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Posts posted by Texanatheart

  1. I'm with you. The conversion to the new website messed up some things in my profile. I can't figure how how to correct it either. I've been able to update my photo and avatar but, I can't change the info such as my occupation or interest/hobbies, etc.

  2. Yeah, I know. I really don't want to tell, I just don't want to lie. Like you said, they have seen my past failures too so, they will want to know, or at least be thinking, what's different this time? I'm already being questioned and getting 'advice' about my diet and I just want to say "shut up about it already". We are a close knit group and I know their intentions are good but, what I'm saying, I guess, is that I just can't get over the feeling that I'm being deceptive. If they would just say, 'Way to go!' or "Lookin' good!" and let it be.....................

  3. Thanks for the input guys. I am 52 so I did this for my health, not so much for vanity. I had a list of medical conditions that was growing increasingly long; all of them weight related. The final straw being when I discovered I had sleep apnea. I'll be darned if I was going to wear one of those machines to bed every night. So, when pressed by some, I had stated that I have medical reasons for losing weight and I am doing it for my health. This, I feel, is not disclosing the whole truth but, not so much a lie of omission. And, some people can sense that if it is 'medical', it may be too private to discuss. Oh, and by the way, my health is much better already!

  4. Hey guys. Like Doug said, the boss had to know because of the amount of doctor's appointments. They have been very supportive and later stated: "It's nobody's business but yours." One co-worker/friend is my support buddy and is keeping the secret. I needed her help getting to appointments where I could not drive myself so she had to take time off work as well. And, I agree with SParkle, I have no interest in justifying my decision or explaining the details of surgery over and over again. So, my decision for now is to remain silent; keep 'em guessing.............

  5. Hi everyone, I just need a quick consensus here. I work for a small company with what I would say is a 'mature' staff. (i.e. most everyone is over 50) People are starting to comment on my weight loss and are being supportive but, they don't know I had surgery. They just think I went on vacation........ Some, have an inkling something was up because I had some pre-operative testing I missed work time for and maybe some caught snatches of phone conversations, etc. Also, it's no secret I gave up smoking, drinking, coffee and birthday cake. ;)

    Anyway, from my reading here so far, it seems better not to say anything. I think this crowd might think what I did was too drastic or I'm lazy and took the easy way out because I couldn't do it on my own. I don't want to deal with the negative comments. I just want to bask in the joy. But, I also don't want to lie if pressed for more detail.


  6. I was sleeved at Forest Park too. Great facility even if the location was a little off-putting at first. It was funny to see all the names of the weight loss doctors on the doors when I did my walk-abouts. All the ones that you see their comercials on TV. I guess all those doctors like Forest Park too.

    Zephra, you hang in there. I'm starting my fifth week and even though I had some rough going at times, I now feel wonderful. Just take it easy and don't try to over-do it. Remember, it's MAJOR surgery. Give your body time to heal. I think we sometimes forget that because we don't have the "big" surgery scars to remind us.

  7. Hey Jane. I'm 52 and I'm worried just a little. I still look like I am in my thirties but, I was already seeing jowls start to appear before any weight loss. I wonder if they will go away or just get more pronounced. I'm also wondering about my stomach. I have never had children and was wondering if this will make much of a difference. I'm not too concerned about how everything comes out though. I know that no matter how much weight I lose, my body will never look 20 again. I will just be grateful not to be the fattest girl in the room anymore.

  8. Doug2090, you can get a stomach, or to be more technically accurate: abdominal binder at some well equipped drug stores or you may have to go to a medical supply shop. Your doctor's office should be able to tell you where to go in your area.

    Trouble, you're a brave soul. I'm still doing pureed food only; not because it hurts when I eat like Doug2090 but, because I am taking each stage in two week intervals. Next week is when I'll try soft food. And, the weight loss comes in spurts for me as well. When I went to the doctor's office after one week to have the drainage tube removed, I had lost nothing! I later figured out the the liquid pain medicine must have a lot of calories in it. LOL

    Maybe you could benefit from an abdominal binder as well. It sure helped me.

  9. I got that way last Thursday. I could barely move, missed work on Fri. and called the doctor's office. They had me start taking Celebrex, which I had been on before surgery anyway, but had stopped. I make sure I wear the stomach binder all the time now, even with this darn 100+ degree Texas heat and I do feel much better. That was one of the reasons I got sleeved anyway, because I was taking Celebrex for my back and they said if you take NSAIDS that is the way to go. Some people just don't get how painful it can be if you have never experienced anything like that before.

  10. DallMike, I hear you! I'm on my fourth bottle of Lortab. And I do tend to overdo it on those day I feel better. Last night after work, I was doing some grocery shopping (which took 2+ hours because I'm reading labels and searching for new types of food) then, I got home and decided to 'purge' the kitchen cabinets. Big mistake! I am really, really suffering today. I don't know which is worse; being so distracted by the pain I can't function at work or being so doped up I can't function either. I'm up and down a lot at work and even getting in and out of the car is hard. I've realized it may be because I am twisting and bending at the same time. My pain is in my left side above the 'big' incision.

    Hey, I had Doc Nick too! 07/27/10. Isn't he great..........

  11. Hello everyone. I am two weeks out from surgery and this is my first posting. I don't have time to search all the various threads for an answer so, I am just going to put my question out there. I am still experiencing a lot of pain. At first it was like someone was jabbing me with a hot poker right in the middle of my stomach. Now, it has settled into just a sharp pain under my left rib cage when I move in certain ways. Is this normal?

    Before you all start in with all the questions, I will tell you, I have done everything by the book. I had one of the best surgeons in Dallas so I'm not afraid of a botched job. I started with a BMI of 43 and have lost 26 pounds so far, including the 16 pounds pre-op. I'm eating about a half cup of pureed food now, max. And, like I said, everything has been by the book. Protein, Water, Vitamins, etc. I have been very compliant.

    I have been wearing a support belt but, when I take it off I seem to fall apart and I am still taking the liquid pain medicine more than I want to. I read somewhere that you can expect some pain up to four weeks post-op but again, is this normal?

    Thank you in advance for any advice, information or encouragement you can offer. I am just a little worried and would feel better knowing that this too shall pass...........

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