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Posts posted by mrsclooney918

  1. My favorite (and it took me a while to find it) is Jay Robb. It's sold at Whole Foods but sometimes the inventory selection is not that great. I prefer the egg Protein over the whey. I think it tastes better. It comes out to $2.50 per serving. You can order it online as well. It mixes really well and is only 120 calories per 24g of Protein which I think is good. So I can have a protein shake snack for 200 calories. I can also amp it up during liquid days by adding Peanut Butter or banana. I also add 1T of Ghiradelli baking chocolate (15 calories) if I need a bigger chocolate fix.

    I agree with the comment of investing in a good blender. I recently bought myself a Blendtec which is the blender used by Starbucks. It has totally changed my opinion of the protein smoothie. I would even boldly say that my smoothies are now better then their $5 300-calorie ones! Really. I'm not kidding. I got my blender from Amazon and if you check the prices daily, you can get a pretty good deal. I got mine for $300 (free shipping) which is about $200 less than if you bought from the Blendtec website. It already has paid for itself! And you get the Starbucks experience in the privacy of your own home. ;-p

  2. Does anyone use this on a regular basis?

    I recently found out about this from a vendor at an event. They promise remarkable results (not unusually for the weight loss industry) from weight loss, better hair, more energy and a brand new Cadillac! The online reviews are pretty good but I am having a hard time gauging authenticity in comments because the company sets itself up as a someone pyramid scheme recruiting "coaches" to sell more product.

    So I bought a few individual servings ($4 a pop!) to try it out. I did one last night and from the online reviews, the taste is acquired! But I swear as a I drank, it started to taste better. There are Protein powders with more grams per serving than this one but this one has much more nutrition. I did have quite a buzz though. (Wheat grass?) And it was very filling. In fact, I still was not hungry until mid morning.

    I'd like to hear from any of you your thoughts if you have used or are using it.

    BUT HERE IS MY CAVEAT! I do not want anyone that sells this product to give an opinion because I comments that are not driven by sales results. I want consumer-only input. Thank you for understanding.

  3. Hey! orland park here! had my surgery Jan 20 2010 and have lost 80 pounds so far! But now I've hit a plateau sad.png Any suggestions?

    Plateaus suck.

    I've shaken a small one but now am just in slow down mode. Mixing it up seems to help. Plus it keeps the process interesting: Looking for new foods to try, different exercising and journaling (or going online for support) are some of my tricks in my toolbox.

    Today, I had an in-depth convo with the butcher at Whole Foods about some of the turkey meatballs. Ended up with 6 Protein packed meatballs of which I'll eat 2 for a meal as main protein. The rest go in the freezer. It was just a way to shake up my thought process instead of reaching for the same old, same old foods.

  4. To fill or not to fill.

    I feel like I am always negotiating with my NP to do it! But now instead of coming every 6 weeks, I come every 8 weeks. It's a better measure for me because when I wasn't getting a fill, within two-three weeks, I couldn't stay full.

    You'll hear it a lot here. It does take time to feel that restriction. I think it was my fifth fill until I knew what it really felt like.

    Personally, I think I need one more fill and I will be right there. I have an appt on Monday and I will bet she will not agree with me.

  5. Wow, 100 grams of Protein is a lot of protein! Mine said to eat 60 grams a day. I try to eat 1000 calories a day. If I eat 1500 for a couple days in a row, like on a weekend, I do not go down on the scale.

    I agree that 100 grams is a lot of Protein and always remember to add protein, you'll always have calories to add too. I am surprised about no calorie limit. Because I can suck down a lot of Peanut Butter chocolate protein smoothies that would put me at 2000+ calories easily.

    My range is 1000-1300 a day. I'm usually towards the higher end if I am exercising. Anything under 1000 once you are out of post op period is hard, I think.

  6. Hello all, is anyone else feeling a though they are hitting a brick wall when it comes to what foods to eat? I started my solids phase last wed and I need some recipe or food ideas that I can use! I work all week and some weekends so I need ideas of easy, healthy things to make to bring with me! Thank you!

    Here are my work staples:

    Greek yogurt + Bran buds

    Cottage cheese + mandarin oranges in their own juice

    Protein shake (1 c. skim milk + Protein powder) in one of those shaker bottles

    Protein Bars (do your research for the best ones) I can use these as Meal Replacement in a pinch or I cut in half for a snack

    SF pudding cups (sometimes I just need that creamy chocolate in the PM)

    Do you have access to a fridge? I usually bring two servings of chicken/tuna and store it. I also make turkey meatloaf and slice it into 3 oz pieces, freeze it in individual portions and grab it in the AM if I haven't had a chance to put together a lunch. I'll do the same with chili I've made and then by lunch, it's almost defrosted.

  7. It's hard to believe that one year ago, I was getting ready for surgery tomorrow. As I feel asleep, I had this terrifying feeling...WHY AM I DOING THIS?! I CAN STILL BACK OUT.

    But I didn't. And sometimes I am so proud of myself I get teary eyed. (Not a cryer by nature mind you.)

    I had my one-year check up with my PCP last week. It's my 2-year anniversary with her. She asked me if the past year just whizzed by. Well, honestly, sometimes yes. Sometimes no.

    When the old habits started rearing their head, time seemed to stand still. When I showed up to appointments knowing that I had dropped, time flew.

    So now that one year is under my belt (somewhat pun intended), I can tell you this:

    1. If I knew how long the process before surgery was going to take and all the tests I was to be put through would I still do it? YES

    2. If I knew the amount of pain that lingered 6 weeks after surgery, would I do it? YES

    3. If I knew that I would hit highs that would seem like I could fly like a superhero and have lows that would make me question everything, would I do it? YES

    4. If I knew my life would be enriched by the wonderful medical staff I have worked and am working with now if I had just gone with the status quo and given up? YES

    5. If I knew that I would learn so much about myself and then have the courage and ability to change those things I could not continue to live by, would I do it? YES

    6. If I knew that some would not understand my choice yet I would gain so many advocates, would I still do it? YES

    So to all of you are considering, days away from surgery or post op: It was the best choice of my life. And it probably is for you too!

    In honor of my 1-year anniversary, I did all liquid today. I just felt it was the right thing to do to honor all of those who have stood by me through thick and thin. (Pun intended!) So would you all join me and raise your Protein shake to all of us who are banders and Celebrate the journey we have all chosen to take and the successes we will enjoy!

    Thank you for allowing me to post this!

  8. Guys, I know this may be a silly question to ask, but where is the port located. There is one big scar, 1 medium scar, and 3 little scars. Is the port located where the big scar is or where the medium scar is?


    It took me time to find mine. Because I was told below my scar. But first fill, it is above my scar. To which the NP says "that's so unusually because Dr. never puts it up. Always down." So I'm a freak of nature at fill time. ;-p I'd like to ask him if was experimenting with me and his lapro skills! ;-)

    I can feel it now when I just pass my hand over my abdomen. And it's great bar trick! "Come feel my port!"

  9. Cooked broccoli is good for me. Not a fan of raw. My newest veggie not to be tolerated well is...now wait for it...it's the least favorite veggie on the market...

    BRUSSEL SPROUTS! eek.gif

    Cooked and chewed they are now rough going down now. I am bummed because they do a nice job of keeping me filled up.

  10. My doctor required me to take off 3 weeks. Of course I could have gone against him, but am happy I didn't.

    I was only down and out for a couple days, but man was I tired! Living off only a few hundred calories a day takes it's toll on your energy.

    I definitely could have gone back to work after a week and a half. Instead I enjoyed to time off to learn how to eat and get my strength back.


    Me too. All my doctors required it. And I am glad I did. I can't imagine going back as soon as some do! It took me that long to get my energy back. The first week I felt like I slept, drank Protein, watched TV and slept.

    Thankfully, I have good benefits at work as well as bosses. When I did come back I always had the option to do a half day if I was too drained.

  11. My first question is: What triggered you to want to eat a cheeseburger? Were you too hungry? Bored? What were you doing? (Now I sound like my psych doc!)

    My first comment would be: DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! This is not a perfect science nor a quick fix. Take one day at a time. One meal at a time. It can be daunting looking too far ahead with great expectations. The LB doesn't stop anyone from eating "junk" food. And an occasionally cheeseburger is not going to signal failure.

    It may take several fills to feel restriction so be patient, work with your medical people and you'll get there. Trust me, once you get it you will know it!

    BTW...I normally eat between 1000-1300 calories. Sometimes I eat 1500 and on occasion I can put away 2000. But that's the give and take of life.

  12. My lowest was 60 grams a day but my doctor just upped me to minimum of 70. One thing is that I have added weight training to my workout and that fires up metabolism so the extra 10 grams helps feed your body what you need.

    The only thing about upping Protein is that it comes with calories as well. So I do have one shake a day to get it all in because for about 200 calories, I can get in 32 grams of Protein. (26 grams of Protein powder, 8 grams from skim milk)

  13. You must must must see your doctor.

    I can no longer handle breads (shredded would do the same for me) because it gives me heartburn no matter how much I chew. It gets stuck, starts to burn and I have to stop, stand up walk around and then when I finally start hiccuping I start feeling better. But I'll tell you what...it brings meal time to a sudden halt. I must have a look on my face because everyone knows when it's happening!

    Doctor told me that heartburn is serious and can lead to esophageal cancer if not treated. And not unusual for banded people.

  14. in regards to the weight.... one morning i can wake up and ill be 230.4 and next morning ill be 234.6 and it really fluctuates. as soon as i wake up i do my morning business and remove all clothing and weigh myself. so it is a bit fustrating to fluctuate. that was always one of my problems prior to surgery... i had fluctuating weight

    I only weigh in on appointment dates (about 1x a month) so I don't focus on the scale but rather how I feel, look, fit in clothes. Plus since scales vary, I only weigh on one scale because that is my benchmark.

    Fluctuations are normal for everybody--band or not. In December I had my fill and I was up 8 lbs. Four days later, I was down 9 lbs. It's crazy but remember it's a marathon not a race. Some days your body will give up a lot; others not so much.

    I was on a 2-month plateau but working with my nutritionist and doctors (as well as going back to "Lap Band 101") I seem to be back on track.

  15. keep doing what you are doing regardless of the scale!

    EXACTLY! As my psych doc says "Focus on the process not the number." I know it's hard but when I am stalled this is what I keep telling myself. Also, work with your nutritionist closely. Changing up how your doing it with his/her guidance really helps!

  16. i had first fill the 1st week of jan and everything was ok. all of a sudden i get a deep dull pain every morning that feels horible. i went yo pharmacy and they auggeste Mylanta. hopefully it works. still no desire to workout. my goal is to lose 80 pounds. i started at 256 and im 231

    You really should call your doctor or your surgeon. A pain every morning needs to be addressed by a medical professional.

    I was a light exerciser at first but now I am a gym junkie. I think once you feel like you are moving more easily, the desire will be there. That's what happened to me and now a good sweat is an awesome feeling!

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