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Posts posted by sickofrollercoaster

  1. Thanks for everyone's feedback, this is really great! I knew I was not the only one feeling this way. I think part of my issue too is that I am NOT tracking my intake anymore and have pretty much stopped planning meals. I still need to do that, I felt better about myself and progress when I was having a direct hand in that. It is not that I am eating bad, sometimes just not eating at all and pre-surgery my body was the same, if I do not fuel it I will not lose any weight.

    Resetting my attitude and my approach back to what it was when I first started this journey, I hope that will help me.

    Thanks everyone and Chin Up!

  2. I really thought after losing 60 pounds and fitting into a size 4, I would finally see myself as thin and healthy but it just is not happening. I see myself in recent pictures and I STILL see a fat person. My Mom warned me about this (she had WLS 20 years ago) but I thought how could you have issues with that after losing most or all of the excess weight... Boy was I wrong. I guess I need to get some help with that. I still have 10-15 pounds to lose and want to get it off before my 1 year surgiversary. Of course I am telling myself that once I lose the rest, THEN I will feel thin and see myself as thin but something tells me that I will still feel the same.

    Kinda depressing... I went out with the girls Friday night and looking at the pictures, everyone else looks so great in their jeans and I just feel BLAH...

    Anyone else struggle with this? I know, it is not just about the way you look and THANK GOD I am healthier and certainly happier with my new body. I get called Skinny and Tiny all the time now but I just don't feel that way on the inside...

  3. Ok folks, I have just had a revelation. I totally misbudgetted for this procedure... I never figured just how much I would be spending in CLOTHING every couple of months!!!

    BUT AM I COMPLAINING...... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It truly feels great to have clothing actually fit my body instead of stretching/clinging onto my body for dear life and hoping that no seams rip. I am wearing a pair of size 6 pants that stayed in my closet for well over a year, I had purchased them the last time I started losing weight pre-sleeve in hopes of wearing them one day. Well that day has come and gone and NOT because I put the weight back on!!! I showed the ladies in the office how lose they were and it frightened them, thought I was gonna lose my pants (mental note: do the "too lose for work" check each morning).

    I still have 13 pounds to lose but I simply do not stress about it anymore. I had a few extra bites of sweets over the weekend and started to beat myself up about it but quickly realized that it was OK to do that, I am in full control finally and I was able to put it down and walk away when I had enough. And today, I am not obsessed about all the candy still lingering in the office. I work out about 2-3 times a week and I enjoy wearing my tight workout clothes. I feel comfortable in the gym now!!!

    If you are on the fence about this procedure, if you are one that has TRULY TRIED to lose weight, if you are at your breaking point I can tell you that this is the BEST decision I ever made for myself AND my children.


    PS Target has their bathing suits out in the stores now... YIPPEE!!!!! Cancun in 16 days!!!

  4. Starting Weight: 180.6 lb

    Current Weight: 123.9 lb

    Goal #1: 160.6 lb (met on Sunday, 6 June 2010)

    Goal #2: 150 lb (met on Sunday, 11 July 2010)

    Goal #3: 140 lb (met on Sunday, 15 August 2010)

    Goal #4: 130 lb (met on/about Wednesday, 1 December 2010)

    Goal #5: 120 lb

    Goal Weight: 110 lb (I am 5' tall)

    Total Lost: 56.7 lb

    Weight to Lose: 13.9 lb

    And I am coming off a weekend where we had a wonderful time at an all inclusive resort with amazing food and drink!!! But I made good choices and paced myself, did not over eat... Ok, so on the drink part maybe I overdid it a little but mmmm some great wine!

    BF is taking me to Cancun in January, today starts the one month countdown, would like to be below 120 when we leave! AND I ordered 3 bikinis online last week!!! I hope they fit!



  5. Thank you everyone! To tell you the truth, I just stopped beating myself up about it. I stopped stressing about it. Since food and weight no longer truly consumes my life, I let it go. I exercise when I can, I eat as good as I can but also do not deprive myself. I have focussed more on my kids these days and I am sure that really helped get my mind off of my stall. I screamed when I got on the scale and it was below 130, the kids laughed at me!

    My honey is taking me to Cancun in late January and I want so bad to look great! So that is some new motivation to get in the gym and work my flabby legs and arms!!!

    BTW, where in the heck do you buy a bikini in January? ;-)

  6. I also post this on the Monday Morning Weigh In topic but thought i would throw it out here because I have been in the longest stall ever!!! Just trying to give hope to those experiencing the same thing, it will break, I promise!

    Starting Weight: 180.6

    Current Weight: 127.6

    Goal #1: 160.6 (met on Sunday, 6 June 2010)

    Goal #2: 150 (met on Sunday, 11 July 2010)

    Goal #3: 140 (met on Sunday, 15 August 2010)

    Goal #4: 130 (met on/about Wednesday, 1 December 2010)

    Goal #5: 120

    Goal Weight: 110 (I am 5' tall)

    Total Lost: 53 pounds

    It's Sunday night but what the heck! My stall if finally broken! I had actually gotten to the point of hating the scale cause I saw 130.something for so long... Got on it Saturday and it said 128! Tonight it is 127.6 so looks like things are starting to move again!

    And the best part........................... My BMI is 24.9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am FINALLY at a NORMAL weight for my height!!!!!! Feels so great!

    I went to my company Xmas party last night and wore a beautiful red evening gown, size 4, oh yeah baby! Picture is posted below, sorry about the quality...


  7. Starting Weight: 180.6

    Current Weight: 127.6

    Goal #1: 160.6 (met on Sunday, 6 June 2010)

    Goal #2: 150 (met on Sunday, 11 July 2010)

    Goal #3: 140 (met on Sunday, 15 August 2010)

    Goal #4: 130 (met on/about Wednesday, 1 December 2010)

    Goal #5: 120

    Goal Weight: 110 (I am 5' tall)

    Total Lost: 53 pounds

    It's Sunday night but what the heck! My stall if finally broken! I had actually gotten to the point of hating the scale cause I saw 130.something for so long... Got on it Saturday and it said 128! Tonight it is 127.6 so looks like things are starting to move again!

    And the best part........................... My BMI is 24.9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am FINALLY at a NORMAL weight for my height!!!!!! Feels so great!

    I went to my company Xmas party last night and wore a beautiful red evening gown, size 4, oh yeah baby! Picture is posted below, sorry about the quality...


  8. Starting Weight: 180.6

    Current Weight: 130.4

    Goal #1: 160.6 (met on Sunday, 6 June 2010)

    Goal #2: 150 (met on Sunday, 11 July 2010)

    Goal #3: 140 (met on Sunday, 15 August 2010)

    Goal #4: 130

    Goal #5: 120

    Goal Weight: 110 (I am 5' tall)

    Total Lost: 50.2 pounds

    I hope to be under 130 by next Monday! I know it will come off, just being patient and making the best choices...

  9. As others have stated, I only regret not doing it sooner. I fought this weight issue for almost 20 years and was determined not to give into the idea of having surgery to correct however looking back, it was worse on my body to be 250 pounds and then lose down to 130 and then back up to 180 and so on... I know I had to be ready for this mentally and I can say that in my 20s, I probably was not there. What I have learned since having the surgery is that noone can EVER tell me I took the easy way out. This is not EASY. But it is WORTH IT! I like the fact that it is not a cure all, I still have control over my progress (for the most part, minus the stalls) and I am accountable for what I put in my body. The difference between DIETING and having the SLEEVE is that you wake up every morning with a renewed sense of control with the SLEEVE (a new beginning to make great choices each day) and with DIETING it seemed I never had control and got less and less interested in even trying.

    I look forward to reaching GOAL for sure but the journey is what teaches us the tools we need along the way.

  10. Starting Weight: 180.6

    Current Weight: 131.2

    Goal #1: 160.6 (met on Sunday, 6 June 2010)

    Goal #2: 150 (met on Sunday, 11 July 2010)

    Goal #3: 140 (met on Sunday, 15 August 2010)

    Goal #4: 130

    Goal #5: 120

    Goal Weight: 110 (I am 5' tall)

    Total Lost: 49.4 pounds

    Progress has been REALLY SLOW but I have also been stressed and not getting everything in so I only have me to blame right now. Great thing is that prior to the Sleeve, I would be gaining weight instead of maintaining or very slowly losing. I do get frustrated when I want to gulp a drink but the trade offs are so worth it! I am comfortably wearing a size 6 and think my final size will be a 4 when I can lose the other 21.2 pounds!

    Everyone is doing great, by the way!

  11. Angie - Can you give me an idea of what a day or two looks like for you as far as eating? From there, I may be able to offer some advice.

    Best of luck - stalls are soooooooooooooooo frustrating! :angry:


    A typical day:

    1 Premier Protein shake

    1 Cup of coffee with sugar free Creamer

    2 low fat string cheese

    1 pouch of chunk light tuna

    2 tbsp lowfat mayo

    2 tbsp dill relish

    3 oz baked tilapia

    60 + oz Water (flavored with sugar free, calorie free flavors)

    Granted, on the weekends I might have a few bites of ice cream or a piece of candy, I do not go crazy with it.

  12. Ok, I believe my stall is related to my daily intake. I am still good about watching carbs and couting Protein but I understand that being almost 6 months out I should be eating more calories. I am doing good to get 700 calories in while staying under my carb and fat maximums.

    Any suggestions on adding quality calories to my diet? I am not exercising regularly either so increasing calories does scare me, although I am naturally an active person and I do not sit around much at all, just don't physically get into the gym much.

    Thanks all! I am still in a stall, been about 6 weeks but not losing faith, never will really, this is life now.

  13. We are just about 12 days difference on our surgery dates. You look great! I know what you mean about the pictures, I am forcing myself to take pics and share them. One thing I remind myself of is just how helpful it was to see those of others when I was making my choice to have this surgery, what an inspiration those pictures were! And now Girlie, we will be someone else's inspiration to change their life forever!

    So proud of you and so glad I found this forum so that we could share our journey together!

    I still say that we all need to plan an in person reunion for folks that are members here, we should pick a central location for a girls weekend and have some fun!

    Congrats, you are doing it!!!

  14. Thank you... Tiff, I just keep remembering that you had to work hard to keep from losing anymore weight, I am just ready to be at goal. I am ready to stock my wardrobe and be finished (yeah right, I am addicted to shopping now!)... Bought some scarfs to wear today, used to never do that because it would add to much bulk to an already bulky body, now they look great!

    DJ, I changed my privacy settings, maybe you can see it now...

  15. Ok folks, I have been down because of this stall I am in but I have realized that I need to be happy with my success to this point and Celebrate it so here is a progress picture. I am 5 months post-op as of yesterday.


    I have lost 46 pounds since surgery and still want to lose 25 more to get to my ideal weight. I will try to be patient a little longer with this stall, I truly hope things start moving again soon!!!

    Have a great week everyone!

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