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Kelly K.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kelly K.

  1. Thank you everyone who responded. I have not had pancreatitis again since being released from the hospital. However I do notice I have pain in my back around the same area sometimes after I eat. I noticed recently that Lapband.com is now listing pancreatits as a complication that less than 1% of lapband patients have. I know for a fact this was not on there when I had surgery because I searched and searched after I got out of the hospital and found nothing.

  2. I had an unusual experience after Lap Band surgery that not even my surgeon can figure out. Please read my story and tell me if anyone has had this experience and what the outcome was.

    I was banded on April 18, 2011. Surgery went well without any complications. By 11:30am I was on my way home. I took a short 2 hr nap once I arrived home but had an extremely hard time moving around. I would lie down and get stuck because the pain was so unbearable. By that evening my back was hurting so bad I could not get comfortable at all. I also kept having hot flashes where I would actually start sweating. And I was unable to drink anything besides Water without getting extremely nauseous. The back pain would keep getting worse over the next few days. After speaking with a nurse at the surgery clinic on Wednesday afternoon they instructed me to come see them the next day if my back pain did not get better. Later that evening I took a shower and was shocked at how horrible the shower made me feel. It actually felt like someone was stabbing me in the back everytime the Water would hit my back. A few hours later I checked my temperature and found I had a low grade fever. No longer feeling like I could wait until the next day I went to my local emergency room. After running a few tests they found that my Duodenum and Pancreas was inflamed. They contacted my surgeon and fearing my Pancreas had been lacerated during surgery I was transferred to a hospital across town where my surgeon was affiliated. To make a long story shorter I was in the hospital until Sunday night 04-24-11. During my stay I was put on strong antibiotics and pain killers and had tons of test done including Xrays, multiple CT Scans, EGD and an ultrasound. They did not find a laceration but I was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. My surgeon along with a Internal medicine and Gastroenterology DR there at the hospital cannot explain why this happened. They said there is not reason why my pancreas would act up like this as I do not have Gallstones and I do not drink alcohol.

    Has anyone else come up with Pancreatitis after Lap-Band surgery? And if so, have you had to have the band removed or did everything turn out ok for you?

  3. 161

    My date is April 20. I am still needing my cardiologist to send approval for the surgery. He has done the testing and verbally told me all is great and he will give approval, but he has yet to give the written approval. I haven't had real problems with True Results. Sometimes the patient co-ordinator is hard to reach and sometimes I feel she should be more helpful. Maybe I am just a little demanding....but I am the patient!

    I just wanted to make sure there were no big problems with anyone there. I mean they are doing surgery on us and I wanted to make sure my experience with them has been normal. I do know what you mean about it being hard to reach anyone. They did a biopsy on me when I had my EGD done. And it seemed like no one could tell me what the results were. I just kept getting transferred from person to person until I gave up. Thankfully the second time I called the girl who answered transferred me straight to the nurse and I got my answers right away.

    I wish you the best of luck in on your weight loss journey.

  4. Hello Everyone! This is my first post. I am scheduled to be banded on April 18th. They will also be repairing a hiatal hernia at the same time.

    I am having to do a 2 week pre-op diet of subsituting 1 to 2 meals a day with a Protein Shake. My Dr. requires I lose 7 to 10 pounds before my surgery date. I am 33 years old and my current weight is 222.4 and I am approx. 5 ft 3" tall. :rolleyes:

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