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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrsclooney918

  1. mrsclooney918

    Exercise Is Making Me Sooo Hungry! Help!

    Wow. This was me exactly! My nutritionist was super helpful to maximize what I ate when, how much and what type. Here are her instructions to me: About 20 minutes prior to exercising enjoy something that will give you a spurt of carbs. I do no sugar added applesauce or a little melon or even a small banana. Then within 30 minutes post workout get the Protein in because your body is craving it. (If it is an AM workout, it's a Protein shake which usually is lunch. If it's dinner time, salad with chicken, edamame, other veggies--and if I am feeling naughty a little bacon.) I feel fully full! This combo has really worked for me! I really doubted the "carb loading" beforehand but I am a true believer now because I seem to stay on the treadmill longer and harder.
  2. mrsclooney918

    Lap Vs Pms (Tom)

    PMS is like that I have no band at all. It's very frustrating because I don't realize right away. I can justify eating anything at that time. The other 22 days are just fine. Still learning how to deal with this.
  3. mrsclooney918

    No More Starbucks??!?!?

    I use the smoothie as a Meal Replacement in a pinch (usually Breakfast when I'm running late). It has 17g of Protein. They recently upped the calorie count to 300 (It was at 260 before) so I have slowed down a little on it. You can have it made with skim milk but it only brings it down 20 calories. (Which is odd to me.) What I have done is invest in a Blendtec (the brand of blender they use) and have become really good at making my own smoothies and I can get the protein level up to 30g+ for 250 calories. If you are in the neighborhood, swing by! I'll make you a chocolate Peanut Butter smoothie meal replacement that will knock your sock off for 300 calories and 38g of protein!
  4. mrsclooney918

    What Is The First Step??

    The program I am in was you go to either PCP or seminar first. But I had to do both before I could even get anywhere near my surgeon. Then comes the satisfying your insurance...psych doc, health tests, blood tests. It took 10 months from 1st consult to surgery. It seemed like it took forever but it really was the best thing and it made me understand the big commitment I was making. My free advice is make sure your medical professionals treat you like a partner. If you ever feel like you are not getting the support you need or seem like another number, look somewhere else. It IS all about you! I just dumped my surgeon's nutritionist for a FABULOUS one that also works in the same group. It has made all the difference for me. And insurance is OK with that!
  5. mrsclooney918

    Leap Day Banisters!!!

    Awww. I am kinda jealous. To have an anniversary date of 2/29 would be so cool! Good luck! Your life is about to change like nothing else you've ever known!
  6. mrsclooney918

    Heart Flutters

    Oh. And one more thing... When I get a stitch in my side, it's a dehydration thing. That's what the MD said and I thought she was totally wrong. So when I get it, I push down Water. You know what? It works. I guess that medical degree and students loans paid off!
  7. mrsclooney918

    Heart Flutters

    CAVEAT: I am not a medical doctor! I have had heart fluttering all my life. I've been tested for all sorts of heart things with nothing wrong. Mine usually happen when I am starving and when I am really anxious. So when it happens, being anxious makes it worse. My doctor believes its an electrolyte thing so usually it's time for food and drink and Vitamins. Without fail, after a snack or meal, it's like it never happened. You should have it checked out but try not to worry too much.
  8. It's so ironic that this topic was posted! I was out yesterday and really needed some new bottoms to wear to the gym so I swung by Old Navy not sure if there would be anything...well...there was. I had my choice of everything. I couldn't believe it. I had a moment when my whole mind shifted. I had to tell the girl showing me the pants "those I know will be too big." "That's a good thing, right?" she answered. And then she handed me the next size down. HELL YES! I am now out of W sizes! What? I still can't help but look online, in stores. It's another mind shift that I still am wrestling with. Weird. And I kinda feel like I don't deserve it. Until I look at my scar as I slid on smaller pants. My mind is still blown and now I know what my psych doc and I will have something to talk about! Thanks for posting! I'm relieved that I'm not the only one in this boat.
  9. mrsclooney918

    What Is With The "gurgles"?

    Interesting because this topic was my first post! My gurgles seem to happen at night but honestly, no one can ever hear them when I'm sitting next to them. Similar to no one can really hear my stomach (the lower one!) growl. My NP says it's "being really in tune with your band." Um. I guess so.
  10. mrsclooney918

    Insurance Approval

    Congratulations! It's a great feeling. And you'll do great! You have the good mental attitude already!
  11. mrsclooney918

    I'm 3 Weeks Post-Op

    You'll hear many tell you that it can take a few fills to restriction. I always did feel some small restriction but it seemed to dissipate after a few weeks. It wasn't until my December fill that I know understand what that is suppose to be. Don't get discouraged. Follow your plan. Find new avenues for support. Success is not based on restriction, IMO, but everything working together. Good luck!
  12. mrsclooney918

    How Do You Get Your Protein In?

    Yeah! Another Jay Robb fan! I also love the fact it's 120 cals. Most are 140+. So a cup of milk and a scoop of Jay Robb, well chilled is my PM snack! Throw it into the blender, you gotta great smoothie! My only object is the photo on the packaging. Really? A peek-a-boo shot of the dude in a Hawaiian shirt?
  13. mrsclooney918


    Seriously...one of the funniest things I've read online today. No wait. It IS the funniest thing I read online today.
  14. mrsclooney918


    Does anyone use this on a regular basis? I recently found out about this from a vendor at an event. They promise remarkable results (not unusually for the weight loss industry) from weight loss, better hair, more energy and a brand new Cadillac! The online reviews are pretty good but I am having a hard time gauging authenticity in comments because the company sets itself up as a someone pyramid scheme recruiting "coaches" to sell more product. So I bought a few individual servings ($4 a pop!) to try it out. I did one last night and from the online reviews, the taste is acquired! But I swear as a I drank, it started to taste better. There are Protein powders with more grams per serving than this one but this one has much more nutrition. I did have quite a buzz though. (Wheat grass?) And it was very filling. In fact, I still was not hungry until mid morning. I'd like to hear from any of you your thoughts if you have used or are using it. BUT HERE IS MY CAVEAT! I do not want anyone that sells this product to give an opinion because I comments that are not driven by sales results. I want consumer-only input. Thank you for understanding.
  15. For the liquid stage I just got tired of not having any flavor in food. So I had my dad get me a big container of hot and sour Soup from the Chinese restaurant. I strained out all the good stuff and had that. It was like a man on a deserted island having a steak. And I mixed it with flavorless Protein if I was hadn't enough that day. For mushy week, cottage cheese (one of my favs anyway) was awesome and oatmeal with cinnamon...oh my. The great thing about cottage cheese is you can mush it down quite a bit. Many recommend ricotta with spaghetti sauce and that's good too. Soft foods are just that soft. I was told "anything I can cut with a fork" and I replied "I can cut a lot with a fork!"
  16. mrsclooney918

    Swallowed A Big Pill, Help!

    I started with the chewables but after several months (and really hating the flavor and texture) I asked if I could do it the old fashioned way. One pill w Water. Big mistake. I has to break them in half to get them down and not once did it not hurt like crazy. And it was the beginning of my reflux issues. Which I have to be careful about with everything I put down my gullet. I went back to the chewables (blech) because the taste and texture is way better than the pain. BTW. I found the Walmart children's chewables are the best priced and not that bad tasting relatively speaking.
  17. Yep. I agree with this. I had lost 40lb before surgery and very few comments. When I came back after my 3-week leave, there were a few eyes popped then. It's the people that see you day to day that can't really tell but it's people like your hairdresser that see you about every six weeks that notice the most, I think.
  18. It's funny that you ask this. I asked this to my PCP last week. She has a hip replacement and said she thinks it depends on the airport's system. She flew out of O'Hare and was stopped and searched. But coming home had no issues. I'm flying in April so I'll be curious if I set anything off. She advised that if it does go off to just have them wave the wand over my abdomen. Yeah. That would be too awkward.
  19. mrsclooney918

    Had Pre-Op Physical Today

    Congratulations! You are about to cross the threshold into a new life. I felt the same way! You'll do great!
  20. mrsclooney918


    I had to google this because i didn't know what it was is. Now that I do, it looks like a lot of side effects that I wouldn't tolerate very well. I have never been on any kind of "diet drug" until the month before my surgery when I was put on Byetta. Claims it totally kills the appetite and it really did! I was reluctant but my endo doc felt it might be a good thing so I agreed to do it the month before surgery only. Ah. But then I had an allergic reaction about 3 weeks in: Itchy, huge welts. I stopped immediately and it took 3 days of discomfort to get back to normal. It's made from deadly gila monster poison of all things.
  21. mrsclooney918

    Feeling Crummy All The Time

    Wow. Sorry you're not doing well. I am not having any issues like that but I do believe you are NOT crazy. I won't give you any medical opinion but I would ask if you have been in constant contact with your doctor(s) during the last six months? You didn't mention that. I would see if they could squeeze you in earlier since they cancelled in the first place so you can get the process started and not have to suffer any longer. Good luck. You are in great hands at NYU.
  22. mrsclooney918

    Can We Talk About Straws?

    Hmmmm. A straw obsession? That sounds intriguing! ;-p I do prefer the reusable ones. Have to wash but they are larger and I don't break a rib if my Protein shake is a tad thicker. I was, too, was never told no straws. It seems to be a 50/50 split on it here. I am a believer to follow your medical professional's advice. But I also know that this whole process is not an exact science.
  23. mrsclooney918

    100Lbs Gone And Loving It!

    Bravo! You look amazing!
  24. mrsclooney918

    I Failed The Lapband - Please Help Me.

    I love this response! Love the fact that you use liquids they way you do. I assume that includes Protein shakes, yes? And that you pointed out that everyone's journey is different! Well said! To suznty: you are not a failure! Never. As Winston Churchill said: "Never ever give up."
  25. mrsclooney918

    Weighing In

    I hear ya sister! As a rule, I only live by my official weigh ins and don't weigh myself in between. So it's exciting to see what has happened every 6 weeks! Congratulations! I love cleaning out the closet too! And know that I have some nice clothes to donate to someone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
