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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by GoCubbies79

  1. Im not trying to be rude just being honest. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  2. How about you just follow the rules and if your on full liquids you eat full liquids? If you want to cheat and eat applebees why did u even get the surgery? Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  3. GoCubbies79

    Gastric bypass

    Try miralax and stool softeners. If that doesnt help milk of magnesium will do it. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  4. GoCubbies79

    Peer Surgery Diet

    The excitement of what to come motivated me to do it. It wont hurt for you to snack on low carb, low fat items. The point of preop is to shrink your liver. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  5. GoCubbies79

    Does it make me a horrible wife

    Both my wife and myself had gastric bypass surgery at different times. We are both supportive, helpful, and attentive to each others needs. As a man I am a bit offended by the intention of this thread. I dont know anyone personally from this site so please dont take this as personal. If you are unhappy at your husbands laziness why does it bother you that he is there to ensure you are ok. Do you have insecurities that you take out on him because he wants to be helpful? How can you be irritated with a projection of how he may need assistance when he goes through life altering surgery? Sounds like you want him to be lazy just so you can be unhappy and complain about it. Sounds like you are just a debbie downer. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  6. Id it happens again before you get the ultrasound keep a mental note of what you ate previous to that pain. Gallbladder attacks usually come on from a fatty meal. Mine happened after I had a chunk of cheese. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  7. GoCubbies79

    Piggybacking on a peeing question

    I noticed the same thing happening with me. My nutritionist said that it might be that I am strictly drinking Water now where in the past I had carbinated drinks and artificially flavored drinks which cause irritation in the bladder and more frequent urination. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  8. They could if your gallbladder had stones in them previous to the surgery. Did your surgeon have it tested? The pain is more upper abdomen directly under the right breast and extends across the upper abdomen to the left. Hope its just gas pain for you. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  9. GoCubbies79

    Calories per day

    Im am only 1 week post op and I can only get about 400 calories in me. Im never hungry and after a few nibbles I feel satisfied. I am only eating Proteins blended with stock or low fat chicken gravy. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  10. To start i think you should see ur doctor to talk about this. I have notices that the antigas chewables help alot with belching etc. Also look closely at what your eating, how much your eating, the speed at which you eat etc. If anything there has changed you may be getting some pushback from your body thats alerting you to this. Congrats on 10years! Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  11. GoCubbies79


    Remember this journey is as much mental as it is physical. I would recommend seeing a therapist on a weekly or monthly basis to help your eyes see the improvements that the body is showing us. Remember we have had years and years of society convincing us we are fat and ugly and unwanted. We now have to teach ourselves we are a different person we used to be. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  12. GoCubbies79

    She spoils me!

    That looks so good. Definitely beats this pureed stuff I am eating for the next 4 weeks. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  13. GoCubbies79

    Pre Op fluids

    I agree with previous posters but just add one comment. Is mineral/soda Water something that you drink regularly? If it is I would reccommend ending that consumption now because after surgery you probably cant drink it anymore. If you have no issues stopping once you have surgery I would say enjoy in moderation as long as you check with your surgeon, dietician, and team first so you are in line for success. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  14. GoCubbies79

    Why is everyone converting from band to sleeve?

    I'm revising from band to sleeve in two weeks. If you didn't have the band, please don't make broad statements about why I need this revision. I didn't "abuse the band". It injured me and continues to do so. I had my band for more than six years- I thought it would be in place forever. Unfortunately, my body has decided that enough is enough. My esophagus is worn out from working hard to get food through the restriction. It has nothing to do with eating around the band or drinking milkshakes. I did what was asked-I continued care with my surgeon, I saw the dietitian and exercise physiologist, and ate as required for six years. I lost a lot of weight but once things started going bad, none of that mattered. I did my due diligence and researched before I was banded in 2010. I resent your implication that I did this to myself. You have your theories about why the band doesn't work, but you need to be careful when you make blanket statements. Yes, it's dropped in usage but it isn't just because everyone abused it or ate around it-the problem is with the device itself. OP-I'm revising because I can no longer eat food and have it go through without sitting in the back of my throat. My last upper GI showed that the barium didn't clear the band for almost five minutes. My band now sits empty, ready for revision. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Amen. I love your reply. I had lapband surgery back in 2011, when i weight over 500lbs. The band was great and I lost over 240lbs. Life was great. I was running, exercising everyday, staying up on ally support doctors, dieticians, fills etc. Back in 2014 after a fill the band eroded into my stomach. I was not drinking milkshakes, overeating, or finding ways to overeat. Long story short I spent a week in the hospital on two of the best anitibiotics known to man and required emergency surgery to removed the band. I then spent the next two months out of work on hardcore oral antibiotics treating a staph infection that nearly killed me. Do not ever make assumptions or accusations that you know everything about what some of us went through. If you are just starting trouble because of your own insecurities take it somewhere else because some of us actually use this site as a portion of our continued support. Sorry for the rant but I could not keep that in. I went forward with bypass surgery andbhad it oct 3rd 2016. I will keep you all posted on how it goes. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  15. GoCubbies79

    [emoji90] poop

    I have not pooped since surgery also but mine was only 5 days ago. Do you feel constipated? Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  16. Congrats to everyone on their successes. I am only a few days postop but feel so motivated by reading all your successes. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  17. GoCubbies79

    Yay! OCT 3rd is the day!

    I was october 3rd also. Woohoo, so excited. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  18. GoCubbies79

    Omg omg OMG!

    I had mine last monday, 10/3/16. I agree that sipping and walking is so helpful. Do not just lay in bed or it will be miserable. Get up, sit in a chair, walk a few times a day. You will do just fine. The pain isnt that bad, just make communicate when your hurting and they will make you comfortable. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  19. GoCubbies79

    One week Post op update

    Aivey My situation was a little different in that two years ago I had the band removed due to it eroding into my stomach and causing a huge infection. I just gathered the courage this year to restart and go for the bypass. I did an EGD and all looked good inside the stomach. Gastoenterologist explained that the inside of the stomach is pretty resilient and can heal itself. I did have a lot of scare tissue on the outside of my stomach that the bypass surgeon had to deal with but he was able to peform the bypass. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  20. GoCubbies79

    One week Post op update

    I recently had gastric bypass surgery on 10/3/2016 after a failed band erosion nearly killed me. I was on a two week preop diet consisting of two Protein shakes per day and one low calorie meal. The preop diet was tough but the thought of my life flourishing after this process was enough to keep me going. My procedure took about three hours, due to the scar tissue from my previous bad. I also spent 2 nights in the hospital in recovery. I have now been home two full days and its not too bad. I feel a bit weak and am in some pain. I am on oral pain meds that make me so sleepy and extremely weak I try not to take them unless absolutely necessary. The hardest part for me right now is drinking enough Water and tolerating crushed up medications that are so bitter they make me nauseous. Sent from my SM-G360T1 using the BariatricPal App
  21. GoCubbies79

    Robbed of my Lap Band

    Hello All: I was banded in March of 2011 and had great success, I lost 240lbs. Back in December of 2013 I started getting this weird feeling near my port, not pain, just a weird feeling. I didn't think much of it and thought maybe some scar tissue was forming. A few weeks went by and pain started to creep up on me and get worse each day. I went to see my primary care doctor who ordered an xray. I was told that I just had a backup in my intestines and needed to add some Fiber into my diet. I did as the doctor instructed and noticed a slight increase in my bowel movements however the pain was not getting any better. I was a little reluctant to see my lab band surgeon because I had gained a few pounds since my last visit and didn't want to disappoint him since I had such great success overall. The pain got even worse so I thought I would face the music so I went and saw him in mid January 2014. Of course the dr confronted me on the few pounds I had gained and performed a fill. I think expressed my true purpose for seeing him which was the pain not necessarily my weight gain or need for a fill. He ordered a CT scan and sent me on my way. Over the next few days absolute hell broke loose on me. The area he inserted the needle to fill my band turned blochy red almost looked like a rash was forming. A swollen bubble started to form over that area as well that looked like a blister full of liquid. I called his office and got some receptionist telling me he had no openings for two weeks. The instant I mentioned the rash and bubble the told me to come in immediately. I went in to see him and the results from the CT scan were in as well. I was sadly informed that my band had eroded into my stomach. There was a nasty infection brewing inside me around the band and my stomach as well as all down the tubing and around the port. The band was removed the next morning where I then spent the next week in the hosptial on IV antibiotics. For two months i was out of work on hardcore antibiotics. I also had to see a dr specializing in infectious disease and had a home care nurse come to my house twice a week to clean out the wound from where the port was removed. Here I am a year later having gained about 30lbs back and so mad that the band failed me. I was doing so well, people were looking at me differently, and it was all taken away in an instant. Has anyone else gone through this? What could have caused the erosion? I asked the dr and he said it just happens to about 2% of people.
  22. I was banded back in May of 2011. I have had great success over the last nearly 3 years and have lost over 200 lbs. Recently, about 3 weeks ago, I started getting some discomfort and mild pain near my port area. I can best describe the pain as such. Whenever I sit, stand, bend, or use my abdomen muscles I feel moderate pain in the stomach muscles around my port. i have noticed a little swelling in the port area however the swelling has no pain. I have noticed a little redness and very slight itching on the outside skin where my port is at. Has anyone ever experienced this or have some insight what it could be? I went to my primary care doctor and had an Xray taken. My Primary care doctor told me I had a large amount of stool in my rectum and I should take a Fiber supplement to flush it out. I have been on a fiber supplement for two weeks and have tried laxatives and have seen no increase in my excrement. I have had no changes in my bowel movements since my lapband was put in. I am regular and have bowel movements on a daily basis just as I always have. I went to my surgeon a little over a week ago. I told him what my primary care doctor said and he laughed as if whe my primary care doctor said was rubbish. The surgeon looked at my band and port through the floroscopy and everything was in place and looking perfect. he did comment that I looked a little swollen around the port and when he was trying to feel where the port was he said "it feels a little different". He was able to access the port with no problem, he even removed and added a little Fluid to ensure nothing was wrong with the tubing from the band. The surgeon ordered up a CT Scan for me which I had done yesterday. I am noticing the swelling going down a little and the pain has become a little better but I am just wanting to know what has caused this. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
  23. GoCubbies79

    Lap Band Port Area Discomfot

    Sorry it took so long to reply but a lot has happened in the past two weeks. I saw my surgeon on Monday January 27th for the results of my CT Scan and was informed that my lapband had eroded into my stomach. I had an infection and inflammation around the band area, all along the tubing, as well as around the port area. I was admitted to the hospital on January 27th and had surgery to remove my lapband on January 28th. I was on two very powerful antibiotics via iv called zosyn and cleosin. I was released from the hospital on Friday January 31st and am taking augmentin and Bactrim oral antibiotics as well as hydrocodone for pain. I have a drainage tube on my right abdomen and an incision wound on my left abdomen. The incision needs to heal from the inside out so a nurse comes every few days to change my dressings. The wound will take several weeks to heal but I am thankful the infection and major problem I was having is gone. So far I am doing well without my lapband. I don't have much appetite but am a little worried once I fully heal that I may start to eat more than I should and may even gain some weight back. Thank you all for your comments, concerns, and support. I will keep you all posted on my recovery progress. I hope to be back at work in a couple weeks.
  24. GoCubbies79

    Lap Band Port Area Discomfot

    Thanks everyone for the support on this. I should have explained more about the CT Scan conclusiveness but didn't want to bore you all with more and more paragraphs to read. The surgeon was concerned perhaps the band had eroded into the lining of my stomach. When I was at this office last week he looked at it under the floroscopy and both the band and port were positioned correctly. The port did look a little higher up than it did in the past but wasn't a majore concern. Looking at the CT Scan results they couldn't see if the band had eroded into my stomach but did see some tissue build up around the port and tubing of the port. The surgeon wasn't sure if thats how the scar tissue grew since the surgery or if it was a sign of something else being wrong. I trust my surgeon and have 100% faith in him. I agree its the staff at the office. They don't fully understand the patients concerns and situations and are looking at a calendar and trying to plug in names with no sense of urgency toward potential emergencies. If the symptoms gets evernt he slightest bit worse I will call the dr on call and see what he/she has to say or head to the ER. Right now the pain is mild and the itching is bareable. Thanks again for the support and comfort.
  25. GoCubbies79

    Lap Band Port Area Discomfot

    I did the CT Scan and called my surgeon yesterday, friday at 9am, to schedule a followup appt. The receptionist said he isn't available until 2/13/2014. I explained the circumstance and she told me she would send a message to my surgeon and his assistant to look over the CT Scan and call me back. I got a call back at 6pm from the assistant telling me the CT Scan was 100% conclusive. She asked me if I was nauscious, vomiting, able to eat, have a fever, or have chills. I do not so I responded no. i explained that the area by my port is now red and itchy. She told me to get some cortizone10 and apply it to the area. She said for me to call the office monday morning to setup and appt because the people are gone for the day and can't schedule the appt now. She also said if I start vomiting, get chills, fever, red area growts, or nauscious I am to go to the ER immediately. Also if need be i can call the dr on call this weekend. i have to admit I am a little disappointed in the response from the office. If i was a dr I think I would have told the patient to come in immediately and find time to see what is going on. If this is serious I want it taken care of immediately and not stall around until it gets worse and something more serious happens. I bought the cortizone10 and applied it last night which helped the itching. I put more on this morning and it is helping but I still feel the itching and want to scratch it but am resisting as much as i can. The pain seems to be getting better though. Ill keep everyone posted as this situation progresses.

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