! If I waited every 6 weeks that would be 18 weeks for 3 fills instead of 6 weeks for 3 fills (if done evry 2 weeks) - that's 3 extra months of quality weight loss avaliable (18-6=12 weeks=3 moths) You have really done such an amazing job with your weight loss, comgratulations!!
  4. NJGirl32

    Marriage Relationship

    Rebecca, I am a beliver and will keep you in my prayers! I am also a teacher too!! I still hate that he is giving you mixed messages like coming around and kissing you on your forhead etc. That is really good about handling the finances-good for you-but still be cautious! I know what you mean about thinking about things constantly. I had some marriage trouble early on and I could do nothing but think about everything. I think that's absolutely normal. It will do you the world of good to get away and spend some time with family! Does your family know about the situation? It might help to confide in them so they can offer support and another perspective. PS- I am impressive my your painting energy!! I have so much painting to do but I can't get motivated! Please keep in touch!
  5. NJGirl32

    Marriage Relationship

    Oh Girl...there are some big flags going up in this relationship!! The fact that he won't tell you where he is living is the biggest one. My thinking is either he has her over a lot and doesn't want you unexpectantly popping in OR he is living with her. The fact that he called you several times and is having panic attacks could all be related to guilt. He wants you to console him. I agree that you MUST seel legal advise. When my 1st husband and I separated I never dreamed in a million years he would clean out my bank account, but he did!! If you have joint credit cards they must also be stopped today! Please see a lawyer and get the ball rolling. It takes a while for a divorce and you need to save your credit immediately-please do this now. Don't make the mistake I made-I was so trusting. It's been 11 years and I am still trying to clear up my credit. I know it's tough because you love him, but love isn't selfish and he is being selfish and playing mind games with you. Be strong and think with your head, not your heart. Don't wait around for him to make up his mind with what he wants. Truthfully, if it were me I would have to follow him home from work (or have a friend do it) just to see where he lives-he is hiding something. Stay strong and be smart-seek legal advice-most lawyers will give you a free consult. Please keep us posted on how you are doing!
  6. NJGirl32

    Working Around the Fill Appointments

    njm I know you are 100% right! ANd my metabolism is really, really slow. I have a big inground pool-I need to use the darn thing! Today it was 90 degrees out and when I came home from work I could have gone in it-but nooooo I sat my rump on the couch! I like your suggestion of doing weights. Have you joined a gym or do you do them on your own?
  7. NJGirl32

    Working Around the Fill Appointments

    Great answer! Thanks! It really makes sense. But I still want a fill! lol
  8. NJGirl32

    I want my first fill!!

    I had a fill but it only did me well for about 3 days. I want my second fill-this is nuts! I mean we had frikken surgery-yes surgery! WHy the hell wait so long between fills that aren't working! I am getting frustrated too. My next fill is on the 22nd too-I called to see if they could see me sooner and they were booked solid until August-until August!!! Make sure when you meet with the doctor you are very clear that you have NO restriction, Good luck to you!
  9. NJGirl32

    Working Around the Fill Appointments

    Wow you both have done so well! @cwids-you really are the definition of patience!!! I can't imagine going through all that back to back! I am so glad things are going so wel for you now! @njm-every 2 months!! OMG I don't think so! I am eating too much as it is. I know it's really important to stay away from sliders and shakes, it's solid Proteins that the band is all about at this point. I can't imagine hitting the gym 4 times a week!! At least not at this weight! Exercise is definitely on my to do list and I know it's important. Congratulations on the success of your WLS!! That's almost a 100 pounds!! I really don't understand why I need to wait 4 or 6 weeks for a damn fill when clearly what I have isn't working!
  10. Wow-8-10???? My book says 4! The tablets that dissolve in your mouth sound good since I wasn't able to swallow.
  11. Wow-8-10???? My book says 4! The tablets that dissolve in your mouth sound good since I wasn't able to swallow.
  12. NJGirl32

    Just found this site

    Welcome!! This site is great and the people on it are very friendly and knowledgable. You have a lot of options before you . Make sure you research them all before making a decision. If you are 100% set on getting the band I would suggest getting the bokk :Bandwagon" you can find it on Amazon. It will tell you pretty much everything you need to know. The band takes a long term commitment and the weight (in most circumstances) will come off slowly, but surely. Good luck and it's nice to have you on board!
  13. GNC has it also- definitely pick some up. I guess there's all kinds of stuck feelings. For me it really felt like a large rock was stuck about 10 inches from my throat-the most horrible pain ever-if it lasted any longer I would need to seek medical help-yes it was that bad!
  14. NJGirl32

    Marriage Relationship

    I am so sorry to here this, you must be going through a terrible time. I learned a long time ago that the only things you really have control of is your feelings and your choices. He is a grown man and he and he alone is responsible for the choices he makes and the consequences of those choices. Seems like he is going through his own midlife crisis. Right now it seems that you both need to step away from the situation completely and give some distance and time to it. This means not seeing each other at all. When you see each others it confuses things and stirs up old emotions. You need to think what you want in your life and at this point your husband is in no mind set to help. He has gone back and forth in his decision making, but where are you in this process? What about your needs? I really advise you to seek counseling if you can afford it. After you have a good grasp on what your needs are maybe then you both can go for some joint counseling. I have seen marriages overcome fidelity issues but it does require a commitment on both sides. You are an amazing woman and you have come so far with your struggle with weight. Don't let this ruin all your hard work-don't let him take that away from you, it's yours, you worked for it and you own it! I wish you luck on your journey and we are here for you!
  15. NJGirl32

    need plus sz shirt

    Okay, an easy way out is to simply tie dye a white T-shirt. It's really easy to do! He can go a a Jerry Garcia-type Grateful Dead=peace dude kinda of guy. Or you can pick up some fabric from the fabric store a make a simple long vest (if you wantto get fancy you can glue fringe at the bottom (using fabric glue. This would be really easy to sew even if you didn't have a sewing machine! See the middle picture on this link: http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-us%3AIE-Address&rlz=1I7GGLL_en&biw=1024&bih=567&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=70s+tie+dye&oq=70s+tie+dye&aq=f&aqi=g2&aql=undefined&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=40908l45315l0l17l11l0l2l2l2l321l1873l0.3.3.2l8
  16. Okay, so I guess I was getting rather cocky with no restriction. Yes, eating more than I should and just crossing my fingers that the 2nd fill will help. I went food shopping and order chinese (egg drop soup and salt and pepper shrimp). I had the shrimp dish 2 nights ago as well from a different chinese resturant with no problems. Well I popped a shrimp in my mouth while I was unpacking my (healthy) groceries and I admit I didn't chew it-it sort of went down whole. Well, OMG is all I can say!! I hear people talk about how uncomfortable it is but this was torture! I had mini-teeny stuck-type feelings before but it went right away. This was a BIG stuck moment. I started to slime (clear rabies-looking slime-no foam though)....and it felt like a rock was in the middle of my chest that I simply couldn't move one way or another. I was bent over the sink (no one was home thank God). I was thinking why did I get this band and I promise to chew my food! After a a couple of minutes it worked it's way through. So I guess I have a band in there afterall, even though I don't have restriction! Here is my question-I was fortunate this happened in my home with no one around. What the hell happens if I am in work or worse yet in a restuarant?!! What do you do? Any suggestions other then chewing your food really good-I mean accidents happen. I heard Papaya Extract helps-should I keep some in my pocketbook? Do you keep a plastic bag in your purse just in case it happens in the car? My throat still hurts a little!
  17. OMG! LOL Thank for the auto flush warning! lol
  18. Do you have support groups you can attend through your doctor? If not you really should ask him to refer you to the nearest group. It's very normal to have doubts. My husband said if the band is just a tool why can't you do the diet yourself? I told him the first few months I would be more or less on my own until I get the proper fills. I have been battling with weight most of my life- I have been on every diet known to mankind. I am tired of being fat and I really want to look good and feel good. I need more help than WWs can give me or Jenny C. or Nutrasystem, or Atkins, etc. Sure I can lose-but always regain. I need help and that's why I turned to the band. I hope you find a band buddy or a support group. The more your mom becomes educated the more she might be willing to support you.
  19. NJGirl32


    Congrats! I think Sept. is a greattime to start-in the summer there are too many temptations-plus it's good waking weather! Good luck on your journey!
  20. Came across this video-she is a cook and had the lapband surgery. Lokks really good and I never heard of these noodles before but I would imagine that they would be good in many other recipes and high in protein. If any tries out this recipe please let me know how it is! I am not really a cook but this looks good!
  21. NJGirl32

    chew chew chew

    I did the same thing and had a stuck episode-God that hurt!! I woke up this morning and my throat still hurt. Yes, Chew!!! Put down the fork between bites and chew-especially anything reheated or non-juicy meats.
  22. NJGirl32


    Firstthing you need to realize is the feelings you have are very normal-VERY normal! There are times that I think maybe I should have had gastric bypass or what if this lapband doesn't work how much would that suck?? I think geeze I had surgery and I am still not losing! You are a work in progress and like niterun said "You are not a failure you are learning." The Band is a slower safer way to lose weight and it will take patience. I have it in my mind that I probably won't start really feeling restriction until my 3rd fill - so my goal is to try and not gain weight in the mean time! It seems once you have proper restriction things start to happen! You don't even have a fill yet so of course you feel hungry!! I found that keeping up with the protein helped with hunger. Sometimes our bodies confuse hunger with dehydration - make sure you have a plan for getting all your water in Fill a jug and your goal is to have all the water gone my the end of the day. Food will no longer be the center of your universe-and your body is fighting it. There will be rough patches ahead were you will feel like what's the point-but I urge you to push through them. You are stronger than you realize. Keep on the course-get your fills! My doc does fills every 6 weeks too-but I am making my appointments every 4 weeks and tomorrow I am going to call and see if I can come in this week because I am hunger and thinking about food way too often (even though my last fill was 18 days ago). It WILL get better!! Commit yourself to the process and the long haul! I advise you to go to You Tube and listen to some of the video diaries of people who had the Lapband. Some people have a week by week video of their journey. You see that they felt the same exact way in the beginning too. This is my favorite You Tube series-I think she has made 90+ videos for each week of her journey (click on the top left to see her other videos) You might find some encoragement in watching them to know that your feelings are validated and see someone who felt the same thing but push through:
  23. NJGirl32

    Getting Stuck!!!!

    It happens right away (or within 2 minutes).
  24. NJGirl32

    hard time with not drinking

    I like the ice idea! I am so use to drinking with my meals and I have not been good with it. I also like the suggestion of making the food a little more moist.
  25. NJGirl32

    2nd fill

    OMG!! I feel the SAME way! It's terrible! I feel like I am eating more than when I was banded-probably due to the stress. I am due for my 2nd fill in 2 weeks, but I am going tio call tomorrow to see if I can come in earlier. It's so frustrating! I never thought 5 weeks post surgery I would still be able to eat this much-WTH?!!

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